D001777� ` C rrY oF S Anv�r Pnui. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATSVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Na.: �7oa/7� � Date: //'�-7 7 GS#: 102908 A��TIS'rR1�7'NE ��El�nsislent with the wthority grauted to the Mayor m Section 10.01.4 of the City Chazter and based on the nquest of the Director of the Department af Pnb�c Wrn�Cs to amend the S 9 99 budget offfie Public Works Fquiptnent Fund fund, the Director of the Depattraent of F'mance and Management Services is authorized to amead said budget in the following manner. Current Amended gndg�t �haoge Bndg 1 250 _ 12205 _ o53s Repaymeut for Advance $225,000.00 $25,000.00 $250,000.OQ 250 _ 12205 _ 0822 TIUCkS & V3ns Totals • $2,440,599.67 $2,665,599.67 ($25,000.00) $0.00 $2,415,599.67 $2,665,599.67 Zevise the 1999 Municipal Equipment Fund Budget to reflect the actual repayment of the General Fund Advance elated to the purchase of equipment for the consolidate of garages. ',�, `` �: �,'� 4 � , l ` �.. ,, � �� `�,. + , �° � /— �— n� OEPARTh1ENT/OFFIC�COUNCII. PubYic Works :OPITACT PERS�N ffi PHONE Robeft Sandquist 488-834& ON CWNC�.AGENDABY(DA�E) SHEET No 102908 �H-,�r DA7E INRWTED 10l25/99 . DEPARTMEMOIRECTOR C(IYCIXlNCLL — N�UYBRPoR ❑Cfh'ATTORNEY pQ �� ,y ��� �CfIYCIERiC _ ��' � FPlANCIAL SERVICES Dpt �}J,[« pp.�. SERNCESlACCT. ORDER V �MAYOR(ORASSISTAHn � ACSNRYMGR n � � SENIOR MGR TOTkL # OF S{GNATURE PAGES � (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIC�NATURE) DICK ACTpIJRE�UES7ED Revise the 1999 Municipal Equipment Fund Budget to reflect the actual repayment of the General Fund Advance related to the purchase of equipment for the consolida6on of garages. RECOMMENDASIONS: Approoe (A) or Reject (R) PLANNING COMMlSSION CIB COMMITfEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWMG QUESTIONS: 1. Has this person7tinn ever worked under a contract for this department? 2. Has this personffim� ever been a cily employes? YES NO 3. Does this personlfittn possess a skiA not nortnally possessed by any current cily empbyee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and aNach to green sheet WIMtINGPROBLE6A, ISSUE,OPPORTUNrtY(WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHp' During the 1999 budget process, the amount of the 1999 advance repayment was thought to be the same as it was in 1998, �nd was therefore requested as $225,000. It was discovered during the year that the aetual amount of repayment is $250,000 for 1999. ADVAMAGESIFAPPROVED: Sufficient funds wift be availabfe to repay the advance made from the general fund and to buy the needed services, supplies and equipment '+�t �^ Ft tf �e'"3 DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED' None �10� 2 �999 i�� i �( �1_�RK DISADVANTAGES fF NOSAPPRWED. The Mu�icipal Equipment garage would not be able to stay on budget for services, supplies or equipmerrt that were accurately budgeted in 1899. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COSSIREVENUE BUDGETE6 (CIRCLE ON� FUNDINGSOURCE PW M��niry ACIMTYNUMBER 1220$ YES � FlNANC1Al MIFORMAT70N: (EXPIAM) i (�,�,