197938ORIGINAL TOCITY CLERK \ CITY 1 OF ST. OFFICE OF THE X. COUNCIL RESOLUTION- , PRESENTED BY Geo. J. Vavoulis, Mayor 7�ttld1�1?Dt�l9� WHEREAS the Pop Musical Ice Revue is Saint Paul Auditorium, and Council FYle No. 197938 — By George J. Vavoulis, mayor — Whereas, The Pop Musicar J{ a Re- vue is opening its 24th seasoii in the Saint Paul Auditorium, and _ tf- Whereas, The POPS have beehMmain- tained on a high professional level as an ice show and program of popular music, and Whereas, The POPS have maintained a high quality and wide appeal for nearly a quarter of a century, and have continued to produce valuable pub- licity for,the fit? �f ;`0i.t'Paul, an�i openingJ,ia' on in 1(-9 )79 NO the WHEREAS, the POPS have been maintained on a high professional level as an ice show and program of popular music, and WHEREAS the POPS have maintained a high quality and wide appeal for nearly a quarter of a century, and have continued to produce valuable publicity for the City of Saint Paul, and WHEREAS the POPS provide an exceptional chance each IvIednesday, Friday and Saturday evening from the present until early in September for the people of Saint Paul and Northwest, areas to enjoy top- flight entertainment, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that members of the Council of the City of Saint`Paul do hereby endorse the twenty - fourth annual presentation of the Pop Musical Revue as an outstanding asset to the community, and urge that the citizens of Saint Paul support the POPS by frequent attendance at performances beginning tonight, July 8, at 8:30 P. M., and continuing through Saturday, September 3. I. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council JU - 81960 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor lea-- + I Peterson .� Mayor Rosen —Against Mr. President, Vavoulis ISM 5.60 Y - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT George J. Vavoulls Mayor 1.97938 v� 347 City Hall and Court House Building Saint Paul 2, Minnesota WHEREAS the Pop Musical Ice Revue is opening its 24th season in the Saint Paul Auditorium, and WHEREAS the POPS have been maintained on a high professional level as an ice show and program of popular music, and WHEREAS the POPS have maintained a high quality and wide appeal for nearly a quarter of a century, and have continued to produce valuable publicity for the City of Saint Paul, and WHEREAS the POPS provide an exceptional chance each Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evening from the present until early in September for the people of Saint Paul and Northwest areas to enjoy top- flight entertainment, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that members of the Council of the City of Saint Paul do hereby endorse the twenty - fourth annual presentation of the Pop Musical Revue as an outstanding asset to the community, and urge that the citizens of Saint Paul support the POPS by frequent attendance at performan gdg�eginning tonight, July 8, at 8:30 P.M., and continu`iig yro� Saturday_ , September 3. 301-