08-783Council File # Og ' g �
Green Sheet # 0$�( (p�
WHEREAS, Chapter 140.11(b) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code give the Council the power to
grant such exceptions; and
WHEREA5, the Golden Rule Building is not a destination point within the pedestrian skyway
] 1 system because it leads to a public parking garage; and
13 WHEREAS, numerous businesses and residents in the area use the skyway through the Golden
14 Rule building as an access point into the skyway; and
16 WHEREAS, the Skyway Advisory Committee consldered this application and recommended deniaJ
17 of the exception to the general operating hours; and
WI3EREA5, the Council held a public hearing on the application for an exception on July 16, 2008
at which time the Council heard a recommendation from the Department of Safety and Inspections, the
applicant was given an opporkunity to speak, and public testimony was allowed; now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Council hereby finds that there is not a su£ficient basis for the proposed houxs
of operataon for the above-stated reasons and denies the application for alternate hours.
A copy of this resolution, as adopted, shall be sent by first class mail to the applicant.
Adoption Cerhfied by ouncil Secretary
BY: O.�a p -
Approve y y: D 0! Q
Requested by Department of:
By: �a„� A"
Approved by the Office of Financial Service�
Approve�by City Attorney
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Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
BY� �Ou..O.� :st J/I.p .�� M.o _
WFIEREAS, Pat Wolf has submitted an application on behalf of the Golden Rule Building at SS
East 7�' Place for an exception to the general hours of operation for the pedestrian skyway system. That
application requests an exception to the general hours of operation for the portion of the skyway leading
from bridge numbers 5, 8 and 9, allowing the buiiding to have the hours of 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m, Monday
through Friday and no hours on Saturday and Sunday; and
Adopted by Council: Date ���,g�/J�
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
SI - DeptofSaftty&Inspeceons � 17-JUL-0B
Contact Person 8 Phone:
Rachel Tiemey
musi ce on
23-JUL-08 ,
E•Document Required: Y
Document Co'rtad; Julie Kraus
ConWd Phone: 266-8776
Total �1 of Signature Pages „(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Green Sheet NO: 3056960
0 i af5afe & Ias ections
1 e t of Safe & Ins ectiovs De artment Director
2 ' Attorne
3 a or's Office Ms or/ASSistant
4 ooncil
5 ' C7erk (S Cler7c
Memorializing City CounciPs action on July 16, 2008, denying an excepfion to the general hours of operarion of the the skyway for
the Golden Rule Building at 85 East 7th Place in Saiut Paul.
Planning Commission 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a conhact for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person�rtn possess a skiil not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opporiunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Applicant submitted an application to DSI for an Exception to Generai Hours of Opetation of the skyway under Skyway Ordinance
140.11. Upon receipt of the application, a publci hearing was scheduled.
Advantages lfi Approved:
Disadvantages if Approved:
DisadvanWges If Not Approved:
Funding Source:
Financial Information:
CosURevenue 8udgeted:
Activity Number:
JUL 1 S 2008
July 17, 2005 331 PM Page 1
John Choi, CifyAttomey
Ghrfstopher8. Coleman, Mayor
June 30, 2008
� ��U�
Cnril Division
400 City Hall Telephone: 65l 26fr8790
15 West Kef(ogg Blvd. Facsimile: 65> 298-5699
Sainf Paul, Minnesofa 55IO2
Pat Wolf
Commercial Real Estate Services, Inc.
85 E. 7�' Place, Ste. 200
St. Paul, MN 55101
RE: Skyway Ordinance 140.11— Exception to General Hours of Operation Application for the Goiden
Rule Building
Dear Mr. Wolf:
Please take notice that tius matter has been set on the Public Hearing Agenda for the City Council
meeting scheduled for Wednesday, July 16, at 5:30 p.m., in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint
Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse.
The hearing will address your request for an exception to general hours of operation for Skyway #08.
#OS 	 which cross over Robert Street between 7�' Place and 7'� Street and connects with Metro Square,
Robert Street Ramp and the 401 Building.
Very huly yours,
Z �.�,.Q ( �,�
Rachel Tierney
Assistant City Attorney
cc: Christine Rozek, Depury D'uector of DSI
�ary Erickson, Council Secretary
Jill Hirons Mazaist, Director, CapitalRiver CounciUDistrict #17, 332 Mirmesota Street,
Ste. W122, St. Pau1, MN 55101-1314
AA-ADA-EEO Empioyer
Distrlct i'
332 Minnesota Street Suite W-122 Saint Paui, MN 55101 (651) 221-0488
Website: www.capitolrivercouncil.org E-mai1: info@capitolriveercouncil.org
3uly ] 0, 2008
Kathy Lantry
Saint Paul City Council
Ciry Hall
15 West Kellogg Blvd
St. Paul, MN 55102
RE: Skyway Hour Variance Applications
Dear President Lantry:
fae (651) 221-0581
The Skyway Advisory Committee ("the Committee") held a public hearing on July 7, 200& on the Skyway
Hour Variance Applicarions. The Committee then voted on these Applications and farwazded the issue to
the CapitolRiver Council Board for a vote. The CRC Board reached a final determination, which was
fundamentally the same as the final detemiinafion of the Advisory Committee, on the six remaining
"Exception to General Hours of Operarion Applicarions" as set out below:
Building Skyway Reguested Hours
Application Number Three:
413 Wacouta to Gilbert Bidg # 55 crosses parking lot 6:00 AM — 6:00 PM Mon--Fri
The CRC Board voted to support this Application: 10 Yes votes; 4 No votes; 6 abstentions
Application Number Four:
Metro Square
Fri, Closed Sat & Sun
#8 crosses Robert St. 5:00 AM — 7:00 PM Mon —
The CRC Board voted to support this Application: 15 Yes votes; 1 No vote; 4 abstentions
Application Number Six:
Golden Rule # 9 crosses 7` Place 5:00 AM — 7:00 PM Mon —
Fri, Glosed Sat & Sun
Golden Rule
Fri, Closed Sat & Sun
# 5 crosses 7�' Street
5:00 AM — 7:00 PM Mon —
Golden Rule # 8 crosses Robert St. 5:00 AM — 7:00 PM Mon —
Fri, Closed Sat & Sun
The CRC Board voted to oppose, or not support, this Appfication: 4 Yes votes; 12 No votes; 4 abstentions
Application Number Seven:
Sibfey Square Skyway Hall thru building 6:30 AM — 6:00 PM Mon-Fri
(Connects to # 26 over 5�' Street &# 36 over 5` Street — alternative route to both skyways is available)
The CRC Board voted to support this Application: 13 Yes votes; 4 No votes; 3 abstentions
Appiication Number Eiqht:
Macy's #16 crosses 6 Street 10:00 AM — 8:00 PM Mon—
Sat; 12PM — 6PM Sun (includes path through the building)
The CRC Board voted to support this Appiication: 15 Yes votes; zero No votes; 5 abstentions
Application Number Nine:
MN Children's Museum
# 6 crosses Wabasha 8:00 AM —6:00 PM
The CRC Board voted to support this Application: 13 Yes votes; 4 No votes, 3 abstentions
General Lanquaae for All Current and Future Approved Anplications•
Both the Advisory Committee and the CRC Board adopted the folfowing language for alf current and future
approved variance applications:
"If circumstances change such as a change in the use of a building, or nearby developments occur, resuiting
in an increase or decrease in skyway access by the pubiic, any variance may be reconsidered, This will be
enforced by the city code, and the fire inspector at the office of DSI, in conjunction with each property's
Certificate of Occupancy °
Please contact me if you have any questions.
John Schachterle
Executive Director
CC: City Council Members
Rachel Tiemey, City Attorneys Office
Pat Lindgren, Councilmember Thune's O�ce
Peg Fuller, DSf
Larcy Englund, CRC
� �7�3
The Golden Rule Building
Conditions Attached To Skyway Exception Application
Hours of operation.
Building will be e�tended to current hours of public parking ramp, ie. 8:00 pm
close M-F.
2. Access Cards.
Access cards will be made a�ailable to users of pubiic parking ramp. Signage
indicating a�ailability of skyway access cards will be posted at entrance to the
Access Cards.
Access cards to the skyway will be available to residents of Rossmor and
Produce Exchange Buildings. Notice will be provided to all residents of these
buildings of availability of cards.
4. Public will be notified of availability of access cards for frequent skyway users
or for other reasonabie purposes. .�
Gmaxl - Skyway hours
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Skyway hours
Kung Ha <kungha@mac.com>
To: Becca Hine <beccahine@gmail.com>
Cc: john@mannillowomack.com
Dear Council President Lantry and Councilmembers-
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Becca Hine <beccahine@gmail,com>
Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 12:57 PM
I am writing to ask that you support CapitolRiver CounciPs recommendation to deny the appiication
for exception to the general hours of operation for the Gofden Rule Building.
Our restaurant is 1 block north of the Robert Street Ramp and we feel this ramp entrance provides
our customers and nearby residents an access point in/out of the skyway system.
We support the extended hours of operation and believe the Robert Street Ramp is the only entrance
to the skyway system from th+s area of downtown.
Thank you for your time,
http: (1mai1. google.com(mailf?ui=2&ik=778634fe66&view=pt&sear...
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Gmat] - PW: skyway
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FW: skyway
John Mannillo ejohn@manniflowomack.com>
To: Becca Hine <beccahine@gmail.com>
-----Original Message-----
From: 7eff Vanmaanen [maifto:jeff@equiptfitness.coml
Sent: Wednesday, 7uly 16, 2008 11:31 AM
To: john@MannilloWomack.com
Subject: skyway
Wed, Jul 16, 20�8 at 2:01 PM
John ! am sending you and email in regard to the downtown skyway system. f am a business owner
in the Rossmor building and am open after hours. I feel that i am losing business from downtown
because the skyways are closed after hours. I would like to know if you have other commercial real
estate owners that are having the same problem and if there is anything that we can do.
I want to thank you for listening. �"aRl�taanera"�iruner ofi'E`qu�pf�itness`LiG �
http:flmail. google.comlmaill?ui=2&ik=778634fe66&vaew�t&seaz...
Becca Hine <beccahine@gmaii.com>
�. of 1 7/16/2008 2:02 PM
Gmail - Golden Rule building
4 ;
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�,.. . ...., i,
http:1/mail.google.comlmaill?ui=2&ik=314aefa5 89&vievr—pt&sear...
Skyway Hours <skywayhours@gmail.com>
Golden Rule building
Brad <brad651@gmaiLcom>
To: skywayhours@gmaii.com
Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 1:51 PM
Dear Council President Lantry and Councilmembers:
I am writing to ask that you support CapitoiRiver Councii's recommendation to deny the application
for exception to the general hours of operation for the Golden Ru(e Building.
I live in the Rossmor Building, one block north of the Robert Street Ramp, and feel this ramp
entrance provides nearby businesses and residents a convenient access point in/out of the skyway
I support the extended hours of operation and believe the Robert Street Ramp is the only entrance to
the skyway system from this area of downtown.
Thank you.
.a m
Saint Paul, MN 55101
of 1 7/16(2008 2:04 PM
Gm�ii - skyway hours
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Skyway Hours <skywayhours@gmaii.com>
skyway hours
jmoel@comcast.net fjmoel@comcast.net>
To: skywayhours@gmail.com
Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 2:23 PM
To whom it may concem:
I would love to be at this meeting but I work and tonight I will be lates and for that very reason f can't
make that early of a meeting in St. Paul, is the very reason I would like the skyways especially the
golden rule building to have later more uniform hours. As the skyway hours are now there aren't any
clear notifications as to hours and routes and many times if the sky way is ciosed, recovering to even
be able to get outside can be a daunting task.
Duri�g the summer (except for rain) the skyway system doesn't seem as crucial as it does in the
winter when it is not o�ly cold but dark. Having the skyways during these times is many times a
selling point for tourists and conventioners. Will the skyways be open to accomodate the RNC? It is
one of the things that makes both downtowns functional (although Minneapolis does a MUCH better
As a downtown resident who wouid like to support my neighborhood I would like to have the skyway
available to walk to restaurants or other shopping opportunities - Macy's. I also take public
transpoRation and many times have to work fater than 9-5 to take pubfic transportation, 1 don't always
get downtown to take the skyway by the cutoff to the golden rule building which is closest to my
If we want to be part of a community, we should all work to be accomodating and part of that is the
opportunity to keep us warm and dry.
Please keep they skyway system uniformly open.
if you wouid like any additional information please feel free to contact me.
5t�'�7�`''�ofierk S3i�eeei�
St. Paul, MN 55101
of 1 7116l2008 3:17 PM
Gmai? - Golden Rule Building - Skyway Hours
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Skyway Hours <skywayhours@gmail.com�
Golden Rule Building - Skyway Hours
Brian Gorecki <brian@briangorecki.com>
To: skywayhours@gmaii.com
Cc: Skyway Hours <skywayhours@gmaif.com>
Dear Council President Lantry and Councilmembers-
Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 3:50 PM
I am writing to ask you to support the CapitolRiver Council's recommendation to deny the application
for exception to the general hours of operation for the Gofden Rule Building. The Penfield
Development views the City of Saint Paul's skyway system as a critical piece of downtown's
infrastructure, connecting our devefopment project to the rest of the downtown retail and residential
base. The Robert Street ramp is the nearest point of ingress(egress to the skyway system and we
foresee our residents and retail customers using this access point at all hours of the day, night and
We support the uniform hours of operation.
Thank You,
B f�. � '�c�ci
For the �e:�, ."�",e, 2'fieTd�7eveio�sr�enf;Fr��
Real Estate Consultants LLC
407 2nd Street NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413
NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: brianCa�brianqorecki.com
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG.
Version: 7.5.524/ Virus Database: 270,5.0i1555 - Release Date: 7/16/2008 6:43 AM
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f 1 7f l6l2008 4:07 PM
Gm,a:i - F W: Later Skyway hours
gl� {a
FW: Later Skyway hours
John Manniilo <john@mannillowomack.com>
Repiy-To: john@mannillowomack.com
To: Becca Hine <beccahine@gmail.com>
-----Original Message-----
From: chunnore4@aof.com [mailto:chunnqreq@aol.coml
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 4:17 PM
To: john@MannilloWomack.com
Subject: Later Skyway hours
�i� ��
Becca Hine <beccahine@gmail.com>
Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 4:24 PM
i am writing this fetter in regards to the skyway hours in the Golden Rule bldg. I own Keys
Robert Street Cafe. We have
been Downtown for 20 years. I am on 10th and Robert Street. Our end of town has changed in
the last 5 years. We have
a fuli bldg. of good quality buisnesses. The Farmers Exchange bldg. also has many new buisnesses.
I have tried to
stay open at night but it is really hard to get people from the other end of downtown. They tell me it is
not convenient
due to the skyway ciosing at 6:00 pm. This end of town is an important part to Downtown. It leads up
to the Capitai.
We should be creating open avenues up Robert and Cedar and Jackson! We are valid buisnesses
and should be
Thank You,
f �� "�'� 3ete5 �ee $ �afe�
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�f 1 711612008 4:32 PM