197976ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CO CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE i -1979 6 FICOUNCIL NO. RESOLVED, that Jerome and Geraldine McGarthwaite be permitted to construct a six foot high louver -style fence around the back yard of their premises at 1438 West Minnehaha Avenue, said fence to be constructed under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �4;�ec'ekwey Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 6M E.60 2 Council File No. 197978- -By Frank L. Loss — Resolved, That Jerome and Geraldine sMtrcncazt yW sii a foot p hightt louver -style r fence around the back yard of their premises at 1438 est Minnehaha Ave- nue, said fence to be constructed der the directio and to the satis- faction of the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings. Adopted by the Council July 12, 1960. APProved �Ju�ly 16, 1960) .UL 12ING Adopted by the Council 19- JUL 12 Annrnvprl 19— )r ! Mayor { OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota July 7, 1960 AGNES O'CONNELL City Clerk �I HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder i I JLW9 I i ,1 I Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: ' I The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the application of Jerome and Geraldine MbGarthwaite for permit to construct a six -foot high fence around their back yard at 1438 W. Minnehaha Ave. J Very truly yours l q� GGr�� City Clerk i � 3 Al ',' l,7Jt7� !iJ 111 it r coo, MINNESOTA 8 h Of F , S T. ,q &` AA- 9 ALFRED H. OEDER City Architect itect CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA ROBERTA. LOBDELL DEPr OCR PARES & RECREaT�ON PU'U� General Manager Parks & Recreation 545 City_ Hall, Zone 2 CApital 4 -4612 - Ext. 376 W.LAMONT KAUFMA FRANK 'L. LOSS, Commissioner D. R. KOTHE, ,Deputy Commissioner Su t. of Parks $ i I July 7, 1960 Hon. Council' % City Clerk City of St. Paul Dear Council Members: The application of Jerome and Geraldine McGarthwaite for a permit to construct a six foot high fence around their backyard at 1438 West Minnehaha Avenue has been referred to this office for investigation and report. We can see no objection to granting this permit for the fence around the rear yard. Yours truly, 1 Al d H. Schroeder Y ARCHITECT i A /J f� O FICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota June 24, 1960. AGNES O'CONNELL � tet�eu o nvn��ccl[I City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder Mr. Alfred H. Schroeder, 1 City Architect. Dear Sir: I The City Council referred to you for recommendation the attached application of Jerome and Geraldine McGarthwaite for a permit for a six foot high fence around their backyard at 1438 W. Minnehaha Street. Very truly yours Ci y Clerk f i �p JUAN 27; ftp Q DER OF P. p. & p,, 9, it MINNESOTA I, .ti June 232 1960 St. Paul City Council Court House St. Paul, Minnesota ReF Special permission to erect a fence around our backyard up to six feet in height. Dear Council Members: -ire hereby request special permission to erect a louver -style fence around our backyard up to the height of six feet at 1438 West Minnehaha-Avenue. We plan to use five foot length boards but require an additional six to eight inches to clear the ground or grade level - thereby making the actual fence a little under the six foot height requested. Our reasons for erecting this style fence are several. In the 2j years we have occupied our present premises, we have had several acts of vandalish committed against us vhile absent from the home. Two were reported to the police, but the culprits were not found. One was a break -in to our garage with many valuable items stolen. The most recent was an attempt to enter our home proper by breaking two storm windows near the backdoor entrance, but a neighbor burning off paper in the alley apparently scared the offender away. This style fence is very popular down South where I have visited recently2 and it will give us the much needed privacy from a neighbor who simply cannot and will not mind her own business. It will allow our children the freedom of play in their own yard without outside interference, and we hope It will give us some measure of protection from any future acts of vandalism. We will also be able to control and limit the number of children playing at one time in our backyard as right now they think it is and treat it as a "public" playground. Having three boys of our own9 we like children but we do not like having the play facilities in our yard used indiscriminately by everyone Yrhen we are away from the home or our own children are inside the house. We would appreciate action on this request as soon as possible so we may start the fence immediately and have it completed before fir. McGarthwaite mast attend his two week's Army summer training period at Camp McCoy, Wis. 1438 West Minnehaha Avenue is Lot 10 in Block 4 of the Syndicate No. 5 Addition to St. Paul Ramsey County. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome B. McGarthwaite 1438 West Minnehaha Avenue St. Pauj. 4, Minnesota Yours very tru y o