08-823 = Presented By: Council File # �-ga- Green Sheet # 3056612 RESOLUTION � SAIl�T PAUL, MINNESOTA - -- - - � �� - - 1 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, is authorized to enter into the attached lease 2 agreement, which includes an indemnificarion clause, with Arden Hills Army Training Site (AT�ATS) Cnounds 3 and Faciliries from May 8, 2008 through September 10, 2008 for a variety of officer(s) training related to the 4 2008 Republican National Convention (RNC). 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Adoption Cerfified by uncil Secretary: B �' ��1 �ev�d� Approved b a r: Date: ���0 � By: Itequested by Department of: By: �P- � Approv y ayo Sn mission t Council: By: Q:\FiscalAffairsWO&CR�2008W rdenHillsArmyTraning_AHATS.xis Approval Recommended by Financial Services: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � Chief John Harrington 266-5588 � � Ot1 COUnCiI Ancn Doa Type: RESOLU710N E-Document Required: Y Document Coataet; Evette Scarver Contact Pryone: 266-5541 � Assign Number Fnr Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(qip p)1 Locations for Signature) Q oGceDe ent Po&ceDe artmept 1 olice De artmeat Police De artment Z � Attorne C' Attorne 3 ' �a� SeT'�'��� Financist Services 4 or's Office Ma or 5 ouncii Council 6 i Clerk Cf Cterk Signatures on the attached council resolurion authorizing the Ciry of Saint Paul, Police Department, to enter into the attacbed lease agreement witli ,4rden Hills Atmy Training Site (AAATS} Crround and Facilities. ��duvns: Npprove (q� or F Planning Commission CIB Committee Civii Service Commission 'i. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contrac[ for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn ever beea a city empbyee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skilf not normaliy possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Exptain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The lease azea will be used for a variety of training of officers related to the 2005 Republican Nauonal Convention (RNC). Adva�tageslfApproved: Officers working with the 2008 RNC will receive a variety of training ensuring that public safety is the number one priority. Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages ff Not Approved: I.ost opportunity to train officers working with the RNC. Transaction; $600.00 CosURevenue Budgeted• Funding Source: 436 Activity Number: gq � � � Financial laformation: (Expiain) . LEASE NTJMBER 08-190 LEAS� -- b$�fr3 - FOR THE USE OF ARDEN HILLS ARMY TRAININC� SITB CTRUII�ID� --- AND FACILITIES This lease to use portions of AHATS and facilities is issued on 6 February 2008 by the Camp Ripley Commander to the St. Paul Police Department hereafter called the LESSEE. This lease, to be used on, 8 May 2008 through 10 September 2008 is issued for the following purpose and limited to the following activities: � POC: SGT James Lessee's Address: St. Paul Police Department Telephone: (952} 892-4617 367 Giove St St. Paul, MN 55101 This lease is issued subject to the following conditions: 1. The Lessee agrees to pay the following fees: FEE FOR AMOUNT AHATS Training Area x 20 days $600.00 TOTAL: 600.00 Fees aze payable to: CAMP RIPLEY MESS FUND LE6SEE INTTIALS I of 3 . LEASE (CONTINUED) LEASE NiJMBER 08-190 2. Liability. The State of Minnesota shall not be responsible for damages to properiy or injuries to persons wIuch may azise from, or be incident to, the use of AHATS grounds and facilities. The State of Minnesota shall not be responsible for any claim, regazdless of kind, related to activities undertaken pursuant to this lease. To the extent pernutted by Federallaw, the lessee shall indenuufy and hold hazmless the State of Minnesota from any and all claims, damages, expenses and liabiliues arising out of its use of AFIATS grounds and facilities. 3. Permits and Leases. The lessee shall obtain alI permits and leases required for its activities at AI3ATS. The State of Minnesota shall not be responsible for tYte lessee's failure to obtain such pernuts and teases or to compiy with any other requirements imposed upon the lessee for the conducY of its activifies. 4. Compliance Wifh Laws. The lessee shaIl comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, ntles aud regulations. The State of Minnesota shall not be responsible for the lessee's failure to comply. 5. Iasurance. The lessee shall obtain adequate insurance coverage for persons and_ property associated with acrivifies conducted pursuant to this lease. For the purposes of this lease, self insurance by the United States of America, as provided for under the Federal Tort Ciaims Act, or other applicable authority, shall be deemed to be suf&cient. 6. Internal Security. The lessee shall be responsible for internal security of personnel and properry wiflun the azeas assigned to it. The lessee accepts full responsibility for fhe conduct of all persons admitted to AF-IATS pursuant to this Iease. The lessee sha11 report immediately any violations of 1aws, ordinances, rules or regulations SFC Jamie LeClair, telephone number (651) 634-5229. 7. Liability for Damane to AHATS. The lessee sha11 at ail times exercise due diligence in the protection of AHATS grounds and facilities. In the case that any property of the United States or the State of Minnesota is damaged or destroyed by the lessee incident to the use of AI-IATS, the lessee shail, to the extent permitted by Federal Law, pay an amount sufficient to compensate for the loss sustained by the United States or the State o£ Minnesota by reason of damages to, or desh-uction of, such property. 8. Vacating Premises. On or before the date of the expiration of tlus Iease or its tennination, the lessee shall vacate the grounds and £acilities assigned to it and restore the grounds and facilities to as good order and condition as that existed apon its arrival. 9. Cancetiation by Camp Ripley Commander. This Iease may be canceled by the Camp Ripley Commander at any rime and for any reason. No ctaim for daznages LESSEE 1N[TIALS � 2 of 3 s LEASE (CONTINUED) {��` �Q �?> LEASEN[.7MBER 08-190 to the lessee from any such cancellation shall be asserted or maintained againat fhe State of Minnesota, the Minnesota National Guard or their agents, employees or assigns_ - --- 10. Cancellation by Lessee. The lease may be canceled at any time and for any reason. The lessee may be liable for expenses incurred by AHATS for the period beginning 30 days prior to its anticipated arrival at AT3ATS. Written notice of cancellation must also be received. 11. Assignment. This lease is not assignable or transferable. In witness whereof, both parties have hereunto set their hands the day and written above. ATS Form 122 LESSEE INITIALS 3 of 3