08-81Council File # �g'�� Green Sheet # 3047470 RESOLUTION CITY OF S�INT PAUL, MINNESOTA q Presented by RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2010 Labor Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, Loca12508 (Clericai) and I.ocal 1842 (Technical). Requested b�'�epar�aen,t�of.� Human Resources � Services � Approved b ity A _ � By (a/1/\ � �.._,. 'a a Approv y Ma or or Su �ffis� u o Council Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy. By. / / //i;9/ � oi Approv y M Date ZtJ D By. � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ����� DeQartmaM/otflcekou�il: Date I�itiated: Hu -��R�� ,.�E�� Green Sheet NO: 3047470 CorMact Person 8 Phone: Jason Schmid[ 266-6503 Must Be on Counal Agerv � Assign Number For Routi� Order 0 amsuResoan� � 1 omanResoarces artmeotDirectOr 2 mndal ServSces ce r5uanaal Services —����— 3 JL'��, 4 or's Office Ma or/ASSistant 5 oaucil C' Cannol 6 ' Qerk C" Qerk Ox.Type: RESOLU'fIQNW!$TRANSAC E-0oeument Required: Y DoeumeM Contact: Sue Wegwerth CoMaet Phone: 26Fr6513 I I Totai S of Signature Pages _(Clip A0 Locatio� for Signature) Resolution approving the attached January 1,2008 through December 31, 2010 Iabor Ageement betwee¢ the City of Saint Paul and the Amedcan Federatio¢ of State, Counry and Municipal Empioyees, AFL-CIO, Loca] 2508 (Clerical} and Local 1842 (Technical). PWnnirg Commission CIB Committee Crvil Service Commission t. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this depaRment? Yes No 2. Has this perso�rtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skili not nortnalry possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explaio all yes answers on separate sheet a�W attaeh to green sheet Initiating Probl�m, Issues, Opportunity (Niho, What, Wl�en, Where, Why); The Labor Agreement with AFSCME Loca12508 (Clerican and Local 1842 (Technical) will expire on December 31, 2007. The City of Saint Paul is required to negotiate with the bazgaining units. Advantages If Appruved: An ageement reached through good fait6 bargaining will be in place through December 31, 2010. Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: The City would be required to re-open negotiations with these bazgaming units. This would strain relations and couid lead to possible shike. , � Trensaction: Fw�ding Soume: Multiple Fi�ancial irv(otmation: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: AMivity Number: December 14, 200710:53 AM Page 7 AT1'ACHMENT TO THE GREEN SHEET �g B� LOCAL UNION 2508 DISTRICT COUNCIL 5 OF THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY, AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, AFIrCIO Below is a summary of the changes in the Collective Bazgaining Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and I.ocal Union 2508, District Council 5 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Bmployees, AFL-CIO. Duration• January 1, 2008 through Aecember 31, 2010. Wases 2008: 3.25% ATB, effective May 1, 2008 (closest pay period) 2009: 3.25% ATB, effective April 1, 2009 (closest pay period) 2010: 3.25% ATB, effective January 1, 2010 (closest pay period) Promorion Riahts Added langvage prolu'biting ISD #625 employees from exercising promotion rights when applying for City positions. Holidavs All holidays will be considered "inajor" holidays if worked (i.e. paid at time and a half if worked.) Excluded overtime hours &om calculation of hours worked for determining number hours eligible for holiday pay. Health Insurance: The insurance contnbution increases £ollow the Memorandum of Agreement reached with the various bazgaining units for 2008-2010. Severance Effective January 1, 2009, added one (1) additional accrual level to severance schedule (1800 hours =$16,000) and increased years of service eligibility from twelve (12) years to fourteen (14) years. Post Emnlovment Health Plan and Vacation Added language allowing employees retiring, who are eligible for severance, to ha�e his/her accrued but unused vacation contnbuted to the Post Employment Aealth Plan. ATTACHMENT TO THE GREEN SHEET D� �g 1 LOCAL IJNION 2508 DISTRICT COUNCII. 5 OF THE AMERICAN �EDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY, AND MUI�IICIPAL EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO Lon�evitv Step Effective January i, 2010 (or closest pay period), 25-year step will be collapsed 'urto 20- year step. Mileage Agreed to new parking language to a location ofthe City's choice within a reasonable distance to the work site. Deferred Com»ensation / Post Emolovment Health Plan (PEHPI Changed Deferred Compensation match to a PEHP contnbution. Other LanauaEe Chanees Other language changes were of a housekeeping nature for clarification, cleanup, and reorgaz�iznig of the Agreement. I:V RCOMMOIJ�CONTRACI"V+FSCME.CLE2008 - 2009 Nego CLericalWttacUment-08.doc A'I°I'ACHMENT TO THE GREEN SHEET �g,gl LOCAL UrTION 1842 DISTRICT COUNCIL 5 OF THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY, AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, AFIrCIO Below is a summary of the changes in the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Local Union 1842, District Council 5 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO. Duration: 7anuary 1, 2008 through December 31, 2010. Wa¢es 2008: 3.25% ATB, effective May 1, 2008 (closest pay period) 2009: 3.25% ATB, effective Apri11, 2009 (closest pay period) 2010: 3.25% ATB, effective January 1, 2010 (closest pay period) Promotion Riahts Added language prolubiting ISD #625 employees from exercising promotion rights when applying for City positions. Holidavs All holidays will be considered "major" holidays if worked (i.e. paid at time and a half if worked.) Excluded overtime hours &om calculation of hours work�i for determining number hours eligible for holiday pay. Health Insurance• The insurance contnbution increases follow the Memorandum ofAgreement reached with the various bargaining units for 2008-2010. Severance Effective January 1, 2009, added one (1) additional accrual level to severance schedule (1800 hours =$16,000) and increased years ofservice eligibility from twelve (12) years to fourteen (14) years. Post Emnlovment Health Plan and Vacation Added language allowing employees retiring, who aze eligible for severance, to have his/her accrued but unused vacation contn'buted to the Post Employment Health Plan. ATI'ACHMENT TO THE GREEN SHEET �8 %5! LOCAL IJNION 1842 DISTRICT COUNCIL 5 OF THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY, AND MiTNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, AFIrCIO Lonaevitv Step Effective January 1, 2010 (or closest pay geriodj, 25-yeaz step will be collapsed into 20- year step. Milea e Added new pazking language to a location of the City's choice within a reasonable distance to the work site. Deferred Comoensation / Post Emalovment Health Plan (PEHP) Changed Deferred Compensation match to a PEHP contn'bution. Other Laneusee Chan2es Other language changes were of a housekeeping nature for clarification, cleanup, and reorgaz�izing ofthe Agreement. I:�LRCOMMON�CON"I'RACT4IFSCME.TEC�2008-2009 TechnicalV+ttaclmment-08.doc �! ���g� � � � � 2008 �- 24�0 � - _ � . . � - � � - � -� �AGREEMENT - � � - � � � � BETWEEN _ _ �,. � � � � - �. �_ � � � - -� � � THE GITY O�' SAIAIT �P1��� _ _ � � � � �- e�°-� � - , � � ; � � � ; , �. , - , _ :� � � �- _ _-_ ; �t3C�i., Ui�4N �2508 � � � .. , � _ _. � � � � � '�IS�RIC'F; COI7IV��L�S U� THE Al!'fERICAN �`EDERA'I'ION OF STA'TE, COUN'i'i', AND MET�TICIP�I, EMP�,UYEES; A�'L=CIO �,_ � � � � � _ !?g-�( � � ,�� ARTICLE TITLE PAGE Preamble .............................................................................................................. ii 1 Recognition .........................................................................................................1 2 Check Off ............................................................................................................ 2 3 Hours of Work ..................................................................................................... 2 4 Work Breaks ........................................................................................................ 4 5 Holidays .............................................................................................................. 4 6 Employee Rights — Grrievance Procedure ............................................................. 5 7 City Mileage ........................................................................................................ 8 8 Residence ............................................................................................................ 8 9 Vacation ..............................................................................................................9 10 Insurance ............................................................................................................. 9 11 Working Out of Classification ...........................................................................15 12 Seniority ............................................................................................................15 13 Post Employxnent Health Plan (PEHI') ...............................................................17 14 Bulletin Boazds ..................................................................................................18 • 15 Wages ................................................................................................................18 16 Maintenance of Standards ..................................................................................19 17 LeavesofAbsence .............................................................................................19 18 Sick Leave Usage for Dependent Care ............................................................... 21 19 Military Leave of Absence ................................................................................. 22 20 Management Rights ...........................................................................................22 21 Discipline ..........................................................................................................23 22 Vacancies .......................................................................................................... 24 23 No Strike—No Lockout .....................................................................................24 24 Severance Pay .................................................................................................... 24 25 Temporary Bmployees ....................................................................................... 26 26 Nondiscrimination ............................................................................................. 26 27 Legal Services ................................................................................................... 26 28 Safety ................................................................................................................26 29 Uniform Reunbursement .................................................................................... 27 30 Special Employment Titles ................................................................................ 28 31 Probationary Period ........................................................................................... 28 32 Terms ofAgreement ..........................................................................................28 Appendix A— Biweekly Rates ......................................................................... A-1 • Appendix B— Critical Incident Resolution Pay ................................................ B-1 Appendix C— Commitment to LMCHI ............................................................ C-1 �$�/ C • • PREAMBLE This Agreement entered into by the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter referred to as the Employer, and Local Union 2508 af�liated with Council5 and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFLrCIO, hereinafter referred to as the Union, has as its purpose the promotion of hannonious relations between the Employer and the Union, the establishment of an equitable and peaceful procedure for the resolution of differences, and the establishment of rates of pay, hours of work, and other conditions of employment. ii • ARTICLE 1— RECOGivITION / ' ' .. 1.1 The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for the purpose of establishing salaries, wages, hours, and other conditions of employment for all of its employees as outlined in the certification by the State of Minnesota, Bureau of Mediation Services, dated July 12, 1973, in Case No. 74-PR-61-A and as amended as set forth iuSection 1.2 below. 1.2 The bargaining unit covered by tlus Agreement shall consist of the following: Ail office, clerical, and administrative personnel who aze employed by the City of Saint Paul or who have their "tern�s and conditions of employmenY' established by the governing body of the City of Saint Paul, and whose employment service exceeds the lesser of fourteen (14) hours per week or thirty-five percent (35%) of the normal work week and more than sixty-seven (67) work days per year, in the classifications o£ Accounting Cierk I Accounting Clerk II Animal Control Officer Building Permit Clerk Gashier Chie£Meter Reader Clerical Trainee • Clerk-Stenographer I Clerk-Typist II (bilingual) Customer Service Representative Customer Service Seniar Representative Duplicating Equipment Operator Duplicating Equipment Operator Trainee Duplioating Equipment Operator 5upvr. Bmployment Testing Coordinator Executive Assistant I Executive Assistant II GolfProgram Outreach Coordinator IS Systems Support Specialist I IS Systems Support Specialist II Legal Secretary Library Clerk I Library Clerk II Library Clerk IIT Library Cierk IV License Clerk LIEP Procedures Coordinator Maintenance Trainee Management Trainee Meter Reader Office Assistant I Office Assistant II Office Assistant III Office Assistant IV Pazking Enforcement Officer Parking Enforcement Officer — Police Payroll Auditor Payroll Specialist Payroll System Coordinator Procurement Specialist Procurement Specialist Trainee Property Clerk Refectory Attendant Refectory Supervisor *Secretary (Stenographer) Senior Animal Control O�cer Service Worker TI Storekeeper Storeroom Assistant Storeroom Supervisor Stores Clerk TecYuucal Trainee Treasury Clerk Vehicle Maintenance Clerk Zoo and Conservatory Attendant Zoo Keeper • *Title abolished except as to present incumbents. ARTICLE 1- RECOGNITION (Continued) 1.3 Any present or future employee who is not a Union member shall be required to � contnbute a fair share fee for services rendered by the Union, and upon notification by the Union, the Employer shall check off said fee from the eamings o-f the employee and transmit the same to the Union. In no instance shall the required conmbution exceed a pro rata share of the specific expenses incuzred for services rendered by the representative in relationship to negotiations antl aclministration of grievance procedures. This provision shall remain operative only so long as specifically provided by Minnesota law, and as otherwise legal. 1.4 The Union agrees to indemnify and hold hazmless the Employer against any and all claims, suits, orders, or judgments brought or issued against the Employer as a result of aay action takea or not taken by tke Employer under the provisions of Section 1.3 of this Article. ARTICLE 2 — CHECK OFF 2.1 The Employer agrees to deduct the Union membership initiation fee assessments and once each montfi dues fromthe pay ofthose employees who individually request in writing thaY such deductions be ma@e. The amounts to be deducted shall be certifiad to the Employer by a representative of the Union and the aggregate deductions of all employees shall be remitted together with an itemized statement to the representative by the first of the succeeding month after such deductions aze made or as soon thereafter as • is possible. 2.2 The Uaion agrees to indemnify and hotd l�anuless the Employer against any and atl claims, suits, orders, or judgments brought or issued against the Employer as a result of any action taken or not taken by the Employer under the provisions of this Article. ARTICLE 3- HOURS OF WORK 3.1 The normal work day shall be seven and three/fourttvs (7 consecutive hours per day, excluding a forty-8ve (45) minute lunch period, fifteen (15) m'snutes ofwhich shall be paid. 3.2 The normal work week shall be five (5) consecutive normal work days in any seven (7) day period. 3.3 For employees on a sluft basis, this shail be construed to mean an average oftfiirty-eight and three-fourths (38%) hours per week 3.4 This section shall not be construed as, and is not a guarantee o� any hours ofwork per normal work day or pez normal work week. 3.5 T'vne on fhe payroll in excess of the normal hours set forfh above in this Article sha1l be � "overtime work" and shall be done onty by order oftke Head of the Department. 2 ARTICLE 3— HOUR,S OF WORK (Continued) ��,l J • 3.6 All empioyees in this bazgaining unit shall be recompensed for work done in excess of the normal hours established above in this Article by being granted compensatory time on a time and one-half basis or by being paid on a time and one-haif basis for such overtime work The overtime rate of one and one-half shall be computed on the basis of i(80�' of the biweekly rate. 3.7 Normal work schedules showing the employee's shifts, work days, and hours shall be posted on all department bulletin boazds at all times. It is also understood that deviation from posted work schedules shall be permissble due to emergencies and acts of God, and overtime may be required. 3.8 I3otwitbstanding Sections 3.1 tluough 3.6, employees may, through mutual agreement with the Empioyer, work schedules other than schedules limited by the normal work day and work week as set forth in Sections 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3. Overtune compensation for employees working under such agreements shall be subject to the provisions ofthe Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). 3.9 For employees who wish to share a position, the Employer will attempt to provide options for implementing a shazing arrangement. Such an arrangement must be mutually agreed upon by the Employer and the employees involved. Vacation, holiday, and sick leave benefits for employees who shaze a position shall be pro-rated based upon the percent of hours worked. Health insurance benefits shall be administered in accordance • with the provisions of Asticle 10 (INSURAI�3CE) of tlus Agreement. In the event that one of the employees participating in the shared position is terminated or tenninates employznent, the Employer shali post the job sharing vacancy for a period of ten (10) days. If at the end of ten (10) days such vacancy cannot be filled, the Employer shall have the option of increasing the remaining employee's work hours. 3.10 Sections 3.8 and 3.9 shall not be sub}�t to the provisions of Article 6(EMPLOYEE RIGHTS — GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE) ofthis Agreement. 3.11 At least fourteen (14) calendaz days prior to changing the normal work day or the normal work week, the Empioyer and Union shall meet and confer regarding the need for the proposed change and the possibility of other alternatives. It is also understood that deviation from such notice shall be permissible due to emergencies and acts of God. Notice is not needed for temporary changes of less than one week. 3.12 When there is a need to assign additional daytune, eveniug, or weekend hours, the Employer shail first request volunteers from among employees. Volunteers must be able to perform the job duties of the position 3.13 Night Differential: To any employee who works on a shift beginning earlier than 6:00 a.m or ending later than 6:00 p.m, provided at least four hours of the shift are worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m and 6:00 a.m, there shali be a night differential of five • percent (5%) for the entire shift. ARTTCLE 3— HOURS OF WORK (Continued) To any employee who works on a shift beginning earlier than 6;00 a.m or ending later , than 6:00 p.m, but less than four hours of the shift are worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m, there shall be a night differential of five percent (5%) for the hours worked between 6:00 p.m and 6:00 am Library Employee Night Differential: To any employee who works on a shift beginning earlier tt�an 6:00 a.m or ending later tban 6:OOp.m, provided at least £our hours of the shift are worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m, there shall be a night differential of four percent (4%) for the entire shift. To any employee who works on a shi8 beginning earlier than 6:00 am or ending later than 6:00 p.m, but less than four hours of the shift are worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m and 6:00 a.m, there shall be a night differential of fowr percent (4%) for the hours worked between 6:00 p.m, and 6:00 am To any Lbrary employee who works hours on Sunday there sha11 be a differential of four percent (4%) for all kours worked. 3.14 Employees required, as part oftheir normal job duties, to work a snow emergency sliall receive premium pay at fifty percent (50%) for the second standazd hour shift for all continuous hours worked during the snow emergency. ARTICLE 4 — WORK BREAKS 4.1 Rest Periods: All employees work scherlules shall provide for a fifteen (15) minute rest period during each otte-half shift. The rest period shall be scheduled by management at appro�cimately the middle of each one-half shift wheuever this is feasble. 4.2 Tf an employee is scheduIed to work a full half sluft beyond his/her regulaz quitting time, he/she shall be entitled to the rest period that occurs during said half sfiift. ARTICLE 5 — HOLIDAYS 5.1 Holidays Recognized and Observed: The following days shall be recognized and observed as paid holidays: New Year's Day Labor Da�+ Martuz Luther King Day Veterans' Day Presidents' Day Thanksgiving Day Memorial Day Day after Thanksgiving* Independence Day Christmas Day • � � ARTICLE 5 — HOLIDAY5 (Continued) � V /V / • Eligible employees s2�all receive pay for each of the holidays listed above on which they perform no work Whenever any of the holidays listed above falls on a Saturday, the holiday shall be observed on the preceding Friday. Whenever any of the holidays listed above falls on a Sunday, the holiday shall be observed on the succeeding Monday. For employees assigned to a work week other than Monday through Friday, the holiday shall be observed on the calendar date of the holiday. Effective January 1, 2006, floating holidays were included in the vacation accrual schedule. 5.2 Eligibility Requirements: In order to be eligible for a holiday with pay, an employee must be employed as ofthe date ofthe holiday and have paid hours on the payroll for that pay period. The amount ofholiday time earned shall be based upon the number ofnon- holiday hours paid during that pay period (see pro-ration charts in Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation). Paid hours include hours actually worked (excluding overtime), vacation time, compensatory time, paid leave, and sick leave. In neither case shall the holiday be counted as a working day for the purposes of this Section. It is further understood that neither temporary, emergency, nor other employees not heretofore eligible sha11 receive holiday pay. 5.3 If an employee, entitled to a holiday, is reguired to work, he/she shall be recompensed for work done on this day by being granted compensatory tnne on a tnne and one-half basis • or by being paid on a time and one-half basis for such hours worked, in addition to his/her regular holiday pay. 5.4 Notwithstanding Section 5.2, a temporary employee shall be eligible for holiday pay only after such employee has been employed as a temporary employee for sixty-seven (67) calendar days. __ 5.5 *For all empioyees assigned to the Library, the Day after Thanksgiving shall be considered a normal work day and Christmas Eve shall be recognized and observed as a paid holiday. ARTICLE 6— EMPLOYEE RIGHTS — GRIEVANCE PROCEDUR� 6.1 The Employer shall recognize stewards selected in accordance with Union rules and regulations as the grievance representatives of the bargaining unit. The Union sha11 notify the Employer in writing of the names of the stewazds and of their successors when so named. 6.2 It is recognized and accepted by the Employer and the Union that the processing of grievances as hereinafter provided is limited by the job duties and responsibilities of the employees and shall therefore be accomplished during working hours only when consistent with such employees' duties and responsbilities. The stewazd involved and a grieving employee shall suffer no loss in pay when a grievance is processed during • working hours, pmvided the stewazd and the employee have notified and received the approval of their supervisor to be absent to process a grievance and that such absence would not be detrimental to the work programs ofthe Employer. ARTICLE 6— EMPLOYEE RIGHTS — GRIEV ANCE PROCEDURE (Continued) 6.3 Procedure established by this Article shail be the sole and exclusive procedure for the • processing of grievances, which aze defined as att alleged violation of the terms and conditions oftfiis Agieement. 6.4 However, this Article does not abridge grievance rights possessed by eligible veterans under applicable veterans' rights statutes. 6.5 Grievances sha11 be resolved in conformance witfi the following procedure: Step 1— Upon the occurrence of an alleged violation of this agreement, the employee involved (with or without the stewazd) shall attempt to resolve the matter on an informal basis with the employee's supervisor. If the matter is not resolved to the employee's safisfaction by the ittformal discussion, it may be reduced to writing and refeired to Step 2 by the Union. The written grievance stiall set forththe nature oftha grievance, the facts on wluch iY is based, the alleged section(s) of the agreement violated, and telief requested. Any alleged violation of the agreement not reduced to writing by the Union within fourteen (14) work days of the first occurrence of the event giving rise to the grievance shall be considered waived. SYep 2— Within seven (7) work days after receiving the written grievance, a designated Employer supervisor shall meet with tYie Union Steward and attempt to resolve the grievance. If as a resuh of this meeting the grievance z�a�n� unresolved, the Employer • shall reply in writing to the Union within seven (7) work days following this meeting. The Union may refer the grievance in writing to Step 3 wittun seven (7} work days following receipt ofthe Employer's written answer. Any grievauce not referred in writing by the Union within seven (7) work days following receipt of the Employer's answer shall be considered waived. Step 3— Within seven (7) work days fouowing receipt of a grievance refeized from Step 2, a designated Employer supervisor shall meet with the Union Business Manager or his/her designated representative, the Employee and the Steward and attempt to resolve the grievance. Within seven (7) work days following this meeting, the Employer shall reply in writing to the Union stating the Employer's answer concerning the grievance. If as a result of the written response the grievance remains unresolved, the LTnion may refer the grievance to Step 4. Any grievance nof referred in writing by the Union to Step 4 within seven ('n work days following receipt ofthe Employer's answer shall be considered waived. Step 4— If the gievance remains unresolved, the Union may within seven (7} work days after the response of the Employer in Step 3, by written notice to tl�e Employer, request arbitration of the grievance. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted by an arbitrator to be selected from a pecmanent panel of five (5) azbitrators. Arbitrators shall be seleeted by lot within twenty (20) work days after notice has been given. C� 0 �- s/ ARTICLE 6— EMPLOYEE RIGHTS — GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (Continued) • In the event the Employer and the Union cannot mutually agree to five (5) azbitrators for the permanent panel, the parties will petition the Director of the Bureau of Mediation Services for a list of ten (10) azbitrators for each panel member for which the parties did not mutually agree. The parties shall alternately strike names from such list(s), the Employer stnldng first, until one (1) name remains. Vacancies occurring on the permanent panel during the life of tlus Agreement shall be filled by mutual agreement of the parties. If the parties cannot mutually agree, the vacancy shall be filled by the process noted in the preceding pazagraph This azbitrator selection process sball be effeetive only for the duration of this Agreement unless both parties mutually agree to extend such provisions. At any time prior to the opening of an azbitration hearing, the parties may mutually agree to utilize the assistance of the Bureau of Mediation Services to attempt to mediate a resolution ofthe dispute. 6.6 The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to, or subtract from the provisions of this Agreement. The azbitrator shall consider and decide only the specific issue submitted in writing by the Employer and the Union and shall have no authority to make a decision on any other issue not so submitted. The azbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to or inconsistent with or modifying or vatying in any way the application of laws, rules, or regulations having the force and effect of • law. The azbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing within thirty (30) days following close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later, unless the parties agree to an extension. The decision sball be based so lely on the arbitrator's interpretation or application of the express terms ofthis Agreement and to the facts ofthe grievance ptesented. The decision of the azbitrator shall be final and binding on the Employer, the Union, and the employees. 6.7 The fees and eacpenses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings shall be borne equally by the Employer and the Union, provided that each party shall be responsible for compensating its own representatives and wiCnesses. If either party desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing it pays for the record. 6.8 The time lunits in each step of this procedure may be eactended by mutual agreement of the Employer and the Union. 6.9 It is understood by the Union and the Employer that a grievance, other than a grievance arising from a disciplinary action, may be determined by either the grievance procedure ofthis Contract or by the pmvisions of the Civil Service Rules ofthe City of Saint Paul. If an issue is determiued by this grievance procedure it shall not again be submitted for arbitration under the Civil Service Rules. If an issue is detemuned by the provisions of • the Civil Service Rules it shall not again be submitted for arbitration under this grievance procedure. f►1 ARTICLE 6- EMPLOYEE RIGHTS - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (Continued) 6.10 The provisions ofthis Article 6 shall not apply to Sectiott 3.9 ofthis Agreement. • 6.21 Tke Emp2oyer agrees to pmvide courtesy copies of all oorrespondence ta the-Union_ _, Business Manager or Assistant Director to the President of Loca12508. This Section shall not be grievable. ARTICLE 7 - CITY MII,EAGE 7.1 Aatomobile Reimbursement Aathorized: Pursuant to Chapter 33 ofthe Saint Paul Administrative Code, as amended, pertaining Yo reimbursement of City officers and employees for the use of their own automobiles in the perforniance of their duties, the following provisions aze adopted. 7.2 Mefhod of Computation: To be eligible for such reimbursement, all officers and employees must receive written authorization from the Department Head. When an employee is required to use his/her personal automobile to conduct authorized City business, the City shall reimburse the employee at the then current Federal I.R,S. mileage reimbursement rate for the most direct mute. 7.3 The City will provide parking at a location and manner ofthe Employer's choice within a reasonable distance of the work site for City employees on the above mentioned • reimbursement plan who aze required to have their personal car available for City business. Such pazking will be provided only for the days the employee is required to have his/her own personal car available. 7.4 Rules and Regutations: The Mayor shall adopt mles and regulations governing the procedures for automobile reimbursement. Such rules and regulations shall contain the requirement that recipients shall file daily reports indicating miles driven and shall file monthly affidavits stating the nwmber of days worked and the number ofmiles driven, and shall further require that they maintain automobile liability insurance itt amounts of not less than $100,000!$300,000 for personal injury, and $25,000 for property damage, or liability insurance in amounts not less than $300,000 single limit coverage, with the City of Saint Paul named as an additional insured. These rules and regulations, together with the amendment thereto, shall be maintained on fite with the City Clerk. ARTICLE 8 - RESIDENCE 8.1 The resolution pertaining to residency approved 7uly 26, 1979, under Council File No. 273378 shall apply to all employees covered by this Agreement. • 68-�/ • ARTICLE 9 — VACATION 9.1 Vacation credits shall accumulate at the rates shown below for each full hour on the payroll, excluding overtune. Years of Service lst year thru 4th year Sth year thru 9th year l Oth year thru 15th year 16th year tbru 23rd yeaz 24th year and therea$er • Hours of Vacation .0462 (12 days) .0693 (18 days) .0808 (21 days) .0962 (25 days) .1077 (28 days} 9.2 The Head of the DeparCment may permit an employee to carry over ap to one hundred and twenty (120) hours of vacation into the following "vacation year." For the purpose ofthis Article the "vacation year" shall be the fiscal yeac (IRS payroll reporting year). 93 The above provisions of vacation shall be subject to the Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, Section I, Sub. H., unless the Contract provisions directly conflict with the Salary Plan. In such cases, the language of the Contract shall supersede(replace the conflicting language ofthe SalaryPlan. 9.4 For purposes of this Article qualifying years of service shall be determined based on calendar years of service. This shali apply to both part-time and full-tune employees. ARTICLE 10 — INSURANCE Active Employee Insurance 10.1 The Employer will continue for the period of this Agreement to provide for employees such health and life insurance benefits as are provided by the Employer at the time of execution of this Agreement. 10.2 Effective for the January 2008 insurance premiums, for each eligible employee covered by this Agreement who is empioyed full-time and who selects health insurance, the Employer agrees to make the following contributions per month a. Open Access with $1,500 Deductble Slilgl0: $427.2$ �' $1 �0 (to be deposited in an account dete�mined by the LMCFiS) Fanuly: $1,040.75 b. Primary Clinic with $500 Deductible Single: $525.51 Family: $901.86 c. Distinctions • Single: $457.54 Family: $901.86 G7 ARTICLE 10 - INSURANCE (Continued) 103 Effective for the January 2009 insurance premiums, for each eligble employee covered � by this Agreement who is employed-full-time and who_selects health insurance, the_ Employer agrees to make the following conmburions per month: a Open Access with $1,500 Deduchble SlIIgle: $4f)�.g4 +$1 �Q (to be deposited in an account determined by the LMCH� Family: $1,120.75 b. Primary Clinic with $500 Deduchble Single: $567.93 Family: $926.86 c. Distinctions S'vngle: $482.54 Family: $926.86 10.3 (1) Effective for the January 2010 insurance premiums, for each e]igible employee covered by this Agreement who is employed fu11-time and who setects heaith insurance, the Employer agrees to make the following contributions per month: a Open Access with $1,500 Deductble Single: $512.28 +$100 (to be deposited in an account dekennined by the I.MCHn • Family: $1,214.00 b. Primary Clittic with $500 Deductable Single: $615.10 Fanuly: $951.8b c. Distinctions Single: $507.54 Family: $951.86 10.4 For the purpose of this Article, full time emptoyment is defined as appeariug on the payroll an average of at least sixty—four (64) hours per biweekly pay period for the twelve (12) month period preceding the annual open enrollment or special enrollments or the period preceding initial enrollment. Three-quarEer time employment is defined as appearing on the payrotl an average of at least fifty-rivo (52) hours, but less than sixty-four (64) hours, per biweekly pay perzod for the twelve (12) month period preceding the annual open enrollment or special enrollments or the period preceding initial enrollment. Half-time employment is defined as appearing on the payroll an average of at least forty (40} hours, but tess thau fifty-two (52} hours, per biweekiy pay period for the twelve (12} montk period preceding the annual open enroltment or speciat enrollmetrts or period preceding initial enrollment. r 1 U 10 ARTICLE 10 — INSURANCE (Continued) og �1 • Part-time employees who are peimanently appointed to a full-time (eighty (80) hours per biweekly pay period) position after the wmtnencement of the plan yeaz, shall be made eligible for the full-tune benefits after they have completed at least forry (40) hours in a monthly qualifying pay period as a full-time employee. Full-tune employees who aze permanently appointed to a part-time (less than eighty (80) hours per biweekly pay period) position after the commencement of the plan yeaz shall be reduced to the benefit level applicable for the hours scheduled by the department. Such reduction shall take effect on the first month the employee does not complete a monthly qualifying pay period as a full-time employee. 10.5 For each eligble employee covered by this Agreement who is employed half-tune and who selects employee health insurance coverage, the Employer agrees to contnbute fifty percent (50%) ofthe amount contributed for full-time employees selecting employee coverage in the same insurance plan. For each half-time employee who selects family health insurance coverage, the Employer will contribute fifty percent (50%) of the amount contributed for full-time employees selecting family health insurance coverage in the same nvsurance plan. For each eligible employee covered by this Agreement who is employed three-quarter • time and who selects employee health insurance coverage, the Employer agrees to contribute seventy-five percent (75%) ofthe amount contributed for full-time employees selecting employee coverage. For each three-quarter tixne employee who selects fasnily health insurance coverage, the Bmployer will contribute seventy-five percent (75%) of the amount contributed for full- tinne employees selecting faxnily health insurance coverage. 10.6 Notwithstanding Section tQ.S, employees cavered by this Agreement and employed half- time prior to January 1, 1986 shall receive the same health insurance contributions as full-time employees. This Section 10.6 applies oniy to employees who were employed half-tune during the month of December, 1985 and shall continue to apply only as long as such employees remain continuously employed haif-time. 10.7 For each eligble employee, the Employer agrees to contribute the cost of $20,000 of life insurance. 10.8 The contnbutions indicated in this Articie 10 shall be paid to the Employer's Group Health and Welfaze Plan. 10.9 Any cost of any premium for any City offered empioyee or family insurance coverage in excess of the dollaz amounts stated in this Article 10 sha11 be paid by the employee, \J 11 ARTICLE 10 — INSURANCE (Continued) 10.10 The Employez will pmvide a system whereby the employee's contn�bution towazd the premiums for the employee selected heatth insurance coverages can be paid on a pre-ta2c basis while tfie employee is receiving taxable incomethrough the City payroii system. Employees covered by this Agreement, who are benefit eligt�ble, will be eligible to participate in the Fle�ble Spending Account as offered by the Employer. The service fee charged to participating employees shall be paid by the Employer. 10.11 Employees wvered by this Agreement shall be etigible to participate in the Dependettt Care Reimbursement Account offered by the Employer. The service fee charged to participating employees shall be paid by the Employer. Retiree Insurance 10.12 Ftill-time emptoyees who retire must meet the following conditions at the time of retirement in order to be eligible for the Employer contributions, ]isted in Sections 10.13 through 10.16 below, towazd a health insurance plan offered by the Employer: 10.12 (1) 10.12 (2) Be receiving benefits from a public employee retiremettt act at the time of retirement, and Have severed tris/her relationship with the City of Saint Paul for reasons other than misconduct, and 10.12 (3) Have completed at least twenry (20) years with the City of Saint Paul or fi8een (15) years if receiving a disability pension, excluding years of service with Independent School District No. 625 for employees hired by or transferred to the City after Mazch 31, 2001. Early Retirees 10.13 This Section shall apply to full-time employees who: 10.13 (1) Retire on or after 7anuary 1, 1996, and 10.13 (2) Were appointed on or before December 31, 1995, and 10.13 (3) Have not attained age sizYy-five (65) at retirement, and 10.13 (4) Meet the terms set forth in Section 10.12 above, and 10.13 (5) Select a health insurance plan offered by the Employer. Until such employees reach sixty-five (65) years of age, the Bmployer agrees to contribute a maximum of $350.00 per month toward the premium for single or famity health insurance coverage offered by the Employer. Any unused portion of the Employer's contnbution shall not be paid to tbe retiree. When such early retiree attains age sixty-five (65), the provisions of Section 10.15 will apply. � • � 12 ARTICLE 10 — INSURANCE (Continued) ()� -g� • 10.14 Tlus Section shall apply to full-time employees who: 10.14 (1) Retire on or after January 1, 1996, and 10.14 (2) Were appointed on or after January l, 199b, and 10.14 (3) Have not attained age sixty-five (65) at retirement, and 10.14 (4) Meet the conditions of Section 10.12 above, and 10.14 (5) Select a heaith insurance plan offered by the Employer. Untii such retirees reach sixty-five {65} years of age, the Employer agre�s to contribute a maacimum of $300.00 per month toward the premium for single or fam.ily health insurance coverage offered by the Employer. Any unused portion of the Employer's cantribution shall not be paid to the retiree. When such eazly retiree attains age sucty-five (65), the provisions of Section 10.16 shall apply. Effective January 1, 2Q04, Eazly Retirees will no longer be eligble for City paid life insurance. Regular Retirees (Age Sixty-Five (65) and over) 10.15 This Section sha11 apply to full-time employees who: • 10.15 (1) Retire on or after January 1, 1996, and 10.15 (2) Were appointed on or before December 31, 1995, and 10.15 (3) Have attained age s'vcty-five (65) at retirement, and 10.15 (4) Meet the terms set forth in Section 10.12 above, and 10.15 (5) Select a health insurance plan offered by the Employer. The Employer agrees to contribute a maxixuum of $550.00 per month toward the premium for single or family health insurance coverage offered by the Employer to regulaz retirees and their dependents. Any unused portion of the Employer's contribution shall not be paid to the retiree. Tkris Seetion shall also apply to early retirees who retired under the provisions of Section 10.13 when such retirees attain age sixty-five (65). 10.16 This Section shall apply to full-tune employees who: 10.16 (1) Retire on or after January 1, 1996, and 10.16 (2) Were appointed on or after January 1, 1996, and 10.15 (3) Have attainecl age sixty-five (65) at retirement, and 10.16 (4) Meet the conditions of 5ection 10.12 above, and 10.16 (5) Select a health insurance plan offered by the Empioyer. The Employer agrees to contribute a ma�mum of $300.00 per month toward the premium for single or family health insurance coverage offered by the Employer to • regular retirees and their dependents. Any unused portion of the Employer's Contnbution shall not be paid to the retiree. f[t3 ARTICLE 10 — INSURANCE (Continued) This Section shall also apply to early retirees who retired under the provisions of Section i 10.14 when such eazly retirees attain age sixty-five (65). 10.17 If an employee does not meet the condiYion of Section 20.12 (3), but has completed at least ten (10) years of service with the City, he/she may purcliase single or family health insurance coverage through the Employer's insurance prograw. The total cost of such insurance coverage shall be paid by the retiree. 10.18 A retiree may not cazry his/her spouse as a dependent if such spovse is also a Ciry retaee or City employee and eligible for and is enrolled in the City health insurance program 10.19 Survivor Insurance: The surviving spouse of an employee cartying family coverage at the time oflus/her death due to a job connected injury or illness which was determined to have arisen out o£and in the course ofhis/her employment under worker's compensation law shall continue to be eligible fox city coniribuYion in the same pmportions as is provided for retired employees. In the event of the death of an eazly retiree or a regulaz retiree, the dependents of the retiree shall have the option, witivn thirty (30} days, to continue ti�e current hospitalization and medical benefits which said dependents previously had, at the premium and Employer contnbution accorded to the eligible deceased retiree. It is further understood that coverage shall cease in the event o� 10.19 (1) Subsequent remazriage ofthe surviving spouse ofthe deceased employee or retiree. 10.19 (2) The empioyment of the surviving spouse or dependent where health insurance is obtained through a group pmgram provided by said employer. In tlzis event, however, the surviving spouse or dependent shail have the right to maintain City health insivance for the first ninety (90) days of said employment. 10.20 Additionai dependants beyond those of record at the time of retirement may not be added to the retiree's health inc�rance plan at City e�.pense after rdirement. 10.21 A retiree's participation in the City's health insurance plan must be continuous. The retiree must be participating in a City health insurance plan at the time of retirement. If a retiree chooses not to participate at the time of his/her retiremetrt or if a retiree discontinues his/fier participation at a later date, such retiree will not be eligible for any fnture participation or for any Employer contribution • • 14 6�-�/ • ARTICLE 11- WORHING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION i l.l The Empioyer shali avoid, whenever possble, working an employee on an out-of-ciass assignment for a prolonged period of time. Any empioyee working an out-of-class assignment for a period in excess of fifteen (15) working days during a yeaz shall receive the rate of pay for the out-of-class assignment in a higher classification not later than the sixteenth (lb`� day of such assignment. For purposes of this Article, an out-of-class assignment is defined as an assignment of an employee to perform, on a full-tnne basis, all of the significant duties and responsibilities of a position different from the employee's regulaz position, and which is in a classification higher than the classification held by such employee. The rate of pay for an approved out-of-class assignment shali be the saxne rate the employee would receive if such employee received a regulaz appointment to the higher classification. u 11.2 For the following classifications, the provisions of Section 1 I.1 shall not apply to perforniance of the duties of the next higher classification in the job series: Clerk I Clerk-Stenographer I Clerk-Typist I Data Entry Operator I Zookeeper I ARTICLE 12 - SENIORITY 12.1 Seniority, for the purpose of this Agreement, shall be defined as follows: The length of continuous, regular, and probationary service with the Employer from the date an employee was first certified and appointed to a class title covered by this Agreement, it heing further understood that seniority is confined to the current class assignment held by an employee. In cases where two (2) or more employees aze appointed to the same class title on the same date, the seniority shall be detemuned by the employee's rank on the eligible list from which certification was made. 12.2 Seniority shall tenninate when an empioyee retires, resigns, or is discharged. 123 In the event it is determined by the Employer that it is necessary to reduce the work force, employees will be laid offby class title within each department based on inverse length of seniority as defined above. However, when layoff occurs in any of the titles listed below under Column A, layoff shall be based on inverse length of total seniority in all titles listed on the corresponding line under Column B. The Huxnan Resources Depaztment will identify such least senior • employee in that title in the department reducing positions, and shall notify said employee of his/her reduction from the deparhnent. 15 ARTICLE 12 — SENTORITY (Continued) If there aze any vacancies in any of the titles under Column B on which seniority was based, in any other City department, the Humau Resources Department shall place the affected employee in such vacancy. Iftwo (2) or more vacant positions are available, the Human Resources Department shall decide which vacant positions the affected employee shall fi1L If no vacancy exists in such tities, then the least senior City employee in sucfi tifies sha21 be identified, and if the employee affected by the original departmental reduction is more senior, he/she shau have the right to claim that position and the least senior City employee in such titles shall be the employee laid off, For the purposes of this Article, the Boazd of Education is not included as a City department nor is a Board of Educarion employee included as a City employee, Column A Accounting Machine Operator I Accounting Machine Operator II Cashier I Cashier IT Office Assistant I Office Assistant II Clerk-StenographerI Data Entry Operator I Column B Acwunting Machine Operator I, Accounting Machine Operator II Accounting Machine Operator II, Accounting Machine Operator I Cashier I, Cashier II Cashier II, Cashier I Office Assistant I, Office Assistant II Office Assistant II, Office Assistant I Clerk-Stenographer I, Clerk-SYenographer II Data Entry Operator I, Data Entry Operator II 12.4 In cases where there are promotional series, such as Office Assistanf I, II, III, etc., when the number of employees in these higher titles is to be reduced, employees who have held lowec titles which aze 'vn this bazgaining unit will be offered reductions to the highest of these titles to which class seniority would keep them from being laid of� before layoffs aze made by any class title within any department. 12.5 In cases where an employee to be laid off has held no regulaz appointment iu a lower title in the same promotional series as hislher current title, that employee will be offered a reduction to the title within the bazgaining unit to wluch he(she was regularly appointed immediately pnior to hislher current title, so Iong as there is either a vacancy or, if no vacancy exists, a less senior employee in such title may be disptaced. In cases where an employee to be laid off has held no regular appointment to any titles immediaYely prior to his/lter cuxrent title, said employee st�all be laid off. The employee reducing into a title formerly held must satisfactoriiy complete a sis-month probationary period in such title. If the probationary period is not satisfactory, the employee shall, at any time during the probationary period, be reinstated to his/her former title and shall be Iaid o� but such employee's name will be placed on the reinstatement register in his(her foxmer title and "bumping" rights herein sl�all not again apply to such employee. • • � J 16 r 1 LJ • ARTICLE 12 — SENIORTTY (Continued) �g -�l This procedure will be followed by the City for City employees, and by the Board of Education for Board of Education employees; however, City employees heing reduced or laid off may not displace Board of Education employees; Board of Education employees being reduced or laid offmay not displace City employees. 12.6 It is understood that such employees wili pick up their former seniority date in any class ofpositions which they previously held. 12.7 Recail from layo ff shall be in inverse order of layof� except that recall rights shall expire after two (2) years of layoff. 12.8 Employees assigned to these divisions in the Police Department: Impound Lot, Property Room, Communication Center, andJor Records, shall be allowed to bid for work shifts (i.e. midnights, days, and afternoons), on the basis of seniority when a vacancy occurs within the empIoyees' classification in their division. 12.9 In the event the Employer believes it is necessary to merge, contract out, or subcontract any public work performed by employees covered by this Agreement which may lead to layoff, the Employer will notify the Union no less than forty-five (45) calendar days in advance. During the forty-five (45) days, the Employer will meet with the Union and discuss possible options to contracting out or ways and means to min;m;ze the elimination ofpositions. ARTICLE 13 — POST EMPLOYMENT HEALTH PLAN (PEHP) 13.1 Effective January 1, 2008, employees may be eligible for a Post Employment Health Plan (PEHP) contribution by the Empioyer of $200.00. Employees who have completed twenty (20) years of service shall have a$276.00 PEHP wntribution paid by the Employer as indicated in the eligibility requirements below. 13.2 Eligibility and 'unplementation: a) For initial contn�bution, employees must have been employed for a m;nimum af one (1) calendar year. b) Employees must be a member ofthe bargaining unit for a ininimum of one (1) calendar yeaz. c) City contnbutions will be made by April I of the following year. d) Employees must be on the payroll as of the date of contribution. e) If an employee takes a leave of absence to serve as a fuii-time union official, time served in such capacity, up to six (6) yeazs, wiil be counted toward the yeazs of service requirement. fl Qualifying years of service for the twenty (20) year rate must have been attained by January 1 of the previous plan year. u 17 ARTICLE 14 - BULLETIN BOARDS 14. Z The Employer shall provide reasonable bulletiti space for use by the Union in posting notices of Union business and activities. Said bulletin boazd spaae shaSl not be used by the Union for political purposes other thau Union elections. Use ofthis bulletin board is subject to approval ofthe Department Head. ARTICLE 15 - WAGES 15.1 For putposes of this Contract, the wage schedule shall be Appendi�c A, attached hereto. Both parties agree that the inclusion of the classifications and salary ranges in Append'uc A does not preclude the Employer from the following: 1. Reorgauizing; 2. Abolishing classifications; 3. Establishing new classifications; 4. Re-grading classifications; 5. Reclassifying positions. � Both parties also agree that fitles and grades in Appendix A refer to employees in tfie positions at the date of signiug of the ageement. No employee in this barga ining unit shali suffer any reduction in salary because of a re-grading or recJassificatioa during the • contract period in which such re-grading or reclassification takes place. 15.2 Tndividual employees may request an audit of his/her position whenever the nature of the work and/or responsibilities in his/her position have substantially changed. Whea an employee has submitted a fizlly compteted job pmfile to his/her supervisor requesting a classification study ofius/her position, responsi�ble Managers in the Deparhnent where the employee works sha11 have forty (40) calendaz days to complete their portion of the JAQ (job profile) and forward it to the Office of Human Resources. The staffof the Office of Human Resources will complete the study within fi8y (50) days after the fully completed job profile is submitted to the Office of Human Resources by the employee's supervisors. If the Employer finds the employee has assumed a lugher level of responsibility but does not want the employee working at that level on a permanent basis, the Employer will present the employee with a written list of duries which the employee is eacpected to cease performing. 15.3 Effective January 1, 2006, step two (2) of the salary schedule (suc montfi step) shali be abolished. Effective January 1, 2010, the twenty-five (25) yeaz step of the salary schedule shall be abolished and collapsed into the twenty (20) year step. All other steps shall remain intact. The language o£the contract shall supersede/repiace any conflicting language ofthe Salary Plan. . m o� �> • ARTICLE 16 - MAINTENANCE OF STANDARDS 16.1 The parties agree tbat all conditions of employment relating to wages, hours of work, overtime differentials, vacations, and all other general working conditions shall be maintained at not less than the highest minimum standard set forth in the Civil Service Rules of the City of Saint Paul (Resolution No. 3250) and the Saint Paul Salary Pian and Rates of Compensation at the time of the signing ofthis Agreement, and the conditions of employment shall be unproved wherever specific provisions for improvement aze made eLsewhere in this Agreement. 16.2 Civil Service Rules 8.A.3 and Civil Service Rule 14 shall not apply to applicants and employees from Independent School District No. 625. ARTICLE 17 - LEAVES OF ABSENCE 17.1 Leave of Absence: After three (3) months employment, an employee may make application for a leave of absence not to exceed one (i) yeaz. A leave of absence shall be granted on the basis established in the Civil Service Rules (Resolution No. 3250). 17.2 Sick Leave: Effective Januazy 1, 2006, sick leave shall accumulate at the rate of .0538 for each hour on the payroll, excluding overtune. Sick leaue accumulation is unlimited. To be eligible for sick leave the employee must report to his/her supervisor no later than • one-half hour past his/her regulaz scheduled starting tixne. The granting of sick leave shall be subject to the terms and provisions of Resolution No. 3250 of the City of Saint Paul. For absences due to sickness of seven (7) or fewer calendar days, the Empioyer shall require a physician's certificate or additional certificates only when there is reason to suspect abuse of sick leave or to verify that an employee is fit to return to hislher position. The Employer's requirement of a certificate under this section shall not be azbitrable. 17.3 Sick Leave Use with Bereavement: Any employee who has accuxnulated sick leave credits as provided above shall be granted leave with pay for such period of tizne as the Head of the Department deems necessary on account of sickness or injury of the employee, quarantine established by a public heaith enforcement agency, death of the employee's mother, father, spouse, child, brother, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, or other person who is a member of the household, and co-worker; and may be granted leave with pay for such time as is actually necessary for office visits to a doctor, dentist, optometrist, etc. 17.4 Leave Withaut Pay: Any employee who engages in active service in tixne ofwaz or other emergency declared by proper authority of any o f the military or naval forces of the state or of the United States for which leave is not otherwise allowed by law shail be • entitled to leave of absence from employment without pay during such service with right of reinstatement and subject to such conditions as are unposed by law. 19 ARTICLE 17 - LEAVES OF ABSENCE (Continued) Such leaves of absence as are granted under Article 18 (MILITARY LEAVE OF � ABSENCE) shall conform to Minnesota Statute, Section 192, as amended &om time to time, and shall confer no additional benefits other tfian those granted by said statute. 17.5 Jury Duty: Employees who are required during regulaz working hours to appeaz in court as jurors or witnesses, except as a witness in their own behalf against the City, shall be paid their re�ulaz pay while so engaged, provided that any fees that employees may receive from the court for such services shail be paid to the City and be deposited with the Employer. Employees scheduled to work a s2ri8 other thaa the aormal daytime shift, shall be rescheduled to work the normal daytime shift during such time as heJshe is required to appear in court as a juror or witness. 17.6 Funeral Leave: Any employee who has accumulated sick Ieave credits, as provided in the Civil Service Rules, shall be granted one (1) day o f such leave to attend the funeral o f the employee's grandpazent or grandchild 17.7 Uniott Leave: An employee elected or appointed to a full-time paid position by the exclusive representative may be gtanfed a Ieave of absence without pay for not more than one (1) year for the purpose of conducting the duties of the exclusive representative. 17.8 Maternity and Parental Leave: Pregnant employees of the City of Saint Paul shall be eligible for the use of paid sick leave and unpaid leave of absettce in the same manner as • any otfier disabled or i11 City employee. Such paid sick Ieave eligbility shatl begin upon certification by the employee's attending physician that the emp2oyee is disabled in ternns of her ability to perform the duties of her position A twelve (12) month Pazental leave of absence without pay shall be granted to a natural pazent or an adoptive pazent who requests such Ieave in conjunction with the birth or adoption of a ctrild. Such leave may be extended aa additional twelve (12) months by mutual agreement between the employee and the Employer. Refusal on the part of the Employer to grant an eactension of such leave shall not be subject to the provisions of Azticle 6(EMPLOYEE RIGHTS — GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE) ofthis Agreement. Employees who retum following such leaves of absence shall be placed in a position of equivalent salary and tenure as the one held just prior to the beginning of hislher leave. 17.9 Sick Leave for a Child: An employee may use personal sick leave benefits provided by the Employer for absences due to an illness of or injury to the empioyee's child for such reasonable periods as the employee's attendance with the child may be necessary, on the same terms the employee is able to use sick leave benefits for the employee's own illness or injury. This seetion applies only to personal sick leave benefits payable to the employee from the Employer's general assets. • ►'��] AR'I'I�LE 1'7 — LEAVES OF ABSENCE (Continued} �� �gI • For purposes ofthis Section, "personai sick leave benefits" means time accrued and available to an employee to be used as a result of absence from work due to personal illness oz injury, but does not include short-term or long-term disability or other salary continuation benefits. 17.10 CIuId School Leave: An employee shall be granted up to a total of sucteen (16) hours during a school year to attend school conferences or classroom activities related to the employee's child, provided the conferences or classroom activities cannot be scheduled during non-work hours. When the leave cannot be scheduled during non-work hours and the need for the leave is foreseeable, the employee must provide reasonable prior notice of the leave and make a reasonable effort to schedule the leave so as not to disrupt unduly the operations of the Employer. An employee shall be allowed to use vacation or compensatory time for this leave; otherwise, this leave shall be without pay. 17.11 Voluntary Unpaid Leave of Absence: A full-tnne employee may be granted up to four hundred and eighty (480) hours of voluntary leave of absence without pay during the fiscal year. During such leave of absence, the employee shall continue to earn and accrue vacation and sick leave, seniority credits, and maintain insurance eligibility as though he or she were on the payroll. • Any leave of absence granted under this provision is subject to the approval of the Department Head. ARTICLE 18 — SICK LEAVE USAGE FOR DEPENDENT CARE 18.1 In the case of a serious illness or disability of a parent or househoid member, the Head of the Department shall grant leave with pay in order for the employee to care for or make arrangements for the care of such sick or disabled persons. Such paid leave shall be drawn from the empioyee's accumulated sick leave credits. Use of such sick leave shall be limited to forty (40) hours per incident. An employee may use sick leave for absences due to an illness of the employee's child for such reasonable periods as the employee's attendance with the child may be necessary, on the same terms the employee is able to use sick leave for his or her own illness. An employee may also use up to forty (40) hours per incident to arrange for the care of a seriously ill or disabled child. 18.2 The Head of the Department or the Human Resources Director may require a physician's certificate or additional certificates at any time during an employee's use of sick leave for the purposes stated in Section 18.1 above. All such certificates shall be forwazded by the appointing officer to the Human Resources Office. If an employee is absent because of the provisions of Section 18.1 for three (3) or fewer calendar days he/she shall submit to the Head of the Department a certificate signed by • the employee stating the nature of the child, pazent, or household member's sickness. If the sickness continues for more than three (3) calendar days, no further sick leave shall be 21 ARTICLE 18 — SICK LEAVE USAGE FOR DEPENDENT CARE (Continued) granted unless or until a physician is consulted. The sick leave may be continued from • and inctude the day of consultation, but only if a certificate signed by the physician certifyiug to the nature and period of the person's sickness is submitted and_approved by the Head of the Department and forwazded to the Office of Human Resources. 18.3 No sick leave shall be granted for the above reasons unless the employee reports to his/her Department Head the necessity for the absence not later than one-half hour after lus/her regularly scheduled time to report for work, unless he/she can show to the satisfaction ofthe bepartment Head that-the faiTure to report was excusable. 18.4 An employee shall be paid under the provisions of this pazagraph only far the number of days or hours far which he/she would normally have been paid if he/she had not been on sick leave. ARTICLE 19 - MILITARY LEAVE OF ABSENCE 19.1 Pay Allowance: Any employee who shali be a member ofthe National Guard, the Naval Militia, or any other component of the militia of the State, now or hereafter organized or constituted under state or federal law, or who shall be a member of the Officer's Reserve Corps, the Enlisted Reserve Corps, the Naval Reserve, the Marine Corps Reserve, or any other reserve component of the military or naval force of the United States, now or hereafter organized or constituted under Federal law, shall be entitled to leave of absence • from employment without loss of pay, saniority status, efficiency nting, vacation, sick leave, or other benefits for a11 the time when such empIoyee is engaged with such organization or component in training or active service ordered or authozized by proper authority pursuant to law, whether for state or federal purposes, pmvided that such leave shall not excee8 a total of fifteen (15) days ia any catendar year and, fiuther provided tkat such leaue shall be allowed only in case the requized military or naval service is satisfactorily performed, which shall be presumed unless the contrary is established. Such leave shall not be allowed unless the employee (1) retums to his/her position immediateIy upon being relieved from such military or naval service and not later than the eacpiration oftime herein limited for such leave, or {2) is prevented from so returning by physical or mental disability or other cause not due to such employee's own fault, or (3) is requu•ed by proper authority to continue in such military or naval service beyond the time herein limited for such leave. ARTICLE 20 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS 20.1 The Union recognizes the right of the City to operate and manage its affairs in all respects in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of appropriate authorities. Ail rights and authority wYrich the City has not officially abridged, delegated, or modified by this Agreement aze retained by the City. r� LJ 22 ARTICI.E 20 — MANAGEMENT RIGHTS (Coniinued) �g -� • 20.2 A public employer is not required to meet and negotiate on matters of inherent managerial policy, which include, but aze not limited to, such azeas of discretion or policy as the functions and programs of the Employer, its overall budget, utilization of technology, and organizational structure and selection and direction and number of personnei. ARTICLE 21— DISCIPLINE 211 The Employer will discipline employees for just cause only. Discipline will be in the form of 21.1 (1) Oral reprixnand; 21.1 (2) Written reprimand; 21.1 (3) Suspension; 21.1 (4) Reduction; 21.1 (5) Discharge. 21.2 Suspensions, reductions, and discharges will be in written form. 21.3 Employees and the Union will receive copies of written reprimands and notices of suspension and dischazge. � 21.4 Any member of the bargaining unit may, during usual working hours, with the approval of the supervisor, review any materiai placed in the employee's personnel file, after first giving proper notice to the supervisor in custody of such file. 21.5 Dischazges will be preceded by a five (5) working day preliminary suspension without pay. During said period, the employee andlor Union may request, and shall be entitled to, a meeting with the Employer representative who initiated the suspension with intent to discharge. During said five (5) working day period, the Employer may affirm, modify, ar withdraw the suspension and dischazge. 21.6 An employee to be questioned concerxxing an investigation of disciplinary action shall have the right to request that a Union representative be present. 21.7 Grievances relating to this Article shall be processed in accordance with the grievance procedure under Article 6(EMPLOYEE RIGHTS — GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE). 21.8 Any written reprimand made concerning any member of this Bazgan�ing Unit which is filed with the Office of Human Resources or within any City departme�st shall be shown to the member before it is placed on file. Before the reprimand is placed on file, the City • shall request from the employee an acknowledgment, in writing, that the reprimand has been read by said employee. 23 ARTICLE 22 —_ VACANCIES 22.1 The Office of Human Resources will inform all departments that the departmenYs payroll - clerlc shall post notices of all job vacancies iri tfieir deparimeaf af least" five (5) days before submitting a requisition to the Office of Human Resources. ARTICLE 23 — NO STRIKE — NO LOCKOUT 23.1 Neither tke Union, its ofiicers or agents, nor anyofthe employees covered by this Agreement will engage in, encourage, sanction, or support any stnlce, or the witt�holding in whole or in part of the full performance of their duries during the life of this Agreement, except as specifically allowed by the Public Employment Labor Relations Act. In the event of a violation of this Article, the Employer will warn employees of the consequettces of their action and shall instruct them to unmediately retum to their normal duties. Any employee who fails to returu to his/ker duties withiu twenty-four (24) hours of such wazuing may be subject to the penalties provided in the Public Employment Labor Relations Act. 23.2 No lockout, or refusal to allow employees to perform available work, shall be instituted by the Employer and/or its appointing authorities dvring the life of this Agreement. ARTICLE 24 — SEVERANCE PAY 24.1 The Employet shall provide a severance pay program as set forth in this A.rticle. 24.2 Eligibility: Effective December 31, 2007, an employee must meet the following requirements to receive a benefit under this plan. All other severance benefit plans shall be discontinued. • • 24.2 (1) The employee must be voluntanTy sepazated from City employment or have been subject to sepazation by layoff or compulsory retirement. Those employees who aze discharged for cause, misconduct, inefficiency, incompetence, or any other disciplinary reason aze not eligible for the cify severance pay program. For the purpose ofthis severance program, a death of an employee shall be considered as sepazation of employment and if the employee would have met all of the requiremenYs set forth at the time ofhis/her deatb, payment ofthe severance pay shall be made to the employee's estate or spouse. For the purpose of this severance program, a transfer from the City of Saint Paul empioyment to Independent School District No. 625 employment is considered a separation of employment, and such transferee shatl be eligible for the City severance program. For fhe purpose of this Article, service requirements for severance eligibility will not include years of service with Independent School District No. 625 for employees hired by the City or transferred to the City a8er • Mazch 31, 2001. � S ARTICLE 24 — SEVERANCE PAY (Continued) pS��/ 24.2 (2) The employee must fi1e a waiver of re-employment with the Human Resources Director, which will cleazly indicate that by requesting severance pay, the employee waives all claims to reinstatement or re- employment (of any type), with the City. 24.2 (3) The employee must have a minunum oftwelve (12) years of service and 600 hours of sick leave credits at the time of his(her sepazation of service from the City. Effective January 1, 2009, the employee must have a minunum of fourteen (14) years of service and 600 hours of sick leave credits at the tnne of his/her sepazation of service from the City. 24.2 (4) If an employee requests severance pay and if the employee meets the eligibility requirements set forth above, he/she will be granted severance pay as shown below. • Accrued sick leave credits of: 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 i�oo 24.2 (5) Effective January 1, 2009, an additional accrual level to the severance schedule in Article 24.2 (4) will be added as follows: • Accrued sick leave credits of: :11 Severance $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $9,000 $10,000 $11,000 $12,000 $13,000 $ia,000 �is,000 Severance $16,000 243 For any empioyee who is eligbie to receive severance from the City under this Article 24, the City will contribute 105% of the full amount of their severance payment to a Post Employment Health Plan (PEHP) in lieu of any cash payment to the employee. 25 ARTICLE 24 - SEVERANCE PAY (Continued) 24.4 Any employee who is eligible to receive Severance from the Employer under Yhis � Article 24, shall have his/her accrued but unused vacation contnbuted to the PEHP listed in Article 243 above. 24.5 Such amounts listed in Article 24.4 above shall be made at the time of retirement. ARTICLE 25 - TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 25.1 It is recognized that temporary employees are within the unit covered by this Agreement, however, except as specifically provided by this Agreement, temporary employees shall not have or acquire any rights or bettefits other than specifically provided by the pmvisions ofthe Civil Service Rules and/or the Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation ARTICLE 26 - NONDISCRIMINATION 26.1 The terms and conditions ofthis Agreement wilI be applied equally to employees without regard to, or discrimination for or against any individual because of race, color, creed, se�s, age, disability, or because of inembership or non-membersiup in the Union. 26.2 Employees will perform Yheir duries and responsibi2ities ia a nondisr*+m;natory manner as such duties and responsbilities involve other employees and the general public. � 26.3 Any member of the bazgaining twit may file a grievauce or discrl,r„nation complaint and there shall be no retaliation by the City of Saint Paut for such action ARTICLE 27 — LEGAL SERViCES 27.1 Except in cases of malfeasance in office or willful or wanton neglect of duty, the Employer sha11 defend, save fiarmless and indemnify employees against tort claims or demands, whether groundless or otherwise, arising out of alleged acts or omissions occurring in the performance or scope of the employee's duties. 27.2 NoYwithsYanding Section 27.1, the Bmployer shall not be responsible for paying any tegal service fee, or for providing any legal service arising from any legal action where the employee is the Plaintiff. .ARTICLE 28 — SAFETY 28.1 The Employer and Employees sl�all cooperate in the enforcement of all applicable regulations for the enforcement of job safety. If an employee feeLs that his/her work duties or responsbilities require such employee to be in a situation that violates state safety laws or legally promulgated standazds, the matter shall be immediately considered by the Employer. • 26 ARTICLE 28 - SAFETY (Continued) 0� ��� • 282 For those employees required by the Employer to wear safety sho es or boots, the Employer agrees to contnbute $75.00 per calendar yeaz toward the purchase of one pair of such shoes or boots and shall not be responsibie for any additional cost for that yeaz. Employees may carry over up to a totai of $150.00 for the purchase of shoes. Reimbursement shall be made only after investigation and approval by the immediate supervisor of the employees. 28.3 When the Employer estabiishes Labor/Management Sa£ety Committees, the Union wiil select its own members to participate. 28.4 When the Employer establishes Accident and Incident Review Boazds, the Union will not be required to participate. ARTICLE 29 - UNIFORM REIMBURSEMENT 29.1 The size of all uniform reunbursements shall increase on the first day of each year of the Contract by the same percentage amount as the general increase. 29.2 Employees warking in the title ofAnimal Control Officer and who are required to wear a specified uniform shall be reunbursed for uniform items purchased up to $427.01 per calendaz yeaz 2008; $440.89 per calendaz year 2009; $455.22 per calendar yeaz 2010. , 29.3 Technical Trainees who are required to weaz a specified uniform shall be reimbursed for uniform items purchased up to $94.90 per calendaz year 2008; $97.98 per calendaz year 2009; $101.64 per calendar yeaz 2010. 29.4 Zoo Keepers who are required to weaz a specified uniform shall be reimbursed for uniform items purchased up to $415.14 per calendaz year 2Q08; $428.63 per calendaz year 2009; $442.56 per calendaz year 2010. 29.5 Pazking Enforcement Officers who are required to weaz a specified uniform shall receive a one-tixne uniform rennbursement for uniform itexns purchased up to $948.88 for 200&; $979.72 per calendar year 2009; $1011.56 per calendaz year 2010. 29.6 Meter Readers who aze required to weaz a specified uniform shall be reunbursed for uniform items purchased up to $218.77 per calendaz year 2008; $225.88 per calendar yeaz 2009; $233.22 per calendar yeaz 2010. 29.7 Maintenance Trainees shall receive a clothing reimbursement of $307.74 per calendar year 2008; $317.74 per calendar yeaz 2009; $328.07 per calendaz year 2010. 29.8 The Employez shall provide each employee in the title of Refectory Supervisor and Refectory Attendant who is required to wear a specified uniform with four (4) uniforms • for full-time employees and two (2) uniforms for part-time employees. The uniform wiil consist of either a shirt ar sweatshirt selected by the Employer. 27 ARTICLE 29 - UNIFORM REIlVIBURSEMENT (Continued) 29.9 Employees in the above sections of this Article will be required to weaz the uniform • while on duty and witl be responszble for the care and upkeep of their uniforms. 29.10 The Employer stiall determine the process fot the reimbursement of uniform items purchased. ARTTCLE 30 - SPECIAL EMPLOYMENT TTTLES 30.1 Upon completion of one thousand forty (1040) working hours, excluding overtime hours, employees worlang in "Special EmploymenY' titles recognized by the Bureau of Mediation Services as being appropriateIy included in this bargaining unit shaIl be eligible for benefits under this Agreement on the same basis as all other emgloyees covered by this Agreement. ARTICLE 31- PROBATIONARY PERIOD 31.1 Effective January i, 2007, employees covered bythis bazgaining unit shall have a one (I} year probationary period. The ]anguage of the Contract shall supersedeJreplace any conflicting language of the Salary Plan. ARTICLE 32 - TERMS OF AGREEMENT • 32.1 Complete AGI2EEMENT and'Waiver of Bargaining: T1tis Agreement shall represent the complete agreement between the Union and the Employer. The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this Agreement, each had the unlixnited right and opportunity to make requests and proposals with respect to any subject or matter not removed by taw from the area of collective bargaining, and that the complete understandings and agreements arrived at by the parties after the eacercise of that right and opportunity are set forth in this Agreement. Therefore, the Employer and the Union, for the life of this Agreement, each voluntarily and unquatifiedly waives the right, and each agrees that the other shatl not be obligated to bazgain collectiveIy with respect to any subjeet or matter referred to or covered in this Agreement. 32.2 Savings Clause: This Agreement is subject to the laws ofthe United States, the State of Minnesota, attd the City of Saint PauL In the event any provision of this Agreement shall hold to be contrazy to law by a couR of competent jurisdiction from whose final judgment or decree no appeal has been taken within the time provided, such provision shall be voided. All other provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 323 Term of Agreement: This Agreement shail be m full force and effect from 7anuary 1, 2008 through December 31, 2010 and shall be automaYically renewed from yeaz to year thereafter unless either party shall notify the other in writing that it desires to modify or terminate this Agreement. In witness whereo� the parties have caused this • Agreement to be executed this / 7�' day o f January, 2008. (The date was handwritten in the original signature copy.) m n LJ • • ARTICLE 32 — TERMS OF AGREEMENT (Confinued) bg �� 32.4 This constitutes a tentative ageement between the parties which will be recommended by the Director of Human Resources but is subject to the approval of the Administration of the City and the City Council, and is aiso sub}ect to ratification by Local Union No. 2508. 32.5 Retroactive pay adjustments shall apply to all employees of the bargaining unit who are active employees on the date of signing ofthe Agreement except those who k�ave been tenninated for cause. I;�LMy�1�Y.9�.Y1 FOR 1'HE CITY Relations Manager LOCAL iJNION NO. 2508, DISTRICT COUNCIL NO. 5 OF THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY, AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES AFL-CIO � �1 �i � � ' �'` /-/�-o� � � /'/� Date Chris Cowen Date Business Representative � q J �/'7- O,� Tracey B s Date Labor Relations Specialist �.-- w� 1'%� n b� J Klemaseski Date President 29 • APPENDIX A- BIWEEKLY RATES ��1 '� I Salary Ranges to titles in this Agreement shall be as follows: Effective May 1, 2008 (closest pay period) Effective April l, 2009 (closest pay period) Effective January 1, 2010 (ciosest pay period) 3.25% increase 3.25% increase 3.25% increase Effective January 1, 2010, the twenty-5ve (25) year step ofthe salary schedule shall be abolished and collapsed into the twenty (20) year step. GRADE 001 � Ol/OSl08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (1) 749.15 773.50 798.64 824.60 �2) 746.31 822.19 848.91 876.50 (3) 826.99 853.87 881.62 910.27 GRADE 002 OilOSl08 04/26/08 03{28/09 01/02/10 C�7•�xIT1Yl • Q1/OS(08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (1) 765,27 790.14 815.82 84233 tl) 779.81 805.15 831.32 858.34 �z) 814.01 840.47 867.79 895.99 t2) 829.34 856.29 884.12 912.85 t3) 837.62 864.84 892.95 921.97 t3) 856.48 88432 913.06 942.73 (4) 851.78 879.46 908.04 937.55 (4) 867.�9 895.27 924.37 954.41 t�) 887.17 916.00 945.77 976.51 (5) 877.71 906.24 935.69 966.10 (S) 84539 924.49 954.54 985.56 t5) 913.09 942.77 973.41 1,005.05 10-yr (6) 897.73 926.91 957.03 988.13 10-yr (6) 913.09 942.77 973.41 1,005.05 10-yr (6) 953.53 984.52 1,016.52 1,049.56 15-yr ��) 428.02 958.18 989.32 1,021.47 15-yr t 944.54 980.45 1,012.31 1,045.21 15-yr ��) 467.50 998.94 1,031.41 1,064.93 20-yr t8) 949.70 980.57 1,012.44 1,060.19 20-yr t8) 971.23 1,002.79 1,03538 1,083.90 20-yr � 489.18 1,021.33 1,054.52 1,103.69 25-yr (9) 463.20 994.50 1,026.82 25-yr (9) 984.74 1,016.74 1,049.78 25-yr (9) 1,002.71 1,03530 1,068.95 � APPENDIX A - BIWEEKLY RA.TES (Cotttinued) [eT;7�ii�iirrL! 01/05/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02110 (1) 791.63 81736 843.42 87135 �2) 842.15 869.52 897.78 926.96 (3) 872.98 90135 930.64 960.89 (4) (5) 902.50 935.53 931.83 965.93 962.11 99732 993.38 1,029.73 10-yr �� 953.20 984.18 1,016.17 1,049.20 GRADE 04U 586A CONSERVATORY ATTENDANT 318 REFECTORY ATTENDANT (Boffi earn benefrCS after 2040 hours in title) Oi/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/20 (1) 10.54 10.88 11.23 11.59 Ce�:7r�7 TiTi� Ol/05/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (1) &OS.77 831.96 859.00 886.92 CZ) 861.23 889.22 918.12 947.96 (3} 893.06 922.08 952.05 982.99 GRADE 006 Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (1) 822.29 849.01 876.60 905.09 �Z) 877.71 906.24 935.69 9b6.10 (3) 405.98 935.42 965.82 997.21 (4) (5) 922.57 950.85 952.55 981.75 983.51 1,013.66 1,015.47 1,046.60 (4) (5) 937.88 972.07 968.36 1,003.66 999.83 1,036.28 1,03232 1,069.96 10-yr (6) 927.07 957.20 98831 1,020.43 10-yr (6) 988.56 1,020.69 I,053.86 1,Q88.11 I5-yr �� 987.86 1,019.97 I,053.12 1,08735 15-yr C�) 1,003.39 1,036.00 1,069.67 1,104.43 15-yr ��) 1,024.95 1,058.26 1,092.65 1,128.16 20-yr � 1,009.54 1,04235 1,076.23 1,12b.04 20-yr ($> 1,025.09 1,058.41 1,092.81 1,143.16 20-yr �$) 1,046.63 1,080.65 1,115.77 1,166.88 • 25-yr (9) 1,023.02 1,05627 1,090.60 � 25-yr (9) 1,038.58 1,0'J233 1,107.18 25-yr (9) 1,060.13 1,094.58 1,I30.15 • A-2 APPENDIX A - BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) • 01/OS(Q8 04(26(Q8 03/28l�9 Qi(02l10 (1) 1Q.24 10.57 1�.41 11.26 C2) 10.96 1132 11.69 12.07 GRADE 06U (3) 1133 11.'70 12.Q8 12.47 (4) 11.73 12.11 12.50 12.91 GRADE Q07 804 CLERICAL TRAINEE 083A MAIN'I'ENANCE TRAINEE Ol(OSl08 Q4/26/08 03(28/09 Ol(02/l� (1) 837.62 864.84 892.95 921.97 CZ) ( 89534 927.26 924.49 957.40 954.54 988.52 485.56 1,�20.65 (4) (5} 954.10 995.64 490.27 1,028.00 1,022.45 1,061.41 1,055.68 1,095.91 10-yz (6) 1,014.57 1,047.54 1,081.59 1,116.74 � GRADE 008 085A MANAGEMENT TRAINEfi 087A TECFINICAL TRAINEE O 1(OS(�8 Q4(26/�8 03(28/Q9 oi�ozrio (1) 856.48 884.32 913.Q6 942.73 (2) {3) 913.09 944.46 942.77 975.67 973.41 1,007.38 1,005.05 1,040.12 (4) (5) 481.48 1,014.57 1,013.38 1,047.54 1,04631 1,081.59 1,08032 1,116.74 GRADE 004 274B LIBRARY CLERK I �1f�5f08 04l26/08 03(28l09 � 01f02l10 (1) 872.98 90135 930.64 960.84 C ( 935.53 96fi.20 465.93 997.60 997.32 1,030.02 1,029.73 1,063.50 (4) (5} 1,002.73 1,036.47 1,435.32 1,070.67 1,068.97 1,105.47 1,103.71 1,141.40 10-yr (6) 1,036.97 1,070.67 1,105.47 1,141.40 10-yr (6} 1,05938 1,093.81 1,12936 1,166.06 15-yr (7} 1,052.53 1,086.74 1,122.06 1,158.53 15-yr t�) 1,075.26 1,110.21 1,146.29 1,183.54 15-yr (7) 1,101.06 1,136.84 1,173.79 1,211.94 a�-�i 20-yr � 1,074.22 1,109.13 1,145.18 1,197.21 20-yr � 1,096.94 1,132.59 1,169.40 1,222.25 20-yr � 1,122.75 1,159.24 1,196.92 1,250.66 25-yr t 1,087.68 1,123.03 1,159.53 25-yr (9) 1, i 10.A3 1,146.52 1,183.78 25-yr (9) 1,136.23 1,173.16 1,211.29 /Qci APPENDIX A - BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) GRADE O10 100 SERVICE WO.RKERII Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (1) 893.06 922.08 952.05 982.99 �z) 950.85 981.'75 1,013.66 1,046.60 (3) 985.08 1,017.10 I,050.16 1,084.29 GRADE Ol i 316B OFFICEASSISTANTI Ol/OS/OS OM26/08 03/28/09 01/02/10 (1) 905.98 935.42 965.82 997.21 �2) 972.07 1,003.b6 1,036.28 1,Q69.46 (3) 1,005.09 1,037,76 1,071,49 1,10631 GRADE 012 Ol/OS/0& 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 Ol/OS/OS 04/26/08 03/28/09 01/02/10 �I) 927.26 957.40 988.52 1,020.65 {1) 994.96 975.67 1,00738 1,040.12 �z) 995.64 1,028.00 1,061.41 1,095.91 �2) 1,014.57 1,047.54 1,081.59 1,116.74 (3) 1,031.04 1,064.55 1,099.15 1,134.87 (4) 1,016.90 1,049.95 1,084.07 1,119.30 (4) 1,041.63 1,075.48 1, 210.43 1, I46.52 (4) 1,068.19 1,102.91 1,138.75 1,175.76 (5) 1,054.64 1,088.92 1,124.31 1,160.85 (Sj 1,083.51 1,118.72 1, 255.08 1,192.62 (5) 1,110.24 1,14632 1,183.58 I,222.05 10-yr (6) 1,083.51 1,118.72 1,155.08 1,192.62 10-yr (6) 1,110.24 1,14632 1,183.58 1,222.d5 10-yr (6) 1,134.44 1,17131 1,209.38 1,248.68 15-yr ��) 1,126.41 1,163.53 1,20134 1,24038 15-yr �� 1,151.47 1,188.89 1,227.53 1,267.42 15-yr �7) 1,180.53 1,218.90 1,258.51 1,299.41 20-yr �$) 1,148.60 1,185.93 1,224.47 1,279.12 20-yr �$) 1,173.14 f,21127 I,250.64 I,306.I2 20-yr � 1,202.21 1,241.28 1,281.62 1,338.12 GRADE 013 155 DUPLICATING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR TRAINEE 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr � � ts) � ��) �$) 1,051.09 1,092.39 2,139.53 1,264.48 1,216.81 1,238.50 1,085.25 1,127.89 t,176.56 1,2Q233 1,25636 1,278.75 2,120.52 1,164.55 1,214.80 1,241.41 1,297.19 1,32031 1,156.94 1,202.40 1,254.28 1,281.76 1,339.35 I,378.07 • 25-yz (9) 1,162.09 1,199.86 1,238.86 25-yr (9) 1,186.62 1,225.19 I,265.01 C� 25-yr (9) 1,215.70 1,255.21 1,296.00 25-yr (9) 1,251.99 I,292.68 1,334.69 • � APPENDIX A — BIWEEKLY RA.TES (Continued) • Ol/OS/08 04f26(08 03/28l09 Ol/02/10 (1) 966.20 947.60 1,030.02 1,Ob3.50 �Z) 1,036.97 1,070.67 1,I05.47 1,141.40 �e�����n (3) 1,077.11 1,112.12 1,148.26 1,185.58 � 1,116.58 1,152.87 1,19034 1,229.03 GR ADE O15 Ol/OSl08 04/26108 03l28/09 01/02/10 (i) 985.08 1,017.10 1,050.16 1,084.29 t 1,054.64 1,088.92 1,12431 1,160.85 (3) 1,098.78 1,134.49 1,171.3b 1,209.43 (4) 1,14335 1,180.51 1,218.88 1,258.49 (5) 1,163.11 1,20091 1,239.94 1,280.24 (5) 1,197.48 1,236.40 1,27b.58 1,318.07 io- (fi) 1,197.48 1,236.40 1,276.58 1,318.07 10-yr (6) 1,225.01 1,264.82 1,305.93 1,34837 GRADE Ol b • 280B LIBRARY CLERK II 329A STOREROOM ASSISTANT 01/05/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 01/02/10 (1) 1,007.48 1,040.22 1,074.03 1,108.94 �2) 1,084.80 1,120.06 1,156.46 1,194.04 (3) 1,126.76 1,16338 1,201.19 1,240.23 (4) 1,175.46 1,213.66 1,253.10 1,293.83 (5) 1,225.01 1,264.82 1,305.93 1,34837 10-yr (6) 1,256.59 1,297.43 1,339.60 1,383.14 i s-y� �7) 1,243.40 1,283.81 1,325.53 1,368.61 15-yr �7) 1,275.48 1,316.93 1,359.73 1,403.92 15-yr ��) 1,311.76 1,35439 1,398.41 1,443.86 GRADE 017 267A PARKING ENFORCEMENT OFFICER 267P PARKING ENFORCEMENT OFFICER O i/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 • Ol/02/10 (1) 1,031.04 1,064.55 1,099.15 1,134.87 �2) 1,110.24 1,14632 1,183.58 1,222.05 � i,153.56 1,191.05 1,229.76 1,269.73 (4) 1,20438 1,243.52 1,283.93 1,325.66 (5) 1,258.06 1,298.95 1,341.17 1,384.76 10-yr (6) 1,295.16 1,337.25 1,380.71 1,425.58 15-yr ��) 1,346.66 1,390.43 1,435.62 1,452.28 (��'�� 2o-n � 1,265.06 1,306.17 1,348.62 1,407.31 20-yr �$) 1,297.18 1,339.34 1,382.87 1,442.63 20-yr �8) 1,333.47 1,376.81 1,421.56 1,482.60 20-yr � 1,36836 1,4I2.83 1,458.75 1,521.02 zs- (9} 1,278.56 1,320.11 1,363.01 25 yr (9) 1,310.64 1,353.24 1,397.22 25-yr (9) 1,346.95 1,390.73 1,435.93 25-yr (9) 1,381.86 1,426.77 1,47314 A-5 APPENDIX A - BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) GRADE 018 317B OFFICE ASSISTAN'P II O1/OS/08 04l26/08 03/28/09 O1lOZ/10 (1) 1,051.09 1,085.25 1,120.52 1,156.94 �2) 1,139.53 1,176.56 1,214.80 1,254.28 (3) 1,186.49 1,225.05 1,264.86 1,305.97 (4) 1,236.01 1,276.18 1,317.66 1,360.48 (5) 1,2923� 1,334.37 1,377.74 1,422.52 10-yr (6) 1,325.42 1,368.50 1,412.98 1,45&.90 GRADE 019 577 ACCOUNI'ING CLERK I Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 01102/10 (1) 1,077.11 i,ria.iz 1,148.26 1,185.58 �z) 1,163.11 1,200.91 1,239.94 1,280.24 (3) 1,21536 1,254.86 1,295.64 1,337.75 GRADE 020 O1/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 OI/02/10 ��) 1,100.OS 1,135.80 1,172.71 1,210.82 t2) 1,298.82 1,237.78 1,278.01 1,319.55 (3) 1,249.78 1,290.40 1,33234 1,375.64 (4) 1,269.05 1,310.29 1,352.87 1,396.84 (4} 1,304.75 1,347.iS 1,390.93 1,436.I4 (5) 1,325.42 1,368.50 1,412.98 1,458.90 (5) 1,3G2.55 t,406.83 I,452.55 1,499.76 IO-yr (6) 1,361.20 1,405.44 1,451.12 1,498.28 10-yr (6) 1,394.71 1,445.20 1,492.17 1,540.67 i5 yc - 2�-yr ��) �g) 1,381.62 1,403.31 1,426.52 1,448.92 1,472.88 1,496.01 1,520.75 Z,559.47 15-yr �� 1,416.52 1,462.56 1,510.09 1,559.17 15-yr ��1 1,45839 1,505.79 1,554.73 1,605.26 20-yr �$) 1,438.20 1,484.94 1,533.20 1,597.87 20-yr t$) 1,480.07 1,528.17 1,577.84 1,643.97 GRADE 021 284B GOLF PROGRAM OUTREACH COORDINATOR 142A REFECTORY SUPERVISOR Oi/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 01/02/10 (1) 1,126.76 1,16338 1,201.19 1,24023 �Z) 1,225.01 1,264.82 1,305.93 1,34837 (3) 1,278.68 1,32024 1,363.15 1,407.45 (4) 1,337.77 1,381.25 1,426.14 1,472.49 (5) 1,395.59 1,440.95 1,487.78 1,536.13 10-yr (6) 1,434_12 1,480.73 1,528.85 1,578.54 15-yr ��) 1,494.72 1,54330 1,593.46 1,645.25 2Q-yr �$) 1,516.42 1,565.70 1,61b.59 1,683.97 • 25-yr (9) 1,416.79 1,462.84 1,51038 25-yr �9) 1,451.68 1,498.86 1,547.57 � 25-yr (9) 1,493.56 1,542.10 1,592.22 25 yr (9) 1,529.90 2,579.62 1,630.96 � � APPENDIX A — BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) • O1/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 O1/02/10 (1) 1,153.56 1,191.05 1,229.76 1,269.73 �Z) 1,258.06 1,298.95 1,341.17 1,384.76 GRADE 022 681 PROPERTY CLERK 438 STORES CLERK (3) 1,319.92 1,362.82 1,407.11 1,452.84 GRADE 22P Oi(05/08 04/26l08 03/28la4 Oi(Q2(1Q � Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 O1/02/10 (1) 1,187.70 1,226.30 1,266.15 1,3073� �i) 1,186.49 1,225.05 1,264.86 1,305.97 �2) 1,296.52 1,338.66 1,382.17 1,427.09 �2) 1,29237 1,334.37 1,377.74 1,422.52 (3) 1,350.18 1,394.06 1,43937 1,486.15 (4) 1,377.67 1,422.44 1,468.67 1,516.40 (4) 1,413.42 1,45936 1,506.79 1,555.76 (5) 1,438.22 1,484.96 1,533.22 1,583.05 (5) i,A91.87 1,54036 1,590.42 1,642.11 GRADE 023 281B LIBRARY CLERK III (3) 1,348.84 1,392.68 1,437.94 1,484.67 GRADE 024 004 ACCOUNTING CLERK II 300 MBTER READER 318B OFFICE ASSISTANT III Ol/OS/OS 04/26/08 03/28/09 • O1/02l10 (1) 1,218.10 1,257.69 1,298.56 1,340.76 �Z) 1,326.77 1,369.&9 1,414.41 1,460.38 (3) 1,38730 1,43239 1,478.94 1,527.01 (4) 1,410.74 1,456.59 1,503.93 1,552.81 (4) 1,451.99 1,499.18 1,547.9Q 1,598.21 (5) 1,469.86 1,517.63 1,566.95 1,617.88 (5) 1,513.88 1,563.Q8 1,613.88 1,66633 10-yr (6) 1,478.12 1,526.16 1,575.76 1,626.97 10-yr (6) 1,553.78 1,604.28 1,656.42 1,710.25 10-yr (6) 1,511.13 1,560.24 1,610.95 1,663.31 10-yr {6) 1,556.44 1,6Q7.08 1,659.31 1,713.24 15-yr ��) 1,540.77 1,590.85 1,642.55 1,695.93 15-yr �7) 1,658.07 i,711.96 1,767.60 1,825.05 15-yr ��) 1,572.88 1,624.00 1,676.78 1,731.28 15-yr {7) 1,621.76 1,674.47 1,728.89 1,785.08 �� '�� 20-yr � 1,562.48 1,61326 1,665.69 1,734.65 20-yr �8) 1,671.57 1,725.90 1,781.99 1,854.74 20-yr �$) 1,594.56 1,646.38 1,699.89 1,769.98 20-yr �8) 1,643.44 1,696.85 1,752.00 1,823.77 25-yr (9) 1,575.95 1,62�17 1,680.05 25-yr (9) 1,685.06 1,739.82 1,796.36 25-yr (9) 1,608.05 1,660.31 1,714.27 25-yr (9) 1,656.91 1,710.76 1,766.36 A-7 A.PPENDIX A — BIWEEKLY RATES (Confinued) GRADE 025 120 *CLERK STENOGRAPHER III 381A_ _ CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE -- -- --- 156 DUPLICATING EQITIPMENT OPERATOR O1/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 �1) �Z) �3) 1,248.40 1,361.20 1,42036 1,288.97 1,405.44 1,466.52 1,330.86 1,451.12 1,514.18 1,374.11 1,498.28 1,563.39 • 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr � �5) � ��) �g) �9) 1,480.86 1,546.92 1,590.89 1,6S8.07 1,679.77 1,693.26 1,528.99 1,597.19 1,642.59 1,711.96 1,73436 1,748.24 1,578.68 1,649.10 1,695.97 1,767.60 1,790.73 1,805.11 1,629.99 1,702.70 1,751.09 1,825.Q5 1,863.78 -- GRADE 25T 700A IS SYSTEMS SUPPORT SPECIALIST I Start 1-yr 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.5-yr 3 yr 3.5-yr 4-yr 10-yr �1) �2) �3) �4) ts) �6) ��) t8) �9) Ol/OSl08 1,248.40 l,361.20 1,390.77 1,420.36 1,450.61 1,480.86 1,513.87 1,546.92 1,590.89 is-n 2o- 2s-yr (lo) (11) (22) 1,658.07 1,671.57 1,685.06 � Start 1-yr 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.5-yr 3-yr 3.5-yr 4-yr 10-yr (I) (2} (3} (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 04/26/OS 1,288.97 1,405.44 1,435.97 1,466.52 1,497.75 1,528.99 1,563.07 1,597.19 1,642.59 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr (10) (11) (12) 1,711.96 1,725.90 1,739.82 03/28/09 Start 1-yr 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.5-yr 3-yr 3.5-yr 4-yr 10-yr �1) t�) � � �� �6) ��) �$) � 1,330.86 1,451.12 1,482.64 1,514.18 1,546.43 1,578.68 1,613.87 1,649.10 1,695.9'I IS-yr 20-yr 25-yr (10) (11) (12) 1,767.60 1,781.99 1,79636 • � APPENDIX A - BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) • 01/02l10 Start (1) 1,374.11 15-yr (10) 1,825.05 GRADE 25T (Continuedl 70QA IS SYSTEMS SUPPQRT SPECIALIST I 1-yr I.5-yr �Z) �3) 1,498.28 1,530.83 2-yr 2.5-yr (4) (5) 1,56339 1,596.69 3-yr (6) 1,629.99 3.5-yr �) 1,66632 20-yr 25-yr (11) (12) 1,854.74 -- GRADE 026 01/05/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 O1/02/10 • Ql/OS/Q8 04/26/08 03128J09 01/02/10 (1) 1,282.82 1,324.51 1,367.56 1,412.01 (1) 1,282.82 1,324.51 1,3b7.56 1,412.01 (2) (3} 1,399.71 1,462.98 1,445.20 1,510.53 1,492.17 1,559.62 1,540.67 1,610.31 (4) (5) 1,529.01 1,596.41 1,578.70 1,648.29 1,630.01 1,701.86 1,682.99 1,757.17 GRABE 027 244B LEGAL SECRETARY �Z) �3) 1,405.24 1,464.86 1,450.91 1,517.63 1,498.06 1,Sb6.95 1,546.75 1,617.88 GRADE 028 434 CASHIER 433 STOREKEEPER 011OS/OS Q4l26/08 03/28/09 • Ol{02{10 (1) 1,319.92 1,362.82 1,407.11 1,452.84 �Z) �3) 1,438.22 1,506.99 1,484.46 1,555.47 1,533.22 1,66b.54 1,583.05 1,658.75 (4) (5) 1,540.03 1,610.17 1,590.08 1,662.50 1,641.76 1,716.53 1,695.12 1,77232 (4) (5) 1,573.03 1,645.95 1,624.15 1,699.44 1,6'16.93 1,754.67 1,731.43 1,811.70 10-yr (6) 1,639.07 1,692.34 1,74734 1,804.13 10-yr (6) 1,656.89 1,710.7A 1,766.34 1,823.75 10-yr (6) 1,69135 1,74632 1,803.08 1,861.68 15-yr � 1,709.77 1,76534 1,822.71 1,881.95 15-yr �7) 1,727.91 1,784.07 1,842.05 1,901.92 IS-yr ��) 1,769.78 1,827.30 1,886.69 1,948.01 �� �� 4-yr �$) 1,702.70 20-yr �g) 1,731.47 1,787.74 1,845.84 1,920.65 20-yr � 1,749.60 1,806.46 1,865.17 1,940.65 20-yr � 1,791.47 1,849.69 1,909.80 1,986.71 10-yr (9) 1,751.09 25-yr (9) 1,744.93 1,801.64 1,860.19 25-yr � 1,763.10 1,820.40 1,879.56 25-yr (9) 1,804.44 1,863.60 1,924.17 � APPENDIX A - BIWEEKI.Y RATES (Continued) GRADE 28T • 701A IS SYSTEMS SUPPORT SPECIALTST II Start 1 yr 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.5-yr 3-yr 3.5-yr 4yr 10-yr �1) �Z) �3) �4) �5) �6) ��) �$) �9) Ol/OS/08 1,319.92 1,438.22 2,472.60 1,SOb.99 1,539.99 1,573.03 1,60952 1,645.95 1,69135 IS-yr 20-yr 25-yr (10) (11) (12) 1,769.78 1,783.27 1,796.74 Stazt 1-yr 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.5-yr 3-yr 3.5-yr 4-yr 10-yr � � � � �5) �� ��) �$) � 04/26l08 1,362.82 1,484.96 1,520.46 1,555.97 1,590.04 1,624.15 1,641.82 1,699.44 1,74632 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr (10) (11) (12) 1,82730 1,841.23 1,855.13 Start 1-yr 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.5-yr 3-yr 3.5-yr 4-yr 10-yr (1) (2) (3} (4) (5) (6) (7) (8} (9) 03/28/09 1,407.11 1,53322 1,569.87 1,606.54 1,641.72 1,676.93 1,715.83 1,754.67 1,803.08 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr tlo) (z�1 tz2) 1,886.69 1,901.07 1,915.42 Start 1-yr 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.5-yr 3-yr 3.5-yr 4-yr 10-yr �1) �Z) �3) �4) �5) �6) ��) �8) �9) Ol/02/10 1,452.84 1,583.05 1,620.84 1,658.75 1,695.08 1,731.43 1,771.59 1,81I.70 I,86I.68 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr (10) {11) (12) 1,948.01 1,977.67 — • A-10 APPENDI� A — BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) i Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28f09 Ol/02l14 (1) 1,351.54 1,395.47 1 ],487.65 � 1,480.86 1,528.99 1,578.68 1,629.99 GRADE 029 282B LIBRARY CLERK N 319B OFFICE ASSISTANT N 423A PAYROLL SPECIALIST 129B ZOO KEEPEIt (3) 1,552.43 1,602.88 1,654.97 1,708.76 (4) 1,622.58 1,675.31 1,729.76 1,785.98 (5) 1,699.57 1,754.81 1,811.84 1,870.72 10-yr (6) 1,747.77 1,804.57 1,85322 1,923.77 15-yr ��) 1,821.43 1,88Q.63 1,941.75 2,004.86 GRAAE 030 203A ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER 149A PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST TRAINEE 287B PAYROLL AUDITOR • Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 O1/02/10 (1) 1,391.50 1,436.72 1,483.41 1,531.62 �2) 1,519.34 1,568.72 1,619.70 1,67234 (3) 1,595.07 1,646.91 1,700.43 1,755.69 (4) 1,667.94 1,722.15 1,778.12 1,835.91 (5) 1,745.03 1,801.'74 1,860.30 1,92Q.76 10-yr (b) 1,793.16 1,851.44 1,911.61 1,973.74 GRAi3E 031 073 BUII,DING PERMTT CLERK 070 CHIEF METER READER 320B EXECITTIVE A5SISTANT I 965 LICEN5E CLERK 363A TREASURY CLERK O1/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/Q2/1Q • (1) 1,A28.55 1,474.98 1,522.92 1,572.41 t2) 1,562.04 1,612.81 1,665.23 1,719.35 (3) 1,633.58 1,686.67 1,741.49 1,798.Q9 (A) 1,711.99 1,767.63 1,825.08 1,884.40 (5) 1,791.78 1,850.01 1,910.14 1,972.22 10-yr (6) 1,842.62 1,902.51 1,964.34 2,028.18 15-yr ��) 1,871.72 1,932.55 1,99536 2,Q60.21 I S-yr ��) 1,919.20 1,981.57 2,045.97 2,112.46 ��'S/ 20-yr {S) 1,843.10 1,9Q3.�0 1,964.85 2,043.57 20-yr � 1,893.40 1,954.94 2,018.48 2,Q98.93 20-yr � 1,940.88 2,003.96 2,069.09 2,151.14 25-yr (9) 1,856.60 1,916.94 1,979.24 25-yr � 1,906.90 1,968.87 2,032.86 25-yr (9) 1,95438 2,017.90 2,083.48 A-ll APPENDIX A — BiWEEKLY RATES (Continued) GRADE 032 150A PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST 249A *SECRETARY (STENOGRAPFTER} 541 STOREROOM SUPERVISOR 01/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (i) 1,468.45 1,516.17 1,565.45 1,616,33 �2) 1,607.44 1,659.68 1,713.62 1,76931 (3) (4) (5) 1,683.11 1,761.52 t,844.07 1,737.81 1,8I8.77 1,904.00 1,794.29 1,877.88 1,965.88 1,852.60 1,938.91 2,029.77 10-yr (6) 1,897.72 1,95939 2,023.07 2,088.82 15-yr (7} 1,98Q.62 2,044.99 2,111.45 2,180.07 20-yr (&) 2,00233 2,067.41 2,234.60 2,218.77 GRADE 033 382A CUSTOMER SERVICE SENIOR REPRESENTATIVE 157 DUPLICATING EQUIP OPR SUPERVISOR 629A LIEP PROCEDURES COORDINATOR 30SA PAYROLL SYSTEM COORDINATOR 664A SINIOR ANIMAI. CONTROL OFFICER 138A VEffiCLE MAINTENANCE CLERK Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (1) 1,50836 1,557.38 1,607.99 1,66025 �Z) 1,654.22 1,707.98 1,763.49 1,820.80 � 1,729.84 1,756.06 1,844.11 1,904.04 (4) 1,811.04 1,869.90 1,930.67 1,993.42 (5) 1,89�.71 1,95939 2,023.07 2,088.82 10-yr (6) 1,95134 2,014.76 2,080.24 2,147.85 GRAI)E 034 321B EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT II Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 O1/02/IO (1) 1,552.43 1,602.88 1,654.97 I,708.76 �2) 1,699.57 1,754.81 2,81 t.84 1,870.72 (3) 1,776.65 1,83439 1,894.01 1,955.57 (4) 1,860.53 1,921.00 1,483.43 Z,047.89 (5) 1,95134 2,014.76 2,080.24 2,I47.85 10-yr (6) 2,004.97 2,070.13 2,137.41 2,206.88 15-yr t�) 2,035.07 2,101.21 2,169.50 2,240.01 15-yr �� 2,092.33 2,160.33 2,230.54 2,303.03 20-yr �g) 2,056.72 2,123.56 2,192.58 2,278.69 20-yr �g) 2,113.97 2,282.67 2,253.61 2,341.76 • 25-yr (9) 2,015.78 2,081.29 2,148.93 25-yr • (9) 2,070.21 2,137.49 2,206.96 25-yr (9) 2,127.52 2,196.66 2,268.05 � A-12 APPENDIX A — BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) . GRADE 035 O1J05l08 04/26/08 03/28/09 O1/02(10 GRADE 036 r1 LJ Oi/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28l09 01/02J10 (4) 1,914.21 1,976.42 2,040.65 2,106.97 (4) 1,972.03 2,036.12 2,102.29 2,170.61 GRADE 037 O1/OS/08 04l26l08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (5) 2,004.97 2,070.13 2,137.41 2,206.88 (5) 2,062.78 2,129.82 2,199.04 2,270.51 (5) 2,121.96 2,190.92 2,262.12 2,335.64 10-yr t 2,061.40 2,128.40 2,197.57 2,268.99 10-yr (6) 2,12332 2,192.33 2,263.58 2,337.15 10-yr (6) 2,181.04 2,251.92 2,325.11 2,400.68 15-yr {7) 2,153.79 2,223.79 2,296.06 2,370.68 I S-yr ��) 2,216.58 2,288.62 2,363.00 2,439.80 I S-yr �7) 2,276.66 2,350.65 2,427.05 2,SQ5.93 GRADE 37A 276A EMPLOYMENT TESTING COORDINATOR • O1/OS/08 04/26(08 03l28f09 01/02/10 (i) 1,595.07 1,646.91 1,700.43 1,755.69 (1) 1,639.07 1,692.34 1,747.34 1,804.13 (1) 1,684.49 1,739.24 1,795.77 1,854.13 tl) 1,684.06 1,738.79 1,79530 1,853.65 �2) ],745.03 1,801.74 1,860.30 1,920.76 �2) 1,794.50 1,852.82 1,913.04 1,975.21 �2) 1,845.44 1,905.42 1,96735 2,031.29 �2) 1,843.43 1,903.34 1,9b5.20 2,029.07 (3) 1,828.96 1,888.40 1,949.77 2,013.14 (3) 1,881.18 1,94232 2,005.45 2,070.63 � 1,932.14 1,994.93 2,059.77 2,126.71 (3) 1,93224 1,945.04 2,059.88 2,126.83 (4) 2,024.25 2,090.04 2,157.97 2,22810 (4) 2,025.36 2,�91.18 2,159.14 2,229.31 (5) 2,159.83 2,230.02 2,302.50 2,377.33 10-yr (6) 2,206.26 2,277.96 2,351.99 2,428.43 1 S-yr ��) 2,299.49 2,374.22 2,451.38 2,531.05 I� a 20-yr C$) 2,175.47 2,246.17 2,319.17 2,409.40 20-yr �8) 2,238.29 2,311.03 2,386.14 2,478.51 20-yr � 2,29836 2,373.06 2,450.18 2,544.67 20-yr �8) 2,31233 2,387.48 2,465.07 2,559.33 25-yr (9) 2,188.97 2,260.11 2,333.56 25-yr (9) 2,251.75 2,324.93 2,400.49 25-yr (9) 2,311.85 2,386.99 2,464.57 25-yr (9) 2,325.18 2,400.75 2,478.77 A-13 APPENDIX A — BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) ., Ol/05108 04/26/08 03/28/09 O1/02/10 (1) 1,734.01 1,79037 1,848.56 1,908.64 �2) 1,899.04 1,960.76 2,024.48 2,09028 (3) 1,988.50 2,053.13 2,119.86 2,188.76 ' -� � � 01lOS/08 04/26f08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (1) 1,783.50 1,841.46 1,90131 1,963.10 �2) 1,952.72 2,016.18 2,081.71 2,149.37 (3) 2,046.28 2,112.78 2,181.45 2,25235 (4) 2,080.69 2,1483I 2,218.13 2,290.22 (4) 2,141.19 2,210.78 2,282.63 2,356.82 (5) 2,181.04 2,251.92 2,325.11 2,400.68 (5) 2,243.00 2,315.90 2,391.17 2,468.88 .�•�.� 01/05/08 Q4/26/08 03/28/09 Oi/02/10 Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (1) 1,835.83 1,895.49 1,957.09 2,020.70 (1) 1,88532 2,946.59 2,009.85 2,075.17 �2) 2,009.18 2,074.48 2,141.90 2,211.51 �Z) 2,06832 2,135.54 2,204.95 2,276.61 (3) (4) (5) 2,102.63 2,204.51 2,311.76 2,170.97 2,276.16 2,386.89 2,241.53 2,350.14 2,464.46 2,31438 2,426.52 2,544.55 G12ADE 041 (3) (4} (5) 2,163.19 2,26638 2,364.20 2,233.49 2,340.04 2,441.04 2,306.08 2,416.09 2,520.37 2,381.03 2,494.61 2,602.28 10-yr (6) 2,243.00 2,315.90 2,391.17 2,468.88 10-yr (6) 2,304.89 2,379.80 2,457.14 2,537.00 10-yr �� 2,375.]3 2,452.32 2,532.02 2,61431 10-yr (6) 2,443.86 2,523.29 2,60530 2,689.97 15-yr ��) 2,339.45 2,425.48 2,493.98 2,575.03 IS-yr ��) 2,406.48 2,484.69 2,565.44 2,648.82 15-yr ��) 2,480.50 2,561.12 2,64436 2,730.30 15-yr ��) 2,554.49 2,637.51 2,723.23 2,811.73 2d-yr �$) 2,361.12 2,437.86 2,517.09 2,613.76 20-yr �g) 2,428.21 2,507.13 2,588.61 2,687.54 20-yr �$) 2,502.21 2,583.53 2,667.49 2,769.03 20-yr � 2,576.19 2,659.92 2,74637 2,850.50 s 25-yr (9) 2,374.63 2,45I.81 2,531.49 25-yr (9) 2,441.66 2,521.01 2,602.94 25-yr • (9) 2,515.69 2,597.45 2,681.87 25-yr (9) 2,589.70 2,673.87 2,760.77 � I�C! � � • APPENDIX A — BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) GRADE 042 01105/OS 04i26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (1) 1,937.60 2,000.57 2,065.59 2,132.72 �2) 2,126.08 2,195.18 2,266.52 2,340.18 (3) 2,226.48 2,298.84 2,373.55 2,45Q.69 (4) 2,331.01 2,406.77 2,484.99 2,565.75 GRADE 043 01/05/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (1) 1,995.35 2,060.20 2,127.16 2,196.29 �2) 2,185.20 2,256.22 2,329.55 2,405.26 (3) 2,287.00 2,361.33 2,438.07 2,517.31 [tf:7\il i • � O1/05/08 04/26/08 03(28/09 01J02J10 (1) 2,050.42 2,117.06 2,185.86 2,256.90 t2) 2,249.88 2,323.00 2,398.50 2,47b.45 t3) 2,359.96 2,436.66 2,515.85 2,597.62 �`�) 2,397.07 2,474.97 2,555,41 2,638.46 (4) 2,468.59 2,548.82 2,631.66 2,717.19 GRADE 045 Ol/OS/08 04l26/OS 03/28/09 01/02/10 (i) 2,106.82 2,175.29 2,245.99 2,318.98 �2) �3) 2,313.14 2,421.80 2,38832 2,500.51 2,465.94 2,581.78 2,546.08 2,665.69 (4) 2,540.12 2,622.67 2,707.91 2,795.92 (5) 2,443.86 2,523.29 2,605.30 2,689.47 (5) 2,51536 2,597.11 2,681.52 2,768.67 t5) 2,585.53 2,669.56 2,�5632 2,845.90 (5) 2,662.61 2,749.14 2,838.49 2,930.74 A-15 10-yr (6) 2,516.75 2,598.54 2,682.99 2,770.19 1Q-yr (6) 2,584.21 2,668.20 2,754.92 2,844.45 10-yr (6) 2,661.17 2,747.66 2,836.96 2,929.16 10-yr (6) 2,739.59 2,828.63 2,920.56 3,015.48 OS��/ 15-yr C 2,624.33 2,709.62 2,797.68 2,888.60 20-yr (8) 2,b46.01 2,732.01 2,820.80 2,42730 15-yr ��) 2,696.91 2,784.56 2,815.Q6 2,968.50 is-n ��) 2,777.90 2,868.18 2,961.40 3,057.65 15-yr ��) 2,864.49 2,957.59 3,053.71 3,152.96 2�-yr �g) 2,718.58 2,806.93 2,898.16 3,007.23 Zo-y� t 2,799.59 2,890.58 2,984.52 3,096.40 20-yr �8) 2,886.14 2,979.94 3,07b.79 3,191.65 25-yr (9) 2,659.49 2,745.92 2,835.16 25-yr (9) 2,�32.10 2,820.89 2,412.57 2s-yt (9) 2,813.10 2,904.53 2,998.93 25-yr (9} 2,899.65 2,993.89 3,091.19 APPENDIX A — BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) _• � �-. 011OS/OS 04/26/08 03/28/09 01/02/10 (r> 2,169.99 2,240.51 2,313.33 2,388.51 (?) 2,382.50 2,459.93 2,539.88 2,622.43 (3) 2,494.45 2,575.52 2,659.22 2,745.64 (4) (5) 2,61634 2,742.48 2,70137 2,831,61 2,789.16 2,923.64 2,879.81 3,018.66 GRADE 047 Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 01/02/10 (1) 2,235.13 2,307.77 2,382.77 2,460.21 �2) 2,454.01 2,533.77 2,616.12 2,701.14 (3) 2,569.29 2,652.79 2,739.01 2,828.03 (4) 2,694.80 2,78238 2,872.81 2,966.18 . � �. Oi/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/OZ/10 (1) 2,302.15 2,376.97 2,454.22 2,533.98 �2) 2,527.65 2,609.80 2,694.62 2,782.20 �3) 2,646.42 2,732.43 2,821.23 2,9I2.92 (4) 2,775.65 2,865.86 2,959.00 3,055.17 CeT:7�i � • • Ol/OS/08 04/26/OS 03/28/09 ovovlo (1) 2,371.21 2,448.27 2,527.84 2,609.99 �2) 2,603.46 2,688.07 2,775.43 2,865.63 (3) 2,725.76 2,814.35 2,905.82 3,000.26 (4) 2,858.92 2,951.83 3,047.76 3,146.81 �5) 2,824.77 2,916.58 3,01137 3,109.24 (5) 2,909.49 3,004.05 3,101.68 3,202.48 (5) 2,996.82 3,094,22 3,I94.78 3,298.61 GRADE O50 Oi/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/OZ/10 (1) 2,44235 2,521.73 2,603.69 2,68831 �Z) �3) 3,681.55 2,807.57 3,801.20 2,898.82 3,924.74 2,993.03 4,05229 3,090.30 � � 2,944.69 3,086.73 3,04039 3,I87.05 3,139.20 3,290.63 3,241.22 3,397.58 10-yr (6) 2,821.77 2,913.48 3,008.17 3,105.94 10-yr �� 2,906.44 3,000.90 3,098.43 3,199.13 10-yz (6) 2,993.62 3,090.91 3,191.36 3,295.08 10-yr (6) 3,083.41 3,183.62 3,287.09 3,393.92 10-yr �� 3,175.90 3,219.I2 3,385.69 3,495.72 15-yr ��) 2,950.43 3,04632 3,14533 3,247.55 15-yr ��) 3,038.92 3,137.68 3,239.65 3,344.94 15-yr ��) 3,130.11 3,231.84 3,336.87 3,44532 15-yr ��) 3,224.00 3,328.78 3,436.97 3,548.67 15-yr �7) 3,320.72 3,428.63 3,540.06 3,655.11 20-yr �g) 2,972.11 3,068.70 3,168.43 3,286.21 20-yr �g) 3,060.63 3,160.10 3,262.80 3,383.68 20-yr �$) 3,151.77 3,254.20 3,359.96 3,484.05 2Q-yr � 3,245.68 3,351.16 3,460.07 3,58739 20-yr {8) 3,34239 3,451.02 3,563.18 3,693.83 . 25-yr (9) 2,985.56 3,082.59 3,182.77 25-yr (9) 3,074.10 3,174.01 3,277.17 2S-yr (9) 3,165,29� 3,268.16 3,37438 25-yr (9) 3,259.18 3,365.10 3,474.47 25-yr (9) 3,355.88 3,464.95 3,577.56 � • F� • APPENDIX B— CRITICAL INCIDENT RESOLUTION PAY MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT between THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL and AFSCME CLERICAL LOCA.L 2508 AFSCME TECHNICAL LOCAL 1842 og-�1 This Agreement is entered into by and between the City of Saint Paul, Division of Information Services and the AFSCME Clericai Loca12508 and AFSCME Technical Loca11842 bargauzuig units (Union). 1. Employees of the Division of Information Services (IS) who are telephoned at home or paged and are subsequently requested to resolve a critical information system problem, shall be granted two (2) hours minimum compensation either in compensatory time or pay for their efforts per incident. An incident shall begin when the telephone or page is answered and end when the problem is either resolved or further efforts aze deemed futile. This means multiple calls regarding the same problem are considered one inaident. 2. If the IS employee is represented by the AFSCME Clerical or Technical bargaining unit and resolution of the problem takes less than one and one half (1.5) hours, the employee will be paid straight time for the two (2) hour minimum If the resolution of the problem � takes more than one and one half (1.5) hours, then the overtime provisions of the contract will apply. 3. The City and the Union agree that this language is experunental and shall not extend beyond the term of this Agreement unless both parties act affiimatively to renew or modify this clause in barganung for the next contract. FOR THE CITY %- / 7- 0 � Date • Labor Manager Specialist LOCAL UDTION NO. 2508 AND LOCAL UIVION 1842 DISTRICT COUNCIL NO. 5 OF THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COi3NTY, AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES AFL-CIO ( � s �— �(l ,� / � / �' � a Chn� en Date Business Representative �-��-� C�1��. 1-���0 Date J Klemaseski Date President, Loca12508 C- -�t�-�_� �t. �b1.c��1�r,., l�l`1-��` Robin Madsen Date President, Loca11842 � • APPENDIX C— COMIVIITMENT TO LMCffi ���� • ►_ J This letter confirms that the parties entered into the 2008 — 2010 Agreement with the following intentions and expectations regarding the health insurance issues that face the City: The rising cost of health insurance is an issue of vital 'unportance to both the City and its employees. The responsbility to cornain these costs falls jointly on the City, its Unions and the employees. 2. The City's Joint Labor/Management Committee on Aealth Insurance (LMCHI} is a longstanding forum that has successfully resolved issues of joint concern in the past. 3. The parties to this letter believe the LMCHI is a forum that must continue to be supported. By signing this letter, the parties hereby renew their commitment to work in good faith on the LMCffi and support the bylaws of the committee which encourages the Adnainistration of the City to seek a consensus recoxnmendation from all the Unions prior to making any changes in plan design. FOR THE CTI'Y Relations Manager �-i�-�� �-i��-Q� Tracey B es Date Labor Relations Specialist LOCAL UNION NO. 2508 AND LOCAL IJNION 1842 DISTRICT COUNCIL NO. 5 OF THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY, AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES AFL-CIO f � / �� 's Cowen Date Business Representative Q�.��� / ��-o� J Klemaseski Date President, Local 2508 , O//�z��' C `j=�� /� �Q.. l"� 7 m� ' oi e Date Robin Madsen Date Risk Manager President, Loca11842 G1 ,. �� = � � _ . " 24(18 = 24i0 � = A�R�ElVIE�TT _ � _ _ - �- _ , � � . _-_. �.BETWEEN. :` -, � -=_ � � . - ,_ . �. . _ - _ - TH� CI'�`Y DF.,SAINT PA:�JL _ � ` , � �- A1�ID -- � _ � ` LOCAL UI�TION �842 _ DISTRI�T COUN�IL 5 � � � OF THE AM�RICAN FEDERATION OF STAT�; � � '� � � COITN`I`Y; AND 11{IiJl�ICIPAL EMPLO'i'EES, AEL-CIO ����.� � " � � � , - � _ � = �; , �_ _ = � �. � � � / � � • ARTICLE TTTLE PAGE Preamble..........................................•••................................................................. ii INDEX 1 Recognition .........................................................................................................1 2 Check Off ............................................................................................................3 3 Hours of Work .....................................................................................................3 4 Work Breaks ........................................................................................................ 5 5 Holidays ..............................................................................................................5 6 Employee Rights — Grievance Procedure .............................................................6 7 City Mileage ........................................................................................................9 8 Residence ............................................................................................................9 9 Vacation ..............................................................................................................9 10 Insurance ...........................................................................................................10 11 Workia�g Out of Classification ...........................................................................15 12 Seniority ............................................................................................................16 13 Post Employment Health Plan (PEHP) ...............................................................18 14 Bulletin Boards ..................................................................................................19 15 Wages ................................................................................................................19 • 16 MaintenanceofStandazds ..................................................................................20 17 LeavesofAbsence .............................................................................................20 18 Sick Leave Usage for Dependent Caze ...............................................................22 19 Military Leave of Absence ................................................................................. 23 20 Management Rights ...........................................................................................23 21 Dascipline .......................................................................................................... 24 22 Vacancies .......................................................................................................... 23 No Stnite—No Lockout .....................................................................................25 24 Severance Pay .................................................................................................... 25 25 TemporaryEmployees .......................................................................................27 26 Nondiscrimination ............................................................................................. 27 Legal Services ...................................................................................................2 2& Safety ................................................................................................................ 29 Uniform Reimbursement ....................................................................................28 30 Special Employnnent Titles ................................................................................28 31 ProbationaryPeriod ...........................................................................................2 32 TernvsofAgreement ..........................................................................................2 Appendix A— Biweekly Rates ......................................................................... A-1 • Appendix B— Critical Incident Resolution Pay ................................................ B-1 Appendix C— Commitment to LMCHI ............................................................ C-1 PREAMBLE ���� • This Agreement entered into by the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter referred to as the Employer, and i,ocal Union 1842, affiliated with Council5 and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, hereinafter referred to as the Union, has as its purpose the promotion of harmonious relations between the Employer and the Union, the establishment of an equitable and peaceful procedure for the resolution of differences, the establishment of rates of pay, hours of work, and other conditions of employment. • • ii • ��'� i 1.1 The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for the purpose of establishing salaries, wages, hours, and other conditions of employment for all of its employees as outlined in the certification by the State of Minnesota, Bureau of Mediation Services, dated 7uly 12, 1973, in Case No. 74-PR-7-A and as amended and as set forth in Section 1.2 below. ARTICLE 1- RECOGNTTION 1.2 The bazgaining unit wvered by this Agreement shall consist of the following: All technical personnel who are employed by the City of Saint Paul or who have their "tem�s and conditions of employment" established by the goveiving body of the City o£ Saint Paul, and whose employment service exceeds the lesser of fourteen (14) hours per week or thirty-five percent (35%) of the normai work week and more than suty-seven (67) work days per year, in the classifications oE �� • Accounting Technician I Accounting Technician II Accounting Tectuucian III Accounting Technician IV Adaptive Recreation Assistant Adaptive Recreation Director Aquatics Facility Supervisor — Yeaz Round Architectural Drafter Trainee ArcMtectural Drafter Assistant Aquatics Facility Supvr — Year Round Assistant Recreation Director Citizen Service Analyst City Plannnig Aide City Planning Tectuucian Clinic Nurse Code Enforcement Aide Code Bn£orcement Inspector I Communications Technician w/o Premium *Communication Technician w/ Premium Community Education/Recreation Coordinator Communications Technician Trainee Co mmunity Liaison Officer Duplicating Equipment Operator (Two-Color) Engineering Aide I Engineering Aide II Environmental Health Inspection Supvr. Environmental Resource Techn3cian Fire Aide Fire Communications Operator II Fire Prevention Inspector T Fire Prevention Inspector TI Grapluc Arts Technician — City Planning Health and Education Assistant — Hmongf English Health Laboratory Technician IT Housing Counselor Housing Rehabilitation Aduisor I Housing Rehabilitation Advisor I— Bilingual Housing Rehabilitation Advisor II Housing Rehabalitation Advisor Trainee — Bilingual Human Rights Technician Info & Control System Integrator Tech Info & Contml System Integrator Trainee IS Information/Technical Analyst I I3 Information/'I`echnical A.nalyst II IS Inforxnation/Technical Analyst III IS Information/Technical Analyst IV IS Systems Support Specialist III IS Systems Support Specialist IV Laboratory Technician I Laboratory Technician II *Lead Communications Technician — CIRT ARTICLE 1— RECOGNTTION (Continued) *Lead Commuaications Technician — w/ Premium Lead Communications Tecbniciau w(o Premium Plan Examiner i Plan Examiner II Practicai Nurse _ __ --- Print Pmducrion Leadworker Pmject Facilitator I Pmject Facilitator II Project Management Technician Pmjed Management Technician — Bilingual Public Works Techniciaa I Public Works Technician II • Lbrary Associate Lbrary Associate (Part-time) LIEP Inspector I LIEP Inspector II LIEP Inspector III Lifeguard-Year Round Loan Specialist I Loan Speciaiist I — Bilingual Loan Specialist II Loan Specialist Assistant Loan Specialist Assistant (Bilingual) Medical Assistant Medical Records Practitioner Meter Technician Leadworker Modified Duty Worker — Env. Health Inspector Nuhition Assistant I Nufrition Assistant I — Bilinguai Hmong/English Nutrition Assistant I — Bilingual / Spanish/English Nutrition Assistant I — Large Nutrition Assistant I — Medium Nutrition Assistant I — Small Payroll System Technician I Payroll System Technician II *Tifle abolisfied except as to present incumbents. Public Works T�hnician III Real Estate Specialisf Recreation bizector Recreation I.eader Registered Radiologicat Technologist Senior Plan Examiner Service Worker TII Survey Crew Leader Val�aYion an@ Assessment Tecbnician I Vatuation and Assessment Technician II Valuation and Assessment Tecimician III Video Pmduction Assistant Video Production Technician Water Laboratory Aide Water Meter Technician Water Safety Instructor — Year Round Water Utility Technician I Water Utility Technician II Water Utility Technician III 13 Any present or future employee who is not a Union member shall be required to contnbute a fair share fee for services rendered by the Union, and upon notification by the Union, the Employer shall check off said fee from the eaznings of the employee and transmit the same to the Union In no instance shall the required contn�ution exceed a pro rata share of the specific expenses incurred for services rendered by the represeatarive in relationship to aegotiations and adm;ni.ctration of grievance procedures. This pmvision shalt remain operative onty so loag as specifically provided by Minnesota law, and as otherwise legal, u 1.4 The Union agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Employer against any and all claims, suits, orders, or judgments brought or issued against the Employer as a result of any action taken or not taken by the EmpIoyer under the provisions of Section 1.3 o£this • Article. �'� � . ARTICLE 2 — CHECK OFF 2.1 The Employer agrees to deduct the Union membership initiation fee assessments and once each month dues from the pay of those employees who individually request in writing that such deductions be made. The amounts to be deducted shall be certified to the Employer by a representative ofthe Union and the aggregate deductions of all employees shall be remitted together with an itemized statement to the representative by the first of the succeeding month after such deductions aze made or as soon thereafter as is possible. 2.2 The Union agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Employer against any and all claims, suits, orders, or judgments brought or issued against the City as a result of any action taken or not taken by the City under the provisions of this Article. ARTICLE 3- HOURS OF WORK 3.1 The normal work day shall be seven and three/fourths (7'/) consecutive hours per day, excluding a forty-five (45) minute lunch period, fifteen (15) minutes of which shall be paid. 3.2 The normal work week shalI be five (5) consecutive normai work days in any seven (7) day period. • 3.3 For employees on a shift basis, this shall be construed to mean an average of thirty-eight and thre�fourths (38%) hours per week. 3.4 This section shall not be construed as, and is not a guarantee o� any hours of work per normal work day or per normal work week. 3.5 Time on the payroll in excess of the nornial hours set forth above in this Article shall be "overtime work" and shall be done only by order of the Head of the Department. 3.6 All employees in this bargaining unit shall be recompensed for work done in excess of the normal hours established above an this Articie by being granted compensatory time on a time and one-half basis or by being paid on a time and one-half basis for such overtime work. The overtnne rate of one and one-half shall be computed on the basis of 1/80`� of fhe biweekiy rate. 3.7 Norn�al work schedules showing the employee's shifts, work days, and hours shall be posted on ali department bulletin boards at all t'vnes. It is also understood that deviation from posted work schedules shall be pennissble due to emergencies and acts of God, and overtime may be required. 3.8 Notwithstanding Sections 3.1 through 3.6, employees may, through mutual agreement with the Employer, work schedules other than schedules lnnited by the normal work day and work week as set forth in Sections 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3. Overtime compensation for • employees working under such agreements shall be subject to the pmvisions ofthe Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). ARTICLE 3— HOiTRS OF WORK (Continued) 3.9 For employees who wish to shaze a position, the Employer will attempt to pmvide • optionsfor implementing a sha�ing arrangement� Such_an arraagement must_be mutually agreed upon by the Employer and the emptoyees involved. Vacarion, holiday, and sick leave benefits for employees who share a position shall be pro-rated based upon the percent of hours worked. Health insurance benefits sfiaII be administered in accordance with the provisions of Article 10 (INSLTRANCE) of this Agreement. In the event that one of the employees participating in the shared position is terminated or terminates employment, the Employer sball post the job sharing vacancy for a period of ten (10) days. If at the end of ten (10) days, such vacancy cannot be filled, the Employer shall have the option of increasing the remaining employee's work hours. 3.10 Sections 3.8 and 3.9 sha12 not be sabject to the provisions ofArticle 6(EMPLOYEE RIGHTS — GRIEVANCE PROCEDiJR.E) of this Agreement. 3.11 At least fourteen (14) calendaz days prior to changing the normal work day or the normal work week, the Employer and Union shall meet and confer regarding the need for the proposed chaage and the possibility of other alternatives. It is also understood that deviation from such notice shall be permiss ble due to emergencies and acts of God, Norice is not needed for temporary changes of less than one week. 3.12 When there is a nced to assign additional daytime, evening, or weekend hours, the • Employer shall first request volunteers from among emQloyees. Volunteers must be able to perform the job duties of the position. 3.13 Morning Differential: Oxford Pool employees representefl by tivs unit in the titles of Life Guard — Year Rouad, Water Safety Inshvctor— Year Round, Aquatics Facility Supervisor — Year Round, and Assistant Aquatics Facility Supervisor — Yeaz Round shall receive a morning differentiai of five percent (5%) for each hour worked between 2:00 am. and 2:00 p.m Tlvs morning differential shall only be paid for hours worked between 2:00 a�m and 2:00 p.m during the school year (after Labor Day and before Memorial Day). These employees st�all not be eligible for the Night Differential descnbed below. Night Differential: To any employee, except the Oxford Pool employees descnbed above, who works on a shift begiuniag earlier than 6:00 am or ending later than 6:00 p.m., providad at least four (4) houts of the stri$ are worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m, there shall be a night differentiai of five percent (5%) for the entire sIuft. To any employee who works on a shi$ beginning earlier than 6:00 am or ending later tt�an 6:00 p.m, but less than four (4) ho�ns of the shift aze worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m and 6:00 am, tbere shall be a night differential of five percent (5%) for the hours worked between 6:00 p.m. aad 6:00 a.m r1 U !� ARTICLE 3— HOURS OF WORK (Continued) �i�'� � � Library Employee Nigbt Differential: To any employee who works on a shift beginning earlier than 6:00 a.m. or ending later than 6:00 p.m, provided at least four (4) hours of the shift are worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m and 6:00 am, there shall be a night differential of four percent (4%) for the entire shift. To any employee who works on a shift beo nning earlier than 6:00 a.m or ending later than 6:00 p.m, but less than four (4) hours of the shift aze worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., there shall be a night differential of four percent (4%) for the hours worked between 6:00 p.m and 6:00 a.m. To any Lbrary employee who works hours on Sunday there shall be a differential of four percent (4%) for all hours worked. � 3.14 Employees required, as part of their noxmal job duties, to work a snow emergency shall receive premium pay at fifty percent (50%) for the second standard hour shift for all continuous hours worked during the snow emergency. ARTICLE 4 — WORK BREAKS 4.1 Rest Periods: All employees work schedules shall provide for a fifteen (15) minute rest period during each one-half shift. The rest period shall be scheduled by management at approximately the middle of each one-half shift whenever this is feasible. 4.2 If an employee is scheduled to work a full half shift beyond his/her regular quitting tnne, he/she shall be entitled to the rest period that occurs during said half sYaift. ARTICLE 5 — HOLIDAYS 5.1 Holidays Recognized and Observed: The foliowing days shall be recognized and observed as paid holidays: New Year's Day Martin Luther King Day Presidents' Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veterans' Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving* Christmas Day Eligible employees shall receive pay for each of the holidays listed above, on whioh they perform no work. Whenever any of the holidays listed above falls on a Saturday, the holiday shall he observed on the preceding Friday. Whenever any of the holidays listed above falls on a Sunday, the holiday shall be observed on the succeeding Monday. For those employees assigned to a work week other than Monday through Friday, the holiday shall be observed on the calendar date of the holiday. • Effective January i, 2006, floating holidays were included in the vacation accrual schedule. ARTICLE 5 — HOLIDAYS (Continued) 5.2 Eligibility Requirements: In order to be eligible for a holiday with pay, an employee • must be employed as of the date of the holiday and have paid hours on the payroll for that pay period. 'Fhe amauut of holiday tivne earned-shall be based upon the number of non- holiday hours paid during that pay period (see pro ration charts in Salary Plan and Rates of Compensatiott). Paid hours ittclude hours actually worked (excluding overtime), vacation time, compensatory time, paid leave, and sick leave. In neither case shall the holiday be counted as a worldng day far the purposes ofthis Section. It is fittther understood that neither temporary, emergency, nor other employees not heretofore eIigible shall receive holiday pay. 53 If an employee, entitled to a holiday, is requixed to work, he/she shall be recompensed for work done on this day by being granted compensatory time on a time and one-half basis or by being paid on a tune and one-half basis for such hours worked, in addition to his/her regular holiday pay. 5.4 Notwithstanding Section 5.2, a temporary employee shall be eligible for holiday pay only after such employee has been employed as a temporary employee for sixty-seven (6'� calendaz days. 5.5. *For alI emp2oyees assigned to the Library, the Day after Tvanksgiving sha11 be considered a normat work day, and Chrisfmas Eve shall be recognize3 and observed as a paid holiday. � ARTICLE 6— EMPLOYEE RIGHTS — GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 6.1 The Employer shall recognize stewazds selected in accordance with Union rules and regulations as the grievance representatives of the bargaining uuit. The Union shall notify the Employer in writing of the names ofthe stewards and oftheir successors when so nazned. 6.2 It is recognized and accepted by the Employer and the Union that the processing of grievances as hereinafter provided is limited by the job duties and responsibilities of the employees and shall therefore be accomplished during working hours only when consistent with such employee's duties and responsibilities. The steward involved and a grieving employee shall suffer no loss in pay when a grievance is processed during working hours, provided the steward and the employee have notified and received the approval of the supervisor to be absent to process a grievance and that such absence would not be detrimental to the work programs of the Emploqez. 6.3 Pmcedure established by this Article shall be the sole and exctusive procedure for the processing of grievances, which aze defined as an alleged violation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 6.4 However, this Article does not abridge grievance rights possessed by eligible veterans • under applicable veterans' rights starirtes. ARTICLE 6 — GRIEV�NCE PBf2CEDiIR�S__�Con.tinued} \J 6.5 Grievances shall be resolved in confonnauce with the following procedure: (�c'�i� Step 1— Upon the occurrence of an alleged violation of this agreement, the employee involved (with or without the stewazd) shall attempt to resolve the matter on an informai basis with the employee's supervisor. Ifthe matter is not resoived to the employee's satisfaction by the informal discussion, it may be reduced to writing and refened to Step 2 by the Unien. 'Fhe writteri-grievance shatl setforththe mature of tk� grievance, the facts on which it is based, the alleged section(s) of the agreement violated, and the relief requested. Any alleged violation of the agreement not reduced to writing by the Union within fourteen (14) work days of the fust occurrence of the event giving rise to the grievance, shall be considered waived. Step 2— Within seven (7) work days after receiving the written grievance, a designated Employer supervisor shall meet with the Union Steward and attempt to resolve the grievance. I� as a result of this meeting, the grievance remains unsolved, the Empioyer shall reply in writing to the Union within seven (7) work days following this meeting. The Union may refer the grievance in writing to Step 3 within seven (7) work days following receipt of the Empioyer's written answer. Any grievance not referred in writing by the Union within seven (7) work days following receipt of the Employer's answer shall be considered waived. � Step 3— Within seven (7) work days following receipt of a grievance referred from Step 2, a designated Employer sngervisor sha�t meet with the Union Business Manager or his/her designated representative, the employee, and the steward and attempt to resolve the grievance. Within seven (7) work days following this meeting the Employer shall reply in writing to the Union stating the Employer's answer concerning the grievance. If, as a result of the written response the grievance remains unsolved, the Union may refer the grievance to Step 4. Any grievance not referred in writing by the Union to Step 4 within seven (7) work days following receipt of the Employer's answer shail be considered waived. Step 4— If the grievance remains unresolved, the Union may within seven (7) work days after the response of the Employer in Step 3 by written notice to the Employer, request azbitration of the grievance. The arbitzation proceedings shall be conducted by an azbitrator to be selected from a pennanent panel of five (5) azbitrators. Arbitrators shall be selected by lot within twenty (20) work days after notice has been given. In the event the Employer and the Union cannot mutually agree to five (5) arbitrators for the pennanent panel, the parties wi11 petition the Director of the Bureau of Mediation Services for a list of ten (1Q) arbitrators for each panel member for which the parties did not mutually �gr€e. The }sa�Eies shal�-alterna�elg strike names from such list(s), the Employer striking first, untii one (1) name remains. • f►l ARTICLE 6 - GRI�VANCE PROCEDURES (Continued) Vacancies occurring on the peimanent panel dvring the life of this Agreement shall be � filled by mutual agreement of the parties. If the parties cannot mutually agree, the vacancy shall be filled by the process noted in tl�e preceding paragraph This arbitrator seledion process shall be effective only for tkte duration of this Agreement ualess both parties mutually agree to eartend such provisions, At any time prior to the opening of an arbitration hearing, the parties may mutually agree to utilize the assistance of the Bureau of Mediation Services to attempt to mediate a resolution of the dispute. 6.6 The arbitrator shall have no right fo aznend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to, or subtract fmm the provisions ofthis Agreement. The azbitrator shall consider and decide only the specific issues submitted in writing by the Employer and the Union and shall have no authority to make a decision on any other issue not so submitted. The azbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to or inconsistent with or modifying or varying in any way the application of laws, rules, or regulations having the force and effect of law. The arbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing within thirty (30) days following close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later, unless the parties agree to an e�ension. The decision shall be based solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or application of the express terms of this Agreement and to the facts of the grievance presented. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the Employer, the Union, and the • employees. 6.7 The fees and eapenses for the azbitrator's services and pmceedings shall be bome equally by the Employer and the Union, provided that each party shall be responsible for com�ensating its own representarives and witnesses. If either party desires a verbat'vm record of the proceediags, it xnay cause such a record to be made, providing it pays for the record. 6.8 The tixne limits in each step of this procedure may be extended by mutval agreement of the Employer and the Union. 6.9 It is understood by the Union and the Employer that a grievance, other than a grievance arising from a disciplinary action, may be determiued by either the grievance procedure ofthis Contract or by the provisions ofthe Civil Service Rules of the City of Saint PauL 6.10 Tlie provisions of this Article 6 shall not apply to Section 3.9 of t�is Agreement. 6.I 1 The Employer agrees to pmvide courtesy copies of all coaespondence to the Union Business Manager or Assistant Director to the President of Loca11842. This Section shall not be grievable. • V ���� • 7.1 Automobile Reimbursement Authorized: Pursuant to Chapter 33 ofthe Saint Paul Administrative Code, as amended, pertaining to reimbursement of City officers and employees for the use oftheir own automobiles in the perfonnance oftheir duties, the following pzovisions are adopted. ARTICLE 7 — CITY MILEAGE 72 Method of Computation: To be eligible for such reimbursement, all officers and employees must receive written authorization from the Department Head. When an empioyee is required to use hisTher personal automobile to conduct authorized City business, the City shall reimburse the employee at the then current Federal I.RS. mileage reimbursement rate for the most direct route. � U • 7.3 The City will provide pazking at a location and manner of the Employer's choice within a reasonable distance of the work site for City employees on the above mentioned reunbursement plan who aze required to have their personal car available far City business. Such parking will be provided only for the days the employee is required to have tus(her own personal car available. 7.4 Rules and Regulations: The Mayor shall adopt rules and regulations governing the procedures for automobile reimbursement, which regulations and rules shall contain the requirement that recipients shall file daily reports indicating miles driven and shali file monthly affidavits stating the number of days worked and the number of miles driven, and further require that they maintain automobile liability insurance in amounts of not less than $100,000/$300,000 for personal injury, and $25,000 for property damage, or liability insurance an amounts not less than $300,000 single limit coverage, with the City of Saint Paul named as an additional insured. These rules and regulations, together with the amendment thereto, shall be maintained on file with the City Clerk. ARTICLE 8 - RESIDENCE 8.1 The resolution pertaining to residence approved 7uly 26, 1979, under Council File No. 273378 shall apply to all employees covered by this Agreement. ARTICLE 9 - VACATION 9.1 Vacation credits shail accumulate at the rates shown below for each full hour on the payrol3, exclud'mg overtune. Years of Service 1 st yeaz thru 4th year Sth year thru 9th year l Oth year thru 15th year 16th yeaz thru 23rd year 24th yeaz and thereafter Hours of Vacation .0462 (12 days) .0693 (18 days) .0808 (21 days) .0962 (25 days) .1077 (28 days) ARTICLE 9 — VACATION (Continued} 9.2 The Head of a Department may permit an employee to carry over up to one hundred and � twenty {120) hours of vacation into the following "vacation year." For the purpose of this Article ttie "vacation yeaz" shall be the fiscal year (IRS payroll reporting year). 93 The above provisions of vacarion shall be subject to the Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, Section I, Sub. H., unless the Contract pmvisions duectly conflict with the Salary Plan. In such cases, the language of the Contrad shall supersede/replace the conflicting language of the Salary Plan. 9.4 For purposes of this Article qualifying years of service shall be determined based on calendar years of service. This shall apgly to botk part-time and fuLt-time employees. ARTICLE 10 — INSURANCE Active Employee Insurance 10.1 The Employer will continue for the period ofthis Agceement fo provide for employees such heahh and &fe insurance benefits as are provided by the Employer at the time of execution ofthis Agreem:ent. 10.2 Effective for the January 2008 insurance prexniums, for each eligi7�te employee covered by Uus Agreement who is employed fu11-time and who selects health insurance, the Employer agrees to make the following contnbutions per month: � a. Open Access with $1,500 Deductible Single: $427.25 -E $100 (to be deposited sn an account d�.ecmined by the LMCHn Family: $1,Q40.75 b. Primary Clinic with $500 Deduchbie SingIe: $525.51 Family: $901.86 c. Distinctions Single: $457.54 Famity: $901.86 10.3 Effective for the January 2009 insurance premiums, for each eligible employee covered by this Agreement who is employed £ull-time and who selects health insuzance, the Employer agrees to make the following contnbutions per month: a. Open Access with $1,500 Deduch'ble Single: $467.84 +$100 (to be deposited in an acco�mt detecmiued by the LMCI� Family: $1,120.75 b. Primary Clinic with $500 Deductble Single: $567.93 Family: $926.86 c. Distinctions Single: $482.54 Family: $926.86 n U 10 ARTICLE 10 - INSURANCE (Continuedj �� ,� t • 10.3 (1) Effeetive for the January 2010 insurance premiums, for each eligible employee covered by this Agreement who is zmployed full-time and who selects health insurance, the E�loyer agees to make the following contnbutions per month: a. Open Access with $1,500 Deductible SiBg�C: $5 � $1-� (to depositatiQaa accoanY d�ermined by the LMCHn Famil� $1,214.00 b. Primary Clinic with $500 Deductible Single: $615.10 Family: $951.86 c. Distinctions Single: $50'7.54 Family: $951.86 Id.4 For the purpose of this Article, ful�time employment is defined as appeazing on the payroll an average of at least sixty-£our (64) hours per biweekly pay period for the twelve (12) month period preceding the annual open enrollment or special enrollments or the period preceding initial enrollment. Three-quarter time employment is defined as appearing on the payroll an average of at least fifty-two (52) hours, but less than sixty-four (64) hours, per biweekiy pay period for • the twelve (12) month period preceding the annual open enrollment or special enrollmenEs or theperioc� preeeding iniEial enro�lment. Half-time employment is defined as appeazing on the payroll an average of at least forty (40) hours, but less than fifty-two (52) hours, per biweekly pay period for the twelve (12) manth period preceding the annual open enrollment or special enrollments or period preceding initial enrollment. Part-tnne employees who are pennanently appointed to a full-tixne (eighty (80) hours per biweekly pay period) position after the commencement of the plan year, shall be made eligible for full-time benefits after they have completed at least forty (40) hours in a monthly qualifying pay period as a full-time empioyee. Full-tixne employees who are permanently appointed to a part-time (less than eighty (80) hours per biweekly pay period) position after the commencement of the plan year, shall be reduced to the benefit level applicable for the hours scheduled by the department. Such reduetion shail take effect on the first month the employee does not complete a monthly qualifying pay period as a fuil-time employee. 1Q.5 For each e�gible empIo�ee cavered-hy-t�iis Agreement wha is employed half-tune and who selects employee health insurance coverage, the Employer agrees to contnbute fifty percent (50%) of the amount contributed for full-time employees selecting employee • coverage in the same insurance plan. 11 ARTICLE 10 — INSURANCE (Continued) For each half-time employee who selects family health insurance coverage, the Employer will contnbute fifty percent (50%) of the amount conmbuted for full-time employees selecting family health insurance coverage in the same insurance plan. For each eligible employee covered by this Agreement who is employed three-quarter time and who selects employee healtfi insurance coverage, the Employer agxees to contnbute sevenry-five percent (75%) ofthe amount contnbuted for fuli-time employees selecting employee coverage. For each three-quarter time employee who selects family health insurance coverage, the Employer will contribute seventy-fve percent (75%) of the amount contnbuted for full- tima employees selecting family heaiW insurance coverage. 10.6 Notwithstanding Section 10.5, emgloyees covered by this Agreement and emptoyed half- time prior to January l, 1986 shall receive the same health insurance contnbuYions as full-time employees. This Section 10.6 applies only to employees who were employed half-time during the month of December, 1985 and stiall continue to apply only as long as such employees remain continuously ett�ployed half-time. 10.7 ��1� For each eligible employee, the Employer agrees to contribute the cost of $20,000 of life insurance. The contanbutions indicated in this Article 10 shall be paid to the Employer's Group Health and Welfate P1atL 10.9 Any cost of any premium for any City offered employee or family insurance coverage in excess of tbe dollaz amounts stated in this Article 10 shall be paid by the employee. 10.10 The Employer will provide a system whereby the employee's contn'bution towazd the premiuws for the employee selected health insurance coverages can be paid on a pr�tax basis while the employee is receiving tasable inwme through the City payroll system. Employees covered by tfiis Agreement, who aze benefit eligible, will be eligible to participate in tfie Flexible Spending Account as offered by the Employer. The service fee charged to participating employees shall be paid by the Employer. 10.11 Emp2oyees covered by this Agreement shall be eligble to participate in the Dependent Care Reimbursemettt Account offered by the Bmployer. The setvice fee charged to participating employees shall be paid by the Employer. Retiree Insuranee 10.12 Full-time employees who retire must meeY the following conditions at the time of retirement in order to be e&gible for the Employer contributions, listed in Sections 10.13 through 10.16 below, toward a health insurauce plan offered by the Employer: 10.12 (1) Be receiving benefits from a public employee retirement act at the tune of retirement, and r 1 � • n U 12 ARTICLE 10 - INSURANCE (Continued) b�'� � • 10.12 (2) Have severed his/her relarionship with the City of Saint Paul for reasons other than misconduct, and 10.12 (3) Have completed at least twenty (20) years with tbe City of Saint Paul or fifteen (15) years if receiving a disability pension, excluding years of service with Independent School District No. 625 for employees hired by or ttansferred to the City after Mazch 31, 2001. Early Retirees 10.13 This Section shail apply to full-tune employees who: 10.13 (1} Retire on or after January 1, 1996, and 10.13 (2) Were appointed on or before December 31, 1995, and 10.13 (3) Have not attained age sixty-five (65) at retirement, and 10.13 (4) Meet the terms set forth in Section 10.12 above, and 10'13 (5) Select a health insuranbe plan offered by the Employer. Until such employees reach sixty-five (65) years of age, the Employer agrees to contribute a maximum of $350.00 per month towazd the premium for single or family health insurance coverage offered by the Employer. Any unused portion of the Employer's contn�bution shall not be paid to the retiree. When such eazly retiree attains age sixty-five (65), the provisions of Section 10.15 will • apply. 10.14 This SecYion shall apply to full-tune employees who: 10.14 (1) Retire on or after January 1, 1996, and 10.14 (2) Were appointed on or after January 1, 1996, and 10.14 (3) Have not attained age sixty-five (65) at retirement, and 10.14 (4) Meet the conditions of Section 10.12 above, and 10.14 (5) Select a health insurance plan offered by the Employer. Until such retirees reach sixty-five (65) years of age, the Employer agrees to contribute a maximum of $300.00 per month towazd the premium for single or faxnily health insurance coverage offered by the Employer. Any unused portion of the Employer's contribution shall not be paid to the retiree. When such early retiree attains age sixty-five (65), the provisions of Section 10.16 shall apply. Effective January 1, 2004, Eazly Retirees wiil no longer be eligibie for City paid life insurance. � 13 ARTICLE 10 — INSURANCE (Continued) Regalar Retirees (Age Sixty-Five (65) and over) 10.15 This Section shall apply to full-time employees who: 10.15 (1) Retire on or after January 1, 1996, and 10.15 (2) Were appointed on or before December 31, 1995, and 10.15 (3) Have attained age sixty-five (65) at retirement, and 10.15 (4) Meet the terms set forth in Section 10.12 above, and 10.15 (5) Select a health insurance plan offered by the Einployer. The Employer agrees to contn�buYe a ma�cimum of $550.00 per monYh toward the premium for single or family health �nc�,ra„ce coverage offered by the Employer to regular retirees and their dependents. Any unused portion of the Employer's contnbution shall not be paid to the retiree. This Section shall also apply to early retirees who retired undet the provisions of Section 10.13 when such retirees attain age sixty-five (65). 10.16 Tlus Section shall apply to full-time employees who: � 10.16 (1) Retire on or after 7anuary 1, 1996, and 10.16 (2) Were appointed on or after 7anuary 1, 1996, and 10.16 (3) Haue attained age sixty-five (65) at rdirement, and I0.16 (4) Meet the conditions of Section 10.12 above, and • 10.16 (5) Select a health imsurance plan offered by the Employer. The Employer agrees to contnbute a maximum of $300.00 pet mouth towazd the premium for single or family health insurance coverage offered by the Employer to regulaz retirees and their dependents. Any unused portion of the Employer's contribution shall not be paid to the retiree. This Section shall also apply to eazly retirees who retired under the pmvisions of 5ection 10.14 when such early retirees attain age sixty-five (65). 10.17 If an employee does not meet the condition of Section 10.12 (3), but has completed at least ten (10) years of service with the City, helshe may purchase single or family health insurance coverage thmugh the Employer's insurance program. The total cost of such insurance wverage shall be paid by the retiree. 10.18 A retiree may not carry hislher spouse as a dependent if such spouse is also a City retiree or City employee and eligibte for and is enrotled in the City healtk uvsurance prograzn. 10.19 Survivor Insurance: The surviving spouse of an employee carrying fauiity coverage at the rime of hisfher death due to a job connected injury or illness which was detennined to have arisen out of and in the course oflus/her employment under worker's compensation law shall continue to be eligible for city contnbution in the same proportions as is • provided for retired employees. 14 ARTICLE 10 — �I��TRANCE (Continued) �'v � • In the event of the death of an eaziy retiree or a regulaz retiree, the dependents of the retiree shall have the option, within thirty (30) days, to continue the current hospitalization and medical benefits which said dependents previously had, at the premium and Employer contn'bution accorded to the eligible deceased retiree. It is further uuderstood tlaat coverage shall cease in the event oF 10.19 (1) Subsequent remarriage ofthe surviving spouse ofthe deceased exnployee or retiree. 10.19 (2) The empioyment of the surviving spouse or dependent where health insurance is obtained through a group program provided by said employer. In this event, however, the surviving spouse or dependent shall have the right to maintain City health insurance for the first ninety (90) days of said employment. 10.20 Additional dependants beyond those ofrecord at the time ofretirement may not be added to the retiree's health insurance plan at City expense after retirement. 10.21 A zetiree's participation in the City's heaith insurance plan must be continuous. The retiree must be participating in a City health insurance plan at the tune ofretirement. If a retiree chooses not to participate at the tixne of luslher retizement or if a retiree • discontinues hislher participation at a later date, such retiree will not be eligible for any future participation or for any Employer contribution. ARTICLE 11— WORHING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION 11.1 Employer shall avoid, whenever possble, working an employee on an out-of-class assignment for a prolonged period of time. Any employee working an out-of-class assignment for a period in excess of fifteen (15) consecutive working days during a year shall receive the rate of pay for the out-of-class assignment in a higher classification not later than the siacteenth (16�`) day of such assignment. For purposes ofthis Article, an out-of-class assignment is defined as an assignment of an employee to perform, on a fuli-time basis, all of the significant duties and responsibilities of a position different from the employee's regular position, and which is in a classification higher than the classification held by such employee. The rate of pay for an approved out-of-cIass assignment shall be the same rate the employee would receive if such employee received a regulaz appointment to the higher classification. u 15 ARTICLE 12 - SE1vIORITY 12.1 Seniority, for the purpose of this Agreement, sball be defined as follows: The length of continuous, zegulaz, and probationary service with the Employer from the date an employee was first certified and appointed to a class title covered by this Agreement, it being further understood that seniority is confined to the current class assignment held by an employee. In cases where two (2) or more employees are appointed to the same class title on the sazne date, the seniority shall be determined by the employee's rank on the eligible list from which certification was made. 12.2 Seniorify shall ternunate when an employee retires, resigns, or is discharged. 123 In the event it is detetmined by the Employer that it is necessary to reduce the work force, employees will be laid offby class title within each department based on inverse length of seniority as defined above. However, when layoff occurs in any of the titles listed below under Column A, layoff shall be basad on inverse length of total seniority in all tities listed on the corresponding line under Column B. The Human Resources Department will identify such least seniox employee in the department reducing positions, and shall notify said employee of his/her re@uction from the department. • If there aze any vacancies in any of the titles under Column B on which seniority was • based, in any otfler City department, the Human Resources Department shall place the affeeted employee in such vacancy. If two (2) or more vacant positions are available, the Human Resources Department shall decide wlrich vacant positions the affected employee shall fill. Ifno vacancy eicists in such titles, then the least senior City employee in such titles shall be identified, and if the employee affected by the original departmental reduction is more senior, he/she shall have tfie right to claim that posifion and the least senior City employee in such titles shall be the employee laid off For the purposes of this Article, the Board of Education is not included as a City department nor is a Boazd of Education employee inctuded as a City employee. � � r1 LJ • C� ARTICLE 12 — SENIORITY (Continued) Column A Deputy License Inspector I Deputy License Inspector II Engineering Aide I Engineering Aide II Fire Aide I Fire Aide II Housing Aide I Housing Aide II Housing Rehab Advisor I Housing Rehab Trainee Library Associate Operations Asst. — Town Sq. Pazk Plauniug Aide I Planning Aide II Planning Assistant I Planning Assistant II Recreation Center Director Recrearion Leader II Reereation L,eader III Sanitarian Aide I Sanitarian Aide II Traffic En�. Aide II Val. & Assess. Aide I Val & Assess. Aide II 17 Column B � J � v Deputy License Inspector I, Aeputy License Inspector II Aeputy License Inspector I, Deputy License Inspector II Engineering Aide I, E Aide II, Traffic Eng. Aide II, E.ngr. Braftsman Eng. Aide I, Eng. Aide II, Traffic Engr. Aide II, Engr. Draiisman Fire Aide I, Fire Aide II Fire Aide I, Fire Aide II Housing Aide I, Housing Aide II, Sanitarian Aide I, Sanitarian Aide II Housang Aide I, Housing Aide II, Sanitarian Aide I, Sanitarian Aide II Housing Rehabilitation Trainee, Aousing Rehabilitation Advisor I Housang Rehabilitation Trainee, Eiousing Rehabilitation Advisor I Library Associate (PT) Recreation Leader II, Rec. Leader I, Rec. Director I, Rec. Center Director Plamiiug Aide I, Planning Aide II, Planning Asst. I, Plaunnig Asst. II Planning Aide I, Planuiug Aide II Pl annina Asst. I, Plazuung Asst. II P12nning Aide I, Plamiing Aide II Plauniug Asst. I, Planning Asst. II Planniug Aide I, Plannuig Aide II Planning Asst. I, Planning Asst. II Recreation Leader II, Rec. Leader III, Recreation Director I, Operations Asst. — Town Square Park Rec. Leader II, Rec. Leader III, Recrearion Director I, Operation Asst. — Town Squaze Pazk Rec. Leader II, Rec. I.eader III, Recreation Director I, Operations Asst. — Town Square Park Housing Aide I, Housing Aide II Sanitarian Aide I, Sanitarian Aide II Aousing Aide I, I3ousing Aide II Sanitarian Aide I, Sanitarian Aide II Bngineering Aide I, Engineering Aide II, Traffic Engineering Aide II VaUAssess Aide I, VaUAssess Aide II VaUAssess Aide I, VaUAsses Aide II ARTICLE 12 — SETTIORITY (Continued) 12.4 In cases where there are promotional series, such as Technician I, II, III, etc., when the • number of empIoyees in these higher titles is to be reduced, employees who have held lower titIes wfiich aze in tivs bargaining unit will be offered reductions to the highest of these titles to which class seniority would keep them from being laid o� before layoffs are made by any class title in any department. 12.5 It is understood that such employees will pick up their former seniority date in any class ofpositions that they previously held. 12.6 Recall from layoff shall be in inverse order of layof� except that recall rights shall eapire after two (2) years of Iayoff 12.7 Employees assigned to these divisions in the Police Department: Impound I.ot, Properiy Room, Communication Center, and/or Records, shall be allowed to bid for work slufts (ie. midnights, days, and afternoons), on the basis of seniority when a vacancy occurs witivn the employees' classification in their division. 12.8 In the event the Employer believes it is necessary to merge, contract ouY, or subcontract any public work performed by employees covered by this Agreement which nnay lead to layo� the Employer wiIl notify the Union no Iess than forty-five (45) calendaz days in advance. During the forty-five (45) days, the Employer will meet with the Union and • discuss possible options to coutracting out or ways and means to m;n;ro;�e the elimination of positions. ARTICLE 13 — POST EMI'LOYMENT HEALTH PLAN (PEHP) 13.1 Effective January 1, 2008, empioyees may be eligible for a Post Employment Health Plan (PEHP) contribution by the Employer of $200.00. Employees who have completed twenty (20) years of service shall have a$276.00 PEHP contribution paid by the Employer as indicated in the eligibility requirements below. 13,2 Eligibility and implementation: a) For initial contn'bution, employees must have been employed far a minimum of one (1} calendaz year. b) Employees must be a member of the bargaining unit for a minimum of one (1) calendar year. c) d) e) fl City contnbutions will be made by April l ofthe following year. Employees must be on the payroll as of the date of contnbution. If an employee takes a leave of absence to serve as a full-time union official, time served in such capacity, up to su: (6j yeazs, will be counted toward the years of service requirement. Qualifying years of service for the twenty (20) year rate must have been attained • by Januazy 1 of the previous plan year. fEa • ARTICLE 14 - BULLETIN BOARDS V � J �� 14.1 The Employer shall pzovide reasonable bulletin space for use by the Union in posting notices of Union business and activities. Said bulletin board space shall not be used by the Union for political putposes other than Union elections. Use of this bulletin boazd is subject to approval of the Department Head. ARTICLE 15 - WAGES 15.1 For purposes of this Contract, the wage schedule shall be Appendix A, attached hereto. Both parties agree that the inclusion of the classifications and salary ranges in Appendix A does not preclude the Employer from the following: 1. Reorganizing; 2. Abolishing classifications; 3. EstablisYring new classifications; 4. Re-grading classifications; 5. Reclassifying positions. Both parties also agree that titles and grades in Appendix A refer to employees in the positions at the date of sio ing of the Agreement. No employee in this bargaining unit • shall suffer any reduction in salary because o f a re-grading or reclassification during the contract period in which such re-grading or reclassification takes place. 15.2 Individual employees may request an audit of his/her position whenever the nature of the work andlor responsibilities in lus/her position have substantially changed. When an employee has submitted a fully completed job profile to his/her supervisor requesting a classification study of his/her position, responsible managers in the department where the employee works shail have forty (40) calendaz days to complete their portion ofthe JAQ (job profile) and forward it to the dffice of Human Resowrces. Tne siaff oi i�he Office of Human Resources will complete the study within fifty (50) days after the fully completed job profile is submitted to the Office ofHuman Resources by the employee's supervisors. If the Employer finds the employee has assumed a higher level of responsibility but does not want the employee working at that level on a pennauent basis, the Employer will present the employee with a written list of duties which the employee is expected to cease performing. 153 Effective January l, 2006, step two (2) of the salary schedule (six month step) shall be abolished. Effective 3anuary 1, 2010, the twenty-five (25) yeaz step of the salary schedule shall be abolished and collapsed into the twenty (20) yeaz step. All other steps shall remain intact. The language of the contract shall supersedelreplace any conflicting language ofthe Salary Plan. � 19 ARTICLE 16 — MAINTENANCE C1F STANDARDS 16.1 The parties agree that all conditions of employment relating to wages, hours of work, overtime diffetenfials, vacations; aud all otker general working conditions shall be maintained at not less than the highest ininimum standazd set forth in the Civil Service Rules of the City of Saint Paul (Resolution No. 3250) and the Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation at the time of the signing of Uvs Agreement, and the conditions of employment shall be icnproved wherever specific provisions for unprovement aze made etsewhere in this Agreement. 16.2 Civil Service Rules 8.A3 and Civil Service Rule 14 shall not apply to applicants and employees from Independent Scfiool Disixict No. 625. ARTICLE 17 - LEAVES OF ABSENCE 17.1 T.eave of Absence: After tl�ree {3) months of employment, an employee may make application for a leave of absence not to exceed one (1) year. A leave of absence shall be granted on the basis established in the Civil Service Rules (Resolution No. 3250). �J 17.2 Sick Leave: Effective January 1, 2006 sick leave shall accumulate at the rate of .0538 for each hour on the payrotl, excluding overtime. Sick leave accumulation is unlzmited. To be eligible for sick leave, employees must report to their supervisor no later than one- half hour past their regular scheduled starting time. The granting of sick leave shall be � subject to the tenns and provisions of Resohrtion No. 3250 of tke City of Saiut Paul. For absences due to sickness of seven ('� or fewer calendaz days, the Employer shall require a physician's certificate or additional certificates only when there is reason to suspect abuse of sick leaue or to verify that an employee is fit to retum to his/her position, The Employer's requirement of a certificate under tfiis section shalt not be azbitrable. 17.3 Sick Leave Use with Bereavement: Any employee who has accumulated sick leave credits as provided above shall be granted leave with pay for such period of time as the Head of the Department deems necessary, on account of sickness or injury of the employee, quarautine established by a public health enforcement agency, death of the employee's mother, father, spouse, child, brother, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, or other person who is a member of the household, and co-worker, and may be granted leave with pay for such time as is actaally necessary for office visits to a doctor, dentist, optometrist, etc. 17.4 Leave Without Pay: Any employee who engages in active service in time of war or other emergency declazed by proper authority of any of the military or naval forces of the State or of the United States for whicfi Ieave is not otherwise allowed by law sha11 be entitied to leave of absence from employment without pay duriug such service with right of reinstatement and subject to such conditions as aze unposed by law. • 20 AR'�ICI,E 17 — �.EAVES OF ABSENCE (Continued) ��� • Such leaves of absence as are granted under Article 18 (MILITARY LEAVE OF ABSENCE) shall conform to Minnesota Statutes Section I92, as amended from time to time and shall confer no additional benefits other than those granted by said statute. 17.5 Jury Duty: Employees required during thea� regular working hours to appeaz in court as jurors or witnesses, except in their own behalf against the City, shall be paid their regular pay while so engaged, provided that any fees that the employee may receive from the wurt for such service shall be paid to the City and be deposited with the Employer. Any employee scheduled to work a shift other than the normai daytune shift shall be rescheduled to work the normal daytime shift during such time as he/she is required to appear in court as a juror or witness. 17.6 Funeral Leave: Any employee who has accumulated sick leave credits, as provided in the Civil Service Rules, shall be granted one (1) day of such leave to attend the funeral of the employee's grandparent or grandchild. 17.7 Union Leave: An employee elected or appointed to a full-time paid position by the exclusive representative may be granted a leave of absence without pay for not more than one (1) year for the purpose of conducting the duties ofthe exclusive representative. 17.8 Matemity and Parental Leave: Pregnant employees of the City of Saint Paul shall be eligible for the use ofpaid sick leave and unpaid leave of absence in the same manner as • any other disabled or ill City employee. Such paid sick leave eligibility shall begin upon certification by the empioyee's attending physician that the employee is disabled in teuns of her ability to perform the duties of her position. A twelve (12) month Parental ieave of absence without pay shall be granted to a natural pazent or an adoptive parent, who requests such leave in conjunction with the birth or adoption of a child. Such leave may be extended an additionai twelve (12) months by mutual agreement between the employee and the Employer. Refusal on the part of the Employer to grant an extension of such leave shall not be subject to the provisions of Article 6(EMPLOYEE RIGHTS — GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE) ofthis Agreement. Employees who return foilowing such leaves of absence shall be placed in a position of equivalent salary and tenure as the one held just prior to the beginning of his/her leave. 17.9 Sick Leave for a Child: An employee may use personal sick leave benefits provided by the Employer for absences due to an illness of or injury to the employee's child for such reasonable periods as the employee's attendance with the child may be necessary, on the same terms the employee is able to use sick leave benefits for the employee's own illness or injury. This section applies only to personal sick leave benefits payable to the employee from the Employer's general assets. • 21 ARTICLE 17 — LEAVES OF ABSENCE (Continued) For purposes of this Section, `�ersonal sick leave benefits" means time accrued and • available to an employee to be used as a result of absence from work due to personal iltuess or injury, but does not include short-term or long-term disability or other salary contiinuation benefits. - - - I7.10 Child School Leave: An employee sha11 be granted up to a total of sixteen (16) hours during a school year to attend school conferences or ciassmom activities related to the employee's child, provided the conference or classroom activities cannot be scheduled during non-work hours. When the leave cannot be scheduled during non-work hours and the need for the leave is foreseeable, the employee must provide reasonable prior notice of the leave and make a reasonable effort to schedule the leave so as not to disrupt unduly the operations of the Employer. An employee shall be allowed to use vacation or compensatory tnne for this leave; otherwise, this leave shall be without pay. 17.11 Voluntary Unpaid Leave of Absence: A full-time employee may be granted up to four hundzed and eighty (480) hours ofvoluntary leave of absence without pay during the fiscal year. During such leave of absence, the employee sl�all continue to eam and accrue vacation and sick leave, seniority credits, and maintain insurance eligibiliry as though he/she were on the payrolL Any leave of absence granted under this provision is subject to appmval of the • Department Head. 17.12 Education Leave: Leave with pay may be granted for education purposes at the option of the Employer. ARTICLE 18 — SICK LEAVE USAGE FOR DEPENDENT CARE I8.1 In tfie case of a serious iUness or disabiliry of a parent or household member, the Head of the Department shall grant leave with pay in ordet for the employee to caze for or make anangements for the care of such sick or disabled persons. Such paid leave shall be drawn from the employee's accumulated sick leave credits, Use of such sick leave shall be limited to forty (40) hours per incident. An empioyee may use sick leave for absences due to an illness of the employee's child for such reasonable periods as the employee's attendance with the child may be necessary, on the same terms the zmployee is able to use sick leave for his/her own illness. A.n employee may also use up to forly (40) hours per incident to arrange for the caze of a seriously ill or disabled cYuld. 18.2 The of the Department or the Director of Human Resources may require a physician's certificate or additional certificates at any time during an employee's use of sick leave for the purposes stated in Section 18.1 above. All such certificates shall be forwarded by the appointing officer to the Office of Human Resources. • 22 ARTICLE 18 - SICI� LEAVE USAGE FOR DEPENDENT CARE (Continued) If an employee is absent because of the provisions of Section 18.1 for three (3) or fewer ��� • calendar days he/she shall submit to the Head ofthe Department a certificate signed by the employee stating the nature of the child, parent, or household member's sickness. If the sickness continues for more tYian three (3) calendaz days, no further sick leave shall be granted uniess or until a physician is consulted. The sick leave may be continued from and include the day of consultation, but only if a certificate signed by the physician certifying to the nature and period ofthe person's sickness is submittefl to and approved by the Head of the Department and forwazded to the Office of Humau Resources. 183 No sick leave shall be granted for the above reasons uniess the employee reports to his/her Department Head the necessity for the absence not later than one-half hour after his/her regularly scheduled time to report for work, unless he/she can show to the satisfaction ofthe Department Head that the failure to report was excusable. 18.4 An employee shall be paid under the provisions of this pazagraph only for the number of days or hours for which he/she would normally have been paid if he/she had not been on sick leave. ARTICLE 19 - MILITARY LEAVE OF ABSENCE 19.1 Pay Allowance: Any employee who shall be a member of the National Guazd, the Naval Militia, or any other component of the militia of the state, now or hereafter organized or • constituted under state or federal law, or who shall be a member of the Officer's Reserve Corps, the Enlisted Reserve Corps, the Naval Reserve, the Marine Corps Reserve, or any other reserve component of the military or naval force of the United States, now or hereafter organized or constituted under Federal law, shall be entitled to leave of absence from employment without loss of pay, seniority status, efficiency rating, vacation, sick leave, or other benefits for all the time when such employee is engaged with such organization or component in trainnig or active service ordered or authorized by proper authority pursuant to law, whether for state or federal purposes, provided that such leave shall not exceed a total oi fi8een (15) days in any calendar year and further provided thai such leave shall be allowed only in case the required military or naval service is satisfactorily performed, which shall be presuxned unless the contrary is established. Such leave shall not be allowed unless the employee (1) returns to his/her position immediately upon being relieved from such military or naval service and not later than the expiration of tune herein limited for such leave, or (2) is prevented from so retuming by physical or mental disability or other cause not due to such empioyee's own fauk, or (3) is required by proper authority to continue in such military or naval service beyond the time herein limited for such leave. ARTICLE 20 - MANAGEMENT RIGHTS 20.1 The Union recognizes the right of the City to operate and manage its affairs in all respects • in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of appropriate authorities. All rights and authority which the City has not officially abridged, delegated, or modified by this Agreement aze retained by the City. 23 ARTICLE 20 — MANAGEMENT RIGHTS (Continued) 20.2 A public employer is not required to meet and negotiate on matters of inherent • managerial policy, wluch include, but are not limited to, such azeas of discretion or policy as the fixuctions and prograzns ofthe Employer, and organizational structure and seleetion and direction and number of personnel: ARTICLE 21— DISCIPLINE 21.1 The Employer will discipline employees for just cause only. Discipiine wi11 be in the form o� 21.1 (1) Oralreprimand; 21.1 (2) Written reprimand; 211 (3) Suspension; 21.1 (4) Reduction; 21.1 (5) Discharge. 21.2 213 Suspensions, reductions, and discl�arges will be in written form. Employees and the Union will receive copies of written reprimands and notices of suspension and discharge. 21.4 Any member of the bargaining unit may, during usual working hours, with the approval of the supervisor, review any material placed in the employee's personnel file, after frrst giving proper notice to the supervisor in custody of such file. 21.5 Discharges will be preceded by a five (5) working day preliminary suspension without pay. During said period, the employee and/or Union may request, and shall be entided to a meeting with the Employer representative who initiated the suspension with intent to discharge. During said five (5) working day period, the Employer may affirm, modify, or withdraw the suspension and discnarge. 21.6 An employee to be questioned concerning an investigation of disciplinary action shall have the right to request that a Union representative be present. 21.7 Grievances relating to this Article shall be processed in accordance with the grievance procedure under Article 6(EMPLOYEB RIGHTS — GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE). 21.8 Any written reprimand made concerning any member of tivs Bargaining Unit which is filed with the Office of Human Resources or within any City department shall be shown to the member before it is placed on file. Before the reprimand is placed on file, the City shall request from the employee an aclmowledgment, in writing, that the reprnnand has been read by said employee. • r1 LJ 24 b�-�1 • ARTICLE 22 — VACANCIES 22.1 The Office of Human Resources will inform all departments that the department's payroll clerk shall post notices of all job vacancies in their department at least five (5) days before submitting a requisition to the Office of Human Resources. ARTICLE 23 — NO STRII� — NO LOCKOUT 23.1 Neither the Union, its officers or agents, nor any of the employees covered by this Agreement will engage in, encourage, sanction, or support any stnlce, or the withholding in whole or in part of the full performance of their duties during the life of this Agreement, except as specifically allowed by the Public Empioyment Labor Relations Act. In the event of a violation of this Article, the Empioyer will warn employees of the consequences of their action and shall instruct them to unmediately retum to their normai duties. Any employee who fails to reriun to his/her full duties within twenty-four (24) hours of such warning may be subject to the penalties provided in the Public Employment Labor Relations Act. 23.2 No lockout, or refusal to allow employees to perform available work, shall be instituted by the Employer and/or its appointing authorities during the life of this Agreement. • ARTICLE 24 — SEVERAliTCE PAY 24.1 The Employer shall provide a severance pay program as set forth in this Articie. 24.2 Eligibility: Effective December 31, 2007, an employee must meet the following requirements to receive a benefit under this plan. All other severance benefit plans shall be discontinued. 24.2 (1) The employee must be voluntarily sepazated from City employxnent or have been subject to sepazation by layoffor compulsory retirement. Those employees who aze discharged for cause, miswnduct, inefficiency, incompetence, or any other disciplinary reason aze not eligible for the City severance pay program. For the purpose of this severance prograzn, a death of an employee shall be considered as separation of employment and if the employee would have met all of the requirements set forth at the tnne of his/her death, payment of the severance pay shall be made to the employee's estate or spouse. For the purpose of this severance program, a transfer from the City of Saint Paul employment to Independent School District No. 625 employment is considered a sepazation of employment, and such transferee shall be eligible for the City severance program For the purpose of this Article, service requirements for severance eligibility will not include yeazs of service with Independent School District No. 625 • for employees hired by the City or transferred to the City after Mazch 31, 2001. 25 ARTICLE 24 - SEVERANCE PAY (Continued) 24.2 (2) The employee must file a waiver of re-employment with the Human Resources Director, wluch will clearly indicate that by requesting severance pay, the exnployee waives all claims to reinstatement or re- employment (ofany type), with the City. 24.2 (3) The employee must have a minimum of twelve (12) years of service and 600 hours of sick Ieave credits at the time of hislher separation of service from the City. Effective January 1, 2009, the employee must haue a minimum of foUrteen (14) years of service and 600 hours of sick leave credits at the time of his/her separation of service from the City. 24.2 (4) If an employee requests severance pay and if the employee meets eligibility requirements set forth above, he/she will be granted severance pay as shown below. Accrued sick leave credits oL 600 700 S00 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 Severance $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $9,000 $10,000 $11,000 $12,000 $13,000 $14,000 $15,000 24.2 (5) Effective January l, 2009, an additional accrual level to the severance schedule in Article 24.2(4) will be added as follows: Accrued sick leave credits of: LEi�Z�] Severance $16,000 24.3 For any employee who is eligble to receive severance from the Citq under this Article 24, tl�e City will coatnbute 105% of the fi�l amount of their severance payment to a Post Employment Health Plan (PEHP) in lieu of any cash payment to the employee. 24.5 Any employee who is eligible to receive Severance from the Employer under this Article 24 shall have his/her accrued but unused vacation contributed to the PEHP listed in Article 24.3 above. 24,6 Such amounts listed in Article 24.4 above sha11 be made at the time ofretirement. • • • ��� • ARTICLE 25 - TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES Q���o 25.1 It is recogni�zzed that temporary employees aze within the unit covered by this Agreement, however, except as specifically provided by this Agreement, temporary employees shall not have or acquire any rights or benefits other than specifically provided by the provisions of the Civil Service Rules and/or the Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. ARTICLE 26 - NONDISCRIMINATION 26.1 The tenns and conditions of this Agreement will be applied equally to employees without regard to, or discritnination for or against any individual because of race, color, creed, se�c, age, disability, or because of inembership or non membership in the Union. 26.2 Employees will perform their duties and responsibilities in a nondiscriminatory manner as such duties and responsibilities involve other employees and the general public. 26.3 Any member of the bazgaining unit may file a grievance or discrimination complaint and there shall be no retaliation by the City of Saint Paul for such action. ARTICLE 27 - LEGAL SERVICES • 27.1 Except in cases of malfeasance in office or willful or wanton neglect of dury, the Employer shall defend, save hanuless, and indemnify employees against tort clauns or demands, whether groundless or otherwise, arising out of alleged acts or omission occurring in the performance or scope of the employee's duties. 27.2 Notwithstanding Section 27.1, the Employer shall not be responsible for paying any legal service fee or for providing any legal service azising from any legal action where the employee is the Plaintiff. ARTICLE 28 - SAFETY 28.1 The Employer and Employee sha11 cooperate in the enforcement of all applicable regulations for the enforcement of job safety. If an employee feels that hisJher work duties or responsbilities require such employee to be in a situation that violates state safety laws or legally promulgated standazds, the matter shall be immediately considered by the Ernpioyer. 28.2 For those employees required by the Employer to weaz safety shoes or boots, the Employer agrees to contn'bute $75.00 per calendar year toward the purchase of one pair of such shoes or boots and shall not be xespoivsible for any additional cost for that yeaz. Employees may carry over up to a total of $150.00 for the purchase of shoes. • Reimbursement shall be made only after investigation and approval by the immediate supervisor of the employees. 27 ARTICLE 28 — SAFETY (Continued) 28.3 When the Employer establishes Labor/Management Safety Committees, the Union wili • select its own members to participate. 28.4 When the Employer establishes Accident and Incident Review Boazds, ttce Union will not be required to participate. ARTICLE 29 — UNIFORM REIMBURSEMENT 29.1 The size of all uniform reimbursements sYiall increase on the first day of each year of the Contrad by the same percentage amount as the general increase. 29.2 Fire Inspectors who are required to wear a specified uniforxn shall be reimbursed for uniform items purchased up to $504.41 per calendar year 2008; $520.80 per calendar yeat 2009; $537.73 per calendaz year 2010. 293 Water Metet Technicians who are required to wear a specified uniform shall receive an initial issue and, thereafter, a uniform reimbursement for uniform items purchased up to and $307.17 per calendaz year 2008; $317.15 per calendaz year 2009; $327.46 per calendar year 2010. 29.4 The Employer will pay the cost of laundering lab coats for Heaith Lab Technicians. 29.5 Community Liaison Officers who aze required to wear a specified uniform shall receive a • one-time uniform reimbursement for uniform items purchased up to $355.85 for 2008; $367.42 per calendar yeaz 2009; $379.36 per calendar yeat 2010. 29.6 Communication Technician and Lead Communicarion Technicians who are required to weaz a specified uniform sha11 be reimbursed for uniform itexns purchased up to $288.89 per calendar year 2008; $ 298.28 per calendar yeat 2009; $307.97 per calendaz yeaz 2010. 29.7 Employees in the above sections of this Article will be required to wear the uniform while on duty. Except for the Health Department Lab Technicians for whom the City provides laundry service, employees will also be responsble for the care and upkeep of their uniforms. 29.8 The Employer shall determine the process for the reimbursement of uniform items purchased. ARTICLE 30 — SPECIAL EMPLOYIVIENT TITLES 30.1 Upon completion ofone thousand forty (1040) working hours, excluding overtnne hours, employees worldng in "Special E�loymenY' titles recognized by the Bureau of Mediation Services as being appropriately included in this bargaining unit shall be eligible for benefrts under this Agreement on the same basis as all other employees covered by this Agreement. • m c�-d I • ARTICLE 31- PROSATIONARY PERIOD 31.1 Effective January 1, 2007, employees covered by Uus bazgaining unit shall have a one (i) year probationary period. The ]anguage ofthe Contract shall supersede/replace any conflicting language of the Salary Plan. ARTICLE 32 - TERMS OF AGREEMENT 32.1 Complete AGREEMEN'T and Waiver of Bargaining: This Agreement shall represent the complete agreement between the Union and the Employer. The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this Agreement, each had the unlunited right and opportunity to make requests and proposals with respect to any subject or matter not removed by law from the area of collective bargaining, and that the complete understandings and agreements arrived at by the parties after the exercise of that right and opportunity are set forth in this Agreement. Therefore, the Employer and the Union, for the life of this Agreement, each voluntarily and unqualifiedly waives the right, and each agrees that the other shall not be obligated to bargain collectively with respect to any subject or matter re£esred to or covered in this Agreement. 32.2 Savings Clause: This Agreement is subject to the laws ofthe United States, the State of Miunesota, and the City of Saint Paul. In the event any provision of this Agreement shall . hold to be contrary to law by a court of competent jurisdiction from whose final judgment or decree no appeal has been taken within the time provided, such provision shall be voided. All other provisions shall continue in full force and effect. 32.3 Term of Agreement: This Agreement shall be in full force and effect from January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2010 and shall be automatically renewed from yeaz to year thereafter unless either party shall notify the other in writing that it desires to modify or termniate this Agreement. In witness whereo� the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed this / 7`�' day of January, 2008. (The date was handwritten in the original signature copy.) 32.4 This constitutes a tentative agreement between the parties which will be recommended by the Director of Human Resources but is subject to the appmval of the Administration of the City and the City Council, and is also subject to ratification by Local Union No. 1842. • ET] ARTICLE 32 — TERMS OF AGREEMENT (Continued) 32.5 Retroactive pay adjustments shall apply to all employees ofthe bazgaining unit who are active employees on the date of signing of the Agreement except those who have been terminated for cause. WITNESSES: FOR THE CITY �-/�� Date Relations Manager � /-/9�D8 Tracey Bl Date Labor Relations Specialist LOCAL iTNION N0.1842, DISTRICT COUNCIL NO. 5 OF THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY, AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES AFLrCIO I U ,�-��imos' Chris Cowen Date Business Representative �� �- �",r. � " ! �-a�' Robin Madsen Date President fCLt7 . • • '� .> . APPENDIX A - BIWEEKLY RATES Salary Ranges to titles in this Agreement shall be as follows: Effective May 1, 2008 (closest pay period) Effective April l, 2009 (closest pay period) Effective January 1, 2010 (closest pay period) 325% increase 3.25% increase 3.25% increase Effective January 1, 2010, the twenty-five (25) year step of the salary schedule shall be abolished and collapsed into the twenty (20) year step. GRADE 001 01/05/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (1) 742.60 766.73 791.65 81738 �Z) 796.22 822.10 848.82 876.41 (3) 824.37 851.16 878.82 90738 (4) 849.86 877.48 906.00 935.45 GRADE 002 • 01/05/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 O1/02/10 (1) 757.98 782.61 808.04 834.30 �2) 810.29 836.62 863.81 891.88 (3) 838.35 865.60 893.73 922.78 (4) 869.03 897.27 926.43 956.54 GRADE 003 O1/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (1) 774.56 799.73 825.72 852.56 �2) 828.18 855.10 882.89 911.58 �3) 858.73 886.64 915.46 945.21 (4) 888.15 917.01 946.81 977.58 [e�:7_�l]oLIiL! O1/OS/08 04/26/08 � 3/28/09 1/02/10 (i) 793.70 819.50 846.13 873.63 �2) 843.50 870.91 899.21 928.43 (3) 874.03 902.44 931.77 962.05 (4) 909.91 939.48 970.01 1,001.54 (5) 884.35 913.09 942.77 973.41 (5) 899.75 928.99 959.18 99035 (5) 920.10 950.00 980.88 1,012.76 (5) 943.12 973.77 1,005.42 1,038.10 10-yr (6) 903.53 932.89 963.21 994.51 10-yr (6) 920.10 950.00 980.88 1,012.76 10-yr (6) 943.12 973.77 1,005.42 1,038.10 10-yr (6) 961.01 992.24 1,024.49 1,057.79 15-yr ��) 935.27 965.67 997.05 1,029.45 15-yr � 957.28 98839 1,020.51 1,053.68 15-yr ��) 975.43 1,007.13 1,039.86 1,073.66 15-yr ��) 996.14 1,028.5 ] 1,061.94 1,096.45 20-yr � 961.94 993.20 1,025.48 1,079.12 20-yr {8) 983.43 1,015.91 1,048.93 1,103.32 20-yr �8) 1,002.07 1,034.64 1,068.27 1,123.25 20-yr �8) 1,022.81 1,056.05 1,09037 1,146.13 25-yr (9) 98039 1,012.25 1,045.15 25-yr (9) 1,Q�237 1,034.95 1,068.59 25-yr (9) 1,020.48 1,053.65 1,087.89 25-yr (9) 1,041.27 1,075.11 1,110.05 \ APPENDIX A - BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) GRADE 005 O1/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 01/02/10 Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 02/QS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 01/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (1) 803.95 830.08 857.06 884.91 (i) 821.8Q 848.51 876.09 904.56 (1) 839.65 866.94 895.12 924.21 (1) 860.12 888.07 916.93 946.73 (1) 875.41 903.86 933.24 963.57 �2) 963.93 995.26 1,027.61 1,061.01 (3) 890.79 919.74 949.63 980.49 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr �4) � � ��) �$) � 923.95 958.44 980.16 1,015.61 1,042.25 1,060.73 953.98 989.59 1,012.02 1,048.62 1,076.12 1,095.20 984.98 1,021.75 1,044.91 1,082.70 l, l l 1.09 1,130.79 1,016.99 1,054.96 1,078.87 1,117.89 1,167.54 -- GRADE 006 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr �z) �3) �4) � �� �� � �9) 882.79 911.14 945.62 980.16 1,000.59 2,040.20 1,066.87 1,08531 910.45 940.75 976.35 1,012.02 1,033.11 1,074.01 1,101.54 1,120.58 940.04 971.32 1,008.08 1,044.91 1,066.69 1,108.92 1,13734 1,157.00 970.59 1,002.89 1,040.84 1,078.87 1,10136 1,144.96 1,194.60 - C�RADE 007 10-yr IS-yr 20-yr 25-yr �2) �3) �4) �5) �6) ��) �$) �9) 899.75 930.26 966.11 1,OQ3.24 1,028.66 1,067.44 1,094.12 1,112.56 928.99 960.49 997.51 1,035.74 1,062.09 1,102.13 1,129.68 1,148.72 959.18 991.71 1,029.93 1,069.40 1,096.61 1,13"1.95 1,16639 1,186.05 99035 1,023.94 1,063.40 1,104.16 1,132.25 1,174.93 1,224.60 -- GRADE 008 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr � � � � �� ��) � �9) 922.32 453.19 989.03 1,028.66 1,051.70 I,089.48 1,116.15 1,134.59 95230 984.17 1,021.17 1,062.09 1,085.88 1,124.89 1,152.42 1,171.46 983.25 1,016.16 1,05436 1,096.61 1,121.17 1,161.45 1,189.87 1,209.53 1,015.21 1,049.19 1,088.63 1,132.25 1,157.61 1,199.20 1,248.84 -- GRADE 009 io-n is- 2o- 2s- � � � � �6) ��) �g) � 943.12 973.64 1,009.52 I,051.70 1,07339 1,115.45 1,142.08 1,160.53 973.77 1,005.28 1,04233 1,085.88 1,10828 1,151.70 1,179.20 1,198.25 1,005.42 1,037.95 1,076.21 1,121.17 1,14430 1,189.13 1,217.52 1,237.19 1,038.10 1,071.68 1,111.19 1,157.61 1,181.49 1,227.78 1,277.40 -- n U • • A-2 APPENDIX A — BIWEEHI.Y RATES (Contiaued) ��� • Ol/OS/0$ 04/26/08 03/28/09 O1/02/10 O1/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 O1/02/10 (i) 892.01 921.00 950.93 981.84 A (1) 811.13 837.49 864.71 892.81 GRADE O10 10-yr (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 958.43 993.89 1,031.20 1,070.83 1,097.64 989.58 1,026.19 1,064.71 1,105.63 1,133.31 1,021.74 1,059.54 1,099.31 1,141.56 1,170.14 1,054.95 1,093.98 1,135.04 1,178.66 1,208.17 GRADE lOR 548 RECREATION LEADER 3-mo �Z) 869.59 897.85 927.03 957.16 GRADE Ol l • O1/OS/08 04/26i08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (1) 912.47 942.13 972.75 1,00436 �2) 980.16 1,012.02 1,044.91 1,078.87 GRADE 012 O1/OS(08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (1) 931.60 961.88 993.14 1,025.42 �2) 1,003.14 1,035.74 1,069.40 1,104.16 GRADE 013 Oi/OS/08 04/26/OS � 3/28/09 1/02/10 (1) 954.61 985.63 1,017.66 1,050.73 �z) 1,028.66 1,062.09 1,096.61 1,132.25 1-yr (3) 986.51 1,018.57 1,051.67 1,085.85 (3) 1,011.88 1,044.77 1,078.73 1,113.79 (3) 1,039.74 1,073.53 1,108.42 1,144.44 (3) 1,�62.89 1,097.43 1,133.10 1,169.93 2-yr (4) 1,021.99 1,055.20 1,089.49 1,124.90 (4) 1,055.50 1,089.80 1,125.22 1,161.79 (4) 1,079.71 1,114.80 1,151.03 1,188.44 (4) 1,107.89 1,143.90 1,181.08 1,219.47 3-yr (5) 1,05933 1,093.76 1,129.31 1,166.01 (5) 1,097.64 1,133.31 1,170.14 1,208.17 (5) 1,121.87 1,158.33 1,195.98 1,234.85 (5) 1,149.96 1,187.33 1,225.92 1,265.76 4-yr (6) 1,098.94 1,134.66 1,171.54 1,209.62 10-yr (6) 1,121.87 1,158.33 1,195.98 1,234.85 10-yr (6) 1,147.43 1,184.72 1,22322 1,262.97 10-yr (6) 1,17931 1,217.64 1,257.21 1,298.07 15-yr (�) 1,138.70 1,175.71 1,213.92 1,253.37 10-yr ��) 1,125.75 1,162.34 1,200.12 1,239.12 15-yr ��) 1,164.65 1,202.50 1,241.58 1,281.93 15-yr ��) 1,191.89 1,230.63 1,270.63 1,311.93 15-yr ��) 1,224.25 1,264.04 1,305.12 1,347.54 20-yr �$) 1,16534 1,203.21 1,24231 1,303.00 15-yr � 1,166.81 1,204.73 1,243.88 1,284.31 20-yr �g) 1,191.29 1,230.O1 1,269.99 1,331.59 20-yr �$) 1,218.51 1,258.11 1,299.00 1,361.55 20-yr �$) 1,250.89 1,291.54 1,333.52 1,397.20 25-yr (9) 1,183.80 1,222.27 1,261.99 20-yr (9) 1,193.44 1,232.23 1,272.28 1,333.97 25-yr (10) 1,211.92 1,25131 1,291.98 25-yr (9) 1,209.76 1,249.08 1,289.68 25-yr (9) 1,236.98 1,277.18 1,318.69 25-yr (9) 1,26937 1,310.62 1,353.22 r:� APPENDIX A — BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) GRADE 014 Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02J10 OI/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (1) 975.02 1,006.71 1,039.43 1,073.21 (1) 995.50 1,027.85 1,061.26 1,095,75 �2) 1,051.70 1,085.88 1,121.17 1,157.61 �2) 1,070.83 1,105.63 1,141.56 1,178.66 (3) 1,088.66 1,124.04 1,160.57 1,198.29 (5) 1,174.24 1,212.40 1,251.80 1,292.48 10-yr (6) 2,204.90 1,244.06 1,284.49 1,326.24 15-yr ��) 1,248.91 1,289.50 1,331.41 1,374.68 GRAUE O15 340A VIDEO PRODUCTION ASSLSTANT 10-yr 15-yr (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1,111.68 1,155.09 1,204.90 1,230.43 1,278.71 1,147.81 1,192.63 1,244.06 1,270.42 1,320.27 1,185.11 1,23139 1,284.49 1,311.71 1,363.18 1,223.b3 1,271.41 1,326.24 1,35434 1,407.48 (4) 1,129.59 1,16630 1,204.20 1,24334 (1) I,02I.00 1,054.18 1,088.44 1,123.81 �2) 1,098.94 1,134.66 1,171.54 1,209.62 (4) 21.17 21.86 22.57 2330 GRADE 016 037A SERVICE WORKER III 10-yr (3) (4) (5) (� 1,141.04 1,184.44 1,230.43 1,259.81 1,178.12 1,222.93 1,270.42 1,300.75 1,216.41 1,262.68 1,311.71 1,343.02 1,255.94 1,303.72 1,35434 1,386.67 GRABE 16U Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (i} 12.77 13.19 13.62 14.06 �2) 15.59 16.10 16.62 17.16 (3} 18.40 19.00 19.62 20.26 GRADE 017 Ol/OS/08 04(26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (i) 1,041.43 1,075.28 1,110.23 1,14631 (2) 1,121.87 1,158.33 1,195.98 1,234.85 (3) 1,165.36 1,203.23 1,24233 1,282.71 (4) 1,211.26 1,250.63 1,291.28 1,333.25 (5) 1,261.I4 1,302.13 1,344.45 1,388.14 10-yr �� 1,295.57 1,337.68 1,381.15 1,426.04 15-yr �7) 1,309.85 1,352.42 1,39637 1,441.75 15-yr ��) 1,343.49 1,387.15 1,432.23 1,478.78 20-yr �$) 1,2�5.57 1,317.03 1,359.83 1,424.32 20-yr � 1,30536 1,347.78 1,391.58 1,457.11 20-yr � 2,336.49 2,412.43 2,490.83 1,491.40 zo- tg) 1,370.14 1,414.67 1,460.65 1,528.42 25-yr (9) 1,294.01 1,336.07 1,379.49 25-yr (9) 1,323.80 1,366.82 1,411.24 25-yr (9) 1,354.95 1,398.99 1,444.46 zs- (9) 1,388.58 1,433.71 1,48031 • • • '�'i APPENDIX A — BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) C: O1/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 O i/02/10 (1) 1,064.43 1,099.02 1,134.74 1,171.62 �Z) 1,149.96 1,18733 1,225.92 1,265.76 ��: _. � (3) 1,192.74 1,231.50 1,271.52 1,312.84 (4) 1,241.93 1,282.29 1,323.96 1,366.99 GRADE 019 Ol/OS/08 04J26/08 03/28/09 01/02/10 (1) 1,088.66 1,124.04 1,160.57 1,198.29 �Z) 1,174.24 1,212.40 1,251.80 1,292.48 (3) 1,221.89 1,261.60 1,302.60 1,344.93 (4) 1,271.32 1,312.64 1,35530 1,399.35 GRl�E 020 O1/OS/08 �4i26/08 03/28/09 Oi/02/10 (1) 1,114.23 1,150.44 1,187.83 1,226.43 �2) 1,206.16 1,24536 1,285.83 1,327.62 (3) 1,256.00 1,296.82 1,338.97 1,382.49 (4) 1,304.54 1,346.94 1,390.72 1,435.92 GRADE 021 Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 • (1) 1,141.04 1,178.12 1,216.41 1,255.94 �2) 1,230.43 1,270.42 1,311.71 1,35434 (3) 1,278.09 1,319.63 1,362.52 1,406.80 (4) 1,33132 1,374.59 1,419.26 1,46539 (5) 1,291.75 1,333.73 1,377.08 1,421.84 (5) 1,32239 1,36537 1,409.74 1,455.56 (5) 1,356.88 1,400.98 1,446.51 1,493.52 (5) 1,387.52 1,432.61 1,479.17 1,527.24 �a-n (6) 1,32239 1,36537 1,409.74 1,455.56 10-yr (6) 1,355.60 1,399.66 1,445.15 1,492.12 10-yr (6) 1,39138 1,436.60 1,483.29 1,531.50 10-yr (6) 1,423.26 1,469.52 1,517.28 1,566.59 15-yr (�) 1,375.90 1,420.62 1,466.79 1,514.46 15-yr ��) 1,40833 1,454.10 1,50136 1,550.15 15-yr ��) 1,445.95 1,492.94 1,541.46 1,591.56 15-yr ��) 1,479.63 1,527.72 1,57737 1,628.63 20-yr � 1,402.58 1,448.16 1,495.23 1,564.11 20-yr � 1,435.00 1,481.64 1,529.79 1,599.81 20-yr �8) 1,472.59 1,520.45 1,569.86 1,641.22 20-yr �8) 1,506.28 1,555.23 1,605.77 1,678.29 �g�J 25-yr (9) 1,421.02 1,467.20 1,514.88 25-yr �9l 1,453.44 1,500.68 1,549.45 25-yr (9) 1,491.07 1,539.53 1,589.56 25-yr (9) 1,524.75 1,57430 1,625.46 A-5 APPENDIX A — BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) GRADE 022 121A ADAPTIVE RECREATION ASSISTANT 284A CTTY PLANNING AiDE 167 ENGINEERING AIDE I 313A HEALTA & ED ASST-CAMBODIAN/ENG 312A FIEALTH & ED ASST-HMONG/ENG 31IA HEALTH & ID ASST-SPAIVISH/ENG 064A HEALTH AND IDUCATION ASSISTANT 606 WATER LABORATORY AIDE 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr (i) (2} (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) O l/OS/08 1,16536 1,261.14 1,315.99 1,368.33 1,425.83 1,462.89 1,519.84 1, 546.47 1,564.92 04/26/08 1,203.23 1,302.13 1, 358.76 1,412.80 1,472.17 1, 510.43 1,569.23 1,596.73 1, 615.78 03/28/09 1,24233 1,344.45 1,402.92 1,458.72 1,520.02 1,559.52 1,620.23 1,648.62 1,668.29 Ol/02/10 1,282.71 1,388.14 1,448.51 1,506.13 1,569.42 1,610.20 1,672.89 1,722.51 --- GRADE 22E 240B CODE ENFORCEMENT AIDE �1) �2) �3) �4) �5) �� Ol/OS/08 1,16536 1,211.26 1,315.99 2,391.38 1,447.54 1,50&.81 20-yr 25-yr (10) (11) 1,700.73 1,719.16 6-yr 10-yr 15-yr ��) �$) � 1,566.27 1,607.21 1,674.09 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5} (6) (7) (8) (9) 04/26/08 1,203.23 1,250.63 1,358.76 1,436.60 1,494.59 1,557.85 1,617.17 1,659.44 l,'728.50 (10) (lI) 1,756.00 1,775.03 03/28/09 1,24233 1,291.28 1,402.92 1,483.29 1,543.16 1,608.48 1,669.73 1,713.37 1,784.68 (10) (11) 1,813.07 1,832.72 Ol/02/10 1,282.71 1,333.25 1,448.51 1,531.50 1,593.31 1,660.76 1,724.00 1,769.05 1,842.68 (10) (11) 1,892.28 --- � • • I_Q� APPENDIX A — BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) LJ Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 r 1 U Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 • (1) 1,194.48 1,233.30 1,27338 1,314.76 (1) 1,22537 1,265.19 1,306.31 1,348.77 (1) 1,252.16 1,292.86 1,334.88 1,378.26 �2) 1,291.75 1,333.73 1,377.08 1,421.84 (2) 1,323.62 1,366.64 1,411.06 1,456.92 �Z) 1,355.60 1,399.66 1,445.15 1,492.12 GRADE 023 373A COMMUNTTY LIAISON OFFICER 10-yr 15-yr t � �$) t� �� 1,340.63 1,397.70 1,456.48 1,492.25 1,547.05 1,384.20 1,443.13 1,503.82 1,540.75 1,59733 1,429.19 1,490.03 1,552.69 1,590.82 1,649.24 1,475.64 1,538.46 1,603.15 1,642.52 1,702.84 20-yr �g) 1,573.71 1,624.86 1,677.67 1,752.53 GRADE 024 246B ASSISTANT RECREATION CENTER DIItECTOR 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr � � � � ��) � 1,379.88 1,43734 1,496.08 1,533.08 1,596.26 1,622.93 1,424.73 1,484.05 1,544.70 1,582.91 1,648.14 1,675.68 1,471.03 1,532.28 1,594.90 1,634.35 1,701.70 1,730.14 1,518.84 1,582.08 1,646.73 1,687.47 1,757.01 1,806.66 GRADE 025 318A FIItE AIDE 893 MEDICAL ASSISTANT 025A PLAN EXAMINER I 112A LABORATORY TECI-INICIAN I 10-yr 15-yr (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1,406.69 1,465.42 1,522.90 1,563.73 1,624.79 1,452.41 1,513.05 1,572.39 1,614.55 1,677.60 1,499.61 1,562.22 1,623.49 1,667.02 1,732.12 1,54835 1,612.99 1,676.25 1,721.20 1,788.41 20-yr �$) 1,651.45 1,705.12 1,760.54 1,838.09 �� � 25-yr (9) 1,592.19 1,643.94 1,69737 25-yr � 1,64137 1,694.71 1,749.79 25-yr (9) 1,669.92 1,724.19 1,780.23 rd APPENDIX A - BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) 01/05/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 O1/02/10 Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (1) 1,281.47 1,323.12 1,366.12 1,410.52 (1) 1,345.47 1,389.20 �2) 1,39138 1,436.60 1,483.29 1,53t.50 �2) 1,45538 1,502.6& 1,43435 1,551.52 1,480.97 1,601.94 GRADE 026 015 ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTER TRAINEE 168 INGINEERING AIDE II 275B ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE TECFINICIAN 579A IAAN SPECIALIST ASSISTANT 580A IAAN SPECTALIST ASST-BII,INGUAL 066A NUTRITION ASSISTANT I 351A NUTRITIONASSISTANTI-BII,INGUALHMONG/INGLISH 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr C ( ( (6) ( ( ( 1,447.54 1,508.81 1,566.27 1,607.21 1,674.09 1,700.71 1,719.16 1,494.59 1,557.85 1,617.17 1,659.44 1,728.50 1,755.98 1,775.03 1,543.16 1,608.48 1,669.73 1,713.37 1,784.68 1,813.05 1,832.72 1,59331 1,660.76 t,724.00 1,769.05 1,842.68 1,892.28 --- GRADE 26L 066L NLITRTTION ASSISTANT I-LARGE 10-yr 15-yr (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1,511.54 1,572.81 1,630.27 1,671.21 1,738.09 1,560.67 1,623.93 1,683.25 1,725.52 1,794.58 1,61139 1,676.71 1,737.96 1,781.60 1,852.90 1,663.76 1,731.20 1,794.44 1,839.50 1,913.12 GRADE 26M 066M NUTRTTION ASSISTANT' I-Iv�DIUM (1) Oi/OS/08 1,333.47 04/26/08 1,376.81 03/28/09 1,421.56 Ol/02/10 1,467.76 �Z) �3) �4) 1,44338 1,499.54 1,560.81 1,490.29 1,548.28 1,611.54 1,538.72 1,598.60 1,663.92 1,588.73 1,650.55 1,718.00 (i) (2) 01/OS/08 1,321.47 1,43138 04/26/08 1,364.42 1,477.90 03/28/09 1,408.76 1,525.93 Ol/02/10 1,454.54 1,575.52 10-yr 15-yr � � ��? 1,618.27 1,659.21 1,726.09 1,670.86 1,713.13 1,782.19 1,725.16 1,768.81 1,840.11 1,781.23 1,82630 1,899.91 GRADE 26S 0665 NLJTRITION ASSISTANT I-SMALL 10-yr 15-yr (3) (4} (5) (6) (7) 1,487.54 1,548.81 1,606.27 1,647.21 1,714.09 1,535.89 1,599.15 1,658.47 1,700.74 1,769.80 1,585.81 1,651.12 1,71237 1,756.01 1,82732 1,637.35 1,704.78 1,768.02 1,813.08 1,886.71 20-yr �$) 1,764.71 1,822.06 1,881.28 1,962.73 20-yr � 1,752.71 1,809.67 1,868.48 1,949.51 zo-n �$) 1,740.71 1,797.28 1,855.69 1,93631 25-yr (9) 1,783.16 1,841.11 1,900.95 25-yr (9) 1,771.16 1,828.72 1,888.15 2s-n t 1,759.16 1,816.33 1,875.36 • • • � A.PPENDIX A — BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) �$`'�� • Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/OZ/10 011OS/OS 04/26/08 03/28/09 O1/02/10 I � L_.J • GRADE 027 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr �1) �2) �3) �4) �5) �6) ��) ($) �9) 1,281.47 1,395.56 1,452.72 1,516.44 1,582.93 1,62632 1,68830 1,714.90 1,73339 1,323.12 1,440.92 1,499.93 I,565.72 1,63438 1,679.18 1,743.17 1,770.63 1,789.73 1,366.12 1,487.75 1,548.68 1,616.61 1,687.50 1,733.75 1,799.82 1,828.18 1,847.90 1,410.52 1,536.10 1,599.01 1,669.15 1,74234 1,790.10 1,85831 1,907.96 - GRADE 028 561A LIBRARY ASSOCIATE 558A LIBRARY ASSOCIATE (PART-TIME) 468A VIDEO PRODUCTION TECHNLCIAN 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr ( t ( t ( ( (�) ( ( 1,315.99 1,425.83 1,484.61 1,527.70 1,617.42 1,659.53 1,728.51 1,755.17 1,773.64 1, 358.76 1,472.17 1,532.86 1,577,35 1, 669.99 1,713.46 1,784.69 1,812.21 1,832.28 1,402.92 1,520.02 1,582.68 1,628.61 1,724.26 1,769.15 1,842.69 1,871.11 1,890.80 1,448.51 1,569.42 1,634.12 1,681.54 1,78030 1,826.65 1,902.58 1,952.25 --- F�.]' APPENDIX A — BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) GRADE 28L 237B LIEP INSPECTOR I Start 1-yr 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.5-yr 3-yr 3.5-yr 4-yr 7-yr � � � � � � ��) �$) � Ol/OS/08 1,315.99 1,425.83 1,455.22 1,484.61 1,506.10 1,527.70 1,572.56 1,617.42 1,638.47 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr (10) (11) (12) (13) 1,659.53 1,728.51 1,755.17 1,773.64 04/26l08 1,358.76 1,472.17 1,502.51 1,532.86 1,555.05 1,57735 1,623.67 1,6b9.99 1,691.72 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr (10) (11) (12) (13) 1,713.46 1,784.69 1,812.21 1,831.28 03/28/09 1,402.92 1,520.02 1,55134 1,582.68 1,605.59 1,628.61 1,676.44 1,724.26 1,746.70 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr (10) (11) (12) (13) 1,769.15 1, 842.69 1, 871.11 1, 890.80 O l/02J 10 1,448.51 1, 569.42 1, 601.76 1, 634.12 1,657.77 1,681.54 1,730.92 1,780.30 1, 803.47 10-yr 15-yr 20 yr 25-yr (10) (11) (12) (13) 1,826.65 1,902.58 1,952.25 --- Oi/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 GRADE 029 279A CTTY PLANNING TECfINICIAI3 609A COMMtINICATIONS TECH TRAINEE 369A DUPLICATING EQUIP OPERATOR (TWO-COIAR) 145B HOUSING REI3AB ADVISOR TRAINEE (BI-LINGUAL) 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr �i) �2) �3) �4) �5) �6) ��) �g) �9) 1,346.65 1,465.42 1,52421 1,593.13 1,662.11 1,706.71 1,776.49 1,803.12 1,821.60 1,390.42 1,513.05 1,573.75 1,644.91 1,716.13 1,762.18 1,834.23 1,861.72 1,880.80 1,435.61 1,562.22 1,624.90 1,69837 1,771.90 1,819.45 1,893.84 1,92223 1,941.93 1,482.27 1,612.99 1,677.71 1,753.57 1,829.49 1,878.58 1,95539 2,005.04 — . • • «[17 A.PPENDIX A — BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) • Ol/OSl08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/OZ/10 • Ol/OS/08 pg ��b � GRADE 030 685 ACCOUNTING TECFINICIAN I 016 ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTER 615 GRAPHIC ARTS TECE3-CTTY PLANNING 197A HUMAN RIGHTS TECFINICIAN 115A MEDICAL RECORDS PRACTiTIONER 170B PROJECT MANAGBMENT TECH-BILINGUAL 078A PROJECT MANAGEMENT TECFiNICIAN 373 PUBLIC WORKS TECfINICIAN I 357 VALUATION 8c ASSESSMENT TECH I 619A WATER METER TECHNICIAN 523 WATER UTILITY TECFINICIAN I 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr �1) �Z) �3) �4) �5) �6) ��) �g) �9) 1,381.13 1,498.61 1,565.04 1,632.69 1,704.17 1,747.66 1, 821.78 1,848.49 1,866.88 1,426.02 1,547.31 1,615.90 1,685.75 1,759.56 1,804.46 1,880.99 1,908.57 1,927.55 1,47237 1,597.60 1,668.42 1,740.54 1, 816.75 1,863.10 1,942.12 1,970.60 1,990.20 1,520.22 I,649.52 1,722.64 1,797.I1 I,875.79 I,923.65 2,005.24 2,054.88 --- GRADE 30T 705A IS INFO/TECH ANAI,YST I Start 1-yr 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.Syr 3-yr 3.5-yr 4-yr 10-yr �1) �2) �3) �4) �5) �6) ��) �g) �9) 1,381.13 1,498.61 1,531.72 1,565.04 1,598.87 1,632.69 1,668.44 1,704.17 1,747.66 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr (10) (11) (I2) 1,821.78 1, 848.49 1,866.88 04/26/08 1,426.02 1,547.31 1,581.50 1,615.90 1,650.83 1,685.75 1,722.66 1,759.56 1,804.46 (10) (11) (12) 1,880.99 1,908.57 1,927.55 03/28/09 1,47237 1,597.60 1,632.90 1,668.42 1,704.48 1,740.54 1,778.65 1,816.75 1, 863.10 (10) (11) (12) 1,942.12 1,970.60 i,990.20 Ol /02l10 1,520.22 1,649.52 1,685.97 1,722.64 1,759.88 1,797.11 1,836.46 l, 875.79 1,923.65 • (10) (11) (12) 2,005.24 2,054.88 A-11 APPENDIX A — BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28l09 Ol/02/10 (1) 1,41432 1,46029 1,507.75 1,556.75 �2) 1,536.93 1,586.88 1,638.45 1,691.70 GRADE 031 251B LABORATORY TECI�IICIAN II 10-yr 15-yr (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1,6Q0.80 1,67234 1,74637 1,793.63 1, 86336 1,652.83 1,726.69 1,803.13 1,851.92 1,923.92 1,706.55 1,782.81 1,861.73 1,912.11 1,986.45 1,762.01 1,840.75 1,922.24 1,974.25 2,051.01 GRADE 032 1718 HOUSING REHAB ADV I(BI-LING) 125A HOUSING REHAB ADVISOR I 863 LOAN SPECIALIST I 612A LOAN SPECSALIST I (BI-LINGUAL} 178 PRAC7TCAL NURSE Ol(OS/08 04/26/08 03/28(09 01102/10 Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (1) 1,450.09 1,497.22 1,545.88 1,596.12 (1) 1,485.84 1,534.13 1,583.99 1,635.47 (2) (3) (4) (5) 1,58036 1,642.91 1,716.99 1,794.89 1,631.72 1,69630 1,772.79 1,853.22 1,684.75 1,751.43 1, 830.41 1, 913.45 1,739.50 1,80835 1,889.90 1,975.64 GRADE 033 441 CLINIC NURSE �2) 1,619.98 1,672.63 1,726.99 1,783.12 (3) 1,691.42 1,746.39 1,803.15 1,861.75 (4) 1,761.73 1,818.99 1,878.11 1,939.15 (5) 1,837.02 1,896.72 1,95836 2,022.01 10-yr �� 1,837.02 1,896.72 1,95836 2,022.01 10-yr (6) 1,890.66 1,952.11 2,015.55 2,081.06 15-yr �� 1,919.03 1,981.40 2,045.80 2,112.29 15-yr ��) 1,970.90 2,034.95 2,101.09 2,16938 20-yr �$) 1,890.01 1,951.44 2,Q14.86 2,100.62 20-yr �g) 1,945.66 2,008.89 2,074.18 2,161.90 20-yr � 1,997.56 2,062.48 2,129.51 2,219.00 25-yr (9) 1,908.44 1,970.46 2,034.50 25-yr (9) 1,964.11 2,027.94 2,093.85 25-yr � 2,015.98 2,081.50 2,149.15 � • • A-12 APPENDIX A — BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) • Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 • Ol/OS/08 04/26/OS 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 � (1) 1,524.21 1,573.75 1,624.90 1,677.71 (1) 1,565.04 1,615.90 1,668.42 1,722.64 �2) 1,662.11 1,716.13 1,771.90 1,829.49 �2) 1,704.17 1,759.56 1,816.75 1,875.79 GRADE 034 686 ACCOUNTING TECIINICIAN II 601A INFO & CONTROL SYS INT TRAINEE 202B METER TECH LEAD WO RKFR 632A PRINT PRODUCTION LEAD WORKER 374 PUBLIC WORKS TECfINICIAN II 524 WATER U11I,TPY TECHNICIAN II 10-yr 15-yr (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1,734.89 1,811.53 1,890.66 1,941.75 2,021.44 1,791.27 1,870.40 1,952.11 2,004.86 2,087.14 1,849.49 1,931.19 2,015.55 2,070.02 2,154.97 1,909.60 1,993.95 2,081.06 2,13730 2,225.01 20-yr � 2,048.08 2,114.64 2,18337 2,274.61 GRADE 035 290B CODE ENFORCEMENT INSPECTOR I 319A FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTOR I 113A HEALTH LABORATORY TECfINICIAN II 047A HOUSING COUNSELOR 026A PLAN EXAMINER II 371 VALUATION & ASSESSMENT TECH II 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr � � � � ��) �g) 1,778.31 1,857.49 1,941.75 1,991.55 2,075.87 2,102.54 1,836.11 1,917.86 2,004.86 2,056.28 2,143.34 2,170.87 1,895.78 1,980.19 2,070.02 2,123.11 2,213.00 2,241.42 1,95739 2,044.55 2,137.30 2,192.11 2,284.92 2,334.54 � � • • 25-yr (9) 2,066.51 2,133.67 2,203.01 25-yr (9) 2,120.96 2,189.89 2,261.06 A-13 APPENDIX A — BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) GRADE 036 122A ADAPTIVE RECREATION DIRECTOR 204X COMMIJNICATIONS TECHNICIAN W/O PREM OS1A FIItECOMMUNICAITONSOPRII 126A HOUSING REHAB ADVISOR II 869 REAL ESTATE SPECIALIST OSSA RECREATION CENTER DIItECTOR Oi/OS/08 04/26/08 03l28/09 Ol/02/10 Ol/OS/08 04l26/08 03l28l09 O1/02/10 (i) 1,607.21 1,659.44 1,71337 1,769.05 (1) 1,671.50 1,725.82 1,781.91 1,839.82 �2) 1,750.23 1,807.11 1,865.84 1,926.48 �2) 1,820.24 1,879.40 1,940.48 2,003.55 268B SURVEY CREW LEADER 10-yr (3) (4) (5) (6) 1,826.82 1,908.53 1,99539 2,049.05 1,886.19 1,970.56 2,060.24 2,115.64 1,947.49 2,034.60 2,127.20 2,184.40 2,010.78 2,100.72 2,19633 2,25539 15-yr ��) 2,135.47 2,204.87 2,276.53 2,350.52 20-yr � 2,162.14 2,232.41 2,304.96 2,400.19 GRADE 36A 204B *COMMi3NICATIONS TECH W/PRIIvff[JM 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr � � � �� �� �$) 1,899.89 1,984.87 2,075.20 2,131.01 2,220.90 2,24830 1,961.64 2,04938 2,142.64 2,200.27 2,293.08 2,32137 2,02539 2,115.98 2,212.28 2,271.78 2,367.61 2,396.81 2,091.22 2,184.75 2,284.18 2,345.61 2,444.56 2,495.83 •� .: Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03l28/09 Ol/02/10 (1) 1,755.55 1,812.61 1,871.52 1,93234 �2) 1,904.29 1,966.18 2,030.08 2,096.06 (3) 1,983.94 2,048.42 2,114.99 2,183.73 (4) 2,068.92 2,136.16 2,205.59 2,277.27 (5) 2,159.25 2,229.43 2,301.89 2,376.70 10-yr (6) 2,215.06 2,287.05 2,36138 2,438.12 15-yr ��) 2,304.95 2,379.86 2,457.21 2,537.07 20-yr �g) 2,324.15 2,399.68 2,477.67 2,579.32 u (9) 2,180.60 2,251.47 2,324.64 25-yr (9) 2,267.49 2,341.18 2,417.27 25-yr (9) 2,34334 2,419.50 2,498.13 n U • • A-14 APPENDIX A— BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) f � �� I0� • GRADE 36L 238B LIEP INSPECTOR II Start i-yr 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.5-yr 3-yr 3.5-yr 4-yr 7-yr tl) ( ( ( ( ( (�) Cg) (9) Ol/OS/08 1,607.21 1,750.23 1,788.52 1,826.82 1,867.67 1,908.53 1,951.96 1,99539 2,022.21 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr (10) (11) (12) (13) 2,049.05 2,135.47 2,162.14 2,180.60 04/26/08 1,659.44 1,807.11 1,846.65 1,886.19 1,92837 1,970.56 2,015.40 2,060.24 2,087.93 (10) (il) (12) (13) 2,115.64 2,204.87 2,232.41 2,251.47 03/28/09 1,713.37 1,865.84 1,906.67 1,94�.49 1,991.04 2,034.60 2,080.90 2,127.20 2,155.79 (10) (11) (12) (13) 2,184.40 2,276.53 2,304.96 2,324.64 • Ol/02/10 1,769.05 1,926.48 1,968.64 2,010.78 2,055.75 2,100.72 2,148.53 2,196.33 2,225.85 (10) (11) (12) (13) 2,25539 2,350.52 2,400.19 --- • A-15 APPENDIX A — BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) Stazt (1) O1/OS/08 1,607.21 GRADE 36T 706A IS INFOflECH ANALYST II 702A IS SYSTEMS SUPPORT SPEC III 1-yr 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.5-yr 3-yr 3.5-yr 4yr 10-yr (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) 1,750.23 1,788.52 1,826.82 1,867.67 1,908.53 1,951.96 1,995.39 2,049.05 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr (10) (11) (12) 2,135.47 2,162.14 2,180.60 04/26/08 1,659.44 1,807.11 1,846.65 1,886.19 1,928.37 1,970.56 2,015.40 2,060.24 2,115.64 (10) (11) (12) 2,204.87 2,232.41 2,251.47 03/28/09 1,71337 1,865.84 1,906.67 1,947.49 1,991.04 2,034.60 2,080.90 2,127.20 2,184.40 (10) (11) (12) 2,276.53 2,304.96 2,324.64 01102/10 1,769.05 1,926.48 1,968.64 2,010.78 2,055.75 2,100.72 2,148.53 2,196.33 2,25539 (10) (11) (12) 2,350.52 2,400.19 -- GRADE 037 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr � � ( � � �� ��) �$) � Ol/OS/08 1,64932 1,796.19 1,87338 1,955.77 2,045.20 2,097.61 2,191.22 2,217.88 2,23635 04/26/08 1,702.92 1,854.57 1,934.26 2,01933 2,111.67 2,165.78 2,262.43 2,289.96 2,309.03 03/28/09 1,758.26 1,914.84 1,997.12 2,084.96 2,18030 2,236.17 2,335.96 2,364.38 2,384.07 Oi/02/10 1,815.40 1,977.07 2,062.03 2,152.72 2,251.16 2,308.85 2,411.88 2,461.55 -- . • • � APPENDIX A — BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) • Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Oi/02/10 � 1/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 O1/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 O1/02/10 O1/OS/08 04/26/08 � 3/28/09 O1/02/10 A-17 (1) 1,694.00 1,749.06 1,805.90 1,864.59 (1) 1,761.75 1,819.01 1,878.13 1,939.17 (1) 1,887.82 1,949.17 2,012.52 2,0�7.93 (1) 1,736.17 1,792.60 1,850.86 1,911.01 �Z) 1,844.71 1,904.66 1,966.56 2,030.47 �2) 1,918.49 1,980.84 2,045.22 2,111.69 �Z) 2,044.57 2,111.02 2,179.63 2,250.47 �2) 1,893.20 1,954.73 2,018.26 2,083.85 GRADE 038 049A COMMUNITY EDUCATION/REC COORDINATOR 205X LEAD COMIviUNICATIONS TECH W/O PREM 604A PRO7ECT FACILTTATOR I 375 PUBLIC WORKS TECI-INICIAN III 870 REHABILITATION SUPERVISOR 390 VALUATION & ASSESSMEN'I' TECH III 52S WATER UTILITY TECfINICIAN III 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr � � � �6) ��) � 1,923.89 2,012.01 2,097.61 2,158.88 2,24831 2,274.93 1,986.42 2,�77.40 2,165.78 2,229.04 2,32138 2,348.87 2,050.98 2,144.92 2,236.17 2,301.48 2,396.82 2,425.21 2,117.64 2,214.63 2,308.85 2,376.28 2,474.72 2,52435 GRADE 38A 205B *LEAD COMMUNICATIONS TECH W/PREM 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr � � � � ��) �$) 2,000.85 2,092.49 2,181.52 2,245.23 2,338.24 2,365.60 2,065.88 2,160.50 2,252.42 2,318.20 2,414.23 2,442.48 2,133.02 2,230.72 2,325.62 2,393.54 2,492.69 2,521.86 2,20234 2,303.22 2,401.20 2,47133 2,573.70 2,624.95 GRADE 38B 205K *LEAD COMMUNICATIONS TECH-CIRT 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr � � � � ��) � 2,126.93 2,218.56 2,307.59 2,371.31 2,46432 2,491.67 2,196.06 2,290.66 2,382.59 2,44838 2,544.41 2,572.65 2,267.43 2,365.11 2,460.02 2,527.95 2,627.10 2,656.26 2,341.12 2,441.98 2,539.97 2,610.11 2,712.48 2,763.70 GRADE 039 432A PAYROLL SYSTEM TECFINICIAN 10-yr 15-yr (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1,972.65 2,063.11 2,178.02 2,215.10 2,329.92 2,036.76 2,130.16 2,248.81 2,287.09 2,405.64 2,102.95 2,19939 2,321.90 2,361.42 2,483.82 2,171.30 2,270.87 2,39736 2,438.17 2,564.54 20-yr � 2,356.58 2,433.17 2,512.25 2,614.19 ���' 25-yr �g) 2,293.39 2,367.93 2,444.89 25-yr (9) 2,384.79 2,46230 2,542.32 25-yr (9) 2,510.86 2,592.46 2,676.71 25-yr (9) 2,375.01 2,452.20 2,531.90 APPENDIX A — BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/OZ/10 O1/OS/08 GRADE 040 353 ACCOUNTING TECFINICIAN III 254A ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH INSPECTOR SUPERVISOR 548A INFO 8c CONTROL SYSTEM IIVT TECH 169A LOAN SPECIALIST II 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr �1) �2) �3) �4) �5) �6) ��) �8) �9) 1,782.14 1,945.62 2,02734 2,119.29 2,21631 2,275.07 2,373.98 2,400.62 2,419.10 1,840.06 2,008.85 2,093.23 2,188.17 2,28834 2,349.01 2,451.13 2,478.64 2,497.72 1,899.86 2,074.14 2,161.26 2,259.24 2,362.71 2,425.35 2,530.79 2,559.20 2,578.90 1,961.61 2,141.55 2,23I.50 2,332.72 2,439.50 2,504.17 2,613.04 2,662.71 --- GRADE 40T 707A IS INFO/TECH ANALYST III 703A IS SYSTEMS SUPPORT SPEC IV Start 1-yr 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.5-yr 3-yr 3.5-yr 4yr 10-yr �1) (2) �3) �4) �5) �6) ��) �8) �9) 1,782.14 1,945.62 1,986.48 2,02734 2,07333 2,119.29 2,167.80 2,21631 2,2�5.07 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr (10) (11) (12) 2,373.98 2,400.62 2,419.10 04/26/08 1,840.06 2,008.85 2,051.04 2,093.23 2,140.71 2,188.17 2,238.25 2,288.34 2,349.01 (10) (11) (12) 2,451.13 2,478.64 2,497.72 03l28/09 1,899.86 2,074.14 2,117.70 2,161.26 2,210.28 2,259.29 2,310.99 2,362.71 2,42535 (10) (11) (12) 2,530.79 2,559.20 2,578.90 Ol/02/10 1,961.61 2,141.55 2,186.53 2,231.50 2,282.11 2,332.72 2,386.10 2,439.50 2,504.17 (10) (11) (12) 2,613.04 2,662.71 --- 0 • • � APPENDYX A — �YWEEKLY RATES (Continued) b�-� I C Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 O1/02/10 Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 O1/02/10 LJ O1/OS/08 GRADE 041 320A FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTOR II 293A SENIOR PLAN EXAMINER 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr (1) CZ) (3) C ( (6) (�) ($) (9) 1,829.38 1,996.70 2,084.79 2,17930 2,276.33 2,338.92 2,440.08 2,466.75 2,485.22 1,888.83 2,061.59 2,152.55 2,250.13 2,350.31 2,414.93 2,51938 2,546.92 2,565.99 1,950.22 2,128.59 2,222.51 2,323.26 2,426.70 2,493.42 2,601.26 2,629.69 2,64938 2,013.60 2,197.77 2,294.74 2,398.77 2,505.57 2,574.46 2,685.80 2,735.48 --- GRADE 042 605A PROJECT FACILTTATOR II 10-yr IS-yr 20-yr 25-yr (1) ( ( ( ( ( (�) ( ( 1,879.20 2,051.61 2,141.00 2,236.77 2,338.92 2,404.01 2,504.88 2,531.56 2,550.01 1,940.27 2,118.29 2,210.58 2,309.47 2,414.93 2,482.14 2,586.29 2,613.84 2,632.89 2,00333 2,187.13 2,282.42 2,384.53 2,493.42 2,562.81 2,67034 2,698.79 2,718.46 2,068.44 2,258.21 2,356.60 2,462.03 2,574.46 2,646.10 2,757.13 2,806.81 --- GRADE 42L 239B LIEP INSPECTOR III Start 1-yr 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.5-yr 3-yr 3.5-yr 4-yr 7-yr �1) �2) �3) �4) �5) �6) ��) �8) �9) 1,879.20 2,051.61 2,09631 2,141.00 2,188.89 2,236.77 2,287.84 2,338.92 2,371.47 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr (10) (11) (12) (13) 2,404.01 2,504.88 2,531.56 2,550.01 04/26/08 1,940.27 2,118.29 2,164.44 2,210.58 2,260.03 2,309.47 2,362.19 2,414.93 2,448.54 (10) (11) (12) (13) 2,482.14 2,586.29 2,613.84 2,632.89 03/28l09 2,00333 2,187.13 2,234.78 2,282.42 2,333.48 2,384.53 2,438.96 2,493.42 2,528.12 (10) (11) (12) (13) 2,562.81 2,670.34 2,698.79 2,718.46 Oi/02/10 2,068.44 2,258.21 2,307.41 2,356.60 2,40932 2,462.03 2,518.23 2,574.46 2,610.28 • (10) (11) (12) (13) 2,646.10 2,757.13 2,806.81 --- [�L9 APPENDIX A — BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) �ti:�,.�� 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr � C � � � �6) �� - �$) �9) Ol/OS/08 1,930.22 2,105.17 2,193.19 2,299.32 2,400.20 2,466.59 2,573.63 2,600.28 2,618.75 04/26/08 1,992.95 2,1�3.59 2,264.47 2,374.05 2,478.21 2,546.75 2,657.27 2,684.79 2,703.86 03/28/09 2,057.72 2,244.23 2,338.07 2,451.21 2,558.75 2,629.52 2,743.63 2,772.05 2,791.74 Ol/02l10 2,124.60 2,317.17 2,414.06 2,530.87 2,641.91 2,714.98 2,832.80 2,882.47 -- O1/OS/08 04/26l08 03/28/09 Ol/02l10 01/OS/08 GRADE 044 890 ACCOUNTING TECFINICIAN IV 10-yr 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr � t � � � � ��) �g) (9) 1,978.75 2,162.69 2,26230 2,361.87 2,467.88 2,536.88 2,647.50 2,674.15 2,692.64 2,043.06 2,232.98 2,335.82 2,438.63 2,548.09 2,61933 2,733.54 2,761.06 2,780.15 2,109.46 2,305.55 2,411.73 2,517.89 2,630.90 2,704.46 2,82238 2,850.79 2,870.50 2,178.02 2,380.48 2,490.11 2,599.72 2,716.40 2,79235 2,914.11 2,963.79 --- GRADE 44T IS INFO/TECH ANALYST 708A IV Start 1-yr 1.5-yr 2-yr 2.5-yr 3-yr 3.5-yr 4yr 10-yr (i) ( (3) ( ( ( (�) ( C9) 1,978.75 2,162.69 2,212.50 2,26230 2,312.10 2,361.87 2,414.89 2,467.88 2,536.88 15-yr 20-yr 25-yr (10) (11) (12) 2,647.50 2,674.15 2,692.64 04/26/08 2,043.06 2,232.98 2,284.41 2,335.82 2,387.24 2,438.63 2,49337 2,548.09 2,6I9.33 (10) (11) (12) 2,733.54 2,761.06 2,780.15 03/28/09 2,109.46 2,305.55 2,358.65 2,411.73 2,464.83 2,517.89 2,574.40 2,630.90 2,704.46 (10) (11) (12) 2,822.38 2,850.79 2,870.50 O1/OZ/10 2,178.02 2,380.48 2,43531 2,490.11 2,544.94 2,599.72 2,658.07 2,716.40 2,79235 (10) (11) (12) 2,914.11 2,963.79 --- 0 • • IdA] fSP��NDIX A — BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) • Oi/05/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (1) 2,033.70 2,099.80 2,168.04 2,238.50 �2) 2,220.16 2,292.32 2,366.82 2,443.74 GRADE 045 (3) 2,315.49 2,390.74 2,468.44 2,548.66 (4) 2,427.03 2,505.91 2,58735 2,671.44 � � ��. O1/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 O1/02/10 (1) 2,087.32 2,155.16 2,225.20 2,297.52 �2) 2,280.16 2,354.27 2,430.78 2,509.78 (3) 2,38236 2,459.79 2,539.73 2,622.27 (4) 2,493.42 2,574.46 2,658.13 2,744.52 GRADE 047 O1/OS/08 �4/26/08 03/28/09 01/02/10 (i) 2,146.09 2,215.84 2,287.85 2,362.21 �2) 2,341.47 2,417.57 2,496.14 2,577.26 (3) 2,450.03 2,529.66 2,611.87 2,696.76 (4) 2,557.24 2,640.35 2,726.16 2,814.76 . � �, O1/OS/08 04/26/OS 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 (1) 2,200.97 2,272.50 2,346.36 2,422.62 �2) 2,404.01 2,482.14 2,562.81 2,646.10 (3) 2,509.16 2,590.71 2,674.91 2,761.84 (4) 2,626.26 2,711.61 2,799.74 2,890.73 � 1•• Ol/05/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 • (i) 2,262.30 2,335.82 2,411.73 2,490.11 �2) 2,467.88 2,548.09 2,b30.90 2,716.40 (3) 2,575.45 2,659.15 2,745.57 2,834.80 � 2,70030 2,788.06 2,878.67 2,972.23 (5) 2,539.41 2,621.94 2,707.15 2,795.13 (5) 2,608.41 2,693.18 2,780.71 2,871.08 (5) 2,676.06 2,763.03 2,852.83 2,945.55 (5) 2,744.98 2,834.19 2,926.30 3,021.40 (5) 2,826.76 2,918.63 3,013.49 3,111.43 10-yr (6) 2,609.64 2,694.45 2,782.02 2,872.44 10-yr (6) 2,679.86 2,766.96 2,856.89 2,949.74 10-yr (6) 2,750.12 2,839.50 2,931.78 3,027.06 10-yr (6) 2,819.09 2,910.71 3,00531 3,102.98 10-yr (6) 2,90337 2,997.73 3,095.16 3,195.75 15-yr ��) 2,723.99 2,812.52 2,903.93 2,99831 15-yr ��) 2,792.66 2,883.42 2,977.13 3,073.89 15-yr ��) 2,869.16 2,962.41 3,058.69 3,158.10 15-yr ��) 2,945.62 3,041.35 3,140.19 3,242.25 15-yr ��) 3,029.91 3,128.38 3,230.05 3,335.03 ��c � 20-yr 25-yr � � 2,750.65 2,769.13 2,840.05 2,859.13 2,93235 2,952.05 3,047.99 --- 20-yr �$) 2,81933 2,910.96 3,005.57 3,123.57 25-yr (9) 2,837.79 2,930.02 3,025.25 20-yr � 2,895.80 2,98991 3,087.08 3,207.75 20-yr � 2,972.28 3,068.88 3,168.62 3,291.93 20-yr � 3,056.52 3,155.8b 3,258.43 3,384.66 25-yr (9) 2,914.28 3,008.99 3,106.78 25-yr (9) 2,990.75 3,087.95 3,18831 25-yr (9) 3,074.99 3,174.93 3,278.12 A-21 APPENDIX A - BIWEEKLY RATES (Continued) GRADE O50 O1/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 01/02/10 (1) 2,321.02 2,396.45 2,47433 2,554.75 �2) �3) 2,541.95 2,654.41 2,624.56 2,740.68 2,709.86 2,829.75 2,797.93 2,921.72 (4) 2,779.48 2,869.81 2,963.08 3,05938 (5) 2,907.19 3,001.67 3,099.22 3,199.94 10-yr �6) 2,987.65 3,084.75 3,185.00 3,288.51 GRADE O51 140B LIFE GUARD (YEAR ROUND) Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 lst 500 (1) 8.91 9.20 9.50 9.81 2nd 500 �2) 9.20 9.50 9.81 10.13 3rd 500 � 9.48 9.79 10.11 10.44 4th 500+ (4) 9.77 10.09 10.42 10.76 15-yr ��) 3,118.02 3,21936 3,323.99 3,432.02 20-yr �$) 3,144.68 3,246.88 3,352.40 3,481.67 25-yr (9) 3,163.14 3,265.94 3,372.08 � GRADE 052 247B ASSISTANT AQUATICS FACILTTY SUPERVISOR (YEAR ROUND) Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 O1/02/10 lst 500 (1) 10.63 10.98 1134 11.71 2nd 500 �2) 10.92 11.27 11.64 12.02 3rd 500 (3) 11.21 11.57 11.95 1234 4th 500 (4) 11.49 11.86 12.25 12.65 Sth 500+ (5) 11.80 12.18 12.58 12.99 GRADE 053 248B AQUATICS FACILITY SUPERVISOR (YEAR ROUND) Ol/OS/08 04l26/08 03/28/09 Ol/02/10 1 st 500 (1) 1235 12.75 13.16 13.59 2nd 500 �2) 12.65 13.06 13.48 13.92 3rd 500 (3) 12.95 1337 13.80 14.25 4th 500 � 13.20 13.63 14.07 14.53 Sth 500+ (5) 13.50 13.94 14.39 14.86 r , LJ A-22 APPENDIX A — BIV6'EEKLY RATES (Continued) • Ol/OS/08 04/26/08 03/28/09 Oi/02/10 • � A-23 1st 500 (i) 9.48 9.79 10.11 10.44 2nd 500 �2) 9.77 10.09 10.42 10.76 GRADE 054 144B WATER SAFETY INSTRUCTOR (YEAR ROUND) 3rd 500 (3) 10.07 10.40 10.74 11.09 4th 500+ (4) 10.36 10.70 11.05 11.41 �U'D� �� � u APPENDIX B— CRITICAL INCIDENT RESOLUTION PAY MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT between THE CTI'Y OF SA1NT PAUL and AFSCME CLERICAL LOCAL 2508 AFSCME TECHNICAL LOCAL 1842 � • This Agreement is entered into by and between the City of Saint Paul, Division of Inforxnation Services and the AFSCME Clerical and Technical bargaining units (Union). 1. Ernployees of the Division of Information Services (IS) who aze telephoned at home or paged and are subsequently requested to resolve a critical information system problem, shall be granted two (2) hours minimum compensation either in compensatory time or pay for their efforts per incident. An incident shall begin when the telephone or page is answered and end when the probiem is either resolved or fiu�ther efforts aze deemed futile. This means multiple calls regazding the same problem aze considered one incident. 2. If the IS employee is represented by the AFSCME Clerical or Technical bargaining unit and resolution of the pmblem takes less than one and one haif (1.5) hours, the exnployee will be paid straight time for the two (2) hour minimum Ifthe resolution of the problem takes more than one and one haif (1.5) hours, then the overtime pmvisions of the contract will apply. 3. The City and the Union agree that this language is experimental and shall not extend beyond the term of this Agreement unless both parties act aii'irmatively to renew or modify this clause in bargaining for the next contract. FOR THE CITY i-i�-U� J n Schmidt Date Labo elations Manager i-l�-a� Tracey BI Date Labor Relations Specialist LOCAL UNION NO. 2508 AND LOCAL UNION 1842 DISTRICT COUNCIL NO. 5 OF THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY, AND MUNICIPAL E�LO � � S� �-/�- v � Chris Cowen Date Business Representative ��.�� 1- -n 8� hn Klemaseski Date President, Loca12508 V��,� l 't 7 ��" Robin Madsen Date President, Local 1842 � �� ♦ • A.PPENDIX C— COMMITMENT TO LMCffi This letter confirms that the parties entered into the 2008 — 2010 Agreement with the following intentions and expectations regarding the fiealfh insurance issues that face the City: The rising cost of health insurance is an issue of vital importance to both the City and its employees. The responsbility to contain these costs falls jointly on the City, its Unions and the employees. 2. The City's Joint Labor/Management Committee on Health Insurance (LMCHI) is a longstanding forum that has successfully resoived issues of joint concern in the past. 3. The parties to this letter believe the LMCHI is a forum that must continue to be supported. By si in this letter, the parties hereby renew their cominitment to work in good faith on the LMCHI and support the bylaws of the committee which encourages the Administration of the City to seek a consensus rewmmendation from all the Unions prior to making any changes in plan design. • • FOR THE CTTY Relations Manager LOCAL UNION NO. 2508 AND LOCAL iJNION 1842 DISTRICT COUNCIL NO. 5 OF THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY, AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES AFL-CIO / -/�-D £' /-/f�-bS� Date 's Cowen Date Business Representative r-i7�o� Tracey Ble Date Labor Relations Specialist !ij %��-�_ � �/'/�! O�' oile Date Risk Manager �,�..- ,�,�-.�- 1-/�- � 8 J Klemaseski Date President, I.oca12508 9'V�/ C--� � '�2a-.. �`1 7 f�� Robin Madsen Date President, Loca11842 C-1