197993ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL NO .19799 Council File No. 197993 —By Frank L. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL F Wheeas, The City A, 1-4+ has requested the City Council to hold a n A� ' public hearing to consider any com- !`�'� plaints about the expense incurred by DATE the City of St. Paul in removing a dan gerous structure' at 21 Piedmont Street, more particularly described as Lots 26 and 27, Block 7, Burlington Heights Division No. 2, Ramsey County, WHEREAS, the City Architect has requested r S h s e ruav `43� „ncil to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints —ebwa iUe, expense incurred by the City',of St. Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 21 Piedmont Street, more particularly described as Lots 26 and 27, Block 7, Burlingron-Heights Division No. 2, Ram -. sey County, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, it appears that the last known record owner of the property is Fred Dietze, 235 East Seventh Street and the State of Minnesota: Attorney General, 102 State Capitol, St. Paul; Jos. M. Robertson, Tax Commissioner, Centennial Building, St. Paul; Eltor Dehn, 286 City Hall, St. Paul 2; Land Commissioner 113 City Hall, St. Paul 2; and copies of the proceedings herein having been sent to Joseph J. Muska,. 825 University Avenue, St. Paul 4;--Henry Muska, 918 James Ave., St. Paul 2; Tony Muska, 700 Grand Avenue, St. Paul 5; Rudolph Muska, 797 S. Lexington Park- way, St. Paul 2; Frank Muska, % 700 Grand Avenue; St. Paul 5; and Emily Kubat. % 700 Grand Avenue, St. Paul 5; therefore be it L. LOSS RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of St.. Paul ''hold a ublic hearing in the Council' hamber at ten o'clock A.M. (D.S.T.� on the 29th day of July 1960 to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of St. Paul and to confirm the amount thereof; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect notify by mail the record owner of the property in question at the last known address, as well,as other interested persons of record. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council J i_1 Lim Yeas Nays DeCourcy JUL A 31960 Hollan� Ap oved 19 Mortlnson _ Peterson In Favor Rosen Mayor .Winkel A gainst Mr. President, 6M 7-69 a®,8 1 DUPLICATE-TO PRINTER � CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED I NER FRANK L. ,LOSS DATE R COUNCIL 197993' FILE NO. WHEREAS, the City Architect has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider -any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of St; Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 21 Piedmont Street, more particularly described at Lots 26 and 2', err , ur ng on Heights Division Ho.. 21 Ram- sey County, Minnesota; and ifHEREAS, it appears that the last known record owner of the property is Fred Distze, 235 East Seventh Street and the State of Mihnesotas Attorney General, 102 State Capitol, St, Paul; Jos. M. Robertson, Tax Commissioner, Centennial. Building, St. Paul; E1tor Dehn, 286 City Hall, St. Paul 2; Land Commissioner 113 City Hall, St. Paul 2; and co ies of the proceedings herein having been sent. to Joseph J. Muska, 825 University Avenues St. Paul 4; Henry Muska, 918 James Ave., St. Paul 2; Tony Muska, 700 Grand Avenue, St. Paul 5; Rudolph Muska, 797 S. Lexington Park- way, St. Paul 2; Frank Muska, % 700 Grand Avenue;, St. Paul 5; and Emily Kuba;t. % 700 Grand Avenue, St. Paul 5; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of St. Paul: hold a ublic hearing n the Council. Chamber at ten o'clock A.M. (D.S.T.) on the 29th day of July 1960 to consider any complaints about the expense incurred by the City of St. Paul and to confirm the amount thereof; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect notify by mail the record owner of the property in quo tion at the last, known address, as well as other interested poksons of record. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortin Peterson Rosen Mr. President, C� 5M 7-59 QW8 Tn Favor J Against �l J JUL 13 M0 Adopted by the Council 19 JUL 13 1960 Approved 19 Mayor -PtR 0 10�q +w` ALFRED H.SCHROEDER / City Architect ROBERT A. LOBDELL General Manager Parks & Recreation W. LAMONT Supt.of Parks u � J OF S T• pq. Ir r L ITAL OF MINNESOTA %,,q. � oM DEPT OF PARES a RECRuvw 6, pat wimos I 545 City Hall,, Zone CApital 4 -4612 -.Ext. 376 FRANK L LOSS, Commissioner I' • D. R: KOTH E,' 'Deputy Cornmissiornr 8 July 8, 1960 Mrs. Agnes O'Connell City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Madam: Please file a statement of expense in the office of the Register of Deeds for the purpose of creating a lien on the property known as 21 Piedmont Street, described as Lots 26 and 27, Block 7, Burlington Heights Div. No. 2. The property was listed in the names of I Fred Dietze, 855 Agate St., St. Paul 17 $ 235 E. Seventh St. State of Minnesota: Attorney General, 102 State Capitol, St. Paul Jos. M. Robertson, Tax. Comsr., Centennial Bldg., St. Paul .IEltor Dehn, 286 City Hall, St. Paul 2 Land Comsr., 186 City Hall, St. Paul 2 CC: Jos. J. Muska, 825 University Ave., St. Paul 4 Henry Muska, 918 James Ave., St. Paul 2 Tony Muska, 700 Grand Ave., St. Paul 5 I Rudolph Muska, 797 S. Lexington Pky., St. Paul 2 I Frank Muska, % 700 Grand Ave., St, Paul 5 Emily Kubat, % 700 Grand Ave„ St. Paul 5 The expense was incurred by virtue of the wrecking and removal of the dangerous one story frame dwelling therefrom. Following is an itemized statement of the expenses as per Registered Bill No. 4 -1815, dated December 31, 1959, copy attached. Expenses of Dept. of Parks And Recreation And j Public Buildings for: I Investigations, notifications, condemnation $25.00 Specifications 18.23 Photos 9.26 Contract No. G -1951, Informal Bid 893, to j fY i 1 i ##2 i Guy Patsy & Sons, Inca for wrecking as 477..,-00 per C. F. 194425 al $529.49 We are today requesting the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider any complaints about the expenses incurred and to confirm the amount. Yours very truly, Alfred H. Schroeder I °� CITY ARCHITECT AH-S .. A i I c 'h R E G I S T E R E D B I L L Dommobw 195 r .? -•� "rod 1-ld"m at as+ IS AM" S., M. PWd IT HOT:CEt Make all oheckm payable to the City of 3t. Paul and ferratd to Com Asti wr of tiMace,_Rom 113 CitZ lull. AWO-2 2 !ar wv N Imu*d In ow -1 art 1� st ow M iw i- iBuft " 31 fto& t mbw% auo *Nwu L ar Lou 26 a■i 278 as* it o" Oft fte to sr �+-�Lar, m1�Ltlalia� • • $ d0 MarMi Is bwiw 3A 13 ow how a UO hr Pw go so • Sg9 h4 • 3w" of Ism"Woat Nil" . Oar. 102 408 SSA am* me al a Crr. a[ U.a X% _. 60 S16 1 We AL%! Dim C11 R" As PWd 2 1s. D. !1. C4V 1' OUS M6 PW" :x• 1N Job. 40 Now A 41wr4f► Aw.o • new Mri0 U err. Ave.. it %W XNft • 1100 % d aw.a S t� �. we 100�� �*'t idly 46099 IM l� 01%r met oaai. ar per 1 A i ALFRED H.SCHROEDER City Architect ROBERT A. LOBDELL General Manager Parks & Recreation R V OF i • pq � CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA DEPT OCR PANS F_ RECREANN 6, MIX IREff 545 City Hall, Zone 2 CAPital 4 -4612 - Ext. 376 W. LAMONT KAUFMA " "ANK L: LOSS, Commissioner Su t.of Parks D. R. KOTME,'D&puty Commissioner August 15, 1960 Mrs. Agnes He O?Connell City Clerk Dear Madamt We are attaching herewith a copy of Council File No,, 198407 approved by the City Council August 9, 1960$ and published in the official paper. ?, This has reference to the property at 21 Piedmont Street, described as Lots 26 and 27, Block 7, Burlington Heights Di- vision No. 2, Ramsey County, Minnesota, owned by Fred,Dietze, 235 E. Seventh St., formerly 855 Agate St., St. Paul 1, State of Minnesota: Attorney General, 102 State Capitol., St: Paul, Jos. M. Robertson, Tax Commissioner, Centennial Building, St. Paul, Land Commissioner of City of St. Paul, 113 City�Hall, St. Paul and Eltor Dehn, 286 City Hall, St. Paul, and copies Of proceedings having been sent to Jos, J. Muska, 825 Univer- sity Ave., St. Paul.; Henry Muska, 918 James Ave., St. Paul.; Tony Muska, 700 Grand.Ave., St. Paul; Rudolph Muska., 797 S. Lexington Parkway, St. Paul and Emily Kubat, % 700 Grand Avenue St. Paul and Frank Muska % 700 Grand Avenue,,'St. Paul. It confirms the expense incurred by the City in the condemna- tion and wrecking of the one story frame dwelling theleon, which amounted to $529.49. As you will note, the final paragraph of this resolution dir- ects the City Clerk to file, in the office of the Register of Deeds, a statement of expense incurred, for the purpose of securing a lien on the property, in accordance with Section 1..07 -7 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. � Yours truly) lop Alf d H. Schroeder CCts C ARCHITECT Owners OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF' RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota AGNES O'CONNE.LL City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder i 1-1� 1%9,,,�/ City Clerk 0— t { I MINNESOTA I July 12, 196o `- C �..� r E� .to C? l I� Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution setting date for hearing in the matter of confirming the cost to the city in connection with wrecking and removal of dangerous structure at 21 Piedmont St., as more fully described in the attached letter of the City Architect. Very truly yours, i 1-1� 1%9,,,�/ City Clerk 0— t { I MINNESOTA Of S T LAW oq Ptp ALFRED H.SCHROEDER CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA City Architect { ROBERTA. LOBDELL General Manager Parks & Recreation 545 City Hall, Zone 2 CAPital 4 -4612 - Ext. 376 W.LAMONT KAUFMAt� SANK W-LQSS-, Commissioner t Supt. of Parks \I " D. R.' KOTHEt Deputy Commissioner i July 11, 1960 Hon. Council City of St. Paul 1 Dear Council Members: I A statement of expense has been filed with the City Clerk on July 8 for the purpose of creating a lien on the property known as 21 Piedmont Street, described as Lots 26 and 27, Block 7, Burlington Heights Division No. 2, Ramsey County, Minnesota. This property is owned by: Fred Dietze, 235 E. Seventh St., formerly 855 Agate St. State of Minnesota: Attorney General, 102 State Capitol, St. Paul Jos. M. Robertson, Tax Comsr., Centennial Bldg., St: Paul Eltor Dehn, 286 City Hall, St. Paul 2 I Land Comsr., 113 City Hall, St. Paul 2 { CC: I i Jos. J. Muska,, 825 University Ave., St. Paul 4 Henry Muska, 918 James Ave., St. Paul 2 { Tony Muska, 700 Grand Ave.,, St. Paul 5� Rudolph Muska, 797 S. Lexington Pky., St. Paul 2 Frank Muska, % 700 Grand Ave., St. Paul 5 Emily Kubat, % 700 Grand Ave., St. "Paul 5 In this matter, the following resolutions were adopted,by the City Council: C.F. 192639, adopted by the Council June 13, 1959) set a public hearing C.F. 193059, adopted by the Council July 11, 1959) ordered the wrecking and expense of the owner, occupant, thereof. June 5, 1959 (published at 10 A.M. June 30, 1959. I July 7, 1959 (published by and at the separate cost or other person in control i1 I Pg. 2. Hon. Council C.F. 193363, adopted by the Council July 30, 1959 (published August 1,1959), directed the Commissioner of Parks And Recre- ation And Public Buildings to enter the premises and wreck and remove the dwelling and accessory buildings thereon,!and do any and all things therein necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. C.F. 194425, adopted by the Council October 23, 1959 (publish- ed October 24, 1959) approved the award of the contract for wrecking to Patsy 'Wrecking Co. for the sum of $477.00 in accord- ance with specifications and Informal Bid No. 893. C.F. 197916, adopted by the Council July 7, 1960 (published July 8, 1960), provided that the wrecking expense of $477.00 and expense of the Department of Parks And RecreationiAnd Pub- lic Buildings in connection with the condemnation in the amount of $52.49, making a total of $529.49 be paid out of Wrecking Condemned Buildings, 31 G 22, and, in the event said sum proves collectible from the owner, same is to be credited to,31 G 22. i The buildings have now been satisfactorily wrecked and a regis- tered bill mailed to the owners. We are requesting that you hold a public hearing with ten days' notice to consider any complaints about the expenses incurred and to confirm the amount. The Council resolution confirming the expense should end with a directive to "the City Clerk to file a statement of expense for the purpose of securing a lien on the property. AHS..A Yours very truly,_ JAled H. Schroeder RCHITECT f