198235OR191NAL TO CITY CLERK , • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. 198235 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COU L OLU ON- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE RESOLVED, that pursuant to the pending proposal therefor, the purchase by the City of Saint.Paul and the County of Ramsey of that tract or parcel of real estate commonly designated as the Rudolph Tetzloff property at 407 Niederhofer Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, for use by the County Welfare Board of the City of Saint Paul and County of Ramsey for motor vehicle parking lot purposes in conjunc- tion with said Board's operation of the Ancker Hospital of said City and County, for the purchase price of $22$0900, deemed reasonable and representative of the market value of the same, be and the same hereby is approved and authorized, and that funds heretofore allocated to said Board and available for such purpose may be disbursed in the payment of said purchase price. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson P tp=S033 Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis SM 6.60 oMo2 ►r Council File No. 198235 — By ; A. Mortinson, by request — Resolved, That pursuant to the ing proposal therefor, the purch the City of Saint Paul and the 1 of Ramsey of that tract or pal real estate commonly designal the Rudolph Tetzloff property Niederhofer Street, Saint Paul, 1 sota, for use by the County P Board of the City of Saint Pat County of Ramsey for motq� ,t JUL 27 1960 Adopted by the Council 19— JUL 2 7 1960 19— Mayor t "OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: i June 8, 1960 `^ Y823,5 The City Council requested that you draw a resolution approving the proposal set out in the attached letter of Ruth L. Bowman, subject to approval by the Board of County Commissioners. Agnes H.0'Connell City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder Very truly yours, +a,, 6�1 City Clerk ' to Ito AU TJK 9 i''�i JINN 9 _ I g0RPO RA''Ia'i COUNSEL MINNESOTA S COMMISSION MEMBERS ,EDWARD K. DELANEY, CSe�x REV. ARMIN DEYE, V:us CmuRm N SEVERIN A. MORTINSON, SmnARY ROBERT O- ASHBACH JOHN E. DAUBNEY FRANK D. MARZITELLI MARTIN J. O'DONNELL HAROLD J. O'LOUGHLIN ROBERT F' PETERSON ANTHONY PODCORSKI MSGR. GEORGE E. RYAN FRANCIS M. TOMPKINS F.xEaurrva S==AaY Ancker Hospital Facility Building Commission Minnesota Building St. Paul 1, Minnesota Capital 7 -3911 June 3, 1960 Mr. Sosgph R. Okoneski, City Clerk The City of Saint Paul City Hall and Courthouse Saint Paul 2, Minnesota Dear Mr, Okoneski :� In reply to your letter relative to the attached letter of Miss Ruth L. Bowman, I would like to state that under the provisions of Laws 1957, Chapter 938, the Hospital Facility Building Commission is charged solely with the responsibility of planning, equipping, and constructing a new city - county hos- pital. The operation and maintenance of the present Ancker Hospital, and the ultimate disposition of the Ancker Hospital property still remains, under existing laws, within the prov- ince of the County Welfare Department of the City of St. Paul and the County of Ramsey. I can state, however, that under the provisions of the Commission ►s architectural contract the firm of Ellerbe and Company has been given a period of two years to prepare the plans for the hospital. It is contemplated that after the fi- nal plans for the hospital have been accepted, the actual con- struction should take approximately three years. It can be as- sumed that the occupancy of the new city - county hospital is still approximately five years in the future. yours very truly, Francis M. Tompkins Executive Secretary c ��o �O WELFARE BOARD DIVISIONS MICHAEL F. ETTEL. CHAIRMAN Gounty Welfare Department ADMINISTRATION SAM S. GRAis, VICE- CHAIRMAN MEDICAL SERVICES LEO L. ZA?:HMAN, M. D. OF THE ANCKER HOSPITAL MRS. ErA. PRESTON CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND COUNTY OF RAMSEY RAMSEY COUNTY HOME WILLIAM E. BRENNAN 476 ST. PETER STREET SOCIAL WELFARE SERVICES DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA PUBLIC ASSISTANCE RUTH L. BOWMAN - ERVICES TO CHILDREN May 27, 91% E C 74 I. V E D WORK REORIENTATION PROJECT SAIN . e L;—. i .. In MAY' , ' r'rp1-I A M �A nY 1 1 Jg6U pmt The Honorable Joseph E. Dillon }p ll 2I President of the City Council �� •� • i • I . f • I ,I II .I ,I: I and Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners 347 Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Re: Rudolph. Tetzloff property at 407 Niederhofer Street Dear Mayor; I received. a. letter from .Mr. Leslie H. Morse, Mankato, Minnesota, attorneyifor the Tetzloff estate. You will recall that this- was the matter referred to you by the Ramsey County Welfare Board on May 18, 1960. Dr. Broadie has recommended to the Board that consideration be given. to acquiring the .property directly adjacent to the hospital and known as 407 Niederhofer Street. The. Board, in turn, referred this matter to the City Council and Board of County Commissioners with the recommendation that these. bodies consider the purchase: of the land for additional parking facilities. The. price. set by Mr. Morse was $2, 500: 00, but the Board indicated that $2, 250. 00 would. be in line with the formula adopted for deter- mining market value. Mr. Morse stated that the Administrator 'wiU,1ook_ favorably upon an off es of $2, 250. 00. I have written to. Mr. Morse e,. Qjng4hatath s- matte._has been km �� referred to the Cit that the County' Welfare Board dido.ptt�h Or Odd tixle..tn- anv, zn�on�,y as .a.^separate Board, that the decision must rest t•,�i yo�.r o a z err�n� bodies • Mr. .Edward E. Cleary, Assistant County Attorne -y, is familiar with these proceedings and will be able to give you additional information if you wish to contact h_ im. Sinc rely you S, ss) Rut Bowman RLB /aj Director cc - Mr. Monick Mr. Mitchell Mr. Swan Mr. Okoneski t Mr. Cleary Dr. Broadie AGENCY MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN PUBLIC WELFARE ASSOCI ION