08-825Council File # �g � g �"� Green 5heet #=:� PresenTed by -- Mti�tNESOTA - --�-�{ 1 WHEREAS, Donaid Cameron, April , 2008, in BZA File No. 08-064094, duly applied to the Boazd 2 of Zoning Appeals (the `BZA") for vanances from the strict application Leg. Code § 63.207 & 66.231 to 3 properiy commoniy lalown as 469 and 471 Grand Avenue and legally described as TBRRACE PARK 4 ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ST PAUL, RAMSEY CO., MINN. SELY %z OF VAC ALLEY ADJ AND 5 THAT PART NWLY OF OAKLAND AVE OF LOT 14 BLK 8; and 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 2. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 WHEREAS, the said application requested two variances in order to split one of the aparhnent units in this 7—unit building to create an 8�' unit (1) A lot size of 1,500 squaze feet per unit is required. The lot does not meet current standards and a variance of 1,500 square feet is required. (2) 1.5 parking spaces per unit are required and 2 are currently available. No additional parking is proposed. A variance of 1 parking space is required in the RM2 zoning district at 469 Grand Avenue; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Leg. Code § 64.203, the BZA duly conducted a public hearing on the said applications on May 19, 2008 where all interested parties were afforded the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the BZA, at the close of the said public hearing and based upon the files, reports and the evidence presented at the public hearing, as substantiaily reflected in the minutes, moved to deny the requested variances based the following findings as set forth in BZA Resolution No. 08-064094, dated May 19, 2008: The propeYty in question can be put to a r^easonable use under the strict provision of the code. The applicant purchased this property in 2005 at which time there were 7 units in the buiidin�, six 1-bedroom units and on 3-bedroom unit. There was also an unused unfinished unit on the 3 floor. The applicant has submitted an old Certificate of Occupancy from 1994 that indicated at that time there were 8 units in the building, however, the building was certified for 7 units at the time he purchased it. It is not ciear where the 8` unit was located in 1994, which could have been either the 3 floor ar within the 3-bedroom unit on the second floor. In any case, the applicant is proposing to convert the 3 bedroom unit into two 1-bedroom units. This is a small parcel that does not meet the minimuxn lot size or density requirements for a multi-family use. It also does not have the sufficient off street parldng far the current use. Adding an additional unit and increasing this nonconformity is not a reasonable use of this property. 77xe plight of the land owner is not due to the circumstances unique to this property, and any hardship was created by the Zand owner. This building had a Certificate of Occupancy for 7 dwelling units when the applicant purchased the property. The applicant owns other rental property and is awaze that a simple phone call to the Zoning Office of the Fire Mazshal would have confirmed this. Any hardship incurred through keeping the occupancy at 7 units is self-imposed by the property owner. �S-S�-� 42 3. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 4. 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 5. 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 6. 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 The proposed variance is not in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code,"and is nof consistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City oJSL. Paul.____ _____. The applicant has an agreement with Regions Hospital Safe Aouse pro�am to lease the units to program participants. The Safe House program headquarters is located at 467 Grand Avenue. The applicant owns the apartment building at 481 Grand Avenue, which is also rented to Safe House tenants. He states that the tenants do no have cars and therefore do not increase the parking demand in the area. However, a variance goes with the property and there is no guarantee that the tenancy of the building will always remain the same. The requested variances are not in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code. This is a smali lot with very little yard azea. Increasing the number of units in the building is not consistent with the health and welfare of the tenants. The proposed variance will not impair an adeguate supply of Zight and air to adjacent property, nor- will it alter the essential character of the surrounding area but may unreasonably diminish established property values within the surrounding area. The applicant is not proposing any changes to the exterior of the building and the requested variances would not affect the supply of light or air to adjacent properties. There are other apartment buildings in the immediate area that are also located on the nonconforming lots. The requested variances would not change the character of the neighborhood but may have an adverse impact on surrounding properties in the future depending on the occupancy of the building. The variance, if grasated, would not permit any use that is not permitted under the provisions of the code for the property in the district where the affected land is located, nor would it alter or change the zoning district classzfzcation of the property. A multi-family dwelling is a permitted use in this zoning district. The requested variances, if granted, would not change or alter the zoning classification of the property. The request for variance is not based primartly on a desire to increase the value or income potenzial of the parcel of land. The applicant states that a 3-bedroom unit is not desirable to the Safe House prog�am since the program restricts the occupancy to one person per unit. However, the applicant was aware of this prior to purchasing the property and it appears that the primary goal of this variance request is to increase the income potential of the property. WHEREAS, pursuant to Leg. Code § 61.702(a), Donald Cameron, on May 28, 2008 duly filed with the City Clerk an appeal under BZA File No. 08-082615 from the determination made by the BZA and requested a hearing before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the BZA; and 68- 8 i� 88 WHEREAS, pursuant Yo Lzg. Code § 61.702(i�j and upon notice to affected parEies, a pnbfic hearing was 89 duly conducted by the City Council on July 2, 2008, where all interested parties were �v_en an_o��orhmiiy_ -_ - 9� to be heard; an& 91 92 WI�EREAS, the City Council, having heard the statements made at the public hearing, and having 93 considered the variance application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the BZA, does 94 hereby 95 96 RESOLVE, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby upholds the decision of the BZA in this 97 matter having found, based upon the record, that the appellant, Mr. Cameron has failed to show any error 98 on the part of the BZA in reaching its decision; and, be it 99 100 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the appeal by Mr. Cameron be and is hereby denied and that the Council 101 adopts and incorparates as its own in support of this decision the findings set forth in BZA Resolution No. 102 08-064094; and, be it 103 104 FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Mr. Cameron, the 105 Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission and the BZA. 106 Requested artm, tof: �� � By: Approved by the Office of Financial Services By: Approved by CiTy Attomey By: ��G✓wvw-� '7_ /6_ Ado By: App By: Approv d yor or Sub � n t Council ption Certified by Co cil Secretary B / roved b a r: ate (� � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Gree� Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � OS -Ba-S _.. �... � -----�.�-: -� �"� - ���"��16JUL-08 Confact Person & Phone: Peter Wamer 2668710 Must Be on C uncil Agenda by (Dat 06-A11Gt18 �`��� �� �� Doc. Type: RESOLUTION �` E-Document Required: Y DocumentContact: Julie Waus � Assign Number For Routing Order D ' Attorn i • aceom I �ea� m�tor �"� • 1 b_. 2 'ty Attorney 3 � a or's Office Ma odASSistant 4 ouua7 5 ' Clerk Cti Clerk ConWCtPhone; 2668776 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Lowtions for SignaWre) Memorializing Ciry CounciPs July 2, 2008 morion to uphold the decision of the Boazd of Zoning Appeals (BZA) in this matter and adopts and incorporates as it own in support of this decision the fmdings set forth in BZA Resolution No. 08-064094 for the property commonly lmown as 469 aad 471 Grand Avenue in Saint Paul. itlations: Approve (A) o� K Planning Commission GB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this depadmenl? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any cufrent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and aHach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City Council is required pursuant to City Charter to have its actions reduced to a writing dependen[ upon the �ature of the matter befoie it. The decision of the Council in this mattex requued a iesolution in oxder to compty with the Charter. Approval of the attached resolution fulfills the Council's dury under the Charter. Advantages if Approved: City Charter requirements wilt be met. Disadvantages If Approved: Failute to approve the resolurion violates the City's Chartei requirement. DisadvanWges If Not Approved: Charter requirements will not be met. Trensaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (F�cplain) AMivity Number: July 16, 2005 3:15 PM CosURevenue Budgeted: Page 1 ♦: :, DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND INSPECI'fONS BobKe.ssler, Diredor - - - _ _ ___ . -_ CITY OF SAINT PAL3L - - -- Civistoptier B. Coteman, Mayor �rr May 28, 2008 Council Reseazch 310 City Hall St Paul MN 55102 Dear Mary Erickson: COMMERCEBUILDIXG------ ---- FeIephame- --- � 8 Fourlh SdzetFns� Svire 200 Fucsimtle: 65/-266-9124 StPaul,Mmnesom551D1-1024 Web: vmwstaoul.em/dsi I would like to confum that a public hearing befare the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, July 2, 2008, for the following zoning case: Appellant: Donald Cameron Zaning File #: 08 082615 Purpose: Location: Staff: District: Board: An appeal of a decision by the Board of Zoning Appeals denying rivo variances in ord� to split one of the apratment units in this 7 unit building to create an 8th unit. 469-471 Grand Ave Staff recommended denial Recommended denial Denied on a 7-� vote I have confirmed this date with the office of Council Member Dave Thune. My understanding is that this public hearixtg request will appear on the agenda of the City Council at your earliest Convenience and that you will publish no6ce of the hearing in the Saint Paui Legal Ledger. Thank you! 5 �� � ,�Y, r F hn Haz 'ck � Zoning SpeciaSist . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HLARING The Saint Paul City Council will con- duct a public hearu�ig on Wednesday, July 2, 2008, at=5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers,�Third Floor, City Hall /� Court- house, 15 West Kelloik Boulevazd, St. Paul, MN, to an appea3 a decision by the Board of Zoning Appeals denying two variances in order to split one of the� apart�uent units in a 7 unit building to create an 8th unit at 469=471 Grand �1ve- nue. MARY ERICKSON Assistant City Council Secretary . Dated: May 29, 2008 (Je� 5) —=s== 81: PAIIL LEGAi.IE�GER =�_--� 22169276 ' - i AA-ADA-EEO Employer K � saiss T:1L!.,� � � 11AA11 DEPARTMIIdT OF SAFETY AND INSPECITONS � y/� Bob Kess7er, Diredor O� .� 0 l CPtY OF SAINT PAUL �InSlOj7jlPJB L'0�21R�}.1�Q}�O7' 7une 2, 2008 Donald Cameron 556 Ashland Ave $aint Pau�, MN 55102 co�ac�a�aorvG -- - a�r�: -- cnzc�vovo SFmvlhStrzetErtcSSvite200 Faurmd7e: 651-2669114 StPmrT Miimesom55701-1024 - -._--- — A?eb:_ www.smmdew/ds�.- RE: Variance request for 469-471 Crrand Ave., Zoning File # 08-064094 Dear Mr.Camemn: We hawe received your appeal of the Board of Zoning Appeals decision denying your variance request for the referenced property. Therefore, pursuant to State Statute 15.99 we are e�rtencling the deadliue for acflon on the referenced zoning application an additional sixty (60) days in arder to allow the City Council to hear the appeal. The new deadline is August 20, 2008. Lf you have any questions regarding this maiter you may contact me at 651-266-9082. ,..,� 1 , ,q, Hardwick, Zonirig Specialist AA-ADA-EEO Employer \ DEPAR'1MEN'P OF SAFETY AND INSPECTIONS Bob Xe.rs7er, Dbector CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor May 28, 2008 Council Research 310 City Hall St Paul MN 55102 Dear Mary Erickson: CO,LLLIERCEBIIILDING Telepho�: 651-26(r9090 8 Fourth SaeetEaw, Suite 200 Facsimile: 65I-2669124 StPaul,Minnesota55101-IO24 Web: www.stoauLeav/dri I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the Ciry Councfl is scheduled for Wednesday, 7uly 2, 2008, for tfie following wning case: Appellant Donald Cameron Zoning File #: 08 082615" PuTAose: I.ocation: Staff: Dislric� BV4lLL. An appeal of a decision by the Board of Zoning Appeals denyiug two variances in order to split one ofthe aprahneut units in this 7 unit building to ereate an 8th unit 469-471 Gtand Ave Staffrecommended denial �� - � 11 II �/ If�, I BI .� Denied on a 7-0 vote I have confirmed this date with the office of Council Member Dave Tfmne. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda of the City Council at yonr earliest Convenience and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Thank you! S' c ly, r tlll W1CIC ZOAIIIg � � AA-ADA-EEO Employer ' j_ Q MRY-22-2�8 14=32 From:CITY OF ST Pfd1L-D5I 6512669124 � APPLICATIQN FQR ApPE4L /� 'Jj��� � oFSafetYBndlt�speCtiOns :CO/lfl?l��!%1l�iflO ---- 8' �Olt�t St E, Sltit@ ?O� Sai/Jt Fp�l, �N 36107 B69 26¢-Bt�tAB APPLIClWT me bUN CAMERON . � d�pss 556 ASHLAND A� �AllVT PAUL MN 5r51 �� 03 �$ tY St._ rp Dayiime phone of rnmer (if differentj PROPBRTY Address 7� t I7 L �t!"a�id_ ' LOCATION � �egaldescrip6on: La- �t{�Rlo�lc 8 , (prca�� �k Aad ri��r�,��t-o- .�`r't� o 5�: 4 'f� �. P No+`f' 2J'I 00.K u� Vpdk; ts�n4-•Y� a� �'4i.� ��nw R ✓"Ttov� Vacay-e f}�y e - r TYPE OF ApPEAL: Application is hereby rna�e �r�ii appeal,�o�the: ❑ 8oard o� �aning Appeals under ihe provis(ons o4 m8de by the �o.. on _ ! city Gouna uon: . -,, ra[ag[aph _ Qf the 2oning Code, to appeal a decision ?��; r9 ��(�s 200 ;0. Fils�uintier:_�j GROUNDSFORE deCision or refusal Boarc! of Zoning A� �.: ExpRain why yrou feet there has tieen an errar in any requireme�t, permit, by tu7 etlministrative offiCial, Or an errar +n faCt, prOCedure or finding made by the or ihe PfanNng Commission. _ The building'currently consists of six 7-bedroom apartments and one 3-bedroom apartment, for a total of nine bedrooms. Under the proposed changes the building will have eight 1-bedroom apartments for a total o€ only eight bedrooms. This would reduce residential ciensity, reduce potential demand £or parking, �ontinue the renovation of the struoture, and.have a positive impact of the on the guality of life for building tenants, and building neighbors, by giving them greater privacy. for ZONING VARIANCE APPEAL ... ApplieanYs signaiure, City agent l�k�.tJ 3 To:92970318 � (/ P.2�2 V�' Y���' ZONING VARIANCE APP RAT" 464 - 471 Grdnd Avenue St. Paul, M'usnesota This appeat is based upon the fotlowing errors in fnding. ATI findings pertain to St Paui Zoning Code (Sec. 61.601). Numerical references helow eorrespond to the Board of Zoning Appeais Resolution file number 08-064044. � Fynding 1) Pmposed cLanges wonld be a reasonable nse of the property: The proposed changes will not increase the poteffliat residential capacity for the building, or provide an increase in demand for pazldng spaces, regarcItess of future o�tership or tenaney. The building currenfly eonsisLs of six 1-bedroom a,par�ents and one 3-bedrootu apartrnent, foi a totat of nine bedrooms. Under the proposed change� the bu�ding will have eight 1 bedroom apartments for a total of only eight - --- bedtoonts. T}�is reduetioa in theaun�bei vf }�edroomsin the building will reduce its potentiat tenant caPacitY, as weIl as any potential demand for Parl�ng SPaces- 'i'he Boazd of Zoning Appeals erred when it found that the pzoposed change be an um�e�soaable use of the property because it woutd increase the nonconformity o€the property, The iatenf of the zoning codes iu c�xestion is fo timit overalt density within the building and to limit demand for parking in the area. By reducing the potential �aPacitY of the�tutding, both the population density and the demand for pazking spaces will be reduced Becavse of this, the pmposed cbariges wilI attaw the gropertg to be in greaEer eon€ornvty with the �4eat o€the zoning codes. Finding 3) No adverse IDipact to the health or welfare of the tenants: The gmposed alterations are c�gned to allow for more privacy and independence for the building's tenants, create modern newTy-renovated spaces, and reduce the resideniiaF density witfiin the buildivg. A31 of these effects would ereate a positive impact oa the qual2ty ofli€e, health, and welfare of tlmse living in �d around the building_ The Boazd ofZoning Appeals erred when zt fonnd that the proposed changes vv�e not in keeping with the spirit and intent of the Cocte and woutd be inconsistent with the health andweIfare ofthe tenants. The code was intendedta ensitt�e ahigh quality of life for residents o€fhe building in question, as welt as the city as a whole. In this case, the proposed changes would reduce residential density, reduce pote�tial demand for parlang, confinue flie renewal and renovation of the sFxuctu�e, and have a positive impact on the quality of life for building tenants by giving them gteater independence and privacy. These effects aze completely in aecordance with the spirit and intent of the Code and �vouId have only gositive effects on the fieattb anci weIEare of present and fu4ire tenan� � p�-�62� �a�i�g 6}�q�£er �arianee n�primar�y }iase� aa �esrre tQinerease the �alne — or income potential of the parcel: The primary putpose of the proposed changes is to comply with a request from the directors of the Regions Hospital Safe House progr� to provide suifabfe fiving spaces for prograut participants. The program requires thaf parfieipanfs have individual housing tmits and cannot make use of the cuaent 3-bedroom space• BY conve�mg the 3-bec}�oom space iuto two 1 bedfoom tmEES, � space wcrgld ecrrnfo� to the program's requirements and couId perfomi the badly needed community service of providing a safe and comfortable living space for these special needs individuals in St. Paut. Finally, it woutd benefrt the neighborkood by allawing co�nuing renewai and improveme�rt of the buiIding. The Boazd of Zoning Appeals erred when it found that the proposed changes were P��Y to increase the income patential of the parceL Because the changes will have she effect of removing one bedroom from the bnilding, any incm.ase in income potential would be minimat. � CI1'Y OF SAINT PAUL Deadline for Aciion 06/03/08 BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS RESOLUTION ZONIlVG FILE NUMBER 08-064094 DATE: May 19, 2008 WHEREAS, Don Cameron, CPE. Exchange 24964LLC fias applied for a variance &om the strict application of the provisions of Section 63.207 & 66.231 of the Saint Paut Legislative Code pertaining to Two variances in order to split one o£the apartment units in this 7-unit bldg to create an 8th unit (1) A lot size of 1,500 square feet per unit is required. The lot does not meet current staudards and a variance of 1,500 square feet is required. (2)1.5 parking spaces per unit are requirecl and 2 are curreufly available. No additional pazking is proposed. A variance of i parking space is required in the RM2 zoning district at 469 Grand Ave ; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on May 19, 2008 pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.203 of the Legislative Code; and - WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning AppeaLs based upon evidence presented at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The property in question can be put to a reasonable use under the strzct provisions of the code. ` The applicant purchased this property in 2005 at which time there were 7 units in the building, suc 1-bedroom units and one 3-bedroom unit. There was also an unused unfinished unit on the 3`� floor. The applicant has submitted an old Certificate of Occupancy from 1994 that indicated at that time there were 8 units in the building, however, the building was cerkified for 7 units at the t�e he pnrchased it. It is not clear where the 8�` unit was located in 1994, which could have been either the 3" floor or within the 3-bedroom unit on the second fLoor. In any case, the applicant is proposing to convect the 3 bedroom unit into two i- bedroom units. This is a small parcel that does not meet the minimum lot size or density requirements for a multi-family use. It also does not have sufficient off street pazking for the current use. Adding an additional unit and increasing this nonconformity is not a reasonable use of this property. 2. The plight af the land ownet- as not due to carcumstances unique to this property, and any hardship was createcl by the land owner. T'his building had a Certificate of Occupancy for 7 dwelling units when the applicant purchased the property. The applicant owns other rental property aud is aware that a simple phone call to the Zoning Office or the Fire Marshal would have confirmed this. Any hardship incurred through keeping the occupancy at 7 unifs is seIf-imposed by the property owner. Page 1 of 4 � �,$a� File # : 08-Q64D94 -- --- - - Resolufion � � 3. The proposed variance is not in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is not consistent witk the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of St. Pau1. " The applicant has an agreement with Regions Hospital Safe House program to lease the units to program participants. The Safe House program headquarters is located at 467 Crrand Ave. The applicant owns the apartment building at 481 Grand Ave, which is also rented to Safe House tenants. He states that the tenants do not ha�e cars and therefore do not increase the parldng demand in the area. However, a variance goes with the property and there is no guarantee that the tenancy of the building will always remain the same. The requested variances are not in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code. This is a small lot with very little yard area. Increasing the number of units in the building is not consistent with the health and welfaze of the tenants. 4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supgly of Zight and air to adjacent property, nor will it alter the essential character of the surrounding area but may unreasonably diminish established property values within the surrounding area. The applicant is not proposing any changes to the exterior of the building and the requested variances would not affect the supply of light or air to adjacent properties. There are other aparnnent buildings in the immediate area that aze also located on nonconforming lots. The requested variances would not change the character of the neighborhood but may have an adverse impact on surrounding properties in the future depending on the occupancy of the building. 5. The variance, if granted, would not permit any use that is not permitted under the provisions of the code for the property in the district where the affected land is Zocated, nor would it alter or- change the zoning district classifzcation of the property. A mulri-family dwelling is a pennitted use in this zoning dish The requested variances, if granted would not change or alter the zoning classification of the properiy. 6. The requestfor variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land. The applicant states that a 3-bedroom unit is not desirable to the Safe House program since the program restricts the occupancy to one petson per unit. However, the applicant was aware of this prior to purchasing the properiy and it appears that the primary goal of this variance request is to increase the income potential of the properry. Page 2 of 4 � File # : 08-064094 Resolution NOW, TT�REFORE, BE TI' RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeais that the request to waive the provisions of Section 63.207 & 66.231 to allow a split of one of the apartment units in this 7-unit bldg to create an 8th unit on properiy located at 469 Grand Avenue; and legally descn"bed as Terrace Park Addition To The City Of St. Paul, Ramsey Co., Minn. Sely 1/2 Of Vac Alley Adj And That Part Nwly Of Oakland Ave Of Lot 14 Blk 8; in accordauce with the application for variance and the site plan on file with the Zoning Administrator is Hereby Denied. MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: IN FAVOR: AGAINST: MAILED: May 20, 2008 TIl�IE LIMTl': No decision of the zoning or planning administrator, planning commiccion, 6oard of zoning appeals or city coanc�l appmving a site plan, permit, variance, or other zoning approval shall be valid for a period longer t6an two (2) years, nnless a bulding permit is obtaiued witLin sach perIod and the ereclion or alteration of a bwlding is proceeding ander the terms of the decision, or the nse is established within snch period by acfial operafion parsuant to the applicable conditions and requirements of the approval, wiless the zoning or planning administrator gisnts an extension not to egceed one (1) year. APPEAL: Decisions of the Board of Zoning Appeals are Snal subject to appeal to the City Councl witLin 10 days by anyone affected by the decision. Bnilding permits shaII not be issued after an appeal fias been SIed. If permits have been issned before an appeal has been 51ed, then the permits are snspended and coashuchon shaIl cease anfil t7ie City Connc� has made a 5na1 determination of the appeal. File # : 08-064094 Page 3 of 4 J' 6�'��"�/ Resoluiion -- ---- L'EA�`I�A�l)�:- -��e ��ersf�►e�l Secretary tathe $oard of`Loning Appeats f�ie��f_ Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original record in my office; and find the same to be a trae and conect capy of said or'sginal and of the whole ther�f, as hased on approved minntes of the Saint Panl Board of Zoning Appeals meeting held on May 19, 2008 and on record in the Deparhnent of Safety and Inspections, 8 Fonrth St E, Saint Paul, Minnesota. SAINT PAUL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Ma�ne Linston Secretary to the Board Page 4 of 4 � i ; ,'' ,�, c� � a�b5 .4�7a.°° ; � APPLICATION FOR ZOPTING VARIANCE ��----- Department nfSajely and Inspections 200 Commerce Building 8 Four[h St E RBCBlVL+t7► �At D.S.L sauu P�r MN 55101-Z024 qpR 2 2 2pQ$ Genera[: 651 266-9008 Far: (65]) 266-9099 APPLICANT Name Address City ) 1 . �"c2 .x i g}, �� DaytimePhone (�.S� Property Inter�st of Applicant (owney contract pnrcLaser, etc) O W A�P 1' Name of Owner (if different) Address / I,ocation 7 PROPERTY LegalDescription f1 t T o-R ) I�$ Qr n a,�, �a INFORMATION �''� °� ST�4uI,T 7" I�rs �Jc�/Th 1 o v0.Kla�d ltphvQ oW K� �S ��a ��,�� n na ���a;, � t�a�a-�a �a��.��,�-r ,����y Lot Size S�o2� Present Zoning Rru� a Present Use 7 �„ � r�nu�,r RN, Proposed Use $ L1 �I1 f T AAe�nT �.�� � � d� n q i � Varianee[s]requested: ��� �R'r� 2� [aT 5l¢,G Pr1 S Supporting InFormation: Supply the necessary information that is applicable to your variance request, provide details regarding the project, and explain why a vaziance is needed. Duplex/triplex conversions may require a pro foima to be submitted. Attach additional shecffs if necessary- s�e i4-l-�a��Qd Attachments as required: � s;c� r�a �/�r - Attachmenis � Pro Forma Applicant's i°� /l�r� l 2.2, aoog }� y��s��� � t� ���� � SITE PLAN for 469 - 471 Grand Avenue Nor�'y Aunlicant/owner: Don Cameron (651) 297-0318 , � 556 tlslilanc� Avemie, St Pxat,1�IlV SS102 --���' - �1--- —__ = - � -- - - — ��o,� -- .� sTeeP 1-f � t 1 w�Th bushe so);d coneceYe n 5wrro�nds th2 " Ciwild inq � -�--� � 0 m N "� �k .5`ton� a��+�n a�l �cr0p �s.a� ss a� D m o m 0 � a.o� DWELLING p 28 a� O m 0 � ' � �'� _ �.���D Site Area: 5,7�2sq.ft. m 0 @; N � s.o� 6'l0" �,,: � ���� �-� �v� �� -_ � Gross BnildinE Area: 5004 sq. ft of above grade finished azea. Pr000sed Chanee: Restore the building to its 8 original aparhnent units in their 8 original locations. Leeal Descriution TERRACE PARK ADDITION T01`I� CI`TY OF ST. PAUL, RAMSEY CO. MINN. SELY %= OF VAC ALLEY ADJ AND THAT PART NWLY OF OAHI.AND AVE OF LOT 14 BLK 8 `\ I . r � �. , N�'�T'1 � OF 469 AND 471 GRAND AVENUE April22, 2008 BY• Don Cameron - owner This building has historically operated as an 8 plex. I purchased it as au "8 unit apartment building" on June 14, 2005 (see a�tached PURCHASE AGREEMENT). The ballway displays a C'ERI�ICATE OF OCC'UPANCY for 8 DWELLING UNiT5 (see altached CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANC�. There are 7 apartments currenfly rented to Regions Hospital "safe fiouse". Regions desires to rent anothet one bedroom apartment in close pro�cimity to their progrdm headquarters which is located aP 487 Grand (see aitached TtESIDENTIAL LEASB of unit # 8). Cfients are monitored, and meds are administered from 487 Grand. 469 - 471 Crrand contains 1 unfinished 3� floor apaztment (see attached 3� FZOOR PHOTOS), 6 one bedroom units and 1 three bedroom unit Apartment imit #7 is the three_ bedroom_ uttit which is not desirable_ to_ Rep,ions _as such, since their program aliows only one person per unit, Review of the SECOND FLOOR PLAN indicates that �mit # 8 originally occupied the floor space wbich now contains only unit # 7(see SECOND FLOQR PLAN below). I have appfied for a pem►it to restore the building to its 8 original apartment tmits in their 8 original locations. FiFtST FLt�t3R PLAN 9a4s a M � � V esN 5 ' �� � � � N � `"��" fii� 1�! RIdnM1 � mw mla _ � � �� � ���� �� � � � z� at o � r�s ev SECC�1�[� FLOC3l� PLAN 1@:0` ;A 1S.Q' � � sw� � �. smua [V � ��4 �' �OO � � L�i Q � � � �r �' � � � �, � �a � B�Q� HUt 8d1 � � � � Cf110((�GO� � � � � � �-� v . �� � � m �f � �� NARRATIVE OF 469AND 471 GRANDAYENUE ✓ BY.• Don Cameron - owner �'�� Site: _ � Slt2 /�S'2d: Dimensiot�s: Frontage: Topography: Shape: Utilities: Parking: Access: Zo�ing: ---- ___- -------- - Recarded area is 5,702 sq. ft. Average dimension is 60' by 95'. 60 feet on Grand. Rises up from street grade more than 30'. Irregutar, see attached plat. All available and connected. 2 off street spaces. On street parldng is available on Grand. Off Grand. RM-2 �� �I., f�^ Building: Gross Building Area 5004 square feet ot above grade flnished area. Buildings: Two plus unfinished attic. Garages: Two-single car garages. Construction: Foundation: Stone and mortar footings and foundation walis. Framing: Wood frame support system. Exterior Walls: Vinyl siding (2003) Roof: Asphalt shingie (2003). l�rterior Materials: Ceiling ! waAs - plaster, floors - carpet, wood, & ceramic. Doors: Steel - entry, wood and steel - fire doors in haitway, wood panel - in apartments. Windows: Wood sash, double hung windows wiih alumir�um combination storm windows. About 1/2 of the windows have been replaced with vinyl windows (2003). Heating System: Two boilers (1 replaced in 2003). Electrical Suppiy: Primary power supply is subbed to each unit. Bathrooms: Typical package is stooi, sink, fuil tub with shower. Waits & floor are ceramic. Appiiances: HVAC: Fire Protection: Year Built: Range%ven and refrigerator. Hotwater baseboard heat. Washer and dryer are owned and provide added income. General maintenance has been completed as needed. Deferred maintenance is typical of the market Limited fire protection (sprinkler system) in boiler rooms. '1882 - per county records. 13 PURCHASEAGREEMEN7 Th'siortn appmvetlCYthe Mv�newtaASadatimd REALTORS°. whitl� dsclae�is arry fiahiity ar'sin9 ad of useorrttisussoFN'sfortn. t. Date �J �!J�1_°7�..�._ O�- Z Pege 7 af � �� A� •i I �I� 3. FlECEIVED OF � O lo r�� � r� � �. 4. F�ve ! ' �v,drecl sao..a_� 5. the sum of ,} � (r �� - Dollars ($_ 6. by HECK ASH-PI�OTE as eamest money to be deposlted upon accepFa c�e af Purchase RgreemeM by aIl partks, art or ���- 3r e 7. 6efore the ne# business day after acceptance, in the trust azwunt of but to 6e retumed ta Buyer if Purehase 8. Agreement is not acceptetl by Sel er. Said eamest money Is part payment for the purchase of the pro e lacated a[: 9. StreefAddress: � 7 4 � 10. Ciry of $'7 ��A..l � , Cowry of �5 , Stffie of Mnnesofa, i i. Legally descri6etl as: T o rrcae c�r -F u 12. �' a O w a 13. including the following mperty, 'rf any, owned by Seller and used and locatad on said prope . garden bulbs, plaMS, shrubs, 74. trees; stortn sash, storm doors, screens and avmings; wt�ow shatles, 6linds, 4averse and curtain and drapery rods: attached IlgMing 15. fixtures and bWbs; plum6ing f&tures, water heatey heating plants (wiih any bumers, tenks, srokers and o er uipment used in 16. connection therewith), buitt-in air conditiontng eqwpmen4 elecWnic air fitter, Water Softener OWNm / fiENTED NO wR-in fiwnirYfier 77. antl dehumidifier, Iiquitl gas tank antl conWls ('rf the property of Seper), sump pump; attachetl television an enna, cable N jacks 78. and wiring; BUILT-INS: dishwashers, garbage dspasals, hash compac[ors, ovens, caok top stwes, microwave ovens, hootl fans, 19. iMercom's; ATTACHEO: carpe6ng; mirtors; garage doar openers and afl corrtmis; smoke detectars; fireptace screens, daars and 20. heaM17aWrs: AND: fhe fallovrin9 Personal P�rtY 2t_ .- - -. .. 75 � 7 p ri 44/'a mrc �23. all of which proderty Seiler has this tlay agreed So seil to Buyer for sum oE ($ 'r'� VP h u/ldfeei '�"1Nf✓5TY 1 �t'b1au4AAr 24. ����OG�O. � � _ � _ _ _D011ars, 25_which Buyer a s to pay in the following manner, Eamest money of $_ 500." -_-_ ____ _ gg . 26. and $_so� � 00_ � cash on � N�In e -+++� aOOS -�� ---- , - tlie date of ct�ing� and 27. the balance of 2 e1'O � finanrang in accordance with the atlached addendum: 2 onveMional FHA VA Assumption Contrac[ for Deed Purchase Money dtortgage Other: {f1ae°° '�'�5..� eeT o /��� �c i y4l1CTrp 29. This Pwchasel�qreement IS S NOT uhjec[ to a Cae�ingency�denr7tRn. ansve�r "rs i5, see zttHYhed addendum.) 30. This Purdiase Agreemen[ IS IS NO ubject to cancellation of a previousry written Purchase AgreemeM tlated . 31. 6uyer has been made aware of Lie availability of pmperty inspections. Buye ei deyllnes to have a pmperty inspection pertormed 32. at Buyers expense. 33. This Purchase Agreement IS IS NOT ubjec[ to an Inspeclion Addendum. (If an'swer is IS, see attached addendum.) 34. Ariached are other addenda which are made a part of ihis Purchase AgreemeM. (EMer page or pages on Iine 2) 35. �EED/AAARKETABLE T1TLE: Upon perfortnance bj/ Buyer, Seller shall deliver a.��'K�Q ��� Wartanty Deed 36. joined in by spouse, if any, convaying marketable titie. subjec[ to: . 37. (A) BuOding and zming laws. ordinances, state and federal regulations; (B) Restrictians relating to use or improvemeM of tt�e property 38, wilhou[ eBective forfeiNre provisions; (C) Reservatirn of any minerel righls by tl�e State of Mimiewfa: (D3 I1tiIM1y arul draina9e msemer�s which 39. tlo nat interfese with eris6ng improvemems; {E� Hlghts of tenants e5 follows (unless specified. not suhject to tenar�des): ai. (� omers �M�n ba s�aeea tn wrn�n9): 42 SPECIALASSESSMENiS shall be paid as ToOOws: � 43. BUYEp AND SELLEH SHALL PHORA7E AS OF THE DA�O�F CLOSING SHALL PAY ON DAiE OF CLOSIN 1 msta0mechs 44. of sperial assessmenis cerffied fnr payment with the real estate taxes due and payable in ihe year of dosing. ' 45. BUYER SHALL ASSUM SELLEH SHALL PAY dare of dosing all other special assessments levied az of the date of this Agreament wm. 46. BUYEH SHALL ASSUM SELLEH SHALL PROVIOE FO R P O F 'ai assessmeMs pendng as of the dale otthis Agreement 47. for improvements that have 6een ordered by the City Council or other assessing authoriGes. (Sellers pfovision for payment shall be by 48. paymern imo escrow of twn (2) times the estimated amaunt ot the assessmems, or less as requimd by Buyer's Iender.) - 49. BUYER SHALL AS5UME SELLER SHALL PAY n date of dosing any tleferretl real esiate taxes (i.e. Green Acres, e[c.) or special u� 50. assessme�rts payment of whicfi is required as a resutt of the dosing of this sale. Buyer shaN pay mat estate taYes due arM payable in 57. ihe year following closing and thereaRer arid arry unpafd speciai assessmerrts payable the �Rer, ihe payment of which is 52. not othervvise provided. As of the date of ihis AgfeemeM, Selkr represerds that Seller HAS HAS NOT ived a notice of hearing for a 53. new pubfic imP�emeM project fiom arry 9wertvner9al �9 �Tf, ���� P�M� �Y � ag� �� P°P�Y ff a 54. fqfice of per�ng special a5s�e t is issued after ihe date of this AgreemeM and on or before Me date af closing, Buyer shall assume 55. paymeM W ALL l NONE�ROiHEH/ S O a of arry such spedai assessments, and Sel�er shall pmvitle far ,�_� 56. paymelrt on date of clasing ALL / NO �-� ��° af arry such special assessmerrts. tt such special 57. assessmeMS or esr.row arnounfs for said spacial assessments as 2quired by Buyers Iender shall exceed $ a��' o � 58. Seller and Buyer Initial: Seller(s) _ Date __ _____ Buyer(s) ,_ _ Date 59. MN:PA4 (fl�96) Qtnut (sr�7 i� i, ��,�a, - ��'��� - �u �,a w;�,a�W ,-h� �e� Fo�r q ny r cqsov� �r PURCHASE AGRI ,oc.Add�ss yb9�y�� 107. Page3Date—s( .,.v�P 708. PEAL ESTATE TAXES shall be aid as follovrs: � � ` 109. Buyershall p, PHORATED FAOM DAY OF CLOSING 12iTi5, ALL, NONE real esiate taxes tlue atM payab (cirtl 110. Seliershall ,PqORATEDTO CLOSING, 12THS,ALL,NONE reale5tatefacestlueandpayablein 777. closing date Is changetl, ihe real estata tarzes Daid shall If mrated, be atl�usted to tha new closing tlate. Seller 772. payable in the year ig_�o� wlll be FULL-PAR ON -homestea classiflcallon. If part or nan-homestea� —(drde one�— 113. Seller agrees to pay Buyer at dpaing $ 114. toward ihe non-hamesteatl real estate t�es. Buyer agrees to pay any remaining balance of non-homesteatl t. 115. due and Daya6le. No representations ara matle conceming Ne amount aF subsequentFeal estate pxes. 176. POSSESSION: Seiler shall tl¢li�er possession of iha property noi later than �D Q v C�B S 117. Ail Inte�est, haneowner assoetatlon tlues, rents, fuel oil, Ilquid patroleum gas antl II ch� es for city watey city sew 118. gas shall be proratetl behveen Na parties as of date of ciwing. Selier agrees M remove ALL �EBRIS AND ALL 779. NOT INCLUDED HEREIN from the property by possession date. 720. ENVIAONMEMAtCONCEANS:TOMe6estotNeSetler'simowledgefherearenohazardoussubstances,oruntlergo 721. herein noted: 1�. — . SELLER ANTS THA7 THE PROPERP/ IS �IpECTLY CONNECTEO TO: CIT/ SEWEp YES 0 NO CR SELL t1YER GREES TO PpOVIOE WA7Ep �UALT' iEST qE5ULT5IF HE�UIFlE� BY GOVERNING AUTH( —(circJe o SELLE UYEp GREESTOPqOVIDE5EPi7CSY5TEMCEqTIFlCA710NIFPEQUIqEDBYGOVEflNINGAUfH( —(cvcle one — SELLER WARRAMS THATCENTRALAIR CONDRIONING, HEATING, PLUMBING AND WIRING SYSTEMS U5 SAID PROPERTY WILL BE IN WORKING ORDER ON DATE OF CLOSING. EXCEPTAS NOTED IN THIS AGREE BUYEq HAS THE HIGHT TO A WALK-THpOUGH pEV1EW OP THE PROPERTr PqlOp TO CLOSING TO � PflOPEqTY IS 1N SUBSTANTIALLY THE SAME CONDITION AS OF THE pATE OF PURCHASE AGRE ourenqcnrvuW�tuutJ IHAI rvu uHALHEPFtSENTATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE REGARDING POSSIBLE I IN BASEMENT, OR DAMAGE CAUSED BY WATER OR ICE BUILD-UP ON R�OF OF THE PROPEflTY SpIELY IN iHAT REGAR� ON THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT BY SELLER: SELLEp XA Xp5 N_ HAO A WET BASEMENT, ANO HAS AS NOT D ROOF, WALL OR CEIIJNG DAMA< —(a e —(nr OR ICE BUILD-UP. BUYE HAS/ HAS NOT RECEIVEDASELLER'S PROPEFiV DISCLOSURE STATEMEM —�c�rcle one)— BUYEX HAS PECEIVED THE INSPECTION REPOflTS, IF pE�NHED BY MUNICIPAI.IiY. BUYER NAS NECEIVEU THE WELI �ISCLOSURE STA7EMENT OP A STASEMEIST THAT NO WELL EXISTS f qN0 A SEPi7C SYSTEM OISCLOSUqE STATEMENT Oq A STATEMENT THAT NO SEPTIC SYSTEM E%ISTS C PpOPERTY, AS PEQUIFiED BY M�NNESOTA STA7UTE5. IAGKNOWIEOGETNATIHAVEHECEIVEOANDHADTHEOPPOH�lIN1TYT0 VIEY✓THEA BRRAT7( pES10ENilAlREALPROPERTYARBlTfi0.TIONAGREEMEM�I��Q lT�S �ec►inec�. BUYEH(S) S I- 3 s3 31 t S DUALAGENCY REPHESENTATION DUALAGENCY REPRESEMATION OOES/DOES NOTAPPLY IN THIS TAANSACTION. —fcircleone)— Broker represents both the Seller(5) antl Ue Buyer(s) of the property involved in this transaction, which c . means that eroker xntl iis salespersons owe fitluclary tluties to Doih Seller(s) antl Buyer(s). Bepuse ih Nes ma interesis, eroker and tts salesperswu ara pmhDited from advacatlng exdusivety for e0her Oarty.B rcannot act transactian vrithout iha consent of both Seller(s) end Buyer(5). Seller(s) and Buyer(s) acknow e Nat: (7) cronfitleMlal infortnalion communlcatetl to Broker which �egartls prk terms. oWetian M buy ar selt wil uniess Seller(s) or euyar(s) insWCts Broker In wnting to ' osa ' f alian. OtheriMOrtnaiian will be (2) 8roker and Os salespersmrs wilV not represenl5ha iMeres[ to �he detriment of the oYner, and (3) wiNin �he limils o( tlual ageney. Brokar antl It�'sal wo�Ic dligenGy to faalitate Me mechanics a With the knowledge antl understantling ot the explana'o , Selleqs) ana Buyer(s) authorize and inslruc[ Brok to act as tlual agents in fhis transaWiort � Seller (y p��'[� ' Buyer 1 � s PERSONAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT �. oate sf u�+�f l�� ��OS � 2 Page�- of Pages 3. IN CONSIDERATION OFTHE PAYMENT OF ONE 4. receipt of which ere6y aclmoy'ledged, 5. �YYI�� 6. 7. descrihad Goods, Chattels and Personal Propetiy; :R �.',OOD ANO VALLUABLE CONSIDERATION, �����1 of tlie Cowry of of Minnesota, herehy agree ta se0 and convey w (,�QB her d-�y-e�R' � �0�9 � � � co� n o pr� 8. The sale and comeyanCe of ihe a@o� Pe nal Pmperry is subjec[ to the suc�e sfUl closing of the Purchase Agreement helween 9. iha paNes dated �Q 1'3� ,� rr� p¢�iNng to ihe purchase oF the property at 70. 11. In the eventihe sale ofiha a6ove described propertydoes no[dose,lfiisAgreemeMShall became null andvoid, with ihe par6es having 72. no further o6ligadon to perfortn any tertns of this AgreemenL 73. Seller hereby covenanis and wartants that he ts the iawful owner of said Personal Property, aiM that said Personal Property wi71 he 14. hee and dear finm all encumbrances at ihe Bme of sale. It ts understood the Buyer accepis the property'as is.' Upon the suxessfui 15. closingo(therealestatesaleoftheabovereferencedpropen71.thaSellarwilldeliveraBillofSaletoy�eBuyer(orthea6ovePersonal 76. Properry. . � 17. 18. 19. 20. (B-97) �� � ��,' I ��J�_ - 7HI515 A LEGALLY BINWNG CONiFtACT BETWEEN 9UYQiS I1ND SELLEHS � YOU DESQiE LEGAL OR TAX AOVICE, CONSULTAN APPflOPp1ATE PROFESSIO �� � ��� d�'/ City of Saint Paul Division of Fire Prevention CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the building or premises located at 00469 GRAND AVE , is hereby authorized forthefollowing occupancy: 8 DWELLING LTNITS Tlils Cer[ificate is issued to PROPERT7' MGMT. OF ST. PAUL, 743 3RD ST E, 612-�72-2866, and shal] remain in force and effect un[il othenvise revoked 6y the Division of Fire PrevenGnn in accordance wi[h the Sainf Psul Legislative Code. 24-HOUR EMERGENCY NUIVIDER „ , „f ct. Paul, Inc. VALID FROM: Q 1/ 0 6/ 9 4 INSPECTOR ��' '��� (This Certiticate shall be posted in a ronspicuous location upon the certified buitding or premises.) No. 14786 \� """�""""°""'�"°°�°' RESIDENTIAL LEASE � ���� �°� ����„� TriEMINNESOTAATTORNEI'GENB7AL'SOFFlCEHPS ���� . CERTIHEDTHATTHISlEASECOMPlJ6WIiH7HE MINN60TA PWN, LANGUAGE COMRACi ACT M1lnnasota StaNtes.Seciiorts 325G29325G.36). CertlficaHon W a conhact by fhe AttomeY General under ihe Plaln lar9�9e " conhad act k not ottiarvASe a� approval of ihe conhad's legality ar legal etFect. >�.I.a .I of blrth,who vAll INa In Me AparimeM) (ErtFer compary name if aPPACable) s�rnonxeaoFe�n�sESCna,�„?m') `��IS�r'4nd AVr,nu APAR1h�NiNO.� CbRAiIONOF �/1�10t1� TC ��NTf� <eMernumberofmonifss SfAR71N6 DAIE OF IEASE 4AOt��c�Ip� = DAIE iHIS LEASE EN0.5 Of appmP�ate) � NOiICE Ptl80D (Iha N0110E PEWO 6 one fWl moMh uNes ih& Lence stotes a tlHfereM nollce perlotl) MOMHLY APARTMQ�It RRff S (e O O.� S�VICE CHARGE 5 O7F�R MOMHLY RENf CHA¢6F5 (e.g. geaga) S 70TAL MOMFO.Y RENI S �OOQ � SECURIIY DEPOSR S MIR� INCLUD� W REM� Heat ❑ Hot a�tl Cold Wafer ❑ Olher U1611�PA�BYI�IDENL•aII � B�N ❑ TNePho�e 0 Other cme roeowo-,� � rec�,o-ed ey nn�n�,�wa srmure:.secno� soae.ian Authorhetl Mawper of Aportmerii M awnerof�the pert�es ormi agani�wthoihed to seMCe proces ond �eceNa and ghre recelplsYOrnoflces ontl tlert�tis Addrea SAINTPAULNW 55102�615 'Whe�e cPP�aPnafe..s'n9<d� terms �aed/n ih7s Le�e hdude iheWua4 �ldP�ouns ofane 8�+da�Yidude a�genders. id AmeenreMS Qf a�: Tenant will pay gas .& electric, sewer & water, �d hash. Tenant agrees that whoever resides in unit # 8 will not own a vehicle or have one parked on Gtand Avenue. Mrn+ogemaM (acfln8 as ageMforthe owner Mfhe PremSes) and Resitlerrt gee to iFre 1e �+ry� lease �d attachmetNs ttwt moyoemaaeam*wms�. (I/,�j/�ll�/l,� l�//C✓� L�,�l nuwnc,�rtr caeaaerm ; � . a+�aenr> , bv a�eyaeM) � y � d t - 1 oore �,ea �v em� re�,ye ame � ey,�ww, o�mm m�. iea.0 oFnos �v°eo a ae�r i. var�r: �oear wm aav rnaw�enavrtneruu momivr rem oamre mm,i¢nr mr,a resr aw or eam m«im wnaa me ieme m �n eAecFaid du6i9 �V azlertlors w rer�exds of ttils Le�e. ReM v� be P� ��e�.N� �Tf MANAGEMHJf. 2 WXO IS PESPONS�IF iOR REM: Each RE9DENt Is IntllvltluaDy re�rnamle Tor peytrg thelWl �nwrR M rent aW erry oiher money wedMMANAGFPABdf. .. ,___. Jaled a term ofihk Le�e. RE9�BYirtrattlH PaY �e EN�S:a 3)BthetemeBmonthMmonMtfhenaM u,m+ne on� nia t� wos w,n ma � e 4lAlE YBifSERVICE CXAQGE AND RENRN� CHECK FfE: �qDBJi wW poy the SFJMCE CHARGE 6stetl abwe If RE9DHtlT �es frot pcy Me hA moMhN �t W the Stti tlay of the manth. R61DFM aka wAI PW a fee of 57L far each �ehsned check. &IREOFAPARIMEM . S.00NPANCYAND USE:Onryihe Pa�mru LLsfatl above � R6NHd15 �wY 8ve in the M�meni.Persorts not 6Netl m f�PJEMS may Ns tf tha ApMme[d orJY wXh Hfe PAO�wrltten corsse'rt af MANP,GE7vB�fL RE9DEN75 rtwy �ae the Ap�lmeirt �tl WOXes (or namol re9denfid pt¢posas ony. 6.SU6tE211NCr. RESIOHdT mey nat le�e MB ApartmeMio other Persons (sublet).�9� thls le�e m sell ihk Le�e wtthaulihe prlw Wllffeft Cot�nt W MNPlAGBv7E7J! 7.�BifPR0�65Ei ANOtioactlnaloutl.baMem�a.unrWy«fhou6htleartrcmneror�&shubmetlghlsotiheother�asldeMSio P��tlQWet.ordbwhbR�e�9�totlozo: Diousettreap�ime�rtonN�aP�aresitlerKa.m�dfroTtriary'�/MatB megN w tl�gemus or whkh wnWtl m�ae a caieeAaXan.2rMCfbn a(ncre�e In P�aMUm h MANAGB.AENf3 trwu�ce: 3) `qtfi tEe astore on w rre�the AP�rt �Y flammabla are�bs.s wbsi�ce: 41 noTio trRertere In iha rtiat�emeMaW opaa7�e�ofineAP�meMb�d'P10: AtlMiheAC�wld.camionae�.araeaaam�ett8natl�ad�gr�notbemeEMBiBIS1- mMdbm�Qxiva.m0. a �Y P�s��m relNetl aCtlVfly: gTS 9w�: �afeS �e�aR e�od arto ieYOwGIDy �oe «pases �� F�.�^1 �� � i-,.�iy 1� � �� . .� �-� __',� __ _ . . _ , ,'_ri� e� : __ �i - - �-� _ ., � _ F ��.� � _ � _ �^ l. � � '. . � �= � . .. _. _... .,...._.-....— .. . . . . . :_�- •-r.a+c^ . � � _ �.. .�.. a�¢.a- ..,'�-=:'j1� . _ =� •••: -'JL']e' a , �_I ..;' : . � ; C� �._-- :�ra. m... _ _..__... _—,-----` t.: ,�° -�: _ - � _ --�.�- � _ � �� � � ) l0 O "1 �� �� � �P / z� � 3 � � � a�� j � i u ��..:�`,,� � . . �LVLIL `3. .-� .11 ��� ��, i �. � � � '. �ti � ti �I�F � ���� � � _ .. ,nr,i_.i i .�'.\. . .. ..� ',. � .. ��.e: f11.; - : Y ' :..'. _ - . �__ .— _ � "" i. � /�1 t�. 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