198255ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK! iN PRESENT COMMISS CITY OF ST. PAUL OFF CE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC ESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM TE NN COUNCIL . �8` r FILE NO WHEREAS, it is necessary to remove several Light Poles and make other adjustments of City of mot. raul Lighting Installations in connection with the construction of the SIXTH STREET BRIDGES Numbers 6755 and 6756 by the Minnesota State Highway Department, now therefore be it RESOLVED, 'that the above mentioned work be done by the City Lighting Department Forces at an estimated cost of $ 1,750.00, which cost is to charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, CODE 3001, L- 61$1 -1, said Fund to be reimbursed from the Minnesota Highway Department under Agreement Number "C- 248911 Council File No. 198255 — By Milton Rosen— Whereas. It is necessary to remove several Light Poles and make other adjustments of City of St. Paul Light- ing Installations in connection with the construction of the SIXTH STREET BRIDGES Numbers. 6755 and 6756 by the Minnesota State Highway Depart- ment, now therefore be it Resolved, That the above mentioned work be done by the City Lighting Department Forces at an estimated cost of $1,750.00, which cost Is to be charged to the Permanent Improvement Re- volvingg Fund, CODE 3001', L- 6181 -1, said from the Min- Fund to be reimbursed nesota Highway Department under Agreement Number "C- 2489 ". Adopted by the Council July 29, 1960. Approved July 29, 1960. (August 6, 1960) 1 _ JUL 2 9 196019 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays DeCourcy JUL 2 91960 HOH4nd 4Tn Approved 19 Mortinson Pt Erson I Favor 1 Rosen Mayor VVMIFer Against Mr. President, Piiiaa 5M 7-59 a $M,8 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER x.9$255 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL NO. FILE r _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS# it is necessary to remove several Light Poles and make other adjustments of City of mot. va.ul Lighting Installations in connection with the construction of the SIXTH STREET $RIDGW Numbers 6755 and 6756 by the Minnesota State Highway Departmentp now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the above mentioned work be done by the City Lighting Department Forces at an estimated cost of $ 1. #750.001 Which cost is to charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund$ CODE 30010 L- 61811,. said Fund to be reimbursed from the Unnesota Highway Department under Agreement Ilumbor "C- 2489. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland��� Martinson / Rat""R In Favor Rosen Viet —6 Against Mr. President, Hiif 5M 7 -59 8 JUL 2 9 1960 Adopted by the Council 19 JUL 2 9 1 ' " Approved 19 Mayor