198167ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 198167 - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE �LUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , COMMISSIONS DATE WHEREAS, the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, subject to a concurring resolution of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, proposes to enter into an agreement between said Board and the Northern Pacific Railway Company pursuant to which agreement the Board would cause to be installed a 20 inch water pipe line crossing the Northern Pacific Railway Company's Duluth Short Line-right of way and its property adjacent thereto in Section 28, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Fourth Principal Meridian, Ramsey County, Minnesota, in the City of St. Paul and passing beneath its tracks through a casing pipe intersecting the center line of Northern Pacific Railway Company's main tract as now constructed along a line parallel with and distant 10 feet westerly, measured at right angles, from the produced center line of Duluth Avenue; and WHEREAS, said Board of Water Commissioners, subject to the concurring action of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by resolution dated the 20TH day of JULY ,1960, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof by reference, authorized and directed its proper officers to execute such agreement, subject to the conditions specified in the resolution of the Board of Water Commissioners; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, concurs in the on the 20TH day proper officers such agreement, of said Board. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis EM 8.60 Z that the Council of the-'City of Saint Paul hereby action of the Board of Water Commissioners taken of JULY , 1960, and authorizes and directs the of the Board of Water Commissioners to execute subject to the conditions specified in the resolution Council File No. 198187 —By Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy- Whereas, The Board of Water Com- missioners of the City of Saint Paul, subject to a concurring resolution of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, proposes to enter into an agreement between said Board and the Northern Pacific Railway Company pursaunt to which agreement the Board would cause to be installed a 20 inch water pipe line crossing the Northern Pacific Railway Company's Duluth Short Line JUL 2 21960 Adopted by the Council 19— JUL, 2 219M Approved 19 7 T-n `1 Favor 'b Mayor Against OUPLIC9YE TO PRINTER - `-� 198167 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WA$, the Board of mater Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, subject to a :concurring resolution of the Council of the City of 8a.i.nt Paul, proposes to enter into an agreement between said Board and the Northern Pacific Railway Company pursu&at to xhieh agreement the Board mould cause to be installed a 20 inch water pipe line crossing the Northern Pacific 'Railway Company's Duluth Mort dine right of way and its property adjacent thereto in Section 28, Township 29 North, Mange 22 Wosty Fourth, Principal Xeridian, Ramsey County, NI.nnesota, In the City of St. Paul and passing beneath its traeks through a casing pipe intersecting the - ,tenter line of Northern Pacifio Railway Co 's main tract as now Oonstruoted along line parallel wi_aand a. distant 10 feet westerly, measured at right angles, from the produced centor line of Duluth AVenuel and WMREA80 said Board of Water Commi saionere; sub jeet to the concurring action of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by resolution dated the 20Tm day of JULY ,1960, a dopy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof by reference, authorized and direoted. its proper officers to execute such agreement, subj04t to the 404ditions specified in the resolution of the Board of Water Commissionera; now., therefore, be it concurs in the on the 20TH da proper offleer -such agreem*nt, Of said Board* COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis SM D -80 2 that the Counall. of the City` of Sint Paul hereby action of the Board of Water Commissioners taken y of duar , X960, and authorizes and directs the ® of the Board off'Water Commissionera to execute subject to the .conditions specified in the resolution In Favor l✓ Against ,W,L 2 2120 Adopted by the Council • 19— JUL 2 21960 Approved 19— Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL Z OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS 119(y I - . . RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY POSEN COMMISSIONER DATE JULY 0, P 1�96() "0"' the 0ity ok, _4 Water Saint Ilau I j., oqoiti�b to Italy ii *W indh w4t6j-, 0± pp ine -cro 06ing the 03�ii %Oitld Aail-,Wia�t' 0=15anyft 30ul#h $hort Line right NO th Of, W4y_.,and ltb! property a4japOnt. Vhoreto in. S00tion �?8_. T w hi o n g. 0 Q9 North$' MM90 29, lWqdtj Voitrtli �r-:�n_q;ipal­ oi- &-um' -'C' t - Xerl_an, oy oun y*. Wnni_ipota,,-_t,n,the city ot. 3tiil' ul. acid p4t6lng boheath its tr4okd ral - �fi. - - ­tin 6 dent-or through a o6b in'8 PiPd lnt6rqe!0 9, of, Nbrtholm track as ho-W *o7 ompany -�i4ih t. ay t�t n -Vudt6d a,ohg 4 line ParallelVith and dlotoLht 10 Feet wo6tozly, moasurod 'at Ight an e. j, .From 'the ,prbdu -ed llu o -',oX uli th vb!iu&' "and thd ltorthoth Pa_41fid itailway- do npan py'' has agr-06d t6 Pqxv;lt th�a�i 0AId _Boat4.to"doni�tr%idt and I#at ,41,1 t4 .d ,pipe i6 'for a' oouslderbtioii of , Ton -PDX14rd ($10.160) lor each f- lVe ypeah'pdrlod 'c UtIO g thestenae ofOup A 1_not to t6i6ig and fthditiont.. Of that pe - 6twedn'said Bb rtotll ag"Omlt�nt 00,; 862 b' aA �ald .Northern Pgdifio.,Aal mpany, -toketh6� with thO ooniti . Axw4y Oo - ? - _ 4l,ti6n0-bP,6dlf1-64 In tilp aitt- 'I#- .�o" ­ la -to'efa�nt debig;i­ ted �aq p4ti� ba - 4g , . . a d Jb�hiblt uB" - -tj to$e-ith'' rith 4n whi0h, aVeeik- A er v _d 1. � -a '' L' 4ttadhr4e4t#.t haa. b6oft approve. tz to fopi�i 1�y the . or fttion Counsel, buoi-d'at 4pp -V with,tbe- �Od' to, the _lon,thik the under"_ 00 oVlat-64 �hon§by sha g, -and, quallxloatlo� o that the -Worl�. nu -bo ddrl 08 ta a priva bt Otor under Oont.M With the Board of watot comuhii3blonera. for . .th0 pu purple 6f' o.h installation d that gUch.private eon md r. ohiI adau ad t Ap6l oibiiity for inl3utdhbo - 14,indemnit of the 9;ty 4f ;Saint _y .6:t th6, Board of mater 00�6MiSgioOopa off` 0134:�ntl a to the 1- the t�, - r s=e dk ent and 1A the bataO agount_ as Opodlfldd -with respect to th& Board ilfideW, en Exhibit IiBl t© th id',agteemd, tj , llow.0 th0ref. roo, be, It MOLVED that lhit�' toiWa d, W4te:& Comm of 'V40 city bf %ihi; 04u� , 4 - i ts h06s,y authorizOO and, # re.6 .,4.t 4 proper offtdOts to entej? into the afo:i�omi�nt�oh d" t.agr6Wn 0 p�irmi C�4t between'baid 130'td and thta Northern a-if Ratl.�way :00& b 'eOt to 4L oon is W su'j ourrIng *s6sqj pa 4tioh by the Oouhdij of tho :City of Sahli, PAU.. Water Commissioners Yeas Nays KOLLAN 0 In favor 3 im 11-58 Opposed Adopted by'the Board of Water Commissioners J"Y 20TH; "ASST.SECY.