198382Council File No. 198382 — By George J.
Whereas, The Charter Commission %
ORIGINAL QG CITY CLERK Tv c has submitted to, the Council a proposed
CITY 1 OF ST. amendment to the Charter of the City
of Saint Paul, a copy of which is at- NO.
OFFICE OF THE C tached hereto and made a part hereof,
therefore, be it
eevrret o sp
cieCo tU CIL RESOLUTION hereby ordered t beheldnhe
manner provided by law, in said City
PRESENTED BY of Saint Paul, Minnesota, on the 13th
WHEREAS, the Charter
posed amendment to the Charter
attached hereto and made'a par
day of September, 1980 (which is the I
same day the State and County pri- I
mary election will be held) for the
U? se of submitting to the electors
';��T'��,�questi�of r�atifyin�.
Commission has submitto the Council a pro-
of the City of Saint Pahl; a copy of which is
t hereof, therefore, be it
RESOLVED,that a. special election is hereby ordered to be held, in
the manner pro*�,y*ded by law, in said City of Saint Paul; Minnesota, on the 13th
day of Septembe 5 1960 (which is the same day the State and County primary
election will be held) for the purpose of submitting to the electors ,of said
City the question of ratifying and adopting the proposed amendment to the
Charter submitted by said Charter Commission; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed
to cause the full text of said proposed amendment to be.published as required
by law once a week for four (4) weeks in a newspaper of general circulatioi%
in the City of Saint Paul, which newspaper shall have an aggregate regular
paid circulation of at least twenty -five thousand copies and which newspaper,
shall be printed and published in the City of Saint Paul, viz.: The St. Paul
Dispatch, the cost thereof to be'-paid out of the election expense account of
the General Fund; and be,it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk.is hereby ordered to give notice
of said election in the manner provided by law, and that the registration records
on file in the Bureau of Registration and Elections of the City Clerk's office
shall be used as provided by law; and be it
FURTHER. RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized
and directed to prepare the necessary printing, stationery and election supplies,
the cost thereof, together with all the expense of said election, to be paid
out of the election empeilse account of the General Fund; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED,.that the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed
to give such notice and do whatever else is necessary for the submission of said
proposed amendment at said election in the manner prescribed by law; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the polls at said special election shall remain
open during the hours provided by law, and the polling places and the judges and
clerks of said special election shall be the
and County primary election.
Yeas / Nays
Tn Favor
/Pete son
. President, Vavoulis
8M a -Go QDo 2
same as those acting in said State
AU G 5 1960
Adopted by the Council 19
AU G 5 1960
pproved 19
I -
Section 201 of the'iCharter of the City of St. Paul is hereby
amended to read asifollows:
Section 201.1 The�City shall have power, by ordinance, to assess,
levy and collect taxes for general and school purposes on all
subjects or objects'of taxation which the City may lawfully tax,
subject to the exceptions and limitations expressed in this charter.
Section 20192 TheiCity shall not levy or collect any sales or
excise tax on clothing, food, rent or fuel nor any income tax or
payroll tax.
Section 201.3 The ''total cost of city government, including
schools, to be provided by ad valorem taxes on real and personal
property in any one calendar or fiscal year shall not exceed the
following, viz:
1. To meet all school expenditures for the year 1.961,
$111150,000; 1962, $12,000,000; 19632 $12,675,000. The amounts.
for each year subsequent to 1963 shall not exceed the amount hereby
made available for 1963 unless changed by charter amendment; the
expenditures above provided for shall be exclusive of:
(a) Sums required to pay principal and interest upon
bonds, levy certificates, or similar obligations issued for school
purposes, together with expenditures made from the proceeds thereof
for other than current operation and maintenance.
(b) Sums required by State law for teachers' retirement
(c) All receipts from federal and state school aids,
departmental receipts and revenues, and all revenues, miscellaneous
taxes and "gifts now or hereafter dedicated to or intended for school
(d) At least $7$0,000 of the amount appropriated each
year for school expenditures shall be reserved for and may be
expended for instructional supplies, equipment, maintenance,
upkeep and••remodeli.ng of buildings and equipment or new construc-
tion. Any part of�said reserve not expended in any year shall be
carried forward and be added to the appropriations made in
subsequent 4
q years fo r remodeling school buildings, new construction
or for school debt retirement.
2. To meet the cost of city government and departments other than
schools, for the year 1961, $11,000,000; 1962, $11,$003000;
1963, $12,07$,000. ,The amounts for each year subsequent to 1963
shall not exceed the amount that has been made available for
1963 unless changedlby charter amendment; the expenditures above
provided for shall be exclusive of:
(a) Sums appropriated to pay principal and interest upon''
bonds, levy certificates or similar obligations, together with
expenditures made from the proceeds thereof for other than current
operation and maintenance.
(b) The cost of operating public utilitiest parking
meters, garbage or refuse collections and disposal, to the extent
that' the cost is met; by revenues collected frxm patrons for the
service or from other like revenues.
I •
(c) Sums appropriated for pension and retirement funds
and for the Metropolitan Airports Commission.
t '
(d) The City's share of the cost of conducting the
activities of the Board
(e) The cost
of Public Welfare of the County of Ramsey.
of local improvements paid for by special
(f) At least $900,000 of the amount appropriated
for the cost of city government other than schools shall be expended
in each year in paying the City's share of the cost of street paving,
construction of trunk or main sewers and bridges including right -of-
way. If any part thereof be not so appropriated it shall be used to
pay interest on bonds as a part of the cost of government.
3. Out of the amounts herein provided for the cost of the City
government and departments other than schools, at least $2$0,000
shall be reserved each year and may be expended for new, replacement
or renewal of departmental equipment. Any part thereof not so
appropriated in any'year shall be accumulated and reserved for such
use in future years:
Section 201.4 The limitations on real and personal property taxes
expressed herein may be increased for any particular year only by
special ordinance, adopted and ratified as follows:
(a) Such special ordinance shall be adopted by the
City Council concurrently with, or at any time after, the Council's
adoption of the budget pursuant to Section 203 for the next fiscal
year, and shall state the specific budget items to be increased,
together with the specific applications to be made of such increase.
Such ordinance shalllprovide for the calling of a special election
for the ratification thereof, notice of which shall have been
published not less than four times at intervals of one week. If a
majority of the voter's on such proposal ratify such ordinance, the
same shall o into effect and the increase therein
g provided shall
go into effect; otherwise, such ordinance shall be void; provided,
that if such ordinance be ratified,
the additional funds shall be
expendable only for the purposes recited in the ordinance.
(b) In the event that the Board of Education, within the
time and in respect' Ito the fiscal year referred to in paragraph (a)
of this Section, shall adopt a resolution requesting the City Council
to proceed toward an ordinance increasing the limitations on
expenditures for schools, and specifying the application to be made of
such increase, the City Council shall adopt an ordinance providing
therefor as provided in paragraph (a) of this Section. If such
ordinance be ratified, the additional funds shall be expendable only
for the purposes recited in the resolution of the Board of Education.
Section 201.5 The,Council shall have no authority to make
appropriations in excess of the limitations named herein; provided,
however, that notwithstanding any limitation in Section 236 or other
provisions of this Charter, the Council shall have authority to
contribute out of the general funds of the City or out of the proceeds
of bond issues toward the payment of the cost of trunk or main sewers.
Section 201.6 Regardless of other provisions of this charter, the
City Council in the year 1960 shall have authority to adopt by
resolution an amended 1961 budget for school expenditures and an
amended 1961 budget for all other city expenditures, subject to the
limitations contained in this section, submitted bythe City
Comptroller, and the,Council is hereby empowered to finance such
amended budgets by the adoption of new revenue estimates for 1961
and by certifying an amended tax levy to the county auditor of
Ramsey County not later than November 15, 1960.
Section 201.7. This amendment will take effect and be in force
immediately upon passage.
- i ,
1 %?3z�b
i -
The annexed'is a draft of a proposed amendment to be made
to the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, made, framed and adopted by
the Charter Commission of the City of Saint Paul, appointed pursuant to
Section 36, Article 4 of1the Constitution of the State of Minnesota,
and the laws and statutes enacted pursuant thereto; and said draft of
said proposed amendment is hereby transmitted to you as Chief Executive
of the City of Saint Paul, signed by the undersigned majority of said
Commission, to be submitted to the qualified voters of said City for
ratification in the manner provided by law.
Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, this CK day of r,
1 i