D001780APPrw� Copio m: -CityQ¢rk(Qriyjnal) -FvsveeDepc'sACCOVndvgD'meioa -ReqvatingDept ADNIINIS'IRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION Current }SSMTNISTRA'I'IVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based oa request of tLe Chief of the Department of Fire & Safety Services to amend the 1999 budget of the General Fand, the Direcfor of the Department of Financial Services is aathorized to amend said budaet in the following manner: From: 001 - Generai Fund 05110 - Code Enforcement 0111 - Full-Time Permanent Salaries To: 0�1 - General Fund 05110 - Code Enforcement 0219 - Fees - Other Professional Services 0813 - Duplicating Machines • Na: oo i78 0 �rF !/-/�-9�/ Amended Budget Change Budget 988,008 (14,SD0J 973,508 988,Q08 (14,500) 973,508 1,900 1,900 12,600 12,600 � 14,500 14,500 � 1-� �� �-��� � iV 1 L ` � Prepamtl by: AcbNiy Ma er Dale provetl Cy. Mayw Date Requestetl by: Deparlmept Director Date and Safety Services 4CT PERSON & PHONE Chief Tim Fuller TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES REQUESTED �DbJ7 � No 103182 ❑«rcarraxe�r /� �crtrcitwc ❑Z FWANGIALS£RJK'ESWR�If � ` �FlNANf.W.SERJIACCTG V ❑InAYORtOAA355iANn_ ❑ 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ofi ihe attached Adminisirative Order Budget Revision adjusting the 1999 year-end Department of Fire and Safety Generai Fund Activities to prwide a repiacement copier in the Fire Prevention Offices. �. Has this personlRrm everworked untler a coMract fm this departnent? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMI'f�EE 2. Has Mis personlfirtn ever been a city empbyee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skm not nortnafly possessed by any wrteot ciry empioyee? YES NO 4. Is ihis personlfirm a Wrgeted vendol? YES NO Explain all yes answers on sepa2te sheet antl attach to green sheet Preve�tion is presently using a 5 year old copier that is subject to heavy use and is worn out. It breaks down ientiy, disrupting operations and it is costiy to maintain. � Fewer breakdowns and less business interruption. Jone. usiness interrupGons and increasing repair costs will continue. TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION IDING SOURCE General Fund 1NCIALINFORMATION(EXPLAIN) AGTIVITY NUMBER Various R�cE�vEr� 1114199 I GREEN SHEET � $'I4.SOO.O� COSVREVENUEBUD�'iETFA(CIRCLEONE) YES � �� t�OV 16 1999 CP�Y �LE�K