197981ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL - � ~ COUNCIL FILE No. �97q8l OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL SO UTION- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— DATE e ` RESOLVED, that National Redevelopment North Corporation be permitted to install and operate two parking lots for 156 car spaces, in conjunction with proposed apartment development on the north side of St. Anthony Avenue and the south side of Fuller Avenue between Marion and Farrington Streets; more par- ticularly described as Lots 1 and 3, Block 4, Western Area I Addition, in accordance with plans approved April 7; 1960, and subject to compliance with the provisions of all ordinances govern- ing the operation of parking lots, and the further condition that sidewalks abutting said premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. COUNCILMEN Yeas . Nays cy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ISM Is -so 2 Council File No. 197981 —By Frank I:. Loss — Resolved, That National Redevelop- ment North Corporation be permitted to install and operate two parking lots for 156 car spaces, in conjunction with proposed apartment development on the north side of St. Anthony Ave- nue and the south side of Fuller Ave- nue between Marion and Farrington Streets, more particularly described as Lots J' and 3. Block 4, Western Area Addition, in accordance with plans approved April 7 1980, and sub- ject to cofnpliance with the provisions of all ordinances governing the oper- ation of parking lots, and the -further condition" that sidewalks abutting said premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at all times. Adopted by the Council July 12, 1960. Approved July 12, 1960. (July 16, 1960) JU1.121960 Adopted by the Council 19— pproved 19— Mayor )r ^SCE e AGNES O'CONNELL 'OFFICE OF CITY CLERK i City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota ` VSArgA1 Y k 17 July 7, 1960 d. I 1 Mr. Louis P. Sheahan i Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: j The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the application of National Redevelopment North Corporation for permit'to install two park- ing lots for 156 car spaces in conjunction with proposed apartment development on the north side of St. Anthony Ave. and the south side of Fuller Ave. between Marion and Farrington Sts., also described as Lots 1 and 3. Block 4, Western Area Addition, in accordance with plans approved April 7, 1960. Very truly P.11rs' W I � CiIty Cler i I MINNESOTA 8 .......................... ......................... ........................ ...................... . ....................... ......................... .......................... ......................... .......................... ............. .......... ..................... .........:•.:�kzrri.siait: 251 -252-2 .............. OF ZONING., CITY OF SAINT PAUL 33 1315 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL Z, MINNESOTA July 6, 1960 Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear.Madam: This is in the matter of the application of the National Redevelopment North Corporation for a permit for two parking lots in connection with two apartment developments on property located on the north side of St. Anthony Avenue and the south side of Fuller Avenue between Marion and " -� Farrington Streets. The property is described as Lots 1 and 3,1, Block 4, Western Area Addition. This property was reclassified from "B" residence to "C" residence on May 28, 1958 as a part of the Western Redevelopment Area rezoning. The sites are presently vacant, and the applicant proposes to develop the two 'sites with a total of thirteen 21 story apartment buildings; each building .will have 12 units resulting in a total of 156 units. Off-street parking for 156 cars will be provided through the installation of two off-street parking lots. Site No. 1 fronts on Fuller Avenue between Farrington Street and Marion Street. This site has a frontage of 921 feet along Fuller Avenue and 180 feet along both Farringtoh and Marion Streets,resulting in a total area of approximately 163,710 square feet. Site No. 2 has a frontage of 778 feet along St. Anthony Avenue and 180 feet along Marion Street, result- ing in a total area of approximately 145,800 square feet. The combined area of the two sites is 309,510 square feet, or 7.1 acres. The adjacent land uses are as follows: to the east, south, and west, is vacant property,part of the Western Redevelopment area; west across Farring- ton Street are single and multi - family residential uses fronting on Fuller Avenue. The proposed development generously meets the recommended standards for building ground coverage and density. The Traffic Engineer has approved the plans which meet the standards for this type of facility. Field investigation discloses no objection from the standpoint of adjacent land use or traffic. I In consideration of the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends the granting of the petition for parking lots for 156 car spaces on the above described property in accordance with plans approved April 7, 1960. HCW:FGI Encl. Z.F. 4394 Sincerely, 14. C. IY H. C. Wieland i Secretary Board of Zoning 1 m N n Z n > Z -1 A O i A ;a O_ a i Z O O Z r) � D A m i WESTERN - N _ 111' -i -r3B9' m i_ _ I - �; Z O E VIRGINIA '� co A a m rn - _ A 686' FARRINGTON , A r- Z I71 i Z i j 1 [120 cmn 0 cr i m d _ GALTIER 1 1 o I (- i 100'il�7 1 2'- 180' 0 1 � L LOUIS 1 - -- - � _�� �- '� r — - --- --- - -- -------- m I- I'1'I MARION 1 CATHEDRAL i - < -- � j� m 4n o j V � 1 RAVOUX -� i 150, ' I350' I 1 � 101' Fir 8 � M � D ^z O = a R RICE i �� i� x y Z n® m a 1 � Q oo cn N � 1 rn [fin m 1 cn N ' C rn Z dP s m H -v N aW° �7 / 0 --q � � -r u- D D fA Cn O W fA l 1 d > �1 -G n 1Z� D -� y s� r N rn w 0 0 .. F- CP m ww 0 r N. Z pw N v m v 0 m N i rn r f G� �gog6 �. City of Saint 'Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PE IT 9,� c (Please print or type) TO THE HDNORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ry/ qo the City Clerk / City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereby made to install and operate a new (cross one out) FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: PARKING LOT for ( (private use) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot 156 cars To be used in connection with: apartment developing M MISCELLANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive -in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick -up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: i *Location : Western_Redevelopment Area - Legal Description : Lots 1 and 3 Block 4 Addition Applicant's Name : National Redevelopment Western Area North Corp. I I Addition Home or Office Address: 530 Minnesota Bldg., St. Paul', Minnesota. Phone Number Ca 4 -5471 FOVjBr THE AP %�WANT, i ignature da e Address 530 Minnesota Bldg., St. Paul, Minnesota Phone No.: Ca. 4 -5471 When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay -out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z -3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St.