195623ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK B';ee Rosen CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLD I N- GENERAL FORM nATF WEEREM, In the matter of a proceedings in eminent domain for the taking, appro- priating and condemning of a temporary easement in certain lands is Hennepin County for the extension of the public waterworks system of the City of Saint Paul, the Board of Water Commissioners by its resolution adopted 27 January 1960, has authorized the payment into the Clerk of District Court, at Minneapolis, of the sum total amount of 0,700.00 awards of damages and the further payment of the sum of $300.00 each to Commissioners Lloyd P. Johnson, J. A. A. Burnquist and George C. Jones as compensation for their services in performing the duties assigned them by the Court in this matter, NOff, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That said action of the approved and ratified and that the hereinabove are hereby authorized paid out of the WATER FUND 23B. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson e Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M s•se 2 Board of Water Commissioners be and hereby is payments of the several sums as designated and directed to be made, all said sums to be TIn Favor ' Against Council File No. 195623 —By Milton' Rosen— Whereas, In the matter of a proceed- ings in eminent domain for the taking, appropriating and condemning of a temporary easement in certain lands in Hennepin County for the extension{ of the public waterworks system of the City of Saint Paul, the Board of Water Commissioners by its resolution' adopted 27 January 1960, has authorized j the payment into the Clerk of District I Court, at Minneapolis, of the sum total' amount of $3,700.00 awards of damages and the further payment of the sum of $300.00 each to Commissioners Lloyd P. Johnson, J. A. A. Burnquist and George C. Jones as compensation for their services in performing the duties ass'gned them by the Court in this matter, Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, That said action of- the Board of Water Commissioners be and hereby is approved and ratified and that the payments of the several sums as designated hereinabove are hereby authorized and directed to be made, all said sums to be paid out of the WATER FUND 23B. Adopted by the Council January 29, 1960, Approved January 29, 1960. (February 6, 1960) Adopted by the Council ,�Ajv 2 9 1" 19— �I�� 2.9 1960 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 195623 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOLE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Rosen COMMISSIONER DATE W ERM, In the matter of a proceedings in eminent domain for the taking, appro- priating and condemning of a temporary easement in certain lands in Hennepin County for the extension of the public waterworks system of the City of Saint Paul, the Board of Water Commissioners by its resolution adopted 27 January 1960, has authorized the payment into the Clerk of District Court, at Minneapolis, of the sum total amount of $1,700-00 awards of damages and the further payment of the sum of $300.00 each to Commissioners Lloyd P. Johnson, J. A. A. Burnqui-st and George C. Jones as compensation for their services in performing the duties assigned them by the Court in this matter, MON, TH13RMRE, BE IT RESOLVED, That said action of the Board of dater Commissioners be and hereby is approved and ratified and that the payments of the several sums as designated hereinabove are hereby authorized and directed to be made, all said sums to be paid out of the WATER FUND 23B. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson' Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 coQW2 JAR 2 9 1960 Adopted by the Council 19— -all 2 9 1960 Approved 19— In Favor Mayor Against CITY OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS DO RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED I NER3� DATE JanllftT 2711 160 �M,O .Dy ite rosolutio adopted 19 1 h 1959 the BoW of Wator Coen issionere auepu rftod a MoOMUnES ftr the tMM, appropriating end caAwniM of a twporary easement im .c din �.asade �iIns � of tot 5 of Sunf.at AoTes, Hennepin Gauntys tzd ddah ragulxood for a tempor r , come the uisai.eoipo i Rivw as part of tho vjwjas#pj Rjvor Thto nsion of the vaorworko Syoten Qf the city of Saint Paull and TbO CMMUSIOMV appointed by the CoWt to OSGOea the damage Ift0h the owners Of or porsona intore steel in said undo or szV other porpma my sustain by reasm of the iddxg of cold tetomary saammnt or by manon of eaid tempo dos tavo rude mad on 3.7 December x.959 filed In the, oMce of tho Glerk of Court (Dockott55 W)s In Wxweapaliaj their RoporG rocounting their ©stimte s and amrds of amid dawgeo the. come being As folloara, to vita: To Dmald PrOUIX and TAfon ass 0mcma of t part of Tract 2, In the am of $2.40OD4001 wd To.r��"�P��b� llp Birgotrom and u1fe, as owe of �fy� part of Tract 2* In aum of 'tlir #fY.11�s.Mi.r#.O... +RN.i 7WA0D$ To W. O S= Total AMCAMt Of 033,700-001 wA WHL�PAS, eke hurt by its Qrder dataei ?� 33gcotabaa� 1959 appa�ovad and i�#cdt, $%3t X,loyd F: ��`,�'�� ¢�¢:� ���{ i�� ;�',i�'�a<y�,nM����yy„'���`�p.�1ee�� �;.� ��iic� zx ��+��.�e �,� ,�•./y��.� �:�_ ��y�y� ��-�;� �� * �k�r.$� �� �..�,� lio�j i..Pai 'k *t R++ry�artisirlTJ� ire �,• "�'',,1�r� �54#'�+�r� �Yv�{1',� �i:w+- �'1:3F.d�1� ice+ Cqunty of 0Ramseyx),`sa: # h "��# t#'.`�' t` A + C t7 C�e� O V 4� City of Saint Pan1�) l 'to L:" %*.*4'1..s Alld Gt.z to to r >�t�� � �� x�:r to tl 0.14 ice- 0r I, C. A. Flack, Assistant Secretary of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, do hereby certify that I have compared the above copy of a Resolution of the said Board as adopted by the Board on January 27, 19602 with the original thereof on file in my office and that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. Witness the seal of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul this 28th day of January, A. D. 1960. AYater Commissioners Yeas Nays Winkel 1• :z 'r: :i In favor 3 Opposed 0 1M 11 -58 Assistant ecre ary Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners January 27, 60 195— Isl C. A. Flack 8 ASST. SECY.