198355i RESOLVED THAT THE COUNCIL of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the withdrawal of the zoning appeal of Hayden Heights Baptist Church, covering property at the northeast corner of Hyacinth and Van Dyke, and the proper City officers are directed I to refund to said�Hayden Heights Baptist Church the sum of $20.00 paid as filing fee in said matter. Council File No. 198355 — By Frank L L. Loss — Resolved, That the Council of the the withdr wthlofl the1e zoning authorizes' l of Hayden Heigghts Baptist Church,' covering property at the northeast corner of H acinth and Van Dyke, and the proper City officers are directed to' refund to said Hayden Heights Baptist Church the sum of $20.00 paid as filing fee in said matter. Adopted by the Council August 4, 1960. Approved August 4, 1960. 4 (August 6, 1960) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 5M 5.60 2 i i s �I { r 1960 Adopted by the Council A� G 19— AUG 41960 Approved 19— )r 11 U Mayor 0 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. 5 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE -COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED THAT THE COUNCIL of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the withdravral•Qf the zoning appeal of Hayden Heights Baptist Churcht covering property at the northeast corner of Hyacinth and Van DykejI and the proper City officers aro directed to refund to said Hayden Heights Baptist Church the sum of $20.00. paid as filing fee in said mattor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis sM E -60 u0qW2 Adopted by the Council A U C 4 1 ., -119— AUG 4 `] Approved 19- -L �n Favor Mayor Against OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota ` I i L i Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel f i Dear Sir: t AGNES O'CONNELI. t City Clerk - HAROLD J. RIORDAN F Council Recorder .r Aug- 3, 1960. The Council requested that you draw a resolution authorizing representatives of the Hayden Heights Baptist Church to withdraw their zoning appeal covering property at the Northeast corner of Hyacinth and Van Dyke, and for a refund of the $20.00 filing fee paid by them. Very truly yours r City Clerk k MINNESOTA 8 .......................... ......................... ......................... ........................ .......................... ......................... ;; >`iI D O F ZONING, C I T Y• O,F SAINT PA U L "'••. ••X,N9�.�lT.F: 931- 131 -133 13.13 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT MAUI 9, MINNESOTA ... ...........:...::' I I August 2, 1960 _ l Mrs. Agnes H. O'Connell City Clerk Building Dear Madam: I . I wish to advise your office that the appeal filed June 9, 1960, by the Hayden Heights Baptist Church, requesting a waiver in the required side yard set back has been discontinued at the applicant's request. i The applicant notified this office today by telephone that it would not be necessary to continue this appeal because they have acquired the adjoining property to the east. The acquisition of this additional property now makes it possible for the applicant to construct his proposed building addition, and still meet the required side yard set backs. We, therefore, are returning the plan and letter of appeal filed , by the applicant to your office and closing our file on this matter. Sincerely, H. C. Widland Secretary Board of Zoning HCW: FGI Encl. A.F. 44?? l 4 i 1 i � �2 ki g' q � g4d, ge01W Vo" &and 2%. mode& .,4. ,,,4qau PASTOR " A C O N S E R V A T I V E B A P T I S T C H U R C H" 1837 McKnight Rd. - SPring 9 -0415 East Hyacinth Avenue and Van Dyke Street ST PAUL 9, MINNESOTA Puiliaed 6.0519 SAINT PAUL 6, MINNESOTA June 6, 1960 HONORABLE MAYOR GEORGE VAVOULIS -1 4 �( AND CITY COUNCIL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA GENTLEMEN; The Hayden Heights Baptist Church located on Lots 16, 17, 18 and 19, Block No. 1 Hazel Park, Div. No. 5, on Northeast cor- ner of Hyacinth and -Van Dyke desires to expand its facilities, as indicated in dotted lines on Plot Plan revised 5- 31 -60, two prints attached. The street numbers of our property are 1839 -1843 East Hyacinth. We are holding worship services twice each Sunday and mid- week service on Wednesday. We also conduct Sunday School on Sunday mornings and during the week and on Sundays, we have a very extensive Youth Program. The purpose of our appeal is to secure permission to ex- pand by an addition to the West end of our Sanctuary and to add a building on to the East end, which new additions are shown in dotted lines on Plot Plan attached. We have, because of our ever expanding Youth Program and the natural expansion in our area, dire need of additional space. It is our understanding that City of Saint Paul building code will not permit expansion beyond 30% of land area, however, we respectfully request this ban be lifted and we be permitted to expand to the dimensions shown on print attached or to as large an area as can be permitted. W,e are extremely anxious to proceed, having engaged an architect, therefore, will appreciate prompt reply so that we might pursue our building program promptly. A check in re the char _8J z amount of $20.00 isattached, which, we be- orF.nve stiga tion. Respectfully submitted, BUILDING COMMITTEE HELG TS BAPTIST CHURCH . Ols��o�(n//, Cha rman Dr. W. A. Alf ors E. Collingham M. Ostrom "For we pA6ch- B&t§RRPAs but Christ Jesus the Lord," H Cor. 4.5 S`RL qw xv wl le FX ,