198379ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK . , PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI CO i Whereas, It appgars that the Couricll, pursuant to Co cil File No. 194732, approved November-19, 1959, published M WHEREAS,,the City Architect having requested the City Council to hold ublic hearing to consider any complaints about the expense inc red by the City of Saint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 172 Indiana Court,, more particularly described as Lot 11, 'Block 15, Marshall's Addition to West St. Paul, the City Council held a public hearin o consider the expense and to donfirm the amount thereof, and Fn' July 29, 1960 WHEREAS, it appears that the Council, pursuant to Council File No. 194732, approved November 19, 1959, published Nov. 21, 1959, set a public hearing to'consider removing the dangerous structure, and by Council File No. 195105, approved December 22, 1959, published December 26, 1959, ordered the wrecking by and at the separate cost nd expense of the owner, occupant, or other person in control thereof, and by Council File No. 195429, approved January 19, 1960, published January 23, 1960, directed the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public, Buildings to enter upon the premises and wreck and remove the building thereon and to any and all things therein necessary for the protection of life; limb and adjoinigg property, and that the City of Saint Paul has incurred the expense of $821.78 in removing said structure; and i WHEREAS, it appears that Anna Geller, 198 State Street, is the owner of the premises, copies of proceedings herein having been sent to State of Minnesota,- Attorney General, 102 State Capitol, Joseph M. Robertson, Tax Commissioner, Centennial Building, Saint Paul 1, Minnesota, Eltor A.�Dehn, Land Commissioner's office, 286 City;Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota,;Land Commissioner, 113 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and Jack Geller, 344 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby confirms the amount of $821.78 to btr the fair, true and reasonable amount for such services incurred in removing the dangerous structure; be it � I FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be directed to file in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey a statement COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourey Holland Approved 19— Loss In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Vavoulis ISM 5.60 2 Council File No. 198379 —By Frank L. p CITY OF ST. Loss— Whereas, The City Architect having the City Council to hold a I 1 1 requested hearing to consider any com- O• { OFFICE OF THE CI publig plaints about the expense incurred by the City of Saint Paul in removing a CI�, p dangerous structure at 172 Indiana Court, more particularly described as Lot 11, Block 15, Marshall's Addition to West St. Paul, the City Council held a public hearing on July 29, 1960, to consider the expense and to confirm the amount therbof and i Whereas, It appgars that the Couricll, pursuant to Co cil File No. 194732, approved November-19, 1959, published M WHEREAS,,the City Architect having requested the City Council to hold ublic hearing to consider any complaints about the expense inc red by the City of Saint Paul in removing a dangerous structure at 172 Indiana Court,, more particularly described as Lot 11, 'Block 15, Marshall's Addition to West St. Paul, the City Council held a public hearin o consider the expense and to donfirm the amount thereof, and Fn' July 29, 1960 WHEREAS, it appears that the Council, pursuant to Council File No. 194732, approved November 19, 1959, published Nov. 21, 1959, set a public hearing to'consider removing the dangerous structure, and by Council File No. 195105, approved December 22, 1959, published December 26, 1959, ordered the wrecking by and at the separate cost nd expense of the owner, occupant, or other person in control thereof, and by Council File No. 195429, approved January 19, 1960, published January 23, 1960, directed the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public, Buildings to enter upon the premises and wreck and remove the building thereon and to any and all things therein necessary for the protection of life; limb and adjoinigg property, and that the City of Saint Paul has incurred the expense of $821.78 in removing said structure; and i WHEREAS, it appears that Anna Geller, 198 State Street, is the owner of the premises, copies of proceedings herein having been sent to State of Minnesota,- Attorney General, 102 State Capitol, Joseph M. Robertson, Tax Commissioner, Centennial Building, Saint Paul 1, Minnesota, Eltor A.�Dehn, Land Commissioner's office, 286 City;Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota,;Land Commissioner, 113 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and Jack Geller, 344 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby confirms the amount of $821.78 to btr the fair, true and reasonable amount for such services incurred in removing the dangerous structure; be it � I FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be directed to file in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey a statement COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourey Holland Approved 19— Loss In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Vavoulis ISM 5.60 2 01ilGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ONCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ! COMMISSIONER DATE i i 11 Ir E of expense incurred by the City, for the purpose of securing a lien on said property, pursuant to the Building Code, Section 1.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis EM 5.60 OM 2 >r AEG 5 Jg60 Adopted by the Council 19- IX" G 51960 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House I St. Paul 2, Minnesota AGNES O'CONN'ELL Ci +y Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 9045ig July 29, 1960. Mr. L. P. Sheahan I JUL 29 1960 Corporation Counsel ` CORPORATtIADN COUNSEL Dear Sir: The Council requested that you "draw a resolution con- firming the expense incurred by the city in the condemnation of a dangerous structure at 172 Indiana Court, as described in the attached file. Very truly yours ` City Clerk MINNESOTA 8 A ALFRED H.SCHROEDER City Architect ROBERT A. LOBDELL General Manager Parks & Recreation W. LAMONT Supt.of Parks i 1 I G I Of Is T• pq h t l _ 1 ITAL OF MINNESOTA A-t OM DER OF paQa� � QC�C�Q[�Q��Oo� � Q�JodaC� o�OdDOaC�� I 545 City Hall, Zone 2 CApital 4 -4612 - Ext. 376 P , -FRANK L. LOSS, Commissioner I D. R. KOTHE, Deputy Commissionor � S July 11, 1960 I Mrs. Agnes O'Connell City Clerk 586 City Hall St. Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Madam: f Please file a statement 'of expense in the office of the Regis- ter of Deeds for thefpurpose of creating a lien on the property known as 172 IndianalCourt, described as Lot 11, Block 15, Marshall's Addition to West St. Paul. The property is listed in the name of.. Anna Geller, 198 State St., St. Paul 7 State of Minnesota! Attorney General,1102 State Capitol, St. Paul 1 Jos. M. Robertson', Tax Comsr, Centennial Bldg., St. Paul 1 Eltor A. Dehn, Land Comsr. Office, 286 City Hall, St. Paul 2 Land Comsr , 113 City Hall, St. Paul 2 CC: Jack Geller, 344 Wabasha St., St. Paul 2 The expense was incurred by viftue of the wrecking and removal of the dangerous two, and one -half story frame duplex dwelling therefrom. Following is an itemized statement of the expenses as per Registered Bill No. 4 -1844, dated May 31, 1960, copy at- tached. Expenses of Dept.'of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings for: Investigations, notifications, condemnation Photos Specifications Contract No. G -2059, Truck Crane Service $25.00 8.30 39.48 Informal Bid No. 1275, to Co., as per C F 196321 749.00 $821.78 i L � Page 2 - City Clerk We are today requesting the City Council to hold a public hear- ing to consider any complaints about the expenses incurred and to confirm the amount. Yours very truly, 1 Alfred H. Schroeder Ilk- CITY ARCHITECT AHS..A i: PLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. -10083 J .z7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE of expense incurred by the City, #. for the purpose of securing a lien can said property' purouant to Saint the Building Code, Section 1.07 of the Pate Legislative Code, AUG 5 1960 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy AUG 5 1960 Rolland Approved 19— m Loss Mortinson -In Favor George J. Vavoulis Cl 000 Peterson Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis 8M 3.60 QVW 2 Of ST AA_ k ALFRED H.SCHROEDER CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA City Architect ROBERTA. LOBDELL DD OF PARES a RECREAT M PURK BUBO$ General Manager Parks & Recreation 545 City Hall, Zone 2 ` _ _ CAeital 4 -4612 - Ext. 376 R I W.LAMONT KAUFMA FRANK L. LASS; Commissioner Su t. of Parks D. R. KOTHE, Deputy Commissioner I 8 I August 13, 1960 I Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk ' I Dear Madam: We are attaching'herewith a copy of Council File No. 198379, approved by the City Council August 5, 1960 and published in the official paper on August 13, 1960. This has reference to the property at 172 Indiana Court describ- ed as Lot 11, Block 15, Marshall's Addition to West St. Paul, owned by Anna Geller, 198 State Street, St. Paul; and copies of the proceedings herein having been sent to State of Minneso- ta: Attorney General, 102 State Capitol; Joseph N. Robertson, Tax Commissioner,, Centennial Building, St. Paul 1; Eltor A. Dehn, Land Commissioner's Office, 286 City Hall., St. Paul 2; Land Commissioner, 113 City Hall, St. Paul 2; and Jack Geller, 344 Wabasha Street, St. Paul 2. This resolution confirms the ex- pense incurred by the City in the condemnation and wrecking of the two and one -half story frame duplex dwelling thereon, which amounted to $821.78. As you will note I, the final paragraph of this resolution dir- ects the City Clerk to file, in the office of the Register of Deeds, a statement of expense incurred, for the purpose of se- curing a lien on'the property, in accordance with Section 1.07 -7 of the Sty. Paul Legislative Code. Yours tr ly, I i Alf d H. Schroeder C ARCHITECT AHS..A CC: State of Minnesota Jack Geller TRIPLICATE COMPTROLLER'S TO COMPTROLLER CITY OF SAINT PAUL • REGISTERED BILL * DEPAWENT OF P. & R., A H* + REGISTERED BILL DATE RENDERED fty 31; 1960 Mrs, Anna Gellar, REFERENCE 198 State St.x st. Paul • TO THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO BE CREDITED TO APPROPRIATION ITEM CODE 31 -G-22 �J wee of Department of Park$ & Recreation & Public Buildings In correction v th the cmxlenana+ titre of the 2i story frame duper duelling at 172 ndfana CsSnrt on party deed ao Lot Li, Bitch 15, h.a134a add. to meat St,, Paul, for the Foll.owitigt Tnreatigationa, Notifications & Condemnation 25 Photoet II 8 Ste, Labor 13.17 Xatr4 3.54 In"et. 2o.a . 3.g8 39 To Truck Gran Service Co. for wrecking as per per Ct r. 1963x, Contract No. 0-21359, Wormal Bid No* 2275 7 49 CGt I<#.led Lord, Atty. Caen., 102 State Capitol jos * ' M. Robertson, Comer., 7axx Centennial ELtor Dehxn, Land Comaarg, Officep 286 City Ao . ' D «� ' X.,' DeCcmrcy #. Land Comr., 113 City Jack Gell.ero 344 Wabasha otf o St* Paul 2 IM 6 -7➢ 8 REGISTERED AND APPROVED BY J.ySEPH J. MITCHEIA- CITY COMPT O L%R SOW G. I v $ 8a CERTIFIED CORRECT � �/- / `• 4���.AV. ✓. tic COMMISSIONER By �� - ' .- ��. rx . ` r •" +ate Y • •'• � .' ', - . • - - - v .�. - f .. , July lit 1960 - :r Council City. of', St Paul Dear Council - Members= + A statement of -expense has beers =filed with the, City Clerk on _ this date - tot.the-purpose of creating a lien on the property -known as 172 Snd.iand- Court, 'described as` Lot -11, Block 15, Marshall's Addition to- West St: Paul. This ,property is owned by:' ' = Anna Geller, 198 State St., St, Paul 7 -1 _State of Minnesota r _ Paul- l., ' Attorney General,. 102 State Capitol,-St. Jos. M.-RQbertson, Tax Comsr., Centennial Bldg.', St. Paul 1 Eltor A. Dehn, Land Comsr. Of£ide, ` 286 City Ha11, St: Paul 2 r Land - Omsr., 113 City Hall; St. Paul 2 - ,CC ,Tack Geller, 344 Wabasha St., St: Paul, 2 In this matter-the following-,resolutions following -resolutions were adopted by the City Council.: a C:F._194732, adopted by the Council November 191 1959 (published November-21t 195�j,�set a public hearing at 14 A. -M. December 15, 1959. C.F. 1951050 adopted by.the Council Dec -ember 22, 1959 (published December 26, 1959), ordered the wrecking by and at the separate cost -and expense o, the owner, occupant., or other person in con trot thereof, C.F. 195429, ado ted by the Council January 19, 1360 (published January 23,- 1960, directed the Commissioner of Patks And Recrea- tion and Public Buildings to enter the premises and wreck and remoVe the two and one half story fr4me dwelling thereon# and. to do any and all things therein-necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. - ° #2 Hon. Council C. F. 196321; adopted;by the Council March 180 1960 (published- March•26, 1960)0 approved the award of the contract for wreck- - ing to Truck Craine Service Co. - f.or -the sum of $74900 in ac-* "- _coidance with: specifica.tio, is. and Informal Bid No. 1275. - C.F:_1979179 adopted by, the Council July -7, 1960 - (published July -9,= 1960), provided that the. wrecking expense of $749.00 - and expense of the D "eportmont Qf Park$`And recreation and -Pub' lic „Buildings• in connection with the condemnation -in the,amount of $72:78, making. a' total , of $821.78, be paid out of Wrecking Condemned Buildingsf,31 G 22, and, in the evens said sum - proves 'collectible - from the owner; same is- to be credited - Ito : 3l G -The building has now been satisfaOto-rily• wrecked and -a register -. , Y ed bill mailed'to the owners.-- We are.request ng that you hold a public hearing with ten- - days I notice to consider -any complaints- about the expenses in- cUtred and to confirm the amount. The Council -resolution confirm- ing the .expense' should end with a' directive to the. City' Clerk to, file a's-tatement of 'eXpepse., for- the purposo of securing a lien , _ • _ on the pro.per.ty. 4 ' Yours very truly, 'Alfred 14. Schroeder - ARCHITtCT - _CITY_ AHS..A - "A Di lt1 &TE TO PRINTER ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. � 98379 FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Frank L • Loss COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS, the City Architect having requested the City Council to bold aiubli,c hearing to consider any complaints about the expense inc red by the' City structure at 172 Indiana Court 1 Block 15,1 Marshallss Addition to a public hearin;�ntaujp iderl9tbe thereof. and ((�� of Saint Paul. In removing a dangerous More particularly described as Lot 11, Nest St. Pault the City Council held expense'and to Confirm the amount WHEREAS# it appears that the Council.; pursuant to Council File No, 194732, approved November 19 1959 published Nov. 21, 19599 set a publ;a h ®sting tai °coni.der removng the dangerous' structure, and by CouncilFFile Noo 193105, approved December 22 1959, published. December 26,. 1959] ordered the wrecking,by and at the separate cost nd expense of thetoWner, occupants. or other person in control thereof, and by Council. File Not{195429, approved January 19.0,, 1960 published January 23, x.960 directed the Commissioner of Parks: and Recreation and Public BuildIngs to enter upon the premises and wreck and remove the building, thereon and to any and all things therein necessary for the protection of lifep limb and adjoinirg property, and that the City of Saint Paul has incurred the expense of $821.78 in removing said structure; and WHI�BEAS,, it appears that Anna Geller, 198 State Street;, Is the owner of the premises# copies of proceedings herein having been sent to Stake of Minnesota,.- Attorney Generals 102 , Statee Capitol,, Joseph M, Robertson,$ Tax Commissioner, Centennial Building Saint Paul It Minnesota, Eltor-A. Dehn, Land Commisgionerks office, 296 City jHall, Saint Paul, Mi =esota* Land. Commissioner 113 City Hall* Saint Paul Minnesota, and Jack 461ler,, 344 Wabasha Atreetr Saint Paulo Hin.Ueso�a; be it RESOLVFSA, that the City Council of the City of Saint PaUl hereby,confirms the amount of $821.78 to bg the fair, true and reasonable amount for such services incurred in removing the dangerous structure; be it r I FMTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be .directed to file in the office of the Register of Deeds for the Count of Ramsey a statement ArinntPrl v t P C m veil 19 m 0 0 Cn co n M Q0 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS. County of Ramsey ) i On the 8th day of August, 1960, before me, a Notary Public personally appeared Agnes H.'O'Connell, to me known to be the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul, and who executed the foregoing statement of CD expense in her capacity as City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul under and pursuant to authorization given her to execute said - instrument ry contained in Council File 198379, passed by the Council of the City cr) of Saint Paul on August 5, 1960, under and pursuant to Section 1.07, Cc St. Paul Legislative Code. ; M m C91 Harold J� Riordan G Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires Nov. 22, 1961.