195530– _ ORIGINAL TO CM, CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM AT '-'5530 IL Council File No. 195530 —By Severin A. Mortinson, by request — Resolved By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon due consider- ation of the Special Committee's Report and Recommendation thereon, dated September 4, 1959, addressed to the City and Coun Detention and Work - hn_�s —F one T"jon, gf_4pe City RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon due consideration of the Special Committee's Report and Recommendation thereon, dated September 4, 1959, addressed to the City and County Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission of the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey, said Council and the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Ramsey, a full and true copy ;whereof is herewith filed and in- corporated herein by refence and made part and parcel hereof, that the proposal of Ray & Gauger, d /b /a -Ray R. Gauger & Co., therein set forth, for the full and final settlement of all controversies and claims connected with the subsisting Architectural Service Contract between said Commission, as project owner, and said Gggr as project architect, pertaining to said Commission's Joint ,e en�ion Facility and Workhouse, hereby is approved and accepted, and the reported similar action thereon by said Commission accordingly hereby is approved and ratified; that all said con - troveraies and claims be fully and finally settled and discharged upon and according to'the provisions, terms and conditions of said proposal; and that all necessary documents therefor, approved by the Corporation Counsel and the County Attorney, hereby are author- ized and,directed to be executed in behalf of said City, by its proper officers. JAN 26 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays JAN 2 6196® DeCourcy Rolland Z.7 ved 19 Mortinson –1?etersea— In Favor Rosen ^ �'�ta�e� Mayor Winkel / U Against en , 5M 7 -59 OER08 -a VP CITV OF SAINT .PAUL CITY HALL AND COUNT HOUft -•Y DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES, AUDITOR {;JM MuSEUMS AND STADIA September 4, 1959 City and County Detention and • Workhouse Facility Commission of the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey Honorable Council of the ' City of saint Paul 1 Honorable Board of County Comissioners of the County of Ramsey: Committee's Roport and recomendstion concerning Controverted claims connected with subsisting Architectural Service Contract hetyeen the City and County r Joint Detention and Workhouse Facility Commission of the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey, as project owner, and Ray R. Gauger t Co., project architect for said Comission•s Joint +� Detention Facilities. and Workhouse.. ,e The said Detention and Workhousd Facility mm Coission adopted its resolution dated the 29th day . of April, 1959, providing therefor and terminating said Architectural Service Contract and the services. of said Ray R. Gauger & Company thereunder subject to spproval and ratification of such Commission action b the Council of the City of Saint Paul and the Board o County Comwissioners of the County of Ramsey. The Council, upon suWOssion to it of said Commission's resolution, deferred action thereon pending the holding of a contemplated joint hearing thereon before the Council and the Board whereat said Commisdon and said Company, respectively, would be 'fully heard upon all pertinent issues. Thereupon. the Council made provision for an investigation and /. NN �.w /�.I.li1p.�. •� riw • • w' 2. report thersomm to be conducted and made prior to such contemplated joint Council and Board hearing, such investigation and report to concern controverted claims which have arisen and the ques- tion of the !•asibilit of a compromise el ttlemmen t. of said claims, in the public 19fteiest# upon eOultabl• bates. The Mayor, Honorable Joseph E. Oil long ther*tpeaq appointed the undersigned Ceamttt *e comprised of Paul M. Sabutte, Commission member, Edward K. Delaney# County Board mmember. and Saverin A. Mortinoone Council member, to conduct said lmreeti tion such and to wake report thereon to said Council. iorwand Commission. TR• sont•splated joint hegrinQ biforr t" Council and the Board has been held in suspense pending the conduct and completion of said investigation and the submission of said report thereon. This committee aubsequently instituted said investi- gation and held several hearings concernifq the subject claims, those made by sand Commission ag�aainst said Comps and those made by said CoVe y against 'said%Comamission. Said claims are controverted and have, been the subject of detailed exposition by said claimants. re ectivsly, upon sold Committee hearings. The final of said Co�ttes hearings was- hild July 24, 19599 and thereat said claims were made the subject of protracted exposition and laquiry for the aforesaid purposes. Said Company appeared at said funs Committee hearing by its counsel, Messrs. Richard Leonard and Harold Rutchick; the City appeared thereat by its Corporation Counsel. Louis P. Sheahanf the County appeared thereat by its Attorms• . William B. Randall; and said Comamaission appeared thereat by said Corporation Counsel and said Cmiuhty Attorney. The said elaims of said Compamay have b••u so* the subject of -detailed exposition under two separate doeuments submitted by said Company. entitled, "Certification of Claim of Ray R. Gauger S Co .• and, •Supplemieental Certification of Claim of Ray R. Gainer i Co.* in the aggregate amount of 546,986.18, avid documents being attached to this report* and being incorporated therein and made part of the same. The said claims of said Commission have been mad* the subject of detail expoition under the attached document, marked, Exhibit A, which form part-of this Report, and the same aggregate the sum of =29.443'.03. The said final Committee hearing culminated in said Company's proposal for final and co late settlement of said claims a all commt=versies between said Cemission and said Company cona)tc'ted with said dontract hereinafter, in essence, set forth. Said final Committee hearing resultedo among other things in.the disclosure of the fagt that George E. Dahl. Architects and ,Engineers. ', '1npaid claim approximating r eating, plumbir►§ and vent services allegedly furnishe of said Ray R. Gauger & Co. preparation of drawings ,and under said Architectural Se made the subject of said Cl 1954, addressed to Bernard Commission, and a copy of s marked, Exhibit B, and :made The aforesaid Conk Tent was made and submitted of this Report, and its "cont to said Commission, Council said Company proposal will t to said governmental bodies of the next ten do s. The s final settlement. `in essence 3. Dallas, Texas, had asserted an 29,000.00 .for mechanical, electrical, ating architectural engineering by said Claimsnt at the instance necessary therefor and used in the designs furnished by the latter vice Contract. Such claim was imant's letter dated April 22, roje, Executive Secretary of said id letter is hereto attached, part and parcel of this report. ny's proposal for final settle - o this Connittee for the purpose mplated submission by said Committe-, nd Board. It is colnteipplated that the subject of formal submission y said Company within the course id Commpany proposal for such is the following: 1. That said Arch ectural Serviee Contract. and -311 architectural servi s of said Company thereunder. or )therwise connected With the aforesaid Commission's Joint detention faciliti i s and workhouse project, be terminated forthwith; 2. That every clam of said Commission again of mon•y or of other nati with said Contract be fu fied and discharged, and additional sum of $25,00 3. That every claim of said Company against s of money or of other natu or otherwise connected wi services performed by sai said project be fully and and discharged; , cause of action and demand t said Company for thi recovery re arising from or connected ,ly and forever releasedk •satis- �hot said Commission pay an 00 to said Company; cause of action and demand id Coaynission for the recovery e arising from said Contract h architectural or engineering Company in connection with forever released, satisfied 4. That said Company shall forthwith fully and forever pay, satisfy and discharge said claim of said George E. Dahl, Architects and Engineers, and procure and deliver to said Commission a written and duly 4. executed copiplete release, discharge and satisfaction of said claim, in recordable foria, approved by said Corpora- tion Counsel and said County Attorney, releasing and dischargin said company, said Commission, said Commis- sion's pro lability act properties, said City and said County from all 1 thereon; S. The said Company shall further, by written Instrument of release and discharge, approved by said Corporation Counsel and said County Attorney, fully and forever release and discharge said Commission, said City and said'County of all liability to said Company and said Company's assigns, if any, on account of said Architectural Service Contract, said termination of the same, and on account of any claims, cause of action or demand arising from said Contract or connected with the subject project asserted',or assertable against them, or any of thin, by or on behalf of said Company or any assignee of said Company; and that said Company shall further warrant the efficacy of every aforesaid release and discharge of claim to be made by it, as aforesaid, and covenant to indemnify said Commission. its said project properties, said City and said County, jointly and sevorplly, against any loss or liability resultant from any breach of said Warranty, and said Commpany shall forthwith deliver to said Commission all Mechanical and Electrical Drawings for the subject detention facilities and workhouse projects. The said Ray R. Gauger &'Co. is an unincorporated business organization owned in its entirety by the designated Ray R. Gauger, Minnesota Registered Architect, doing business as Ray R. Gauger & Co. It is contemplated that these distinctions will tN served in the drafting of any formal instrument of settlement. :e undersigned Conmittee r espe..tf j1ly sibmits thi , report, together with its recommendation that said proposed final settlement, as the same shall Le formally submitted by said Company to said Commission, Council and Board, be accepted by the governmental agencies concerned and that said Contract, said architectural services and all controversies therewith connected b♦ fully and forever terminated. . =5- Respectfully subsitteds Paul 14. Schutte Edward K. Delaney Severin A. Mortinson Committee Members N.B. Said Corporation Counsel and said County Attorney, at the above mentioned final Committee hearing, informally indicated that they would jointly concur in the aforesaid recommendation. .. Countp Ubitor's ®f f ice COUNTY BOARD St. Paul, Minn., f J�� File No. 1636 / 1 Resolution g.,5 No. :=UAtyy 26, 197.60 The atte ' n of 1aG4'23' IQs 'old. tlorltboUap ftMd0A6n. - 0OUAty AUUtor ±� uacII, City of St. Pau& - City C=DtmIler City Achi lip Rey R. I3eu�er $a Co. is respectfully called to the following Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County, Minnesota, adopted at the meeting held on ,7'a==%�y 2%, 1960, By Commissioner We= XZMVLD By the .:Board of stay County Q=dssfoners' that Won due 0040 deration of .VePort: �. recs r�tct"u dated 'Se� it 4, 115 04dressed to the. 'City zMd.WU4t7'DetdqitioA ar4l vdt3sbouse Iraeaity Com ai0sisn or the city, or St. Pohl OAX4 the County Of .Rdwa, to the Co10014 of the City of St. > ut, aid. . the Boar& of, tXlt�t'aty Cou�.asio4ars -of .o ,00uay of Raw6y by. the Special. Coamittoe Poked to OOMider the coliroversiai ems co=evte&vIth subsistir Architecw tural Service Contrast between std Com Ausioa to VIOSeet. oar a d. p, aW R. tax & 06:.1 project .art4tees for 6aid 0=doaion43 jditt Zetentjah V"LUtjps. ,and Workhouse,, n frail: of d true cnpy whareof is hereby :rn,6d 41A ix4orporated herein 'by rofsrewe thy, mwado a part ond parcel herwf# that the proposa of IW R., Gwjpr.. d/b /a/ F4 R. Qau&er & 06.o theVei.n Ott forth, i'or the ZiU and f nal. Gettlewnt of all =tmasies eu d old ro=ectod with tbo aforeseld omtract between paid Com itsion and acid s he 'by Is improved and a cepttd, and, the A;Ia &V action of the eai& C010ission loaUa at a xtgAo um-tImS thereof on 'T=x ry At 1964, hereby 19 anrovecl .arA rdtifted; abd Ze, It Zwbher MCI;VED That all 041A controversies and claims be D.jl3$, and fUualy settled =d diseb ged upon azA amrditU to the pr v- 1sioxwl, te=s arA conditiot* of sai4 propoaali and that all becespary doowents therefor approved by tho Corporation O =61 WA by the Cow Attormyt horeby are w4b orUed ana directed. to 'b# oxe=ted ou beha'bf of the County of eY: by its Vuvl)or. offlrs.- EUGENE A. MONICB, County Auditor By Deputy. Form Aud. 200 5M 1_5e