197852FA ORIGINAI.TO G&TY CLH @K CoRu ecil File No. 197852—By Milton 2 CITY OF Whereas, The Department of Public NCIL NOS OFFICE OFT reports acting that the a tCounty nty COUNCIL RESOLUTI Surveyor's office, is prepared to let a contract for the opening, widening and extension of McKnight Road PRESENTED BY through the area which was formerly; COMMISSIO th Ord Woouse Farm property; . a,l_W �- • WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works reports that the County of Ramsey, acting through the County Surveyor's office, is prepared to let a contract for the opening, widen- ing and extension of McKnight'Road through the area which was formerly the Old Workhouse Farm property; and WHEREAS, before such contract can be let, it is , necessary that the City, holding title to the said Workhouse Farm property, dedicate portions of that property for highway purposes in connection with the opening, widening and extension of said McKnight Road, which dedication must be subject to a concurring action by the Board of County Commissioners for Ramsey County accepting such dedication with respect to that area of the proposed street or highway which will be outside of the City limits of the City of Saint Paul, Now, Theref ore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul that, subject to a concurring resolution by the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County on behalf of said County, the City of Saint Paul hereby dedicates to the public for street and highway purposes and uses the portions of the Old Workhouse Farm property which the City presently owns described as follows: "The West 50 ft, of the NW 1/4 of Sec.l, T -28, V~ R -22, from the North line of Upper Afton Road to the south line of Burns Ave. Also the East 50 ft. of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 2, T«-289 R -22, from the north line of Larry Ho Drive as platted in Battle Creek Heights Plat 19 extended to the East line of said NW 1/4 of Sec. 2, T -28, R -22, to the south line of Burns Ave." and as shown o ref erence, suc and acceptance Ramsey County COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 5M 5.80 qepo.2 n the diagram attached and made a part hereof by h dedication being subject to a concurring action thereof by the Board of County Commissioners of with respect to the area lying outside of the TIn Favor -- Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved l9.— Mayor 0R161NA1y_TA CITY CLEQK. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.- �: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Page 2. City Limits of the City of Saint Paul and within Ramsey County; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to have the proper personnel of his Department prepare the necessary plat to accomplish the purposes and intents of this Resolution and duo proceed with all necessary steps toward the accomplishment of the ends and objec- tives indicated in this Resolution. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss MerMS-n "- Peterson Rosen Mr. President; Vavoulis 8M 5.60 2 Ir JijL , I Adopted by the Council 19- gj_ 11960 Approved 19.— 9 The attention of QCouutp Aubitor s Off ice COUNTY BOARD St. Paul, Minn., File No. 5-691 l' Resolution 9_5585 NO July 12, 19 60 City Council, County Engineer, County Audttor, Lands Records Dept. is respectfully called to , the following Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County, Minnesota, adopted at the meeting held on July 11, 1960 By Commissioner Nadeau: WFIMAS The County of Ramsey is in the process of opening McKnight Road between Upper Afton Road and -Burns Avenue through the area which was formerly the Workhouse Farm owned by the City of St. Paul, and WHEREAS The Council of the City of St. Paul subject to concurring resolution by the Board of County Commissioners on July 1, 1960 (Council File 1 8 has dedicated to the public for street purposes, portions of said Workhouse Farm described as follows: "The West 50 ft. of the NWT of Sec. 1, T -28, R -22, from the North line of Upper Afton Road to the south line of Burns Ave. Also the East 50 ft. of the NEB of Sec. 2, T -28, R -22, from the north line of Larry Ho Drive as platted in Battle Creek Heights Plat 1, extended to the East line of said NWv of Sec. 2, T -28, R -22, to the south line of Burns Ave." - Y NOW, THEIWORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners that it hereby concurs in the action of the City Council and accepts the dedication of the above described real estate for public highway purposes. EUGENE JL b=CL County Auditor By Deputy. Farm Aud. 200 V f I � o� 1 N i I 1 O Q ' ti V y , 1 i o� N 'r r. k V \ tJ 1 1 i, v r. 0q Ilk I. fir; ti G I 1 O Q ' ti V y , 1 i