198328OR161N/Ct'& CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE .� COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER __ __ DATE. Now, therefore, be it 1 RESOLVED, that warrants for the various amounts as stated be drawn, payable to E. J. Fitzgerald, Clerk of District Court, Second Judicial District, Ramsey County, Minnesota, for the party or parties entitled thereto. i t , i r r I , i t COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis sm a -so a Qpo.2 8.1960 Adopted by the Council �UG 19 AUG 3 1960 Approved 19— )r , Mayor DUPLIGrATE `TO PRINTER �' - CITY OF ST. PAUL Floe NCIL NO. ����� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS, the Office of the Corporation Counsel has certified in writing that it is in doubt as to who is entitled to the following awards, all approved March 16, 1960, by Council File No. 196291, being acquisitions by condemnation of property for opening and widening Youngman Avenue as an extension of Shepard Road and opening and extending Homer Avenue as an access road to said extension of Shepard Roads Those parts of Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, Block 1, Youngman & Lamm's Addition, Ramsey Co., Minn.., lying southeasterly from a line 70 feet north- westerly from and parallel to the following described reference lines Commencing, for the purpose of es- tablishing said reference line, at a point on the easterly north and south line of Section 15, Township 28 North, Range 23 West, that is 328.70 feet north of its intersection with the south line of the said Section 15; thence in a southwesterly direction in a straight line to the point of its intersection with the prolongation of the south- westerly line of Rankin Street} at a distance of 70 feet from the southeasterly corner of Lot 32, Block 2, Youngman & Lamm's Addition, Ramsey Co., Minn., as measured along the said prolongation. AWARD $100.00 Those parts of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Peter Thauwald's Addition to St. Paul, lying southeasterly From a line 70 feet northwesterly from and parallel to the following described reference liner Commencing, for the purpose of establishing said reference line, at a point on the easterly north and south line of Section 15, Township 28 North, Range 23 West, that is 328.70 feet north of its intersection with the south line of the said Section 15; thence in a southwesterly COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis EM 5.60 2 In Favor Against Adopted by the Council 19— Approved 19— Mayor r _ 18-3,02 d tion on 4tight _ihe to the - t. off' i :rater r tlon with th4 Prol000tion of the .eouth�. Orly 1-1ho of Wn - --Std" !etr 4t a dint 3.e of, . 00t .From -the -j th a qty a � -off' LO 32s - 1 a.0 t th0, *aid P lon tin; A'106 4%- atvip v U414 166 '64% to ildth Ovor in t000ed - ,1ote3td 08 �t`?�o, $ta ., re ud : to ` f d _tY o :n a thot lino off opard -o70 ft6t zjo hV,eeteVl y e t ad ,. d aripa*x* 2 #i; to -4bo to 00artbod vptoftfte 11A0i# the +� iter iri. : t5f a _ t 3.p of I md. bung dos4�"ibed - X18. f4 lloWS ._ omAlb# d3:n$ at..a p.Q ton the southetbto rly� - , = e of $te *ate Avonue, thO is the irate ec ti+4 ? of said ooutho ote ly IJO& filth t. o . oente .1ino of . sont UMai r. Street pvoduued# thonda �A _o.outhed -Wrly . the p sent Steuart- AVonuey, . t� 't ho ' OrthWaStb_x3,7 line pf :s.a14 ahepard A044 extonolon _ „AWARD 14 10 ti Fxpept -the southwester'] y 166' reef; : that pat 'of Lot 24; Fort Street Out Lots lying southeasterly - from a lima 70 foot, nor, hgeoter-1 .a ,y from -nd parallel to the following; described -reference lines Comenein$i " for the purpose ©f - eetablishjng ,s41d. referen0e line,_ s.t .a point on • the easterly north `and south line., of , r Sea -flora . Zg, Township 28= North; Range 23 West, _that _ is. 328.70 -feet" north of ltd interaeotion with the soutY� line' of :the- said eotion a� thence in a. aouth0- . w'eeterly direetion on a ptraight -line to the point . - . of its - interseatjon 'with the prolongatiari of the southwesterly lire of Rankin Street,: at 4 distance of 70' Peet from the southe0torly oornor of Lot 32; Bldok 2, _Yourigman & Lamm-'$I Addition, Ramsey Co,, 'Minn., as- Vaea.sured .along the said prolongation. ' AWARD. 6A.04 Thole parts oi' .i,ots 7j 8, 10,, ll, azid -12, Sxiggts' , SLibdiVigion Of Lot 23; Fort Street out. -0 ,, lying ; r southeastQriy-from a lift e:.70, feet northwesterly from and, parallel to_ the 'following .described "ference 1 ` . Iine r Commeno ng;; for the purpose of ostabUohing said - referenc3e line; of a point on the easterly north and south line of Section 1$f Township `28 North., Range •23 ' Weata that is 328.''Q- feet north of 'fts intersection with the "south line or the said 'Seotion' 15, thtnoe in a obuth- - .Westerly direotion on a straight line to'the point of its' intersection. With the proloAgation of the southwesterly'_ Pine of Rankin $tree.t,- at a distance of 74 foot from the s , uthea6terly, - 4q,rner , of Lot 32, Block 2, , Youngman & Lamm,! s __ Addition; Ramsey Co. ; Miriri; - AWARD $5254,00 198328- 'i'hoAl� parts of . L+ots� 13.• i4* and x5, . Vo ' to 0avn's' ' t b '%vi *ion • af. Lot 22 of ft Strout Oat t*, lying oouthoattsaly frog . .lint 7A flit nor* iesaterly from and parall01 to tho f0l1t ing 4000ribod'_ r*f *rgna* 11no s `Cocoon ing. for the VUMos#, or t*blIshing said a�reforonoo iin*40, lit. 4 point on the • titsrly' north and South ` lins of Soation 15; � _ ohip xorth� . s ' Wort, that is 328#70- f0t north. + ' it# nt�tr�►±ec�tion it t the sQUth .of "`tom si�id .3*q#90 15; thenpo in a southW*storly dirootion do a ott"Sht iioo .to tb* point -Qt i its nt tvAtat- on pith �gtion o oduthtse*rl lin 4fnkin tho pr _ t , t a di4ta000 of To foot from th southoarterly oornor of Toot 32o - Slook to Uungmul A .fit a AdditionM .�o*V �a'i , lannr 00 , o Parts of - Ito 1i * 120 V. T'. Watson't Sub Mvtxion of L6t..9 0f,Ybrt Shot Out Lott, lying southoustorly._ froa l 'TO. fist north* _ estorly fin and j*ftl101 to. tho following orlbsd rtfOonor 11na t C0m* 41ne* for th* 8u so of os- tablishing said rofofenoo 11"i at s Point. on tho oustorly. north. and south t 1no or 3eoition 150 'TONIV, shl� N* th ' - ng* �` t, that 1$ 328770 font- north of itr.. Intors0otion with tht Routh lim of tho #*id StotIon i5; -tbonooe in a southwosUr1r, , di eotion. on it straight' 14, rA to ths point of -its, Ilitor�ootion kith _'thy► �prolonsati.on of the sout westorlry I. of _ FAUSd►ri dtt00p- at- a, d 044,04 of TO foot f tho r oouth�►astsrxy- Qvrnor of ht .S, Hlieg go 'fob a # ' o AWARD ZOM S AdOlt lbn Fdr b . �•. 'W4pst. va -+cif 'Lots I,A �� oOkr 1�+1 ��iu" � - ss�'a A4 #ionp ►stwy * ♦ KUM* AWARD ►0 witpt • ^northwor►to iy . A440 foot. south st!rly 60 foot of Lot_ u'l fort stroot oat 140 AWAADJAWa22 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER - - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �,;itq� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE -4— Now, therefore, be it RESOL'V'ED, that warrants for the various amounts as stated be drawn, payable to E, J. Fitzgerald, Clerk of District Court, Second Judicial District, RaMsey County, Minnesota., for the party or parties untitled thereto. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis aM s.6o 2 L AUG 31960 Adopted by the Council 19- AUG 31960 Approved 19 �In Favor Mayor Against r� f TERRANCE S. O'TOOLE THOMAS J. RYAN DONALD L. LAIS RAYMOND L. FLADER ROBERT E. FARICY JOHN J. McNE1L ASSISTANTS THEODORE J. COLLINS INVESTIGATOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT LOUIS P. SHEAHAN CORPORATION COUNSEL ROBERT E. O'CONNELL SPECIAL ASSISTANT cOEDIO2 July 27, 1960 1 To the Council of the ' City of Saint Paul This is to certify that this office is in doubt as to who is entitled to the following awards of damages, all approved March 16; 1960, by Council File 196291, for the acquisition of property for opening and widening Youngman Avenue as an extension of Shepard Road and opening and ex- tending Homer Avenue as an access road to said extension of Shepard Road: Those parts of Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13, Block 1, Youngman & Lamm's Addition, Ramsey Co., Minn., lying southeasterly from a line 70 feet north- westerly from and parallel to the following described reference line: Commencing, for the purpose of es- tablishing said reference line, at a point on the easterly north and south 11 line of Section 15, Township 28 North, Range 23 West, that is 328.70 feet north of its intersection with the south line of the said Section 15; thence in a southwesterly direction in a straight line to the point of its intersection with the prolongation of the south- westerly line of Rankin Street, at a distance of 70 feet from the southeasterly corner of Lot 32, Block 2, Youngman & Lamm's Addition, Ramsey Co., Minn., as measured along the said prolongation. AWARD $100.00 Those parts of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Peter Thauwald's Addition to St. Paul, lying southeasterly from a line 70 feet northwesterly from and parallel to the following described reference line: Commencing, for the purpose of establishing said reference line, at a point on the easterly north and south � line of Section 15, Township 28 North, Range 23 West, that is 328.70 feet north of its intersection with the south line of the said Section 15; thence in a southwesterly direction on a straight line to the point of its intersection with the prolongation of the southwesterly line of Rankin Street, at a distance of 70 feet from the southeasterly corner of Lot 32, Block 2, Youngman & Lamm's Addition, Ramsey Co., Minn., as measured along the said prolongation. Also a strip of land 66 feet in To the Council -2- July 27, 1960 width over and across the above described lots, extending from Stewart Avenue to the northwesterly line of Shepard Road extension, said line being 70 feet northwesterly from and parallel to above described reference line, the center line of said strip of land being described as follows:, Commencing at a point on the southeasterly line of Stewart Avenue that is the intersection of said southeasterly line with the center line of present Homer Street produced, thence`1in a southeasterly direction on a straight line at a right angle with the present Stewart Avenue, to the north- westerly line of said Shepard Road extension. AWARD $420.00 Except the southwesterly 160 feet, that part of Lot 24, Fort Street Out Lots lying southeasterly from a line 70 feet northwesterly from and parallel to the following described reference line: Commencing, for the purpose of establishing said reference line, at a point on the easterly north and south 11 line of Section 15, Township 28 North, Range 23 West, that is 328.70 feet north of its intersection with the south line of the said Section 15; thence in a south- westerly direction on a straight line to the point of its intersection with the prolongation of the southwesterly line of Rankin Street, at a distance of 70 feet from the southeasterly corner of Lot 32, Block 2, Youngman & Lamm's Addition, Ramsey Co., Minn., as measured along the said prolongation. AWARD $650.00 Those parts of Lots 7, 8, 10, 11, and 12, Briggs' Subdivision of Lot 23, Fort Street Out Lots, lying southeasterly from a line 70 feet northwesterly from and parallel to the following described reference line: Commencing, for the purpose of establishing said reference line, at a point on the easterly north and south k14 line of Section 15, Township 28 North, Range 23 West, that is 328.70 feet north of its intersection with the south line of the said Section 15, thence in a south- westerly direction on a straight line to the point of its intersection with the prolongation of the southwesterly line of Rankin Street, at a distance of 70 feet from the southeasterly corner of Lot 32, Block 2, Youngman & Lamm's Addition, Ramsey Co., Minn. AWARD $525.00 l f .. To the Council 1 -3- July 27, 1960 Those parts of Lots 13, 14, and 15, F. T. Watson's Sub Division of Lot 22 of Fort Street Out Lots, lying southeasterly from a -line 70 feet north- westerly from and parallel to the following described reference.line: Commencing, for the purpose of es- tablishing said reference line, -at a point on the easterly north and south 1 line of Section 15, Town- ship 28 North, Range 23 West, that is 328.70 feet north of its intersection with the south line of the said Section 15; thence in a southwesterly direction on a straight line to the point of its intersection with the prolongation of the southwesterly line of Rankin Street, at a distance of 70 feet from the southeasterly corner of Lot 32, Block 2, Youngman & Lamm's Addition, Ramsey Co., Minn. AWARD $350.00 Those parts of Lots 11 and 12, F. T. Watson's Sub Division of Lot 22 of Fort Street Out Lots, lying southeasterly from a line 70 feet north- westerly from and parallel to the following described reference line: Commencing, for the purpose of es- tablishing said reference line, at a point on the easterly north and south tt line of Section 15, Town- ship 28 North, Range 23 West, that is 328.70 feet north of its intersection with the south line of the said Section 15; thence in a southwesterly direction on a straight line to the point of its intersection with the prolongation of the southwesterly line of Rankin Street, at a distance of 70 feet from the southeasterly corner of Lot 32, Block 2, Youngman & Lamm's Addition, Ramsey Co., Minn. AWARD $300.00 West 1/2 of Lots 1 and 2, Block 13, Youngman & Lamm's Addition, Ramsey Co.,-Minn. AWARD $400.00 Except northwesterly 244.52 feet, southwesterly 160 feet of Lot 24, Fort Street Out Lots AWARD $480.00 TSOIT:ja Yours very truly, Terrance S. O'Toole Assistant Corporation Counsel