08-826Council File # �g � O �' �
Green Sheet # 3nsr] ��
2 WHEREAS, International Network Association, Inc. d/b/a Luxor Lounge (License ID#
3 20060003837) located at 719 North Dale Street in Saint Paul received an Amended Notice of Violation
4 dated March 6, 2008 ; and
WHEREAS, the Notice alleged violation of the St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.07 for service of
alcoholic beverages after 2:00 a.m.; and
WHEREAS, the Notice also alleged that the business was being operated in a way that permits
conditions that unreasonably annoy, injure or endanger the safety, health, morals, comfort or repose of any
considerable number of inembers of the public; and
WHEREAS, the Notice also alleged that the licensee violated condition number 5 which states that
the license holder shall provide security to patroi the exterior of the premises on a regular basis between
8:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. to prohibit loitering; and
WHEREAS, the Notice also alleged a violation of the St. Paul Legislative Code §409.26(b)(9) for
failure to take reasonable steps to prevent persons from leaving the licensed premises with alcoholic
19 beverages; and
21 WHEREAS, applicant denied the allegations and requested a hearing before an Administrative Law
22 7udge; and
24 WHEREAS, a hearing was held before an Administrative Law Judge on May 16, 2008, at which
25 each party presented testimony and offered e�ibits; and
27 WHEREAS, a Report was issued on June 9, 2008, in which the Administrative Law Judge issued
28 Findings of Fact, Conciusions of Law, a Recommendation and a Memorandum; and
30 WHEREAS, the ALJ found that there was sufficient proof of the above-stated violations; and
32 WHEREAS, the Administrative Law Judge also found that a fine of $1,000 and additional license
33 conditions are appropriate sanctions under the circumstances; and
35 WHEREAS, at a public hearing on July 16, 2008 the Council of the City of Saint Paul considered
36 all the evidence contained in the record, the Administrative Law Judge's Findings of Fact, Conclusions of
37 Law, and Recommendations, and the oral arguments presented before the Council; now, therefore, be it
39 IZESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul issues this decision based upon
40 consideration of the record of the entire proceedings herein, including the hearings before the AI,J on May
41 16, 2008, all the documents and exhibits introduced therein, the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and
li •
42_ _Recommendation-as refereuce�-above, the arguments from t3ie public hearing and the �eTilierah`ons of the -
= 43 council in open session of that hearing; and be it ___ ___
= 44 -- -
45 F[7RTT�R RESOLVED, that the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, Recommendarion and
46 Memorandum of the Aduiinistrative Law Judge in this matter aze hereby adopted as the Findings and
47 Conclusions of the City Council in this matter; and be it
49 FLTRTHER RESOLVED, that deviation from the penalty matrix in St. Paul I,eg. Code § 310.05 is
50 appropriate because this adverse action contained mulriple violations, occurred just six (6) months after the
51 licensee became licensed, involved after hours service of alcohoi, and invoived ongoing nuisance behavior
52 creating neighborhood disturbances; and be it
54 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 2:00 am. permit are hereby revoked for the remainder of the
55 license term. Licensee can obtain another 2:00 a.m. permit simultaneously with renewal of the liquor
56 license; and be it
58 FURTHER RESOLVED, that a fine of $1000.00 is imposed against ali licenses held by
59 Internationai Network Association, Inc. d/b/a Luxor Lounge; and be it
61 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the $1000.00 fine be paid within 30 days ofthe passage and approval
62 of this resolution; and be it
FINALLY RESOLVED, that the following license conditions are hereby placed on all licenses
effective upon passage and approval of this resolution:
5. Revision: The license holder is responsible for behavior of all persons on the premises,
which includes persons on the patio and in the parking lot. License holder shall provide
security to patrol the exterior of the premises between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 2:30 a.m.
or until all patrols have left the premises whichever is later. License holder or security shall
immediately notify police of any individuals engaging in unlawful behavior or suspected
unlawful behavior.
6. No patrons shall be admitted to the inside of the establishment after 1:00 a.m. Any patron
leaving the establishment, including patrons who remain on the patio, after 1:00 a.m. shall
not be admitted to the inside of the establishment for any reason.
There shall be no sale, consumption or display of alcohol on the patio after 11:00 p.m.
8. There shall be no sale of alcoholic beverages after 2:00 a.m. and licensee shall ensure that
all patrons have left the premises no later than 2:30 a.m.
/i : �
___ 85 A copy of tkus resolurion, as adopied, shall be sent bg ft�si class mail to Ehe z�dministrative f�awJudge and
= 86 to the license holder.
Absent Requested by Department o£
� ��—
BY: � A
Approved by the Office of Financial Services
Stark � BY�
Thune �/ Approy.ed City Attom�,
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� By: t�f.t. r�.X._�_�
Adopted by Council: Date j/)/ Approved ay r o Sub ' i to�
Adoption Ce Uy Co cil Secietary gy �f
B / �- // r
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Approve Ma Date � p
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
6 g�_��-1Q —
of Safety &
Contact Person & Phane:
Rachel Tiemey
Must Be on Council Agen
06AUG-08 ��rrnCn..�.
Doc.Type: RESOLU710N
E-Document Required: Y
DocumentConWct: JulieKraus
ConWct Phone: 266-8776
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
0 e t of Saf & Ins eclions
1 e t of Safe & Ins ections De ar�ent Director
2 'ty AttorneY
3 a or's Offise Ma or/Assistant
4 oonci]
5 Clerk Ci Clerk
Memorializing City Council acfion taken on 7uly lb, 2008 imposing adverse action against alllicenses held by International Network
Association, Inc., d/b/a Luxor Lounge (License ID#20060003837) for the premises located at 719 North Dale Street in Saint Paul.
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Givil Service Commission
1. Has this person�rm ever worked under a contract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this person(fmm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any
curtent ciry employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet
initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
A adminishative hearing was held on May 16, 2008. The report was issued on June 9, 2008 and a public hearing was scheduled on
July 16, 2008 to discuss the Findings of Fac[, Conclusions of Law and Recommenda6on from the Administrative Law Judge.
Advantages If Approved:
Memorializarion of City Council action take as a result of the public hear.ing
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
No memorializarion of City Council acfion taken as a xesult of the public hearing.
Funding Source:
Financial Information:
Activity Number:
CosURevenue Budgeted:
July 18, 2008 11:47 AM Page 1
John J. Choi, CityAttomey
June 13, 2008
- _-_ -___-._ __-_-__-
�-•��� C J��� ��� " - - - �-- - - - - __ Civd Division
C6ristopher8. Co/eman, Mayor 400Ci(yHafl
15 West Kelfogg Bivd.
SaintPaul, Mnnesota 55>02
Dao Hoang
Luxor Lounge
719 Dale Street North
St. Paul, MN 55103
Telephone: 65l 266-87�0
Facsimile: 659 298-5619
RE: All the licenses held by International Network Associarion, Inc., d/b/a L�or Lounge for the premises located at
719 Dale Street North in Saint Pau]
LicenseID # 20060003837
Dear Ms. Hoang:
Please take notice that a public hearing to discuss the report of the Administrative L,aw 7udge concerning the
abov�mentioned licenses has been scheduled for Wednesday, July 16, 2008, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers,
Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse.
You have the opportunity to file exceptions to the report with the City Clerk at any time during normal business
hours. You may also present oral or written arguruents to the council at the hearing. No new evidence will be received or
testimony taken at this hearing. The Council will base its decision on the record of the proceedings before the
Adminislrative Law 7udge and on the azguments made and exceptions filed, but may depart from the recommendations of
such Judge as permitted by law in the exercise of its judgment and discretion.
���� Rachel Tiemey
Assistant City Attorney
cc: Diane Nordstrom, Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 64620, St. Paul, MN 55164-0620
Y1�Iary Erickson, Council Secretary
Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of DSI
Dao Thanh Hoang, 1868 Kennard Street, Maplewood, MN 55109
Boa Lee, Community Qrganizer, Thomas-DalefDistrict 7 Planning Council
533 North Dale Street, St. Paul, MN 55103-1644
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
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''��i`t ii�_°:o
6 8-8a-C,
600 North Robert Street
Saint Paul, Minnesota �5101
Maiiing Address: Voice: (651) 361-7900
P.O.Box64620 June 9, 2008 � (6si)seias�a
St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0620 Fax: (6�1) 361-7936
���k� e 4F ��
Shari Moore
City Clerk
310 City Hall
15 West Kel{ogg Bivd.
St. Paul, MN 55102
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Re: In the Matter of All Licenses Heid by Intemationai Network Association,
Inc., d/b/a Luxor Lounge, for fhe Premises Located at 719 Dale Street
North in Saint Paul; OAH Docket No. 3-6020-19439-6
Dear Ms. Moore:
Enclosed herewith and served upon you by mail is the Administrative Law
Judge's Findings of Fact, Conclusions, and Recommendation in the above-entitled
matter. Also enciosed is the officia{ record, with the exception of a copy af the digita!
recording of the hearing. If you would like a copy of the digital recording, please contact
our o�ce in writing or cail 651-361-7906. Our file in this matter is now being closed.
Kd :nh
[ C�2e�J� . � �S!c�
Administrative Law Judge
Telephone: (651) 361-7848
achel Tierney
Dao Hoang and Diem Nguyen
- - - — - --
OAH 3-6020-19439-6
In the Matter ofAll Licenses Held by International FINDWGS OF FACT,
Network Association, inc., d/b/a Luxor Lounge, CONCLUSIONS, AND
far the Premises tocated at 719 Dafe Street RECOMMENDAT{ON
North in Saint Paul.
This matter came on for hearing on ivlay '�6, 2008, betore Aciministrative
Law Judge Kathleen D. Sheehy, in Conference Room 41 of the City
Hall/Courthouse Buiiding, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St. Paul, MN 55102.
Rachel Tierney, Assistant City Attorney, 400 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg
Boulevard, St. Paul, MN 55102, appeared for the City of St. PauPs Qepartment
of Safety and Inspections (DSI).
Dao Hoang (Licensee) and Diem Nguyen, 719 Dale Street North, St. Paul,
MN 55103, appeared for themselves without counsel.
1. On September 26, 2007, and September 29-30, 2007, did the
(a) Allow the afterhours consumption or display of alcohol, in violation
of St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.07; and
(b) Sell intoxicating liquor after 2:00 a.m., in violation of Minn. Stat.
§ 340A.504, subd. 2?
2. On October 13, 2007, did the Licensee:
(a} Vio{ate a condition of its license that requised security to patrol the
exterior of the premises on a regular basis between the hours of
8:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. to prohibit loitering; and
(b) Faif to take reasonable steps to stop persons from leaving the
premises with alcoholic beverages, in violation of St. Paul
Legislative Code § 409.26(b)(9)?
� �
1• `'
- 3. Should the City take adverse action against fhe licenses in the`form
of a fine- in the arnownt_o# $1-0Dfl.�fO a{td Fevision attd amendment ofi - -
conditions of licensure?
The Administrative Law Judge conciudes that the alfeged violations
occurred and that the City may take the proposed adverse action against the
Based on the evidence in the hearing record, the Administrative Law
Judge makes the following:
1. Dao Hoang is the owner and license holder of a business called
internationai Network l�ssociation, inc., ci%b!a Luxor Lounge, iocafed at 713 Dale
Street North +n St. Paul. From November 2006 until March 2007, Hoang and her
husband, Diem Nguyen, managed a business called Over the Rainbow at that
location, pursuant to a management agreement with the license holder. On
March 21, 2007, the City Councii approved the ficenses for Luxor Lounge. Luxor
Lounge now holds the following licenses: Restaurant (3), Entertainment (B),
Liquor On Sale--100 seats or less, Liquor on Sale-2 AM closing, Liquor On
5afe--Sunday, Liquor—Outdoor Service Area, Gambiing Location,
Cigarette/Tobacco, and Alarm Permit.�
2. The licenses are subject, in relevant part, to the fofiowing condition:
Condition 5: The license holder shail provide security to patrol the
exterior of the premises (including the parking fot) on a regular
basis between the hours of 8:00 p.m. to 2:OQ a.m. to prohibit
3. State law precludes the sa4e of intoxicating liquor on licensed
premises between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on any day that alcohol
may be sold. The St. Paui Legislative Code prohibits the consumption or
display of liquor upon {icensed premises at any time when the sale of such liquor
is not permitted. The City has interpreted this ordinance to mean that Licensees
must stop seliing alcohol by 2:00 a.m. but may permit customers half an hour
(until 2:30 a.m.) to finish their drinks and leave the iicensed premises 5
4. Luxor Lounge is located at the southwest corner of the intersection
of Dale Street North and Minnehaha Avenue West. Luxor Lounge has a large
parking lot that extends east and south to an alley about midway between
� Ex. 1.
Z Ex. 2.
3 Minn. Stat. § 340A.504, subd. 2(2006).
° St. Paul Legisiative Code § 409.07.
5 Testimony of Kristina Schweinler.
�1 •i
___. _� ___ __
Minnehaha Avenue and Van Buren Avenus. Ma(ina's Sports Bar is located at
the intersection of Dale_Street Norxh_ and �lan BurenAve�as.--ltS�r4lflg-Is�--
extends north to the same ailey that borders the Luxor Lounge parking 1ot. The
neighborhood surrounding both bars is primarily reside�fial, and the alley
between their premises runs through this residential neighborhood.
5. Although the Luxor Lounge did very little business from March 2007
through August 2007, police records reflect a number of contacts concerning
disruptive conduct by patrons. The Licensee allowed people to congregate in the
parking lot, and during the spring and summer months it became a gathering
spot for persons who were not necessarily paying customers of the Licensee. in
this pesiod of time, police made one QWl arrest and one arrest for possession of
a firearm by a felon on the premises, and o�cers responded to calls concerning
burglaries, a forcible rape, thefts, fighting, and assaults. Based on these
incidents the Police Department began making "Proactive Poiice Visits" (PPVsj.�
6. Beginning in September 2007, the Luxor Lounge became a popu{ar
late-night gathering place for the former clientele of Diva's Overtime Lounge.�
The Luxor Lounge suddenly became very busy.
7. From September through November 2007, the St. Paul Police
Department and DSI received many neighborhood compiaints about noise,
garbage, public urination, traffic, fights, automobile thefts, assaults, and reports
of shots fired in the vicinity of the Luxor Lounge. Many of the complaints about
noise concerned the patio area. Caflers maintained the Luxor Lounge patrons
and music were loud and left broken bottles and glass outside. Police
responded to cails concerning shots fired in the parking lot, fights, assaults,
weapons, narcotics, driving offenses, robbery, and other disturbances. The
owners cooperated with the police department in its investigation of crimes
occurring on the premises, providing surveiilance tapes when requested.'�
8. One neighbor who lived on Van Buren Avenue called the police
between 150 and 200 times regarding the behavior of the Luxor Lounge patrons.
ln her experience, the problem hours were between 9:30 p.m, and 2:00 a.m.,
Thursdays through Mondays. In addifion, she routinely saw large numbers of
customers enter the premises at 1:45 a.m., and tfie parking lot was not usually
cleared until about 3:00 a.m. Her back yard was south of the alley bordering the
Luxor Lounge parking lot. She witnessed public urination and sex, many fights,
noise, loud music, and was subjected to profanity directed at her when she asked
patrons not to park in her yard. The music piaying at the Luxor Lounge was
frequently so loud that her family could nat sleep. If they did fall asleep, they
6 Tes6mony of pao Hoang; Testimony of Diem Nguyen; Ex. C.
' The St. Paul City Gouncil revoked the licenses of Diva's Overtime Lounge in August 2007.
8 Test. of D. Hoang; Test. of D. Nguyen.
9 Testimony of Commander Tina McNamara.
� Ex. C.
" Testimony of Sgt. Kane.
�• � i J
- were frequentiy awakened between 2:00 and 3:00 a.m. by loud music being
_ played in ue#�ictes ar� ##e pa�#cit�g +o�, where patrons wer� attowed congreg� --
before and after bar closing. She rarefy saw security guards from the Luxor
Lounge outside in the parking lot.'
9. Befween September 18, 2007, and September 30, 2007, there
were six police cails to the Luxor Lounge for disturbances/fights and one for
aggravated assault with a gun.'
10. On September 26, 2007, at 1:59 a.m., Offcer Adam Bailey stopped
at the Luxor Lounge on a PPV. He did not go inside, but he observed that more
people were entering the bar after 2:00 a.m. than were leaving it. At
approximately 2:45 a.m., customers began to exit the bar.
� 1. Q� � S2ptember 2°, 2�47, at 1:55 a.m., Offices Sai4ey stoppe� at the
Luxor Lounge again on a FPV. At 2:00 a.m, ihe parking ioi was compieieiy fuii,
people were still entering the bar, and no one was leaving. There were no
security guards or bar staff outside in the parking lot or on the patio. There was
music playing on the patio, and the combined noise of the music and the patrons
on the patio was loud enough to be heard by nearby residents. He entered the
bar at about 2:15 a.m. and found it to be full, with many patrons holding full
glasses or bottles of alcoho{. He saw someone working behind the bar take
money in exchange for a drink. He informed employees that they needed to
close the bar. Some patrons were reluctant to leave because they had just
purchased drinks. Others congregated in the parking lot because they were
reluctant to drive out of the lot while the police were present. Offcer Bailey
cailed for assistance to clear the parking lot, and eight to ten additional squad
cars responded. There were several verbai arguments and aitercations among
patrons as they exited the bar and the parking lot, but no physical fights. No
citations were issued to customers or to the employee for after-hours service.
12. Qn September 30, 2007, at 2:18 a.m., Officer Bailey responded to a
call complaining that Luxor Lounge customers were being loud and drinking
alcohol in the parking lot. At 2:20 a.m., there were approximately 20-30 people in
the parking 4ot and on the patio. Mus+c was p4aying loudly on the patio. Inside,
the bar was still full. Police informed empioyees that patrons had to start leaving.
Again, once people began to leave the bar, they congregated in the parking lot
and were reiuctant to drive away. O�cer Bailey again caVied for assistance, and
eight to twelve squad cars responded to help clear the parking lot. No citations
were issued to customers.
' Testimony of Christa Sulliva�.
" Ex. 3-4.
"Testimony of Officer Adam Bailey; Ex. 3-4.
75 Test. of Officer A. Bailey; Ex. 3-3.
t6 Ex. 3-3 to 3-4.
�1 � � �
---------- --- —
- T3. dn October 1, 20�7, the Licensee removed afl genres of rap music
from thejuke box." _ ---- --------- --
14. On October 10, 2007, the Licensee and members of the police
department and DSI attended a communify meeting with neighbors. The
neighbors expressed their concerns about safety, noise, pubfic urination in the
parking lot, and the {ack of security on the premises. The Licensee believes that
much of the neighborhood hostility toward its customers is racially motivated.
The owners are reluctant to make changes that might alienate their customers.
They also believe the police blame them fior problems caused by customers of
Ma{ina's. Nonetheless, they agseed at the meeting to make several changes in
the operation of the business: to tum down the volume of the music, discontinue
music on the patio, hire additional security guards and have them wear similar
clothing so they could be identified more easily, use a security wand on
customers upon eniry, change tne music format (no rap music}, and secure the
patio area with a larger fence. Either at this meeting or in an earlier meeting with
DSI, the Licensee also agreed to refuse entry after 1:00 a.m. to new customers
on a voluntary basis for 30 days.�
15. On the night and early morning of October 13-14, 2007,
Commander Tina McNamara stopped at the Luxor Lounge severai times to
determine whether the owners had made the changes promised at the
community meeting. She stopped there at about 10:20 p.m. because she couid
hear loud music coming from inside the building while she was stili inside her
squad car. She entered the bar and told the disc jockey to turn down ths volume
and the bass. The disc jockey turned down the voiume, but the volume was
tumed up again after she went outside. Between 11:�0 a.m. and 2:00 a.m,
Commander McNamara observed no uniformed security in the parking lot. She
did observe two men leave the bar carrying aicohol they had purchased inside.
Both identified themselves as being members of the band piaying there that
n+ght. One of them threw his drink onto the ground when he noticed police
approaching him; the other was drinking whiskey out of a shot glass. She
issued a citation for public consumption to the band member drinking out of the
shot glass. She saw a male urinating against a corner of the patio. This person
was cited for urinating in public. She observed people bringing containers from
their cars into the bar, and she observed people bringing giass containers from
inside the bar outside onto the patio. OfFicers cited numerous people in the
parking lot for having an open bottle in a motor vehicle.
16. On December 13, 2007, the City issued to the Licensee a Notice of
Violation pertaining to the incidents described above on September 26 and
" Ex. A.
1e Test. Commander T. McNamara.
t9 Ex. 4-4.
20 Test. Commander T. McNamara; Ex. 4.
September 29-30, 2007 Z' At fhat time, DSI recommended that tfie City Council
impose a$500 psnaliy an�i add ar revise tfae follow+ag eaadi�iens te#�eiieer�se: --
•(Revision) The license holder is responsible for behavior of all
persons on the premises, which includes persons on the patio and
in the parking lot. License hoider shall provide security to patrol the
exterior of the premises between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 2:30
a.m. or until all persons have left the premises whichever is later.
License holder or security shall immediately notify police of any
individuals engaging in unfawFui behavior or suspected unlawful
behavior including loitering.
•No patrons shall be admitted to the establishment after 1:00 a.m.
Any patron {eaving the establ+shment after 1:00 a.m. shall not be
re-admitteci for any reason.
.There shali be no saVe, consumption or display of afcofioi on the
patio after 11:00 p.m.
•There shall be no sale of alcohoiic beverages after 2:00 a.m. and
licensee shal{ ensure that a!! patrons have left the premises no later
than 2:30 a.m.
17. �he proposed conditions are intended to address the probiems
�eported to police and DSI by residents in the neighborhood.
18. On December 18, 2007, the Licensee requested a hearing on the
atleged violations 22
19. On March 6, 2008, the City issued an Amended Notice of Violation
that added the incidents descsibed above on the night of October 13-14, 2007,
recommended the same conditions, and increased the proposed penalty to
$1,OOQ.00. The hearing was scheduled to take place on March 27, 2008.
20. The hearing was rescheduled, 6ased on the Licensee's request, to
take place on May 16, 2008.
Sased on these Findings o4 Fact, the Administsative Law Judge makes the
Z 'Ex5.
72 Ex. 6.
Z3 Ex. 7. The Amended Notice o4 Hearing also alleged that a violat+on of license condition #4
occurred on Octobe� 13, 2007. 7his condition requires the license holder to pick up all refuse and
trash on the premises and surrounding sidewalks by noon each day. At the outset of the hearing,
the Gity withdrew this alleged violafion.
24 Ex. 8.
I � /
- - CONCLllS10NS
- - - --- ---
— 1. The Administrative Law Judge and the St. Pau! C+ty Counci! have
authority to hear this matter pursuant to St. Pau! Legislative Gode § 31 �.�5(c).
2. The hearing in this matter was conducted in accordance with the
applicabie portions of the procedures set forth in section 310.05 of the St. Paul
Legislative Code.
3. The City gave proper notice of the hearing in this matter and has
fulfilled all procedural requirements of rule or law.
4. The City has the burden of proving by a preponderance of the
evidence that adverse action is warranted against the licenses held by
ir,ternationa! Netwrork Associa±ion, ]nc., d!41a Luxor Lounge.
5. The St. Paul City Counci! may take adverse action against any or
all licenses or permits, licensee or appficant for a license, on the basis that the
(icensee or applicant has failed to comply with any condition set forth in the
license or has violated any of the provisions of any statute, ordinance or
regulation reasonably related to the licensed activity.
6. The City Councii may aiso take adverse action against a license if
the iicensed business, or the way in which such business is operated, maintains
or permits conditions that unreasonably annoy injure or endanger the safety,
health, morals, comfort or repose of any considerable number of inembers of the
7. Adverse action includes the imposition ofi a fine or the imposition of
conditions upon a ficense. The City may impose reasonable conditions on a
license for the purpose of promoting public heaith, safety and weifare, of
advancing the public peace and the elimination of conditions or actions that
constitute a nuisance or a detriment to the peaceful enjoyment of urban life, or
promoting security and safety in nearby neighborhoods. Reasonable
conditions may include a limitation on the hours of operation or on the particular
types of activities conducted in the establishment, a limitation or restriction as to
the location within the establishment where particular activities may be
conducted, or any other reasonabie condition iimiting the operation of the
iicensed business to ensure that the business wil{ harmonize with the character
z5 St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.06 (b)(5) &(b)(6)(a); see also § 409.12 (any license or permit
u�der fhis chapter may be suspended for up to 60 days or revoked or a civil fine imposed not to
exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for each violation on a finding by the council that the
ficense or permit holder has faifed to comply with an applicable statute, ru{e or ordinance relating
to afcoholic beverages).
Z6 St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.06(b)(8).
27 St. Paul Legislative Code § 310.01.
zB St_ Pau1 Legislative code § 310.06(c).
. �
l: —'
of the area in which it is located, or to prevent fhe development or continuation of
- a rttlisa�ce.
-------- ---
8. St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.07(c) preciudes the after-hours
consumption or disp(ay of alcohol.
9. The City demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that on
September 26, 2007, the Licensee permitted the aiter-hours consumption of
10. Minn. 5tat. § 340A.504, subd. 2(2006), precludes the sale of
intoxicating liquor between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on days when
alcohol may be sold.
1�. Ths City demonstrated by a preponderance of the ev�dence ihat
8it 2:0� a.�,�. or� C JO�tEiiibEi ��'-u, �vv�, iiiB �SC0iiS2E SOid iiituXlCatEiSy ii�uCii.
12. Condition #5 of the License requires the Licensee to have security
to patrol the exterior of the premises on a reguiar basis between the hours of
8:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. to prohib+t loitering.
13. The City proved by a preponderance of the evidence that on
October 13, 2007, the Licensee fai{ed to have sufficient security patroliing the
exterior of the premises between 8:�0 p.m. and 2:OQ a.m. to prevent loitering.
14. St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.26(b)(9) requires Licensees to take
reasonable steps to stop persons from leaving the premises with afcoholic
15. The City demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that on
October 13, 2007, the Licensee failed to take ceasonable steps to stop persons
from leaving the premises with alcoholic beverages.
16. Adverse action is justified because the Licensee has failed to
comply with a condition of the license; has violated provisions of a statute,
ordinance or regulation reasonably related to the licensed activity; and has
permitted conditions that unreasonably annoy injure or endanger the safety,
health, morals, comfort or repose of any considerable number of inembers of the
17. Section 409.26 of the St. Paui Legislafive Code, applicable to liquor
licenses, contains a penaity matrix that sets out presumptive penalties for
specific offenses in connection with the sale of intoxicating liquor, including after
29 St. Pau1 Legislative Code § 310.06(c).
)• • i
hours display or consumption of alcohol. The occurrence of multiple violations
shall be grounds for departure_from such-penal#ies'sn ##�e cfl�nefl's-discretiom� -
18. Pursuant to § 4Q9.26 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, this would be
the Licensee's first appearance for lisfed violations. The presumptive penafty is
$500 for a first appearance not involving multiple violations.
19. The City's recommendation to impose a fine in the amount of
$1,000.00 is reasonable because multiple vio{ations have been found.
20. The proposed ficense conditions are a reasonable response to the
problems experienced on the licensed premises. The Administrative Law Judge
has made some suggestions with regard to the wording of those conditions in the
attached Memorandum.
U�30fi these COIlCIU510f1S and i0i th0 reasons explained i�i i�ic
attached hereto, the Administrative Law Judge makes the
lt is respectFuliy recommended that the St. Paui City Councif take adverse
action against the ficenses held by fnternational Network Association, Inc., d!b/a
Dated: June 9, 2008
Reported: Digitally recorded,
No transcript prepared
Administrafive Law Judge
This repost is a recommendation, not a final decision. The St. Paul City
Council wi!! make the final decision after reviewing the record and may adopt,
reject or modify the Findings of Fact, Conclusions a�d Recommendation
contained herein. Pursuant to Section 310.05 of the St. Paul Legislative Code,
the City Council's final decision shail not be made until this Report has been
30 St. Paul Legislative Code § 409.26(b).
31 Id. § 409.26(c}.
macte availabte to the parEies to the proceeding and the Licensee has been
provided an opportunity to pcesent ora! or-wft4terr argt�ments o�
- —
part of the Administrative Law Judge in fhe application of the law or the
interpretation of the facts and an opportunity to present argument refating to any
recommended adverse action. The Licensee and any interested parties should
contact Shari Moore, Saint Paui City Clerk, 290 City Hall, 15 West Kellogg
Boulevard, St. Paui, MN 55102, to ascertain the procedure for presenting
The Administcative Law Judge has concluded that the City proved the
individuaf violations a{Veged in the Amended Notice of Violation by a
preponderance of the evidence. On September 26, 2007, the pofice officer
testified that when he arrived at 2 v0 a.m., more peopie were entering the bar
than were leaving it, and fhe parking lot was full until 2:45 a.m., when patrons
began to leave. Although this evidence is slim, it permits the reasonabie
inference that patrons were permitted to drink past the 2:30 a.m. deadfine
allowed by the City policy. The o�cer also testified that when he entered the bar
at about 2:15 a.m. on September 29, 2007, many patrons had full glasses or
bottfes of alcohof, and he saw an after-hours sale take place. Although the
Licensee strongfy denied ever making an after-hours sale, she admits the officer
discussed the sale with her the next day, which prompted her to contact the City
to obtain clarification of the City's policy on hours of sale, disp}ay, and
consumption. Based on the record as a whole, this evidence is su�cient to show
the violation occurred.
The Licensee also maintains that on October 13, 2007, it did not fail to
have su�cient security patroiling the exterior of the premises between 8:00 p.m.
and 2:00 a.m. to prevent loitering. Its security guard testified that he patrols the
exterior once or twice an hour on weekend nights. He aiso testified that he was
not working the nights of September 29 or 34, and he did not recali if he was
there the night of October 13, 2007. Even assuming someone efse patrofled the
exterior once or twice per hour on those nights, this is ciearly insufficieni to deter
the loitering that took place. The purpose of this license condition is to minimize
the noise, trafFic, and disruption occurring in the parking lot. The security guards
are obligated not just to patrol, but to encourage people to either enter the bar or
to leave the premises promptly, without disturbing neighbors. If the Licensee had
pol+cies that more strangly encouraged patrons to leave in an orderly manner by
2:00 a.m., it may not have been necessary at 220 or 230 a.m. for police squads
to encourage their departure in a more intrusive manner.
The Licensee's main argument conceming the aflegation that it faiVed to
take reasonable steps to stop persons from leaving the premises with alcoholic
beverages is that Comrnander McNamara did not see the band member exit the
32 Testimony of Eric Mirtica.
-- - ----- --------
Luxor Lounge with a drink in hand. This is tnre. She did, however, see him
inside the bar, and when she_saw him outside�ha-ba�,- I�e-�a � —
- - - -
s-k+e#�g� ZJlass"
similar fo the glasses used at the Luxor Lounge. In addition, he admitted to her
that the drink was from the Luxor Lounge. This evidence is sufficient to prove the
More important that any individual violation, however, is the conciusion
that adverse acfion is justified here because the Licensee permits conditions that
unreasonably annoy, injure, or endanger the safety, health, morals, comfort or
repose of any considerable number of inembers of the public. The
Administrative Law Judge believes that the Licensees are hard-working business
owners who are trying to survive financialiy in difficult times. The Administrative
Law Judge also concurs with the testimony of Sgt. Kane, who believes that the
Licensees have attempted to improve the operation of their business, but have
been overwheimed wifh tne magnitude ofi tne issues confronting them. Tne
Licensees must understand, however, that unless they control the behavior of
their customers, in the parking lot as well as the interior of the bar, and uniess
they operate in a manner that is respectful of the neighborhood, they will not
survive as a (icensed business,
The Licsnsees believe whole-heartedly that police and neighborhood
harassment of their customers is responsible for many of the issues in the
parking lot. They also appear to beiieve that they are being blamed for many
issues that are attributable to the customers of Malina's, the other bar that
operatss nearby. The Administrafive Law Judge has found no evidence in the
record, hawever, that the disruptive conduct at issue here is attributable to
customers of Mafina's. And although the police and neighbors have arguably
"harassed" the patrons of Luxor Lounge by making the parking fot the focus of
sustained police attention, this attention does not appear to be raciaily based but
is rather an understandable response to the disrespectFul conduct that has
occurred there. No neighborhood should have to tolerate the conduct that has
occurred in or near the parking fot of the Luxor Lounge.
7he City has proposed revised or additionai conditions on the ficense to
address the problems described in this Report. One of the proposed conditions
•(Rev+sion) The license holder is responsible for behavior of ail
persons on the premises, which includes persons on the patio and
in the parking lot. License holder shail provide security to patrol the
exterior of the premises between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 2:30
a.m. or until all persons have left the premises whichever is later.
License holder or security shall immediately notify police of any
/ �
� • � �
__ _ _ ___. ____-
irrdividuals engaging in unlawfuf behavior or suspected unlawful
behaviorincludingloitering.33 ------- —
The Administsative Law .ludge agrees that, in generaf, it would be
reasonabfe to impose a condition that reinforces the Licensee's obligation to
address behavior on the patio and in the parking lot and to require security until
af{ customers have left the parking lot. The Administrative Law Judge is
concerned, however, that the itaficized language above is vague and wou{d be
difficult to enforce. The reference to "suspected unlawful behavior including
loitering" is confusing, because it suggests the Licensee must report only
"unlawFul" ioitering, whereas the conduct that may occur in the parking lot after
ciosing time may be disruptive and noisy but not necessarily unlav�rfui. For
example, the St. Paul Legislative Code defines the crime of loitering after
mid�ight as foilows: "No person shalf loiter about the streets after midnight and
iie in wait or conceaimenf_in said City of Saini Paui, or consort wiLn thieves,
prostitutes or other questionable characters."� State law prohibits loitering with
intent to participate in prostitution 3 Instead of {eaving it up to the ticensee to
determine what behavior is lawful and what is not, at the risk of being wrong, the
City might want to either delete this sentence or, in the alternative, require that
patrons leave the parking fot by a particular time, and if they fail to do so, require
that the Licensee cail the police for help in clearing the lot.
in addifion, the City might want to clarify the condition concerning
admittance after 1:00 a.m. to the "estabfishment." The record reffects that the
police are concerned about the security of the patio and the fact that people in
the parking lot, wha have not gone through security, can pass objects or drinks to
persons on the patio, and vice versa. fn addition, police have quesfioned why
the Licensee permits people to go back and forth after 1:00 a.m. from the patio to
the bar. {f this condition is intended to mean that anyone who goes onto the
patio after 1:00 a.m. may not re-enter, the City should expressly say so to avoid
any confusion.
33 Emphasis added.
34 St. Paui Legisfative Code § 280.06.
� Minn. Stat. § 609.3243 (2406).