198274V COUNCIL FILE N0. - - - -- -4 r By----------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing and reconstructing sidewalk on both sides of Bourne St. from Eustis St. to Keston St. Council File No. 198274— In the Matter of constructing and, reconstructing sidewalk on both sides of Bourne St. from Eustis St. to Keston St. under Preliminary Order 195444 , approved January 19, 196o. A public hearing having been had ! upon the above improvement upon due notice. and,. the Council havin heard alle�sons,_��bjecjj_ „�nc. under Preliminary Order ----------- 195+ pp -------------------------- - - - - -a roved ----------------------- �9_� - 1960 - - - -- IntermediaryOrder ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- approved -------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is to construct and reconstruct sidewalk on both sides of Bourne St. from Eustis St. to Keston St., except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist { . i and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and 'specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ;I ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ---------- AUG 219.60 AUG 2 1960 Approved------- - - - - -- File s6247 Councilman DeCOURCY Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Mayor 2.55 2M 2 HOLLAND Y�-o MORTINSON PETERSON ROSEN U G ?� - i - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- Cty Clerk.' "-------------- -- -- -------- -- -- -- - -- -- ----- -- ---- - ----- ------ --------- Mayor. "t n r CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDERi k In the matter of constructing and reconstructing sidewalk on both sides of Bourne St. from Eustis St, to Keston St. l� X69' under Preliminary Order approved January 19, 1960 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 1 ii The total estimated cost of the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The estimated assessment per foot for the above improvement is - - - _ $ .52 per sq. ft iE The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �� k IIDESCRIPTION I LOT ISLOCKI ADDITION VALUATIONBLD6. I LAND (!That part of Los b and 7., lying i; ,Easterly of a line drawn parallel 1 i l St. Anthony Park North 11$ 2,100 $ 4,250) lito West line of said o s from a o n on the South line of Lot 7, 150 fee 1 1 11� k from the Southeast corner of o I Il 1 7 1 301 ll 10) 11Part of Lots 6 and 7 West of above jj 11desc. line ,: r . . I I 301 doI k) Lots 1 1 9 and 8 301 do 1,500 5,650 !i 110 I 301 do II 750 2,6o0i part of Lots 11 and 12 Easterl ilThat of a line drawn from a point on the I I1 �I ne of said Lot 12, 4.49 fee feel liNorth from. the Northeast corner thereof, point on he outh line of said p t ll 11a 2 feet from the Southwest cor. of s 17 30 do 750 2,550 �i I Form B. B. 10 1M 8 -58 8 C 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF. FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II VALUATIONBILDG. LAND 11 Commenqing on he Sou line of o , 2 fteet from Southwest corner, thenc� 1 ISt. Anthony Park North 11$ 700 4;900 to a point on a nor line o o , I ��4.49 feet from the Northeast corner I I 1 III ! thence West to a point on II � lithereof, the North line of Lot 13, 4.49 feet-1 I I a or eas corner ere° enc 'I' ;Irom to a point on the South line of sai I III , 2 feet from the bouthwes rLot 11 corner thereof, thence East on the I 1 1 1I South line of said s 12 and 11 to beginning, part of Lots 11,12 & 1 13 I i iiThat I I� part of Lots 12 and 13 Westerli 11 of a line drawn from a point on the North line of said Lot 13, 4.49 I I 1 Ifeet from the ortheast corner ther to a point on the South line of a, said of 12, 2 ee om the South- west corner of said Lot 112 I 30 1 do II 700 2,750 I1 1 1 14 301 do 650 3,55o 1151301 11 do 650 3,150 II 1 16 1 30 1 do 11 625 1,300 1171301 do 11 625 5,900 Lots 19 and 1 18 30 1 do 111,2.00 8,150 II 1 20 30 1 do 11 500 6, � o 1 2113° I do II 500 -- (1 1 22 1 301 do 500 5,5y60 1 23 1 301 do 11500 7,350 II 124 1 301 do I1 525 2,350 11'` I1 1 401 do 111,100 4,650 1 2 1 40 I do 800 3, 050 1 3 1 401 do 800 4, 750 I1 1 4 1 40 1 do II 800 2, 700 Lts 6 and I K 1 1.0 1 do ills575 3, 500 11 1 7 1 401 do II 700 4, 7W, 1 TOTAL 1I '1 ►CRM ■.D.11 900 a -n 8 I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION I LAND VALUATIONBILDG. II 1 $ 1 401 St. Anthony Park North it 675 2 ; 000 lI 191401 do 11 575 4;1450 11 1 10 1 401 do 11 500 2500 !I I .1401 do i II 450 5 X750 11 1 12 1 401 do II 4 25 7,150 11 113 1 401 do 400 2,� °450 11 1 14 1 401 do 400 2 .,�I50 II 1 15 1 401 do 400 5., 0 11 1 16 1 401 do II 400 3, 200 11 17 1 401 do 11 400 4, 700 II I I I II �I II I TOTA1123,174 I _129,500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, I and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commi sioner of Public Works. Dated A�44k Commissioner of Financ . a Form B.B. 12 1M 3 -58 �E 91 Dist. No. 1 Bourne St. — Eustis to Keston — both sides OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE i.I Jan. 21 , 19 _f�a_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the P Y reliminar order of the Council, known as Council File No. 195IL4 , N, approved Jan. 19th. , 1960 , relative to constructing and reconstructing sidewalk on both sides of Bourne St. from m Eustis St. to Keston St. , - i• and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1.• The estimated cost thereof is $0.52 per sq* ft. for Lono. cone. walk 4" thick. Extra work(Excay., fill, cone. rem'd, root cutting, drive erossings,ete.) at extra cost. ' 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and 3 made a part hereof. 4' 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X I 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition 3 ti REcE,VE0 ' Commissioner of Public Works �? JAN 2� X960 r)p i� CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House, Zone 2 CApital 4.4612 August 1,.1960 City Council c/o City Clerk Gentlemen: We have checked the attached amended petition of remon- strance, and find that it is still short three signatures of resident owners. Charter requirement specifies that we need 60 per cent of the owners, and we have only 55 per cent. Very truly yours, Bernard T. Holland Commissioner of Finance WJT:sh I--- 0 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Hon. Bernard T. Holland Comsr. of Finance. Dear Sir: rte_ Aug. 1, 1960. Attn: Mr. William Tschida AGNES O'CONNELL jog J1 City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder The attached amended petition of remonstrance to sidewalk job on Bourne Street has just been filed in this office. The post- poned hearing in this matter is scheduled for August 2nd, and the petition is referred to you for a re -check as to sufficiency. r Very truly yours, City Clerk MINNESOTA 61 I f I i� 1 CITY OF S A I N T P A U L LEONARD C. SEAMER Valuation Engineer CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA ELTOR A. DEHN 9 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Asst. Valuation EnglnJee CLIFFORD M. NYSTROtrI� MRS. DONALD M. DeCOURCY, Commissioner Chief Cashier HARRY A. JOHNSON Deputy Commissioner Chief Clerk Theodore A. Lovelan 113 Court House, Zone 2 i CApital 4-4612 ;I May 4, 1960 City Council c/o City Clerk Gentlemen: Returned herewith is the petition opposing the construction and reconstruction of sidewalks on both sides of Bourne Street from Eustis Street to Keston Street under Preliminary Order 195444. Although the signatures for 25 of the 33 parcels involved appear in the petition of remonstrance it is technically insufficient. The chief reason for the deficiency is that the several owners have not signed where joint ownership is shown on the records. WJT:cp Attach. Very truly yours, Mrs. DonaTR Ff. MoUcy Commissioner of .Finance J s .Yy yh • _ J St. Paul, Minn.- -March 22, 1960' To The Honorable, The Council y City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: p We, the undersigned-pr6perty owners, hereby petition your Honorable B6dy to cause the cancellation of the following proposed improvement: To construct and reconstruct sidewalk on both sides of Bourne St. from Eustis St. to Keston;St., except where good'and sufficient sidewalks now exist, which is Preliminary Order 195444, approve Jan. 19, 1960.° - LOT NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION ADDRESS WIDTH J6 '3© A a2 3 s� �j boo ' .tee• _ : 13 co a� 6 0 �d✓ _ Al o st 3 L &o4�e. 3 a, __Z_ 1 141 n- 1 � U` fu �'1u ✓�'' i- - _ . � k t v _ 3c e � 409 1�1 v _ r x ,,' t .rte ��� 4i " "V�1i1�s��v^.A�.i� RTii�!_..u,r�r•�,�.yrei+ri� �yy 7�Y• LW 'OEM �,�Y�, ---� ?-¢ - .�a�.. a,vr`F:!�le'1. �•'' /k��4 ,e1u {. x,;•- �v��vt.M��c�yY. +' _ SEEM, 1'� � ' �i;: a. . �... r�'., ik i 2� a i f � •„ .f . r � � St. Faul, Minn.- March 22, 1960 �! To The Honorabl6,-The Council City of St. Paul, Minn. it Gentlemen. We, •th6 iihd6rsigned• property owners, hereby •p6tition'your Honorable Body to cause the cancellation of the following proposed improvement: i To construct- -and reconstruct'sidewalk on-both-sides of Bourne St. from I I Eustis St: to Keston St., except where good and sufficient sidewalks d ,now exist, which is']?reliminary Order 195444, approved Jan. 19, 1960. �i � C NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION ADDRESS; LOT WIDTH klle P i ST&TE OF MINNESOTA ) SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY. ) Burton W. payer, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he signed i the foregoing petition and that the signatures thereon are genuine. and swo o p�fore me this Of KK , 1960. HAROLD J. RIORDAN Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minh. My, commissioa Expires. Lyola 2-2,19611 I a i , 5. .11s -' ,,v �K✓' - `eS`ly '.a' T , St. Paul, Minn. -- March 22, 1960 To-The Honorable,. The Council City of St. Paul, Minn. I Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your f. Honorable Body to cause the cancellation of the following proposed' improvement: To construct and reconstruct sidewalk on both sides of Bourne St. from Eustis St. to Keston St., except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, which is Preliminary Order 195L", approved Jan. 199 1960. 4. a LOT I _ NAME LOT BLOCK, ADDITION ADDR&SS WIDTHH I ( See page underneath for another signer.) 1 y II • S 1 N ` 1 N �y�,NOTE - There are 3D houses ' in -this one block of Bourne ave . and one �e vacant lot. We, the abov6 p6tit�ioners, are- owners of - r6cord of 25 ; �- houses and the one vacant lot in this-one block, so represent 80 ' protesting the above proposed construction. { Bourne Ave., a one block avenue in St. Anthony park North, is 1046 feet in length so both sides equal 2092 feet frontage. We, the abovefi protesters own,g) feet frontage, or TSixe lot owners, of the 32 total, did not sign this petition. Care �( was taken so no renters signed this petition, only owners of record, >> and in the one block in question. MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL My name is Conrad A. Overgard. I live at 2382 Bourne Avenue. �I I am here simply to express my support for your proposal to replace the sidewalks on Bourne Avenue. The Sidewalk Department has indicated the need for this replacement and I believe it was brought out here last time that the present sidewalk is 41 years old. To this, I should like to add that Bourne Avenue is for about 3/4 of its length a very steep hill, probably about the longest and steepest hill in St. Anthony Park. For this reason it seems to me it is all the more important that the sidewalks be in good shape. I am also concerned about the liability situation. It is my understanding that the City of St. Paul is self- insured and that therefore all claims paid by the city come in the final analysis out of the tax dollar. For my part I would much rather have such monies go for the schools, the recreational facilities, and the improvement of the streets and city services. Any delay in having this job done can only result in further inconvenience and possible injury to the users of the sidewalk, in a possible higher cost for the property owners concerned when the work is done, and the continued exposure of the city to a serious liability situation. Certainly none of these alternatives are desirable. August 2, 1960 Conrad A. Overgard 2382 Bourne Avenue St. Paul 8, Minn. i 1 14 MORE See the two attached petition forms, signed by two more \ Commissioner of= ,,Finance further reports that he has inyestigateii'a11'of the, aforesaid matters; ice'# t ', `�} •, _ ?s__ _,.a- �►.,,,.. and hereby su miffs theforegoing- 'as- foregoing � hereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date Commissioner of Financ %' Form B.B. 12 1M 9 -58 8 a IZQ.IJW)o r (� -� X " 13 nwm 4h l .930 9 C''a Grp ao 00 tes Power ompany 21 30 " Vacant +— 50 i$e Pr � 14 MORE See the two attached petition forms, signed by two more \ Commissioner of= ,,Finance further reports that he has inyestigateii'a11'of the, aforesaid matters; ice'# t ', `�} •, _ ?s__ _,.a- �►.,,,.. and hereby su miffs theforegoing- 'as- foregoing � hereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date Commissioner of Financ %' Form B.B. 12 1M 9 -58 8 • yr, - -. . ^ ` - 5 . ' -' r _ y } ' �Y _ ,- t - • _ _ ,• . . - _- `. .mi l `•!, •.t7 . ! ,;'. r •`- _ . x. , _ �_ `'',' _• n • .' . it _, . ' _' - a -. ( . ` i Boni Mrs i DP=U M! . Ourcy Dear mmd= DThe City Council l6id over irAeAfiitely- the - tinal order in the tatter of: constructing and rieconsti-mting sick lk on bath _Wds of- Bourne frost Eustis 'tss- Kostoa, File 36 47 and reqxw6f,eed that lrqu check the attached,,_ petitiosi of remotatrwice iM advise the Council'-as to Vhetherr or not it is sufficient: e " City Clerk + • •,•_ • S Y~ i �- ; _ ` ' .4 � - • -''+ a 'P . r f `_ - . • - • �fJ� J,` yr? 5� 1.1 r t�,� \ �,yq A T w` viii` y'� • t t � V , • ,��y��t hy! w I i,SQ L � �"j,,�,rL � ��. Wffh Q)j ✓ 1� �� pa l' �'�:��):'j1! 1f 1. .,� rk',jt% \ 1� C 000- ' n ` VZ :t�: ti �a�, �: � �� l � P �� '�• .fir ` 1�1 _,�.s� fd }- M: •,,.. ' ties -v "rase 7 T M I . • �,�,�. _ _ - .. - . .. - : ... wwi,.•. ..owes-- �.r.^"�,.^"" _'.= It �) `-�,.- :•.rt'J '. • �.P. y. - .:�,�• 1..+.1Y4 r� .'•_ .. r.. ^- :�� �s :^ -: `M to •ir.: •, �.� r �!.y,�_; er'' „ - - '•1.= .lip_ ,��'"�� s.�S.. .� �F . -•-�:. ?t, "�.. .fur.._.'± uZ,� ITS IMI „•. w r. .. - - wl; 57- ?A5 Weir. !.•.a.4� �k:,'f:L;• '' :a.� fix• {r•t! �w''� 4'1 dL7