198336Original to City Clerk COU PRESENTED BY Council File No. 198338 -33y George Jr. Vavoulis, mayor — Resolved, That on the recommenda- tion of Paul J. Calder, _Director of St. Paul Civil D e.f e n s e, authority be granted for payment of expenses to Chief Howard Scannell of the City chargeeof then Fire Group, for Civil FORM Defense in jhe, City of Saint Paul, for attendance - aT.- a Seminar for Fire Officials recommended by the National E Au! Fire Defense Advisory Committee, to be held in Ames, Iowa, August 9 to 1960. Further Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby Sautb.nriZer� tq, COUNCIL FILE RESOLVED That on the recommendation of Paul J. Calder, Director of St. Paul Civil Defense, authority be granted for payment of expenses to Chief Howard Scannell of the City Fire Department, who is Chairman in charge of the Fire Group for Civil Defense in the City of Saint Paul, for attend- ance at a Seminar for Fire Officials recommended by the Committee, National Fire Defense Advisory Committee, to be held in Ames, Iowa, August 9 to 11, 1960. I i FURTHER RESOLVED That the proper city officials are hereby authorize to issue a draft in the amount of $100.00 to cover advance Ij for such expenses, and that all things done by them in the premises consistent herewith hereby are in all things ratified and confirmed. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �v�rsas Holland TT ?OW91 4 Mortinson Peterson Aq_ / _ Mr. President, DWeft, 5M 6.55 2 `�V) Y4 AUG 31960 Adopted by the Council 1 c AUG 31960 1. Mayor