195658t Council File No. 195658 — Whereas, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, °� : widening I File No ....................... . tending Cliff Street ggnd St. Clair FOR St eetebye o demrninut and Street taking t e lfollowing described lots and parcels of land: , ff Lots 1 ,2, 3, 4 and 5, Fischer & it Lienau's Sub of Ziegler & Main - zer's Sub of Block 13, Winslow's f Addition. g l PRELIMIN� That sub of Block i 131e winsiow s Add itkln,,triangular in shappv mPas- The undersigned hereby proposesthe making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.;, . - -.. I,ai�tlall "op eniri iiic�enin a.. ` '.:. ; S ...`. ' .f_ y p g� g and emending• 0li.fP- street aid S�t.Clar .Avenue •• Z?etxeen..D�ichigan..Street., and -Ann..$treet_lay.-cond6nb#nj ..and'- taping following described lots and parcels of lands ...... ........................._..... ............................ . .. _.. .........., Lots 11213A and 5.9 Fischer & ienaui's Sub of Zid&:r inserI8 Sub ..........I ....... ,�.... Of `block .13; iiiiioxt...... Add it. on, - • -• -• -- Dated .......fir;:..._ ~�y df .... ............: c tt3r;.,..�...^ ,........:.. 1 'That art of of I P L , Zieein shaie a su9�ibri 'fi teen(l5)fee l ach,Y.........._.: Additions triangular p ,, �. .L•. ill9:i1. the aides; adjacent to the - rei�,ent, west line' of Lot 3 and the present north line of Lot t, ,Fischer, &.LingauIs Sub of Ziegler ___...& Mainzer +s -Sub -- of`,Block ,1�3,`'fiinsloRI:sjAdclition, _ r That part of,- Lot 4s� Zieg err&4,KainzerIb- SUb' of. Bock 1: Win low., y Additios lyingtp#hFo_fiat;strai�ht�1. ne,coobencing at a point , WTI ti~,!lS: A on'" th ' *6st line f '8 '4f Lot " �, e gll't� 8 j.feet ri6Ah� of the aouth ' • wost corner of th6 aforesaid ,Lot 4;t -extending ,thence in an �*',, easterl Y: ` grecti ni oi�'t°' af o ? to Yr ipv ,te os' Vot I;' ! a Lc:,y; : t' en( 10,) feti., no' rth��of ;the''outheast��darn'eo,,t s ?`° s i rafo �a fvl�,�r• �Cg y , a ',Lot 49 That part' of' .Lot 5s Ziegler' &,,Uainzer 's Sub of Block, '13' ,Win816tr1 §- 1,,t,,Additibd$ ,lying; south of La : aft'raight aline - caminericiiig� at" a :point 5 �► on) itkiec�r�_atq =lizel .ofs;sa3d':T;at -�5'; ;ten(10)feet north of ttio south= , west ..corner of -the aforesaid Lot I ' extending 'thence -in a ndAfi- ' '• ` ��aeasterly ;,drection;.�t,oicaxpoi:nt� �onf�th�.:e8;�st'�:1iii�e��o#' the sei`i1= �I;ot= •5�;-�' ' 't$nty'��three 23` feet:north. tof�ttier:sou that.corner�.of{ the, afo,reaid Lot:�FS'.a #dos tdi]jac,:.nt to i;d ,�::��:i :t wc�t line of Lot 3 :r n thy'• ' ''i qq yino h )jot .}i7,� F.7...�etci' .: ).1t .4 }•� �-�r j q� T�'.+ i.iC J.jO i"..�}+: M , (_J �.: +�e4,j d,:Y�. yi v.L •i 'Zi �Sr ✓ ,fit Su c= 3inalow ai `'Addition, lying south of a straight line commencing at a point r ;th® *6 t_Yline' .of;;,gaici Zot fi.;xf eh*y threeT�-23YLfeet 'Aorth 8i'the ,. eautbttest:i.co:rner W.ttie afo�^eaaid. L'ot e di rig tYiericerin ` 'northeasterly. ;direction_t6 A-' oint'ori the; easst line offthe s "aid+ l I,ot ;6�: a�,-�tnodifi:edtbyz the�Fscher' &'.:ll,�:enau t "af Siib��o" !the'-afgresaicl', f ` Zieglexl� &;yWin�erre::, Sub. 'ofd.$�.ock °13.9 Vinelo�r�.'��rRdd tio>�,��f`fy�50) I� 4th feetT�loi^Yi °of they �aoutaet :corne,df� the .afq'rlia ti' brae: t estauiehed by the :above mentioned modification Z-' .►.: ♦ P rr �1� X.: - ,.:��.'�' $F ' - �sWttl�i�' i.r,Iv 4/.� iV .:. �,3� ir�n «,wO�.d ',.i `\ !{.1 �Ea� V .�; :� ✓,Z {: t7f !� 6'tz'�i4e_ i �}.}1:. i:`o �.an4',a- l♦ 1 1.11 �L!. :f'+•s�i) t�.r L, {iy .� rr-�..t. ~�gi 6r l]•,� i� J.yV f tip. 11 �+l�i•V ...T .th J[['..R y�N:r��JrM ibl vJ.�oroz~ iii! Lot �y cVtcft,1tn wl,=,co zui C: .1 :.{.•A LFi� _ to a r.~lLt 01-A V10 t:as�+�w -11)10 Qi thc_ UJ4 lot Jq r-16-t- feet north of - thei so_ utyhe7)a "st= corner ,6f the aforesaid d. -Lot 5 j. =.,s. .. ", ... .. ,'' }..., ti. A: -;�F f } '`•r_ .1 "���. ..... ... ..... ` r7!Q�.GW .a ,l , ti•4t rs rr�• +1:. �?vf3l. ,,That part „of Lot 6s Ziegler `& Mainzerts Sub of Block 13, Winslow s Addition 1 south of a straight line commencing � lying g at a point on the west line of said Lot 6s twenty- three(23) feet north of the southwest corner of the aforesaid Lot 62 extending thence in a northeasterly direction to a point on the east line of the said Lot 6, as modified by the Fischer & Lienauts Sub of the aforesaid - Ziegler . &_Mainzert-s_Sub.of :Block_.13# Winslowf -s .Kdd--tioij; fifty(50)- .- F, -..-- --- •. feet north, of, the _ southeast . corner of the aforesaid Lot 6_ as f established by the -above mentioned modification...""'