198369014IGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF -ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /,> n COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSION'. 193619 RESOLVED, by the - Council of the City of Saint Paul that the proposed Land Contract, dated the 29th day of -July 1960, between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and the Hospital Facility Building Commission of the City of Saint Paul and County of amsey, of Minnesota, in the nature of a contract-for deeT by and between said Authority, as the Vendor, and said Commission, as the Vendee, covering that certain tract or parcel of land containing approx- imately 18.24 acres, identified and outlined in red on said Authority's copy of, proposed Parcelization Map, for its "Eastern Redevelopment Project UR Minn. 1 -1 ", located in the City of Saint Paul, subject to the approval of the Corporation Counsel, to be endorsed thereon, and concurrence herein by the Board of County Commissioners of said County of Ramsey, hereby is approved and authorized and the proper City officers hereby are authorized and directed to execute the same for and in behalf of the City of Saint Paul. f Council File No. 198389 —By Severin A. Mortinson —Robert F. Peterson— Resolved, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the proposed Land Contract, dated the 29th day of July, 1960, between the Housing and Re- development Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, and the Hospital 'Facility Building Commission of the City of Saint Paul and County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, in the mature of a contract for deed by and t between said Authority, as the Vendor, •, and said Commission, as the Vendee, covering that certain tract or parcel of land containing approximately 18.24 acres,, identified and outlined in red on said Authority's copy of proposed Parcelization Map, for its "Eastern Re- =Mdevelopment Project UR. Minn. 1 -1 ", in the City of Saint Paul, sub - ject to the approval of the Corpora- tion Counsel, to be endorsed thereon, and concurrence herein by the Board of County Commissioners of said County of Ramsey, hereby is approved and authorized and the proper City officers hereby are authorized and di- rected to execute the same for and in behalf of the City of Saint PauL Adopted by the Council August 5, 1960. Approved August 5, 1960. (August 13, 1960) wh . I I AU G 5 1960 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 5 1960 DeCourcy AU G Holland App oved 19— Loss Tn Favor Mortinson n ` Peterson (/ Against U Mayor Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis sM a -so 2 j r QCountp ftbit®r s 0i - e COUNTY BOARD St. Paul, Minn., 0 3 b I File No. 101 Resolution No. Ault % 19 60 a The attention of UatY AOUtor ;. Cty. Att= -w, BOVItol Fe �lty cif St. p is respectfully called to the following Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County, Minnesota, adopted at the meeting held on By Commissioner VREMW Tba Board; bf F=00Y coluvty C 'as.onord$. In coonion on Amt 24,019W - , OW kpcatO in tbd E"rn Rodo9,p 4t Via# and �ao�#.on o� FQoru.� 15* 190,, aawro�' Pwa Of b vx1M � X24 6'eres of ,f tho Bou4r�g =4 Wavelp wit l�tit *lty. at -a # R0 of 04a) Pr VEMM MO ad*lta Ift .tty _=141va CoXudfon of tbo city of Sty ftul ona 04 00unty of Pte` wa the lbuaivg. a1A B0ftva*V=at Authorl.,ty of tbb Ctty of St, PwW .bave ilia ,a land adotzact to tho Co= of a contt wt 90r,'4004 tbr qvtV114so Of the WtTlta Oita, in tbo Cwtorn SedavaI49mut Arom M tUwoote. 14 ,on JtLy 29,o .10, ad OQUZZII Of the 01ty of St. 'P44 an Ax % * d t r forts ;i1 c rxh "# 3: Il4w 'fborefc , Mo- It 10MM Z)at the D0=4 of X05► C MW O=Miaslawsp uub jpct to tai aM=Va Of ' ' • Couuty Attoruw to vndoraed tba=no Mv=wo tba �ro- 13 root the rr of tho ftwd Of Rly Co y ca-iW1o� � p In heMby U41= 444a to =ecuto Cald 0ontrogt 9br and on bObAlf of tho County of Re=x7t EUGENE A. MONI= county Auditor By Deputy. Form Aud. 200 LOUIS J. THOMPSON Executive Director � gn HOUSING AND RERYELOFP&ENT AUTHORITY OF C. tr fir., OF THE CIftEFOf SAINT PAUL 1960 SEP 20 PM 3 47 SAINT Pt�bt%&"($pA 1960 CITY CLERK Mr. Robert E. O'Connell Special Assistant City of Saint Paul Legal Department City Hall and Court House Saint Paul 29 Minnesota 60 EAST FOURTH STREET SAINT PAUL 1, MINN. CApital 7 -7524 JOSEPH F. GABLER Chairman CLAYTON G. REIN Vice Chairman HAROLD J. MORIARTY Secretary JEROME L. LOBERG Assistant Secretary FRANK H. DELANEY Treasurer Res Land Contract between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota and the Hospital Facility Building Commission of the City of Saint Paul and County of Ramsey Dear Mr. O'Connell: The statements in your September 16, 1960 letter are correct with reference to responsibility for the construction of public streets and highways adjacent to the parcel of land to be sold by the Authority to the Hospital Facility Building Commission. The Authority's Project Expenditures Budget for the Eastern Rede- velopment Project, as approved by the Urban Renewal Administration, includes an amount of $1422580 for site improvements on University Avenue Extension, commencing at the proposed east right -of -way line of Jackson Street and terminating at the west right -of -way line of Interstate Highway No. 35E. The location is shown on Map "B ", attached to the Redevelopment Plan. Sin ely yours, L Jos ph F /Gabler Chairman cc: E.Avery, City Engineer F.M.Tompkins, Ex. Secy. Hospital Facility Bldg. Commission ' H.L.Rutchick I �'"I l 111 4� ll��� `4••'iS`� "I'I' 11'JI 1111 ��,1, i11� {11llll �P'•�:.,!�.,4� - __ -- - _ �'I ll 111 11ui �' 11 11111 �a�l�i �L, _