197974ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 19'7974 . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. FILE _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLU ON —GE E L FORM a PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER f -` -•. RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that said Council hereby approves and concurs in that certaitica resolution of The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul -urging the construction of the Lafayette Street Bridge with a vertical clearance providing 50.3 feet of clearance 98% of the navigation season, and that said Council hereby urges the con- struction and completion of said Lafayette Street Bridge with such clearance,provisions and factors, with all convenient speed,. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis aM a -eo .qW2 Council File No. 197974 —By Bernard T. Rolland— Robert F. Peterson — Resolved, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that said Council hereby approves and concurs in that certain resolution of The Port Author- ity of the City of Saint Paul urging the construction of the Lafayette Street Bridge,with a vertical clearance prof viding 50.3 feet of clearance 98% of the navigation season, and that said Council hereby urges the construction and completion of said Lafayette Street Bridge with such clearance provisions and factors, with all convenient speed. Adopted by the Council July 12, 1960. Approved July 12, 1960. ' (July 16, 1960) JUj.12 ISO Adopted by the Council 19— A rove � 1 � p 19— In Favor 1 • Ma no r gainst i OFFICE Of CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota July 8, 1960. Mr. Louis P. Sheahan,, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: i AGNES O'CONNELL JOSEPH R OKOKI SKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder The Council asked that you prepare the necessary resolution urging the construction of the Lafayette Street Bridge, as more fully set out in the attached resolution of the Port Authority. Very truly yours 0 City Clerk 91), 197 974 Jut a -assn cortr�rr Pow SAL MINNESOTA 8<D. w r 1M 11 -57 RE PORT AUTHORITY CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINN. UTION -- GENERAL FORM No. 119 July 6, 1960 RESOLVED, That the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul does hereby urge the construction of the Lafayette Street Bridge and that said bridge be built with a vertical clearance providing 50.3 feet of clearance 98% of the navigation season, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul does hereby urge the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul to adopt a resolution urging the construction of this bridge forthwith providing for the aforementioned clearance. Adopted July 6, 1960 195 — P. W: ZPATRIC B esident, Port Authority I V P 1M 11 -57 Y •• y . PORT AUTHORITY CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINN. RESOLUTION -- GENERAL FORM No. 119 July 6, 1960 RESOLVED, That the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul does hereby urge the construction of the Lafayette Street Bridge and that said bridge be built with a vertical clearance providing 50.3 feet of clearance 98% of the navigation season, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul does hereby urge the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul to adopt a resolution urging the construction of this bridge forthwith providing for the aforementioned clearance. Adopted July 69 1960 195_ i t P, ZPATRIC resident, Port Authority A Ph111p W. Fitzpatrick, President Richard C. Radman, Jr., Vice Predd6nt Harold Rut&.:,;k, Secretary Philip H. Nrrson, Treasurer A. I• Brand. Member CommLeloners Bernard T. Holland Robert Peterson FORT AUTHORITY of the CITY OF SAINT PAUL 60 East Fourth Street CApital "83 SAINT PAUL 1, MINNESOTA July 7, 1960 Lyle E. LinAg General Mumarw Frank Z C1ar im Apt. Gen cal Nrrgs i r Mr. Frank Marzitelli y Deputy Commissioner of Highways State Highway Building Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Marzitelli: Enclosed is a copy for your information of tie action taken by the Part Authority on July 6, 1960 regarding the vertical clearance on the Lafayette Street Bridge. You undoubtedly will hear later as to the action which will be taken by the Saint Paul City Council on this sitter. If there are any questions regarding this project insofar as the Port.Authority is concerned, please feel free to contact us at any tine. Very truly yours, i LYLE E. KINVIG General Manager mjh e4W0. 2 PORT AUTI {ORM - i CdTY Of ST. P !%i4 MMK REkXUTFM -- GENERAL FORM i 3 V.r Ci. RESOLVED, That the Port Authority of . the -Citrr' of Saint Paul does hereby-.urge the construction of =tha Lafayotte'Street Bridge and that said bridge be built with a vertical clearance providing 60.3 feat of clearance 98% of the navigation season, and I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul does hereby urge the Coanwn Council of the City of Saint Paul to adopt a resolution urging the construction of this bridge forthwith providing for the aforementioned clearance. Adopted July 6. 1960 P. W. FITZPATRICK Pr"Wem, Port Auowlfy 1M 11 -57 �e I `'iVE Ali;, wzr� STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ST. PAUL 1, MINN. The attached material is sent- to you for your information. Yours very truly, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS