D001779� Approved Copies to: - City Clerk (Original) - Finance Dept.'s Accounting Division - Requesting Dept. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMIlVISTRATIVE ORDER No: b i ? 7 Date: s /—/D _ �- 1 Wf�REAS, the Traixung Unit of the Saint Paul Police Department is conducting the 1999-2 Recruit 2 academy. 4 WEIEREAS, this training is of an advanced nature and the facilities required must provide mulri-purpose 5 range and a mock village where gas and sununitions will be deployed, and must also include an area for 6 pedestrian stops, low risk tr�c stops and high risk traffic stops. 8 WHEREAS, this training wiil take place on October 18-21, 1444 at the United States Army Base located 9 at Camp Ripley, Little Falls, Minnesota. 1� 11 12 13 � 4 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 �g �a TFiEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, that the City of Saint Paul is authorized to pay for expenses of the Training Unit members, including meals which will be provided through the Atmy and Air Force Exchange and transportation which will be provided through Robert LeMieur & Sons, Inc. Total cost not to exceed $4,000. A copy of said order is to be kept on file and of record in the Office of Financial Services �---, -�-�i Appro ces] b City Attomey Date *r �--�-� ! �" �' g � A ved by: Finance Director Date / DEPARTMENUOFI .. Police Chie£ Finney 292-3588 TOTAI � OF SIGNATURE 10/29/99 I GREEN SHEET rrL .r�_ _;r• � _,��.a p�ol?7� � � n � ? �'� NO V v J Lr ancarra � /��'��� � eor4noeev �]�1" . _� a a+ramc � " ❑ nu�r�u.aoeeeFSaw. ❑ rwxeu�mro�ecro ❑ WYORWRNORYI1� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE► Signatures requested on attached Administrative Order. PIANNING CObIMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has this pewonlfifin evm uarked under a conGact Forthis department7 YES t� , tlas mis o���m e`sr Aeen a alv emdovedl VES NO Does Mis parsaJfiim P� a eldll rat namallYWesessed M enY arrent atY emWM'ee9 YE3 Nd Isfh(apewpJFiimataipHedventloYt . VEu NO 'xhe.Saint Paul Police Department will be condueting a 14-week Police Academy with 40 recruits As part of this training, the academy will be.conducting training at Camp Ripley from October 18 through October 21, 1999. The recruits and staff wi11 be staying at Camp Ripley during this time. Part of the training at Camp Ripley will include use of Confidence Course, night shooting and other specialized training. Our meals will be provided by the Army and Air Force Exchange and transportation will be provided by RoberC LeMieu & Sons, Inc. The training at Camp Ripley will consist of day and night range shootin�g,$te�m,� leadership exercises and mock building searches. ffio����€� �.�� ��� �� ��g� None ��T ����;_��_��': The Saint Paul Police recruits will not receive the required training to be fully qualified 3s Saint Paul Police Officers. " DTALAMOUNTOFTRqN3ACT10NZNOt to exceed $4,000 cosrrtiEV�uesuocs�o�cucc�oN� rEs 7NCINGSOURCE General Pund ��rnRyN�MBER 04303 001-04303-0282-40060 IANCW.INfORMATION (EXPWNI ` � �ECEf�r � NflV 1 � 1999