08-77Council File # Green Sheet # Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: 68-77 3047736 ri[!J 1 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, is authorized to enter into the attached amendment 2 to agreement #02-14321-I with the State of Minnesota, acting through its Commissioner of Public Safety, 3 Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) for participation in the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. 4 A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Yeas Thune Adopted by Council: Date: RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Absent Adoption Certified by C uncil Secretary: BY� � �:il�G�// Approved b a r: te: �Z�{/p S1 BY� �J Requested by Department of: Q�\FiscalARai rsW O&CR�200TICACamend BCA. xis Appro ed ay r for S mission to Council: By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �8 ��� � DepartrnenUoffice+�council: ; Date Inidated: ' j Po -po�ue��� ; 21-DEC-07 � Green Sheet NO: 3047736_ Conhct Pe�� & Phone: � Chief John Harrington ; 266-5588 - MuSt Be on Council Agenda by (Date): , ; Doc. RESOLUTION E-Document Required: Y , Document Coniact: Evette Scarver Contect Pbone: 266-5541 � A55ign � Number For Routing prder i '� Total # of Signature Pages __�__ (Clip All Locations for Signature) 0 Ydice Depar�ent ' Yolice Depar�ent 1 �diceDeoae�ent : PoltceDeoartment ' � _ _� _` 2 'Gity Attdrney Ctitv Ariomev V 3 Mavor's Office Mav� ' 4 ICounci council 5 'Citp Clerk I CiN Cluk 6 Police Departv�¢nt ��� Police Deoa:hnent Signatwes on the attached council resolution authorizing the City of Saint Pau1, Police Department to enter into the attached I, amendment to agreemen[ #02-14321-I wi[h the State of Minneso[a, acting through its Commissioner of Public Safety, Bureau of Crimi�al Apprehension (BCA). i iaa�ons: Hpprove �N) or n Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Answer i. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this tlepadment? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a ciry employee? Yes No 3. Dces mis person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee� Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet . � InKiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): 'I � Tfie BCA will participaCe m the Tnternet Crimes Against Children Task Force of the Saint Pau] Police Department. Additional dme is ! �` i needed to complete the task. � ' I � 1 �' � i ----�� .`. --.`— --1 AtivaMages If Approved: ', �� Opportunity to use grant funds to paztnership with the BCA to combat inEemet cximes against children. , i I � �������� r ------------- -------- ---- — — � —� — --- — — — --'---- ' Disadvantages If Approved: 7 �� � ,� �. None. �f�i`� � � r� � � '� ` Disativantages If Not Approved: i Lost opportuniry to use grant funds to partnership wi[h the BCA to combat internet crimes against children. � Transaction: $230,000.00 Funainq source: State of Minnesota Financial Inforination: (Explain) CosVRevenue BudgMed: Activity Number: December 21, 2007 8:56 AM Page t f" AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO COIVTRACT NO. I-1949 a g�� 7 This aznendment is by and between the State of Minuesota, acting through its Commissioner of Public Safefy, Bureau of Cnminal Apprehension ("Undersigned Law Enforcement Agenc}�') and the City of St. Paul, aeting through its Police DePartment (`<C}rantee"). Recitals 1. The Undersigned I,aw Enforcement Agency has a contract with the Grantee identified as Minnesota Internet Crimes Against C`�iidren Task Force Ivlulti-Agency Law Enforcement Joint Powers Agreement, identified as Contract # I- 1949 ("Originyt AgreemenY') w join together in a multi-agenoy task foree intended to investigate and prosecute crimes committed ao ;�et chil�en and the criminal exploitation of cluldren tt�at is committed and/or facilitated by or through the use of computers, and to disrupt and dismanfle organizarions engaging in such activity. 2• This amendment is needed to extend ttris program tBrough December 31, 2009 and increase the total reunbursement amount allowahle to the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency for hiring a eomputer forensic analyst. 3. T'he I3ndersigned I,aw Enforcement Agency and the Grantee are willing to amend, the Original Agreement as stated below. Agreement Amendment In this Amendment deleted agreement terms will be struck out and the added agreement terms wfll be underiined. REVISION 1. The 4`" Paragraph is amended as follows: Whereas, the Grantee is the recipient of a federal grant (attached to this Agxeement as Erlubit A and amended in Eichibit B also attachedl disbursed by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention ("OJJDP") in Washington, D.C. to assist law enforcement in investigating and combating the exploitation of cluldren w}uch occucs through the use of computers by providing funding for equipment, traiuing and expenses, including travel and overtixue fuuding, which aze incurred by 1aw enforcement as a result of such investigations; and REVISION 2. Section 17., the First Sentence is amended as follows: That the Grantee shall reimburse, to an amount not to exceed �88 230 000.00, the Undersigned I,aw Enforcement Agency for the costs of a computer forensic analyst to perform th� following duties: RE,VISION 3. Section 20., "Terms of this AgreemenY' is amended as follows: This Agreement shall be effective on the date the Undersigned I,aw Enforcement Agency obtains all required signatures under Minn. Stat. § 16C.05, Subd. 2, and shall remain in effective through?��,,,,.,.;,,,, �',,-� zoo; December 31. 2009 uuless ternunated or canceled. Upon the effective date of this Agreement, the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency will be enfltled to reunbursements approved by the Grantee dating back to 7uly l, 2006 for equipment, training and expenses. Nothing in this Agreement shall otherwise limit the jurisdiction, powers, and responsibilities normally possessed by an employee as a member of the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency. (THE REMAINING PORTION OF THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) Page 1 of2 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO CON1'RACT NO. I-1949 The Original Ageement is incorporated into this amendment by reference. John M. Harringto , f�Qf Police Saint Paul Poli Departmen�� Hutnan Rights Director , City of Sain't�au�� City Attomey City of Saint Paul Office of Fi ' City o aint Paul Mayor Citu of Saint Panl By and Title i3ndersigned Law E Undersigned Law E the Undersigned a laws, by- s, re oi By and Tifle MN'Aenartment of 1 � 1 i Du'ector Date / Da \ .` Date Date�'� 1t Agency , it Agency certifies that the approp� ment Agency and its jurisdictional ordinances. Date og .�'t } have executed ihe Amendment on behalf of entity as required by applicable ar[icles, Page 2 of 2 111�?/2�07 14:18 ��;� ,._.�, .. , �'� Of�'icc ofthc Aasinhwt Arimncy Grnera] 3eptanbe726.2007 ChieFJO6n M. Narringwn City of 5sint Pxu] l,i West Kapogg Aoulcvard 9C PaW, NLN i511Y1 _ D�rc Chief Haningon: BCA SUFI UEhtCt Depertmeut of JnaY�rc 0}�ceaf7avticcProgisma . t�mRaPhaP.G ZII591 NHGt b1 rxh.� 6, `f � . �P�.��s 1- q} af�' �� On hehalto£d�e Aaomey Qeneml, icic my pirs.wuc W mfarzn yau4�eithc Otiicc afSusCicc 4eagcems lws appmve$ Ywr applicatiqn fm fimdmg un<kr thc OADP FY 07 Htn7di¢g ICA.0 kmcaeic C2qscity in thc amaurd afS200 £ar Ciry oCS¢itU, Pmd. Soctoxed}•ou wiU findthc C'�ant Awmd and Spedal Conditiws documents. '!'his awa�d ia s�ibjcdt� alt adminiatretive mtfl fia�cia! �equimnpvm, i�luding tru.timely submission of Ni flnm�cinl and prog�matic cepor�, tcso]uHon of alt irtc�im avdif findings, aad tl�a maintenanw of a rni�immn lcvct afcsnlwo-i�end ShouW yau not adhece b thesc requiremenls, you rorill be in viotatioa offio rortns of rhis sgrccrnan �d thc ewad will bo eabject to mrminetiop for enuse or ahtt udminisuneive action as opproprlate. Jf ybn riavc qnsstim,s ttgnra;n&tbis award. Plcasc wn[acr Angram Quesfians, IQCqueline O'Reitly, Pcugam Manager ffi{2t12) 5145024; and � - F'v�aue;al Quesrians. �he OBaco of thc Comp4vilcy GYy�tonkr 5c[ricc CenCar(� a¢ '(R00) 458-0766, or yen may coa[act tho CSC at esk,c�uadoj.8ov. _ Congratuistions, snd wc lank fornazd tn workingµtilh you. SincelelY. �� f ��� f.�' Resitm B. SchoTia{d Assi�nt Attnmey Ctottal &nciesurcs 6517931001 11�I67/2097 14:18 6517931001 BCA SUPT OFFICE PAGE 03 �� i� � Deparhneat of dusEice Offix of 3nstice 1'tograms Offix far Civ7 RighCs w�k�u,�.n.c tois� sepx,eber 25. zoo7 ChiefSOha M. Hani*+gnm tig of 3nint Paut LS Wce6lCelioggBonievani St PaW, MN 55102 DearChieFHartingtan: CongaWtstionn on yow xecent award, In esCahlishing &iancial asaie�d'•e pco�ama, Cangcncv linked tlre receipE oCPedetal tuvdiag ro mmpliarwc with Fodcrnl civ71 righi� laws.'[he O�cc For Civil )tigb� (OCR� Offi� of' Justice Yrog}vns (OJP� U.S, 4.epa+tment of7vatiee is responsibit for ensuring that zccipienfe of finsncis! sid fmm p.iP, itn campaneM� affices end bumaus, the Offiw on Violrncc Aganwt Women {Ot+R�, and the Otbco af Conummitp Oricnfed Polieing Servtas (COPS) cOmply witll SppGca6lm Federai civif ri�tv atetutee end - regulatlafs. We at OCR are avtilebk ta helFr pcm and yourorganimeion meer Ihe civil righb itcquirane�e ffiet eome wifh Jusdce i)eparhnrnt fund'mg. Lllaudug ekceesa to FedKa!!p AenieMd PTap,tgn/e As yeu know, Fedeeallaws qroh�Yrit mcigicnk aFfinens;aL asais�nce fro[n di�imiAating on d�c baeie o£racc, celor, nacionnt miQ�n, ratigion, acx, or msabiGty in,fiaWcd propams m ncrivicip,+wt only in xcapcet lo cmployrnrne prac[ices but �so in t1�c dclivayofservieee or brnefiis. Falerat 1aw aisa prahi6irx fimded pmgnms oractivitirn 6mn diserimfoeting on the basis of agc ip tUc dclivery aFseNicea a benefits. PrnNding ServAces to Limited Enp�i�h Proficieaey (L&lh Indtv7dasLa ' Fn accrndm�ee with S)CpniIlnent u£7vgticc Goidvxye,pettainIDg fi TlAe V�; p{tbe Civi4 RigMn Aet of y96}, 42 U.S.C, $ 290f1d, iccipicnts of FWetol fia'��fctiaj sn,dsifancc mwat takc ttasanab[e steps to provide mcanmgfiti aceett5 Lo ikair p�vgwma anflectivides Coc ptrsais+.ith t'vtit�ed Hagi+ah P�ofiaiMCY (LCP). Fa tnota io£oRnation � dte civil righ�a iespamsibilides Ufa[ tecipiw�tc bavc in Frmviding language aervices to LBP individuale, Plcaae see tht mcbsitc at hHpJ/vnvwAep.gov. Ennoxin� Equgl TrcatrnenM im� Fstt�lfmned Orqani�tioee Thc D�etlment oCJUSCia l�as pubGshcd s�eg¢talian �ificallY P�ining w the fimdipg oE {aifi� baaed urgani�atimm- I» gcntrnl, the rtgutation, Psxoc�patiom m 3uatice DepatfinentVtng�ns by Itcfigie�a Orgessizations; Pmvlding Cor Bgust Ttsan+unt ofnil Justice Depmm�es�t 7,ho�am Pffiticipsnis, nndlmown �s tbc �ual SeeatmeneRegutatioo 28 GF-A-Qe�c 38, rcquires Smte Admtnistertng Agencics ro�est'kheae organimtdons thc'wne am eay other appticant or rcqipirnt Thc iegoiption pmhibits Slate Adminietering Agencieg fimn ma(dng award ar g�ant adminlstation decisicurs on thc fiexin ofm� argmilvatiods mliglovs ehamcter or xffitia4i�m, . reii�oue �c, or the reliews composifion otirs bonrd ofdirecta�x. Thc reguiation alw prohi6i� fnifh-bnsed orgnniza400s from vain,¢ fi�nciaL ennislsnee frmn the Dtpamnent ot Susricc m fined inherendy rd;gious »cGvi[ia. Whtic inirb-bsacd ar�i�atimis cm� engage in aon-Auaded� inhettndy xoli$Sovs �tiviticy, thcy mogt bE hdd stparntery ftom the Aeparhncm. of Juticc fvn6ed progAtm, [tnd cusmuers ar bcxwfac+azics can�rotbc eompellsd So pex�icipnk ia the�a.'Ihc F.qaall Trcatmart Regutetian atso makes dav tl�ac oqeaniz�ns p�tieiCatmg in pmgcnmafaaded by tt�c Dcyv�nwTrtafduatiee an s�eepaafiaed m disttiminaw in the p�ov�sion o£acrvicee an the Imais of a beatficiarys rcligion, Formo�c infom�slionon tfie regutation, plcase set OCR's ure6site at hap•l/aw��vv,ojp.wedoj.gov/acrleHbn.hfm. 12/07J20,07 14:18 6517931001 BCA SUPT �FFICE PAGE 04 �Q��� U Sffite Administerttig Agmcies artd faitb-ba5ed organi�tipne nhvutdalxa mfc tlret 8ro Safc Sttee� Ac4 aa antrnded: 9�e Victiros of Gima Ac4 ae a�pcnded: asd thcI¢vrnite S�tice�d nctinquamy PmKation Act, as amerida7, cmimin poin'biharm ag�nst a�criminaaon oo the besis oemligon ifraupioymarc ltese rniploymrn[ i,mvia+rnm havcbcen apccAficallY IDcapomtedinta 26 C.F.A. Pert38.1(� and 38.2{�. Cousog+msly, in nm+g ci��es. it uroulflbe imyemtissible �c t§iEa•based orgMi2aGonsseakingaxcaivin8 fimding utthorizedyy thctae amhrtea to kiave nofici� ar�ractices fltteeondition h'uin8 aed oUta GmploymmUtelatad desisioas on ibc �efigion 4fspptiwnm er tmployeas. prog�ams sabjcctte tlxee nondisctminaCfoa provieims vwybe found on OCR'swebsimat2mpJ/www.qp.nvdoj-gov/o�d- Quwtiavaabaut9ic�cadahfanartluetahrtesf6atpminbit dincrimivetiaa 1n emplq�mrnt meybe direIXed to this OS'ice. Enfaidng L7v0 Rtghts S.a�ta P11 cecipieots o4FadesaE Lnaiwifll �sais;ance, ssgazdlesa ofehe puliarta� fimdi� sao�ce, thc amwmkaft6e ge�t award, or tlx muaber of empbyees in dw workfrnce, a¢�c sabjcc[ to ihc prohibi5ona a�ina[uatawfut dsctiminaSmf. A,ecoxd'm:gtY. OCtt uovestignua nacipiems thet are fhe xubject ofdiscriminatian eemplamm from boUt i7tdiVidYais mtd groaps..ia add�ROn. baaed on reguleIDryctite*ia, OCR ectix�w a wmber o£recipict7ta each ymt [areompfience teviewe,:mdia tha[mquiea racipiema to aa6mit daffi phawing Mak tlwy s�c prav;ding ecrviece eqeiitab]y Yo all segments oCtUeir satvioe pop�ila6vn and thffithcir'cmpfoymait pncticay mect cqoel cmploymcut °PP°imnitY amndm�. Comp(ging wiCh rhe Ssfe 3tre¢d Act or Prep�am Rcqnitemeata In addirion ro tLae gonetat pmhib;tiona, an orga�iz�an which in a recipieM o£fivaneial asaismna su6jec[to the nondiaaeminattan proviaions oTt6e Omm'Ew Critne Con4uF and Safe 9tcckc Act (Ssfe Streels Act) af 1968, 42 U.S.0 � 3769d(C), or a9�GFaletel gtaa! progtam. �ijrptnen[§, m.ust mcet two s�diticmal rcq�dremattr:(1} comptying with Fede�eS reguSatSOre peetaining to the deyelopmenS of� Fyual bmPt�ymcni aPPo�mityPtsn (h$04), 28 C.F.R � 4230i-30S, eud (2j5ubmiKingtoOCRi+indings o4 qi.�cdmination (nce 28 G�.R $� 42,205(� � 312Q2(5)). 1) i17eeUnA�the EEOP AteqaSremenc ID xccorda�ce with Fcdaal regulatiais, AanaanetNu. 6 in dx Slnodard Assura�wes. COP9 Assamnec No. S-6. ar oenain Fedemt grazu progiam nsp.dremarts, yom� orp�n;zation m�st comply witl� the £ollowing EAAP reporimg +e9+�1*emen�. . tf yourargsniza6on has reeeived an sward for $Sp0,000 or rtwrc Snd hsa 50 ormvre emp�oyeta (eowting baeh full-an�l �wtlimc cmployxa bnt atoNdlag potiticat appoiMCea), thea it ius to p�ury�azc an &80P and nu6dm8 it to OCR far ravicw wlehin 60 d� from the date olftkls letfer. Fm' 8esismnce m dcvelaping m fiYAP. Ptcasc consuk OCR'p webaite at hap:!lwww.ojp.osdoj.gm/ocdeooy.han. Xau mayaFiw xcqucat tahviral aavistaucc fram an EEOP speCinlisi nt OCR by &a�ing (2d2) 615-3208. Ifyouc o�ganization�r.eeival an awasd.between 525,0�0 and $SOO,WO attd haa 50 0� mac emFlvyaca, yrnsr organi�lion atill heu to prepazr an E&OP. but iC does not Nave ID s�bmitthe EEOP W OCR £or m�iew.lnstead, your otgani�stlon ha� tp maint�n the EEOP on &le mtd make it atroitaBle for rcvicW on tequesG Frt add'ttion, your orgnaization hns w wmplcr¢ 9ection 8 vfthc Certifimriw Emm and ntnm 8 to OCR The Cettifle¢tiors Form aan be fovnd ae htip✓/www:ajp.usdoj.gov/occ/eaop.bvp, tfymu organization m:eivcd an awaz8 far le� fhan SZS,OW; 02 ifyan agaaizetion bas Ias iL»tt 50 empioyeas. zygn�dic¢evftheamoumoftlieawacd�arifyovtetgm'vsti<snisnmedicatinsetuAa4educati�aalinstitution, . nonprofic orgm�rz¢tiou o[ Sndisn ttlbq t6ee yrom' otgaaimkon is acemqt fromthe EEOP [eqnilemecU. Amvevac. yo� arg�aatian mast wmplete Secfian A of We Catifita�on Form aed rowro it to OCR, T6e CM�calidn Pam can be fovnd at httDJhnvw.ulP.uvdad.gov/ocdeeoy.han. z) SabmltUngFlndlegao[DlaeriminrUon . In theevene a Ealernt a Stale murt or PecYecat ae State admiaisteative agency makes an edvttse fmdusg oT � discmninflfion agrunffi yMtr ox�pnitaboti gRef aiiut QYOCC9811e9[itlg� atl t1fE gMmifl o£ffiCe, ColOr, tCligiotl� 110tiottAL origiu, or sex, yom mgani�ation muetsubmita aopy ofthc.��ding m bCit tox �cvicw, 12/07/2087 14:18 6517931001 Ecq suNi uFfiCt raUt e5 Enlarmgtde comyn.,rce or su»rec��pie�s ff ymvorCeaizafion ma&as subm�ards M o9�eragcnci�x, Yon mc iccparm;blc foi aeau�ing r7�ecsu6recipirna also camp7y wi� nll of che »ppTiwble Fr�erat civil ri8fim 1aas, 3nctuding 8wnqniremectsperfaining b devdoP�B and su6mitting ea AEOP. }epvrang Fm[lings o€t3iacrimuiativ^� mid Proa��ng ]eGgifage &Rtitq ro LERpe=sana Ssate agenciestheemak� sabawsidn,m�st t,ave inpiacs standazd gcant a:s�aarxes md rcviewyrocedures m demonsCatet3mttheyarcotimflvelycRarifaringtl,cci.riirigh�cmnptimweofmibeecipimts � tfwe em� actir.t you in aay way in fuF&lfing your civil xi@1ia xsponsa'M'litlos as a tccipient ofF�erel fsnding pleese ca110CR at (2027 3D71169� or cdaitaururbsite at h4pd/vnvw.ojp.usdol.goWocr/. Sincerdy, �yl'```' �• Gu�1? '--- MichnelLellaro¢ ' Ai�cccoc � ce: Otant MeetsEtt Finat�tial Analysf 111a'r/2ea� ia:ss 6517931601 aepactmoacofrast+cc of&ee orauscice Pro�AmQ Oibc¢ of Spvenlle dnsflce ��: and Delinqnency Preveai3on 1. k�iPfENTt+AME'ANDAIN7R£9SQnemdmHR+P C�) Ceay p(C,mxPmi 75 Wmt Roibgg 6dilovnnl 96Peu�MIQS5101 BCA SUPT �FFICE Cooperativc Agrenment PAaE 1 OF 3 a,AwARDNUM88R ��-K006 S.PR47&(.TPERIOA:PROM 61l012005 li] 7?J3IR0�9 ApAGE7'➢ENOD:fltOM OVQVZ003 TO 17R.7l�IP97 . R.nwNCnpnls a9rzr✓zom 7,hcrtox 1A.GRAN7'RF.iRSNENIX1Ax0. -.. .. "-- 8.9UPPLEMBNTMIb�RR 9tNWunmml 4t6Q0552A � 9.PREV[WSAR'A1tDAh10VIV7 F97a,IM1� 3 -��LTTf� ' 10.AMOUN[OPTTnS�.WARD S7A0,000 Mi�mmotqCompnµtAorcnelcaM+My�tln�tirm�c __ . . ... . '__ '---- . I ll. TOTALAWhAP ... ..."_' S 1.150.OD0 12:3pPCIqLCONOLnONS - (RGA9�YSGRAN'[PRUtECStSARPRQ�'�S�mCf7aSVCflCO[mittONSWCL(Mf7A'flON9ASARESP.TPOR'tN . UN7HSAT[ACH&DP.AGP{S). ' 13.CTA'ti]T(1RYeiViHOFIiI'FORtlLUNX . + � 't5ue pmje�! g puRppRq�pM�ippp.l„7dp. }165. �dldacm. lII1.lUk ibb.L No.1a4-t06� I\9 StM.2246„1230:62U.&C.37� �T62am m otltUOa flCV43h �IXIfi 4� 2Aa1 "BY� Diaaatiaaxy") �5. �on or• rAt'hiSM rnres — nc�rcvnrrrtwiu. � lfi. "LYY£C1NAM,Q A11➢1TI7.EaP APPROV7N60PFTC;fAL Raginn 8.3dwfielQ � naiatrntnuomqrieomai LR. MF.D NA7�72 ANDTfR•P.tm nvtPOR¢� aeAN7sE oFFlC1AL Mhn M HmrNlglon ChICt Oi'Pnb�e I 17. StGNA'fURL• OPAFTNOV[NGOFFICIAL , ��� ��� 14.91f.NATVItII 19.a AA.T.E ,.���.Y . sanccoarv�nvaccass�rncnnorrcorn�s v. vbo-rmoosi N7sC,�L F[IN6 BUD. DN. YRAR CbAB ACT. pFC. RE(7. S{IB. ➢OMS AMOV� ' � P p� 1U tM fM 2W00� om Fo7cM aonm2 (xEV.S�eT 7'R6VIOU3 aDr[[ONS Ax50990LEYE. PAGE 06 bg,�� nmxoRM adnruz txev, aa� 1�1/!5//Gbb/ �14:17i b71/y31btl1 r,t;a surt urri� raut br 6$ , . � J' �. '= � . � .-L t '� `{ � .` `�"` �./� 4 . �,��orJusace �ffxc af T�tice Ptog�amms dfRce of JuveniFe Jtaace and Delinquency Preventlon AVIARD CONT(NUATION 5F�EET Cooperativc A,p�cemcnt rxory,crr-v�uemt ZIIDS.MGCR-XOOR A'NpRODAiS O425/xUO� SYECIAL CANDITlONS PAG2 2 OP 3 1. Therecipicoc agrccs W compiy � tlK 6nencial nnd administia,tive ttc�i�ements set fad� m tfic conc+�t cdifian of the Office afJastice Pru�aina (07P) Finmiciat Guidc. 2. 1'he rccipientacl•nowledges �t faitum � 9ubmit sn acccpm6lc Fque1 &mplo}mnne Opporiunity Plau (if recipierrc is . ieq�mcd W anbmft one putauant ro z8 C.F.R. sectiw 42302�, that is appmvcd by trrc o6icc kt civil Righls, is fl vialatian of i� Ce[tified Aaaura6ces avd may ms¢It in snsppuion ar tcrtnination of funding, �mtil sUCh time as tlte �ccipicnt'vQineampiiatlec. ' 3. Thc seeipimt agees to comply wiW the oxgsni�auo�ml mmditrcq¢iremcnts of OMB C'�tenlatA-133, Avdib 6f Se+tSc, Local Gavemmmts, m� Noa-ProBt Orgnmzmions, t� fittther de�ten'6cd in tBe eumnt ed113on of iLe O7P F"iavocial Ouid'o, Cfisp�r 1q. 4. Recipi�t uudetsuwds xad agrecn that it wmrot nse any fedetal IWds, either ditecdy oc indicecUy; ia nu��m�t of tLe enectmcM,repeei,modifiauio¢aradopticmofamytam,�cgulatianapoticy, aeanylevelofgovexoment,vrithootthc capmsatmiorwriurn appmvatok'om_ 5. 7.1x sp�7Hcaidbudget is pcpding �eeiew m npprova7. Thc teci,picot may not o6&galc, a�pend or dfaW dowA 8rryg�ant Cmdx imtil tLe Offiec oFtlu Comphollpr.O.tFca of 7astice Pmgeama hex innoed clrmanct of the aQplieation budRa and a G*mrt Ad'.ry�nrntNatitt has 8cen issueA removing U�is �CCis1 conditioa fi. 7fic Projcet Dimctnt md key Qrogmm pc�sarinct daaignatcd in tfie applicNion sNnIlbe sepince6 myly for aompdli.� masana md witl, she concu¢ence AtQip. pIp wifl �wt un�sooablywitHlwSd concmm�ce. AtI'succ�,c.com to kcy pe�saouc4 mascbe ep�o�cd. end such eppmvnt is catbx�ge�atupw� mibmiaaiwi o£ a{ryxopriate infornmtion, uaciudin�, bntuotlimitedW.axesutac. Chan�cnmmherProB*�+Pe[aonmlregnimo�lYnotlficationtoOJPandsuMnissionn£ rem�ma, ualeaa ofinviiae designatr,d'm thc award dotaunent 7. The reeipieat agrees to su6mit qua�icrly finweis� smtus repo�ts ro 1He OfGce ofJus6cc Fmgrem� nxing Sfm��3md Pmm 5F 269A on fhe tnrcmet a[ https://granta.o,jp.aadoj.gw. Thcxe iepoAS siwll be submitted on-�iuenae tarcr th� 45 days after Ihe crod of eaeh caleadut qu,xr�er. Thc fine! rcport ahaV be xu6milte� not later thaa 9Q days folirnying thc end of thc grsnt pe[ibd. 8. Thc ixq�itut slw1l avbmiC semiannasl p�ogn.xv rcportr�. Pro�ees tcpotts ahall be submiatd }vithin 30 days aftcrthc cnd of tht repmting patods. which are hrac 30 and Ucccrnba'37, Far fhe tiCe of 1He award.lTese mporq m'(1 bc m.11unittcd to thc pf,ficc o(Inaioc Pragrnnu. on ]iae.th[wgL tho tntcmtt st https:!/grsnts.ajp.a9doj.gov/. 9. AQpmva( of, rhae awarddoe.c wt in�c+tt� nppmval uCeny conaultaatrate in excas o�S450 p�,� day. A defailcd justiffcation axastbe aubmiued to snd a�rovrd by tHc Offiec of3uatice Pmgtomg t071� progmn officepriazm , obligo4oaocexpendiW[eofauc��funeia. 70. 1Ld �cipieni agreeu to com,�ly with thc ICA,C T�ak Force Prog[[um Stantlersis as eatablished by t�e ICAC Task Fores Adv7soty Board and approved by OJJbP. 1 I_ Tl�c rccipicrtagcca M farwacd Ycpats o£ICAC TASI: Fa'GC Ysogrnm Maft1�IY 1��a'manc� Mcasur�,a tu ffic OJJDP- dcsil,metcd qitc. . . o�P SoRhtaonDrL tx5v, a-881 1YI07/2007 14:18 6517931061 � �:.;�' oepstrnaduflnatice � OEficc o£7�ePro�w flffice oiJweni[e Jns4ice and Dcllaqucncp Preven6on . � AW ARD CpN77NUATiON SHEE'T Cooperativ¢ Agreemeot PAGE 0$ b8 PAGE 3 OP 3 _ .. , �PRO1aCENqMeIDC 2oo5-MCC)[-Km6 AWARDDAiF 09/36R0ot i'_"' ... .'_.� SPE'CIAL COND117pNS 72. 1fu 011ia oFJuvenile,TvsGceaod De7fnqxnry prm�cntian has ciceted t,o cdLr inm a Coopaa6ve Agceemwtrather tlaffia grom wilh the redpient This decisio¢ teilects the muRml iumrst of thc �ecipic�ntand OJ.tUP m thc vpe�lion of tbcpeojcetsa wcll.as tlw mitinipsted Scvd MFederaS mvolvemept in this projeR. 037DP's pnriicipetory mle in 6ie . projeet is as follaws: . a. IteWcw and epprove mejor wmk pFaas, incfiding ctrx+ages to sach plxns, sn8 kcy dcciaimya yc�iaining lapmjtet uPcrafions. - . b. Reoiew and ap�xove mejor pmjea genernred documcnh snd marcrisis �cd in tkie pmviaian af�rajcctacrvice.a_ Provids s�dance in sigtriRceut yrojxt plaztning mceangs. nnd paRiwpnnc in Pm.i� N��od asmng aven�s or catfCrGncCB. . BCA SUPT OFFICE O1P PQRM A000.2 (AHV, bARI ° 11l�II1bb( 1u:1� 6b1/y�lbbl BCq SUPT OFFICE PAGE 09 � A¢partmeia�t of Justlec O$�c¢ of Sustice Progams a•,�,o.... Offiae of htvenite Jvskice andDet}nquertcyPYeVr�ititltt WmFire�a� D_C 2f159I Memorandnm To: O�cial G[ent File �rom: Kathy draseo, Nepa Coosd'niator 'Si�b]ech Categoxicul.Excivsion for City of SaintPaul T'he recipient n�ees to assist OJJJ)P tcr comply with H�e National Environmental Foticy Act (NEPA) and oti�er related federal mvironmen�i"impsct suslyses requricmeuts in rLe ase of these gant fimds cither dircctiy try thc recipiem or by a subrecipieat. Accordingly, pria ta abiigatitig graat funds, the granl� agrcea to firet detem�iae iCauy of the foltawiog activSties wiI( be xeiated to ihe use of the g�t fands and, if so, ro advise OTJDP and requast further NEPA imptemcntatioa guidance. Recipiatt undccstands that tLis spacisl oondition appTies to its actrviries whethe[ or not they ace being specificatl� fixpded with these grant fuade. Th�t ps, as long as the activity is being conducted by the tecipient, a s¢brecipieut, or atty th'nd parry and the sctivity needs to be wtdertaken in order Yo vsc thcae �x fvnda, thia speciaL condxtioci muet.f7xef be.mef,'J'he aetivities cwered by thic speciai candition axe: a new conslxuqion; h, minor renovation or remodeiing ofs pmparty eithet; (I) liated on or eligA'bte �or tisking oa Uae Nuti.omai �egister pf $istoric Places or, (2) located within a I Od year flood plain; e. a[enovation, lease, oi any oYlter proposcd qse of a buildiug or facility that will either; (1) xesult iu e ckl8nge in its basic p�or use or; (2) aignificantly change 9ts saze and; d J�lementation of a new program invotvin� the ase of chesicaLa other thars chemicals that are; (1) pvrcirased ss an incidenmt componeut nf a funded sctivity and; (2}tradiHonaily used for example, it� offce, houaehold, zecteationat, a educati.on. 11l��/L�d7 14:1� 6517931001 �,mta� cm'zc or.R�[Ice rrup.ma Office of Suvrnflc Snstiee and Ddinquency 4ceveauon .�. � fiCA SUPT DFFICE PAGE 1H bg-�� GR4NP hLt1V'AGER'S R�E14tORANDUM, PT. I: PROJ,ECf SUMMAItY Cooperative Agrceeme➢t rx,arecrxcm+eFn PAG7 1 OF i _.... _ ldffiMGC7C-K008 .. ...^- 77de projat ie aoppo[eaiamlavuh. LNa 130�S.mnbedded eua, 101-10<; Yab. L.Na 70,9..t08, I193tri 2290. E230:42 U8.C.3766.3761a u in edeet w 9cyt 30.ZUOd (FY 7AD7 "gyme Oiaetatlomef� . 7atqvUineORpiiy {2Q2} 51A-Sa24 3b TI7L50F TFffi PA06IfAM oDOP E'Y 0� BoiW(ng ICAC For�naic Capncdy .._� ._ ,. ..... C.7Tli.E OF PROlECf MtMesote Comyu�crFamraiwMnnnponrnt miriMivc 5. NAME Hc ADDRE9SOp W.ANrne Cityof9ou6Pan1 13 WesxKeRagi{Bcmirncd 9c Pnui,MN33102 7, PR04RAM PF.RIIH] �OM: m/athtm5 9.nMOVNTOFnWARb F �.a�o t 1.9ECOND vp.AR'S AUAGP.S 7FIIRD 7'kM1R9 I0. DATE OF ANARD 09/26f2007 (2,SP,.CpNDY!?nR`�AIJOC.PTAMp�lM' . [ S.SUAQMpgYDFSl , R1YY70NOFPR03GCf{Sa3mhnedonm,nveree) . . - Thc iCACD'�a�^ re n�A netm�c afmdtl.nH+mY. ^mleypri�ictimml mzk fama mR�d iuproPCti+<imwtiNalimle, fqramie exmninvtieon, und cf1'cetiw Prznticueon� Addititmvlly,tl�e eak Cmrnyrdvide f nmgiql�+mtlm. and�CNigAlivn+wsiemntt fo pqm�b. NGCR11f}� PMA�nI IfIN Cf1f11R`G111C21t� mld tItI1CR W111RTItlI NI[II CJYIIA NC41/lflANlII1 3upplcmaMnffimBinBfRhmnSMm'idalfttMcpurponeMdu.ciopmgnnd:mplanenanRa�mekiarobm'1d�heTeekPmeca caqneitymh�8le toemicie'annatigntiem a»Aftvinco fbtanrit dnekbgt CNNCF 6. NkME & AO�SS�O£ 9LBC}R4NTEQ 1 D, oUIWb1 YCIUUU rb: 12+31lS009 FROM: All01/2UQ5 TO: ]L312009 z. irtco7EC7`DIREGT Nel Ncleon Cummendcr 3N1 Cirwc SNd StPod.NINSSI01 (b51] �Y'i� oa5 �ax, edd�ese R iclryfwM rnmW) 36, POM9 COpE (9PP.1N5RCUGnoi�.4 ONRE�PL44E) " FORM•70002 � � - i��(� =� • °.y`��� -�. Minnesota Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force ���� Multi-Agency Law Enforcement Joint Powers Agreement This Multi-Agency Law Enforcement Joint Powers Agreement, and amendments and supplements thereto ("AgreemenY') is between the Ciry of Saint Paul, acting through its Police Department ("Grantee"), empowered to enter into this Agreement pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 471.59, Subd. 10 & 12, and is further empowered to enter into this A�eement by Minn. Stat. § 626.76 and State of Mimiesota, acting through its Commissioner of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, located at 1430 Maryland Avenue E, St. Paul, Minnesota 55106 ("Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency"), empowered to enter into this Ageement pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 471.59, subd. 10, and Minn. Stat. § 15.�1 —15.59, Whereas, the above subscribed parties have joined together in a multi-agency task force intended to investi�ate and prosecute crimes committed against children and the criminal exploitation of children that is committed ancUor facilitated by or throup� the use of computers, and to disrupt and dismantle organizations engaging in such activity; and Whereas, the undersi�ed agencies agree to utilize applicable state and federal laws to prosecute criminal, civil, and forfeiture actions against identified violators, as appropriate; and Whereas, the Grantee is the recipient of a federal grant (attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A) disbursed by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention ("OJJDP") in Washington, D.C. to assist law enfarcement in investigating and combating the exploitation of children which occurs through the use of computers by providing funding for equipment, training, and expenses, including trave] and overtime funding, which are incurred by law enforcement as a result of such investigations; and Whereas, the OJJDP Internet Crimes Against Children ("ICAC") has established a Working Group of Directors represenring each of the existing ICAC Task Forces to oversee the operation of the grant and sub-grant recipients. Now Therefore, the parties agree as follows: 1. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency approves, authorizes, and enters into tkus Agreement with the purpose of implementing a three-pronged approach to combat Intemet Crimes Against Children: prevenfion, education and enforcement; and 2. The Undersigned Law Enfarcement Agency sha11 adhere to the OJJDP ICAC Task Foroe Program Standards contained in Exhibit B attached to this Agreement, in addition to Minnesota state and federal laws, when conducting undercover operations relative to ICAC; and 3. E�ibits A and B are incorparated into this Agreement and made a part thereof. In the C:�DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS�EKNVCSON�LOCAL 5ETTINGS��'EMPORARY INTETtNET FII,ES\OLKSE�CTTY DRAFT OF STATE ICAC AGRFiEMENT USIlVG CTTY GEN ICAC FORM (2).DOC ��� � event of a conflict between this Ageement and the Exhibits, the terms of the E�ibits prevail; and 4. All officers contributed by the Undersi�ed Law Enforcement Agency to the Minnesota ICAC Task Force shall be licensed peace officers or found by the Nliimesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training to have comparable qualifications; and 5. When a contributed officer of the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency acts on the behaJf of the Minnesota ICAC task Force within the scope of this Agreement, the officer's actions are within the officer's line of duty and course of employznent to the same extent as if the officer had acted on behalf of the o�cer's empioying Agency; and 6. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency and the Grantee agree that each party will be responsible for its own acts and the resuits thereof to the extent authorized by law and shall not be responsible for the acts of any others and the results thereof. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency's liability shall be governed by the provisions of the Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes, Section 3.736, and other applicable law. The Grantee's liability shall be governed by the provisions of the Municipal Tort Clauns Act, Minnesota Statutes, Section 466.01 - 466.15, and other applicable law; and 7. All members of the Undersigned Iaw Enforcement Agency shall continue to be employed by the same Law Enforcement Agency employer which they were employed before joining the Minnesota ICAC Task Farce and all services, duties, acts or omissions performed by the member wili be within the course and duty of that employment, and therefore, are covered by the Workers Compensation programs of that employer; will be paid by that employer and entitled to that employer fringe benefits; and 8. The I3ndersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall submit all requests for undercover ICAC related operations in writing to the Commander of the Minnesota ICAC Task Force for presentarion to the OJJDP ICAC Task Force Board ofDirectors; and 4. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must first sabmit a written request for funds and receive approval for the funds from the Grantee to receive any funds from the Grantee; and 10. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must supply original receipts to be reimbursed on pre-approved requests; and reimbuxsement will be paid directly by the Grantee to the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency within 30 days of the date of invoice, with payment made out to the Minnesota Deparhnent of Public Safety and mailed to the Minnesota Deparhnent of Public Safety, Office o£Fiscal & Administrative Services, Attn: Gary 7ohnson, 444 Cedar Street, Suite 126, Town Squaze, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-5126. ll. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall maintain accurate records pertaining to prevention, education, and enforcement activities, to be collected and forwarded monthly to the C:�DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS�EKN[JTSOMLOCAL SET'I1NGS\�EMPORARY INTERNET FII,ES\OLKSE\CT11' DRAFT OF STATE ICAC AGREENIENT USING CITY GEN ICAC FORM (2).DOC �5��� Minnesota ICAC Task Force Commander or his designee for statistical reporting purposes; and 12. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall participate fully in any audits required by the OJJDP; and under Minn. Stat. § 16C.05, subd. 5, the Grantee's and the Undersi�ied law Enforcement Agency's books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices reievant to this Agreement are subject to examinarion by the Undersigned law Enforcement Agency and/or the Mimiesota State Auditor or Legislative Auditor, as appropriate, for a minisnum of six years from the end date of this Agreement; and 13. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall make a reasonable good faith attempt to be represented at any scheduled regional meetings in arder to share informarion and resources amongst the multiple enrities; and 14. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall be solely responsible for forwarding infozmation relative to investigative targets to the Child Pornography Pointer System (CPPS) pursuant to the O7JDP guidelines; and 15. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall provide the Minnesota ICAC Task Farce Commander in a Umel}� manner all investigative equipment acquired througk grant funding as a result of this Agreement in the event that: fnture federal funding is no longer available, the Undersigned Law Bnforcement Agency decides to dissolve its binding relarionship with the Minnesota ICAC Task Force and the Saint Paul Police Department, or the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency breaches the Agreement. 16. That the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall provide, at no cost to the Grantee, office space at the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) Central Office location, located at 1430 Maryland Avenue East, in St. Paul, Minnesota for the use of the Grantee's two ICAC Task Force law enforcement officers. Grantee's two ICAC Task Force law enforcement officers assigned by the Grantee to work out of the BCA Central Office location will work independently and congruently with the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency's ICAC unit as needed and auailable, and as authorized by law. 17. That the Grantee shall reimburse, to an amount not to exceed $8Q,OOO.QO, the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency for the costs of a computer forensic analyst to perform the following duries: Provide computer forensic sunnort to the Undersigned Law Enforcement Aeency's Internet Crimes A¢ainst Children Unit on related cases as assiened bv the Undersig�ed Law Enforcement Agencv so that evidence can be seized, identified, and oroner documentation written - 70% of time a. Seize all relevant computers and associated peripherals or any device that is capable of storing digital evidence. Organize, catalog and appropriately store all investigative data related to crimes against children and other relevant cases. b. Analyze all data involved in crimes against children cases, or other cases assigned by the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency using approved and tested C:�DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS�E.KNUI'SOMLOCAL SETTINGS\�.MPORARY INTERNET FII,ES\OLKSE�CITY DRAFT OF STATE ICAC AGREEMENT USING CITY GEN ICAC PORM (2).DOC hardware, soflware, methodology. D � J �� c. Validafion of any equipment and software used for forensic examinations. d. Maintain all forensic hardware and softwaze up to date and in good working condition. Present all re2evant investigative material to investiQators - 15°/Q of rime: a. Independently plan, organize and devise the approach necessary to obtain useful forensic information from the evidence submitted, in accordance with Undersigned Law Ertfarcement Agency's regulations, state and federal laws. b. Provide investigators with written siuiunary of findings and prepaze appropriate forms and paperwork as necessary Is resnonsible for - 5% of time: a. Maintaining contact with originating agency ar investigator on sCatus of case. b. Appearing in state or federal court to provide information on invesrigative findings. Provide comuuter forensic assistance to other sections of the Undersigned Law Enfarcement A encY or to other law enforcement agencies in the Undersip,ned Law Enforcement Aeenc 'v s com�lex major investigations -5% of time: a. Provide computer forensic examination assistance to other sections or agencies in the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agencq's complex; investigations either at the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension or onsite. b. Assist other sections andior agencies in special casework assignments. To �erform other dutiesls�ecial assi�unents as directed by the Undersianed Law Enforcement Aeencv's Speciai Aeent In Charge - 5°l0 of time: a. Establish and maintain confacts in the Minnesota law enforcement community. b. Attend all tranung sessions and staff ineetings as scheduled. 18. Any amendment to this Agreement must be in writing and wi11 not be effective until it has been executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved the original agreement, or their successors in office. 19. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency and the Grantee may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, upon 30 days' written notice to the other party. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency may immediately terminate this Agreement if it does not obtain funding from the Minnesota Legislature, or other fixnding source; ar if funding cannot be continued at a level sufficient to allow for the payment of the services covered here. Ternunation must be by written or fas notice to the Grantee. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency is not obligated to pay for any services that are provided after notice and effective date of terminarion. However, the Grantee will be entitled to payment, deternuned on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed to the extent that funds are available. The State will not be assessed any penalty if the Agreement is terminated because of the decision of the Minnesota Legislature, or other funding soutce, not to appropriate funds. The State must provide the Grantee notice of the lack of funding within a reasonable time of the State's receiving that notice. C:�DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS�EKNUTSON�C.00AL SETIINGS�,EMPORARY INTERNET PILES\OLKSEICI"Cl DRAFT OF STATE ICAC AGREEMENT USING CITY GIN ICAC FORM (2).DOC �/\'��� V 20. Terms of this agreement: This Agreement shatl be effective on the date the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency obtain� all requ'ued signatures under Minn. Stat. § 16C.05, Subd. 2, and shall remain in effective through December 31, 2007 unless terminated or canceled. Upon the effective date of this Agreement, the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency will be entitled to reimbursements approved by the Grantee dating back to July 1, 2006 for eqnipment, ttaining and expenses. Nothing in p� Agreement shall otherwise limit the jurisdiction, powers, and responsibiliiies normally sessed by an e�nploye� as a member of the Undersigned Law Bnforcement Agency. of Pofice � � ate � p.� � X� Undersigned Law Enforcement Aaency certifies that the approariate person(s) have executed the Aareement on behalf of the Undersiqned Law Enforcement Aaencv and its iurisdictional qovernment entity as required by apolicable articies, taws, by-iaws, resoiutions. or ordinances. �" � J 7 Qate ,�' - - 8-a� Date ��� �U� Date `T-��j'- �� Date 11 O C:�DOCUMENTS AND SETfINGS�IINITfSOMLOCAL SETTINGSV�fEMI'ORARY INTF.RNET FII,ES\OLKSEICiTY DRAFT OF STATE ICAC AGREEMENT USING CTfY GEN ICAC FORM (2).DOC Human Rights Director C' � aint Paul Ci rney ���� ri Mayor � � g G Da e City of Saint Paul Exhibit A � �'� , z � ' � � `;%car�,.� :=- �" Office ofthe Assistsnt Attomey Genexal Mxy 2, 2006 Chief 7ohn Haaington City of Saint Paut 15 WestKelloggBoulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 Deac Chief Harrington: DepartmenF of Jastice Office of 7ustice Prog+ams wa�h�,q�o,,. D c zo3ai DS '�� On behalf of Atromey General Alberto Gonzales, it is my pteazure [o inform you that the Office of Justice Programs has approved youc application for Cunding under the Intemet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program in the amount of $500,��0 for Ciry of Sain[ Paul. Enclosed you wi(1 6od the Graot Award and Special Condifions documents. This award is subject to all administra6ve and finaacial rtt�uicements, including the flmeiy su6mission of ail fi�aucial and progrsmmatic repor[s, resolution of all interim audit findings, and the maintenance of a minimum Sevel of cash-oo-hand. Should you not adhere m theu requirements, you will be in violation of tUe terms of this agreement and the award wiil be subject to tem.inafion for cause or other administrative acuon as appropriate. If you have questions regarding t4us avrard, pleese conffict: - Program Quesfions, Christopher Holloway, Program Manager at (2D2) 305-9838; and - Financiai Questions, the Office of the ComQtroller, Custnmer Service Center (CSC? at (860) 458-0786, or you may contact tBe CSC at ask.ocQusdoj.gov. Congramlafions, and we Iook forward to working with you. Sincerely, � � ��� Regina B. Schofietd Assistant Attorney General Enciosures {.: b �.�� Depariment of Jusfice Office of Justice Programs Office for Civil Ftights wa�e�r�rt.n.c. aosar May 2, 20D6 Chief Sohn Harrin,gtou City of Saint Paul IS Wut Kellogg Boulevard Saint Pau1, MN SS l02 Dear Chief Harrington: CongaNiations on your recent award In establishing fmancial assistance programs, Con�ess linked the receipt of Fedecal fuading W compliance with Federa] civil rights laws. The O�ce for Civii Rights (OCR), Office of Sustice Progams (OJP), U.S. Department of Jvstiee is cesponsibte for ensuring that reeipienks of £mancial aid from OSP, its component offices and bureaus, the Office on Viotence Against Women (OVF�, and ihe Of£ee of Community Oriented Policing Servioes (COPS) comply wiW applieable Federzl civil rigMs siaNteS and regulatio¢s. We at OCR are available to heip you and yow organization meet the civil rights requirements ihat come witp Justice DepsrGnen[funding. Ensuring Access to Federally Assisted Yrogrmns As you know, Federal laws prohibit recipients of 5nancial assistance from discciminating o¢ the buis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, or &sability in funded pmgrams or aclivities, not only in respecc to empioymen[ prncfices but also in the delivery oFservices or benefits. Federal law also proSvbits funded programs or activities &om discruninating on the basis of age in tf�e delivery of services or benefits. Providing Services to Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Individuals [n accordance with Depa[tment of JuSUce Guidance pertaini�g to Title VI of the Civii Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d, recipients of Fede21 financial assistance must take reasonable steps to provide meaniugful access to their pmg[anvc and activities for persons with timited Eaglish proficiency (LEP). For more inFo[mation on the civil rights [esponsibitities that ruipients I�ave in providing language services to LEP indiViduais, please see We website at httpJlwww.tep.gov. Ensuring Equal Tmatment for Faith-Based Organizations The Departmen[ of Justice has published a regulation specificaily pertaining to �e funding of ftith-based ocganizations In general, the regulation, Pariicipa[ion in Justice Department Programs by Religious Organizalions; Providing for Equai'Lreatment of al! Jvstice DeparLme¢t Program Participants, and known as the Equal Treatmen[ Regulatian 28 C.F.R. part 38, requires State Administering Agencies to taeat these organizations the same as any other applican[ or recipient. The regulation prohibits State Administering Agencies from making awazd or grant adminis[ration decisions oa the basis of an organizafiods religions chazacter or affiliation, reiigious name, or the religious composition of its board of d'vec[ors, The regulation also pmhibits faith-based organizafions from using Snancial assistance from the Department of SUS[ice tn fund inherenfly ceiigious activitie5. While faith-based orgynizations can engage in non-funded inherently religiovs activities, they must be held sepacately from tlie Departmen[ of lusfice fu¢ded progrun, and customers or be¢eficiaries cavnot be compelled to participate in them. The Equat Trea[ment Regulation aiso makes clear tha[ organizadons parficipa[ing i¢ progrems fundeA by the DepaRment of Justice are not pemvtted to discriminate in the provision of services on [Le basi5 of a beneficiary's religion. For more information on the regula6on, piease see OCR's website a[ httpl/www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocdeN6o.hkn. b g,�� State Adminiscering Agencies and faif6-bued organizatioas should ako note that the Safe Streets Act, as amended; the VicUms of Ctime Act, as amended; and the Juvenile Sustice and Delinquency Preven[ion Act, as amended, contain prohbi6ons against discriminafion on the basis of religion ia employment These e¢tployment provisioas have been speci5cally incorpomted inm 28 C.F.R Part 38.1(T� and 38.2(�. Consequently, iv many circumsiances, it wouldbe impecmissihle foi faith-baud organi�aROns Seeki¢g or ceceiving funding authorized by these sta4rtes to have policies or prnctices that condibon hixing and other employmenbrelated decisions on the religion of applicants or employees. Prognms subject to these nondiscrimiaation provitions may be found on OCR's website az http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocd. Quesrions about the regulation or fl�e sfatutes tLat prohibit discriminazion ia employment may be directed to this Office. Enforcing Civl RigLts Laws Atl cecipienCt of FWcral6nanCiaf acsistance, regardiess of [he paRiculaz Cunding sowce, [he amount of the grant award, or the number of emptoyees in the workforce, aze subject to the prohibi[ions agaiost unlawCul discrimination. Accotdingly, OCR invesrigates cecipients Shat are the subject of discrimination compiainCS from both individuals and goups. In addition, based on regulatory criteria, OCR selecGS a number of recipients each yeat for compliance reviews, audi[s tha[ require recipients to submit data showing that they aza prov3ding services equitably to alt segments of theic service population and that fheir empioymen[ p2ctices meet eqssai employment oppommity standards. Complying with the Safe Streetr AM or Program Requirements in addition to ihese generet prohibitions, an organization wbich is a reeipient of financiai assistance subject to the nondiscrimina6on provis�ons of the Omnibus Crime Conhol and Safe Streets Act (Safe Sheets Act) of 1968, 42 U.SC. § 3789d(c), or other Federal gant program requirements, must meet two additional requirements:(] ) wmplying with Fedeml regutations percaining to the development of an Equal Empioyment Opportunity Plan (EEOP), 28 C.F.R. § 42307-_�08, and (2) submitting to OCR Findings of Discrimination (see 28 C.ER. §§ 42.20i(S) or 31202(5)). 1) Meeting the EEOP Requirement In accordance with Federdl regulations, Assurance No. 6 in the Standard Assurances, COPS Assurance No. 8.B, or certain Fedcral grant program requirements, yout organizadon must comply with the folloWing EEOP repoRing requirements: If your orguri2ation has received an award for $500,000 or more and has 50 or more employees (counting bofli full- and part-time employees but excluding polifical appoin[ees), then it has Yo prepare an EEOP and submi[ it to OCR for ceview within 6U days trum the date af t6is letter. For assisfance in developing an EEOP, please consutt OCR's website at 6ttp:1lwww.ojp.usdoj.govlocdeeap.htm You may also [equest technical assistance imm an EEOPspecialist at OCR by dialing (202) 6163208. Lf your organiza4on received an awazd between $25,000 and $500,000 and hu 50 or more employees, yout oeganization stlll has ro prepate aa EEOP, 6ut it does not 6ave tn submit the EEQP to OCR for review. I�stead, your organizalion has to msintain the EEOP on file and make it avaitabte for review on requesc In addition, youc organizafion lus to wmpiete Section B of the CerHficadon Form and retum it to OCR. The CeAification Form can be found at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocdeeop.hkn. If your mganization reee�ved an awazd for less than $25,000; oc ifyour ocganization hes tess than 50 empioyees, regardless of tLe amount of the award; Or if yo¢r organizalio� is a medical inslitution, educationai institution, nonprofit organization or Indian tnbe, then yow orgatizadon is exempt finm the E&OP requirement However, your organization musT complete Sectio¢ A of the Certification Foxm and remm it W OCR. The Certi£cation Fotm can be found at http:(lvrxw.ojp.usdoj.gov(ocdeeop.htm. . 2) Submitting Findings of Discrimination In the evem a Federal or Sra[e covrt or Fedeml or State adminisha6ve agency makes an adverse Finding of discrimina5on against your ozganizstion aftei a due process 6earing, on the gcound of cace, wlor, celigion, nafional origin, or seu, your organization must submit a copy of the finding to OCR for review. b $ ,� � E¢suring tlte Cumpliance of Subrecipientr If your organization makes subawards to other agencies, you are respoosble foc usvring that subcecipients aLw comply witL all of the appiicable Federal civil rights laws, including 1he requuemenzs pertaining to developing and submitting an EEOP, reporiing Findin� of Discrimination, and pro�iding language serv��crs w LEP peisons. State agencies that make subawazds must have in place 5tandazd gfant assumnces and review procedures to demonsirate that they are effectively movitoring fhe civii rights compliance of subrecipients. If we can assist you in any way in fiilfilling your civil rights responsbilibes as a recipien[ of Fede[aI funding, piease call OCR at (202) 307-0690 or visit our website at httpJ/www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ocd. Sincerely, ?�sG�.�-� � Michael L. Alston DirecWr cc: Grant Manager FinancialAnalyst D8�'�� ,��t. i �� s'3 -, ``� ' May 2, 2006 C6ieflolwHacrington , City of Saint Paul IS WestKeLloggBoulevard Samt Paul, MN 55102 Refeience Giant Mumber. 2005-MGCX-K008 Supplemental Budget Numbei: 1 Department of Justice Office of Justice Progrems Office of Comptrolter Washingtoq D.C. 20531 Dear Chief Har[ington: I am pleased to �nfonn you that my o�ce has approved 8ie following budget categories for the aforementioned gcanl awacd in the cost categories identified below: Category Personnel Fringe Benefits Tmvet Equipment Supplies Cqnshuction Convacmal Other Total Direct Cos� Indirect Cost Total Project Cost Federal Funds Approved: Non-Federal Share: Program Income: PriorBudget SupptementalBudget $222,665 $231,834 $66,380 $86,133 $60,390 $77,770 $0 $0 $8,100 54,050 $0 $0 $9,OOD $Q $83,4b5 $I00,213 $450,000 $500,000 $p $0 $450,000 $500,000 $450,000 $SOD,000 $0 $0 $o so Total $454,499 $152,513 $138,160 $0 $12,15� � $9,000 $183,678 $95�,000 $� $95Q00� $950,600 $0 $� b8 -�� If you have questions regardi¢g this awazd, please contact program Questions, Clssistopher Hol]oway, Prog'am Manager at (202) 305-9838; and - Financiat Qiesuons, the O�ce of trie Comptroller, Customer Serrice Center(CSC) at (800) A58-0786, or you may contact 1he CSC ffi aSKoc@usdoj.gov. Congatulations, snd we look forward tu working witL you. Sincerely, � ?+�e*a..� c.:o4:=. s�<=-.-� =- _ Mazcia Paull Acting Comptrolier ��� � �_ `= = Depaztrnentoflushce - Office of 3ustice Programs YAGE I OF 3 Office of Juvenile Jnstice Cooperative Agreement _ -� and Delinquency Prevenfion I,RECIPIENTNAMEANDADDRESS((vNudivgZipCodc) 4.AWARDNI7MBEA: ?A�S-MC-CX-K008 C1tyolStintPaul ISWestKelloggHodevard S.PROSECTPEAIOD;FROM 01lOI240S T� 12l312007 $aint Pwl, MN 55102 BUDGETFERIOD:FROM OV01/2005 TO 1231/2007 � b. AWARD DA'IE OS/0112006 � AGTION lA. GRANTEH IItSNENDOA NO. 8. S[JPPLEhfENT NUh1BER Supplemcntaf 416005521 �� 9.PR6V[OUSAWARDAMOUNP E450,000 3.PROIECTT[TLE IOAMOUNTOFTfiISAWARD $SDD,OOD tn�cmet Crimes Agai¢ct Child�en Tazk Force I i. TOTAL AWARD S 950,000 12. SPEC7A1 CONDiTIONS THE ABOVE GRANC PROSECT 7S APPROVED SUH7HCY TO SUCH CONDITIONS OR UMITATIONS AS AAE SET FORTTI ON TiiE ATTACH£D PAGE(S). l3. STATUTORY AUTHORTTY FOR GRANT This pm)eM is s�ppor[ed undev 42 U S.C. 57]5 (OI1DP - Misa�ng Chil@en) I5. METIiOD OF PAYMEN7' PAPRS - AGENCYAPPROVAL - GRANTEEACCEPTANCE l6. TYPE➢NAME AND'fLTLE OF APPROVING OFFICIAL 18. TYPED NAh1E AND'19TLE OF AUTHORIZED GRANTEE OFR'[CIAL Acgirva B. Schofield Jobn Harrington ChiefofPolice Assistant Aaomry Grneai I9. 5IONATO&E OF APPKOVA'a OFFICIAL 19. SIGNATURL� OF AUTHORSZED AbC➢'YENT OPFICSAL l9fl DATE X���� � i ���� al � AGENCY USE OMY 20. ACCOUN7MG CLASSIFICATION CODES 21. MCO6T00067 FISCAL FUND BUt1. DN. YEAR CODE ACC. OFG REG. SUB. POMS AMOUNT X C MC 70 �� 00 500000 OR FORM 9000�2 (ItEV. 5-8� PREVIOOS EpITIONS ARE OHSOLEIE. OSP FOAM 4009f2 (REV. M88) b8�� � -__ _ �_ = Depaz�ent of Sustice - "'� Office of Iusrice Progcams Office of Juvenile - = Justice and Delinquency "� _— Prevention PROIECIRDMHER 2005-MGCX-K008 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Cooperarive Agreement AWARDDATE OSl01R006 PAGE 2 OF 3 SPPCIAL CONDITIONS t. The cecipient agrees to compty with the financial and adminis�ative rcquiremeats set forth in the cucrent edition of the Office of Justice Programs (OIP) Financial Guide. 2. The recipient acknowledges that failure to submlt an acceptabie Equal Empbyment Opportunity Ytan (if iecipient is required tn submit one pursuant [0 28 C.F.R. Section 42.302), that is approved by �e Office for Civil Rights, is a violation of iCS Cercified Assurances and may result in suspension or terminatiott of funding, until such dme as the recipient is in compliance. 3. The recipient agrees W comply with [he organizatioual audit requirements of OMB Circulaz A-133, Audits of S[ates, Loeai Govemments, and Non-Profit �rganvaROac, as fuether desedbed in the current edidon of the OIP Financial 6uifle, Chapta 19. 4. Recipient und.erstands and agrees that it cannot use auy federal Cunds, eithet directly or indirecCly, in suppoR of the enactmenf, repeal, modificafion or adopfion of a¢y law, regulation or policy, at any level of govemmen[, without the express prior written spproval of OJP. S. The cecipient shall su6mit seeniannuaf progress repo�ts. Progress reports shall be submitted within 3D days aher the end of the reporting periods, wt�ich ace June 30 and Decem6er 31, foc fhe life of the award. "Chese reports will be submitted online through the Office of Jtutiee Progrnms Gcanks Management System. 6. The recipient agcees tu submit quaRerty financiat reporfs on Standard Form SF 269A. Tdese repor[s will be submitted witt�in 45 days after the end oFfhe calendaz quacter, a¢d a final repoR is due 120 days following the end of the award period. The reporYS can be filed online through the Intemet aC https:/fgcan4.ojp.usdoj.gov/. 7. The Project Ditectoc and key progeam personnel designated in the application shali be replaced only for compelling teazons and with the concucrence of OJP. OSP wiil not uncea5onably withhold concurrence. A11 successors to key personne] must be approved, and such approval is wntingent upon submission of appcopdate inforatation, includau�, but not limited to, a resume. Changes ia other program persormel require only noGficafion fn 07P and submission of resumes, un�ess oLherwise designared in [he award document. 8. Tlie recipien[ agrees �o comply with tt�e SCAC Task Force Program Standazds as established by Che ICAC Task Force Advisory Board and approved by OI7DP- 9. The recipient agrees to fo}ward reports of ICAC Task Fotce Program Monthly PeBormance Measures to the 01JDP- designated site. 10. The recipient agrees W designate o¢e of the cegional task forces as its representative to the ICAC Task Force Advisory Board. ILis designation must be in wriGng and foiwarded to OJIDP for approval within ninety days of awazd. OJP FORM 4000Y1(REV.4-88) b$''1 � _ _— °_= Depaztment of Jusfice � OfSce af Jusfice Programs Office of Juvenile - .Tusfiee and Delinquency °�- ° -= Prevention PROiECTNUMeER 2005-MC-CX•K008 AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Cooperafive Agreement awae� on�re ovovzooe PAGE 3 OF 3 SPECIAL CONDITIONS I t. T6e Q�ce of Iuvenite Iustice and Delinquency P�evenpon 6as elected to enfer into a Coopentive Agreement rather than a grant with the recipienG Thls decision reflec4 the mutuaL interest of the recipient and OIJDP in t6e opere[ion of the project as well as the anticipated level of Federa4 involvement in this pro}�C. OISDP's par[icipatnry role in tf�e project is es follows: a. Review and approve ma}or work plans, including changes [o such plans, and key decisions pe�tainmg to project opezations. b. Review and approve major pmject generated documents aqd materials used in the provision of project services. Pmvide guidance in significant project planning meefings, and par[3cipate in projeci sponsored tmining evenis or confecences. 12. Prior W the expend�hire of confidential funds, the recipient and any subrecipients agree to si a certification indicaling that he oc she has cead, understands, and agrees fo abide by all of the conditions pertaining to confidenUal fund expenditures u set Forth in [he OJP Financial Guide. OSP FORM 4000/2 (RSV. <88) bg�� �— --- DepartmentofJustice Office of Justice Progrdms -. __ __- O�ce ofJuvenite Justice and Delinquency Prevention W¢rhirtgmn. D.C. 20531 Memorandum To: Official Grant File From: Donn Davis, Nepa Coordinator Subject: ' � Categorical Exc]usion for Ciry of Saint Paul The recipient agrees to assist OJIDP to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other related federal environmental impact analyses requirements in the use of these grant funds either directly by the recipient ot by a subrecipient. Accordingly, prior Eo o6figating grant funds, the gantee agrees to first determine if any of the following ac6vities will he telated to the use of the grant funds and, if so, to advise O7JDP and request futther NEPA implementation guidance. Recipient understands that this special condition applies to its activities whether or not they are being specificalty funded with these grant funds. That is, as long as the activity is being conducted by the recipient, a subrecipient, or any third party and the activity neads to be undeRaken in order to use these grant funds, this special condition must fust be met. The activities covered by this special condition are: a. new conshucrion; b. minor renovation or remodeling of a property either; (i) listed on or eligible for listing on the Nafional Register of Aistoric Places or; (2) located within a 100-yeaz flood plain; c. a renovarion, lease, or any other ptoposed use of a buildin$ or facility that will either, (1) result in a change in its basic prior use or, (2) signiFicantly change its size and; d. Implementation of a new program involving the use of chemicals other than chemicals that are; (1) purchased as an incidental component of a funded activity and; (2) traditionally used, for example, in office, household, recreatio�al, or education �8 ��� l_ _ —_ - pePUwrnioer�sscce ` GRANT MANAGER'S MEMORAI�DUM� PT. I: Office oflusrice Pmgrams p[ZQ�'i (,"j' �j'[Jj�M[�RY Office of Juvenile Susrice and Caap¢iative Agreement '_ - Delinqnency 1'revention f —� -�� PROJECTNUMBER { i PAGE 1 OF i 2005-MC-CX-K008 I nis pmjut is mpported under 42 U.SC. 5775 (OIIDP - Missing Childxen) l. STAYF COMACT (Name & celcphone number) 2. PA07ECT DIRECLOR (Name, address & telephone number} C}¢ismPhei FSOiloway Amy Brown (202) 305A838 Reseazch Md Cmnu Manager IS W. Kellogg Blvd Saint Pauf, MN 55102-2295 (6S1) 266-5507 3a TITLE OF THE PROGftAM 3b. POMS COffi (SEBINSSRUC710N5 O17DP FY 2006 Intemet Crimes Agaiiri Childi¢n ContinuaRan (CPD) ON REVERS� 4. TITLE OF PROJECT intemet Crimes Agaiast Children 7ask Force 5. NAME & ADDRESS OF GRAM'EE 6. NAME & ADftESS OF SUBGRAMEE City of Saint Paut IS WescKe�loggHoulevazd Saivt Peul, MN 55102 7. PROGRAM PH1t10D 8. BUDGE7' PERIOD ' FROM: OI/O1t2005 TO: 12lSIR007 FRQM: �l/OI/2005 TO: 12/3��2007 9. AMOUNT OF AWARD 10. DATE OF AWAAD $ 500,000 05/02/2006 1 I. SECOND YEAA'S BUDGET 12. SECOND YEAR'S BUDGEC AMaUNT 13. THIRD YeAR'S BIIDGET PERIOD IA. THIRD YEAR'S HUDGEY AMOUNT 15, SUMMARY AESCWP770N OF PROlEC2 (See mswctiou on reverse) 'p�e F] 1998 Sucuce Appropriattons Act, Public Law 105-114 auchoriud SZ.4 mtllion m OI7DP to stimulate the creation of "Siate and local law rnfo¢emrnt rybes wi}s ro invescigaw chtildsezua( ecpLoitation' 6y offevden using tha Intemeo or onlme commuvicalions �echnology. Ol]DP developed the ICAC Task Fo[ce Progrem ro assist Stare and Iocal law enfomement agencies to uquire Ne vecessary knowledge, eqwpmen; and pe�sannel resources w pze�+rn; inrordic4 or imarigace ICAC afEenses. O7P FORM 4000YL (REV 488) pg.�� in FY 1448, cenageo.cia (lst Tia) mceived ICAC 7ask Force cooperauve agmen�ev*s. Subsequent annual funding has allowed for ihe expa�ion of the ICAC pmgrun ro�ow m 45 Tazk Focees. Unda tLis progvn, thae agmpes sme as regiona( So�uces afprevmriom educatlon, and invati�rive expertise to Provide assisWCe ro parencs, teachea. iaw enfomemrnt, and oNc, pro£et5ionals woiking on cYtild victimiza4on issues. Wi$ funding providedby the Fistal Yeaz 2006 P.ppropriaauat Act providW w 07JDP, the Ci.y of St Paul and ttre St Paul Police Depamnrn� wili continue is muld-agency, mWri- disciplmary response ro ICAC offa�sa thaz is composed of @defal, Swe. znd Iocal law evforcemeo[ agmc�es avd child we7fare organiubons ID: I) conduM reacfive and pmacfive ICAC imestigations; 2) sme as a Fom�sic ruou+ce. 3)effeclively prosec�u cases aztLe tocal, srere, and federat tevels; 4kngage in law enforcemrnt and commw�ry ouaeac6 activities m inclvde: tnimn& �ahnical yssLstanrx, and p�evennov and educatioa acuvirics; 5)sene as a resoisce for alL commusiicia and agrnsiec wirhin �he pgogaplilc area af responsbility; �effectively ie.spond ina ¢mely manne� W�efecmis from agevcia (otha [ask Forces, federal pecmers, Cybutfp��ne, em; "nforsnaliu law eofoicemevt parmeahiPs [IUOUgh writtev ageemencs (for example, memormdwns ofundersqnding); 8)pmvide fmancisi assistance w partver agencies; 9) require tlut peMa agrncics adopt ICAC Tuk Fmce Investlga¢ve Standards as poliry: 7� tu11Y Parti°iPate iv nationalty coor8mazed ivvatigaRans (for exarupk, Pecr P¢cisioa CA/CP Eghibit B LAW ENFORCEMENT SEI�STTIVE lnteraet �rim�s ���� b$ -�'1 Against Children ����� OPERATIONAL AND IN'VESTIGATIVE STANDARDS Revised: Feb 1, 2007 ICAC Program Operational and Invesrigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCENIENT PiTRPOSES ONLY V��� � LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS Forward Defmitions Section 1: Oversight Section 2: Selection and Retention of ICAC Task Force Personnel Section 3: Training Section 4: Case Management Section 5: Information Sharing Section 6: Victim Identification Section 7: Community Education and Crime Prevention Section 8: Media Relations and Releases Appendix A; ICAC Communication Plan 2005 - 2008 Appendis B: Regional ICAC Task Force Contact List Appendig C: ICAC Training & Technical Assistance Contact List Appendix D: National Child Victim Identification Program � ICAC Program OperaXional and bxvestigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPO5E5 ONLY February 1,2007 bg'�� LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITTVE Forward The mission of the Internet Criznes Against Childxen (ICAC) Task Force program is to assist state and local law enforcement agencies in developing an effective response to cyber enticement and child pornography cases. The Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) program is a national network of coordinated state and local task forces engaged in proactive investigations, forensic examinations, effective prosecutions and community education. The ICAC program was developed in response to the increasing number of children and teenagers using the Internet, the proliferation of child pornography, and the heightened online activity by predators searching for unsupervised contact with underage victims. By helping state and local law enforcement agencies develop effective and sustainable responses to online child victimization and child pornography, the ICAC program delivers national resources at the local level. In addition, the ICAC program believes that building partnerships will reduce child victimization, both in the United States and internationally. The purpose of this document is to set minimum uniform operational and investigative standards. These standards promote consistency in investigations, referrals, prosecutions and other aspects within the ICAC Task Force program. This document does not intend to prohibit officials from using discretion and best judgment in matters where personal or community safety is at stake. ICAC Program Operational attd Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY February I, 200'1 bb-�' Law Enforcement Sensitive Definitions As used herein, the following defin3tions shall apply: "OJJDP" is the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. "NCMEC" is the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. "CEOS" is the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section of the Criminal Division of the Deparhnent of Justice. "ICAC" is the Internet Crimes Against Children program composed of Regionai Task Forces and A�liates. "REGIONAL TASK FORCE" is defined as an ICAC law enforcement agency designated by O,IJDP to act as a Regional Task Force. "AFFILIATE" is deftned as a law enforcement agency that is working in partnership with a Regional Task Force and has agreed in writing to adhere to ICAC Operational and Investigative Standards. "PARTNER" is defined as an agency assisting a Regional Task Force absent a written agreement. "NATIONAL IrIITIATIVE" is defined as any investigative proposal which relies on the cooperation and resources of ail Regional Task Forces or mandates action by 0J3DP. "EXECUTIVE COMMITTEB" is defined as the chair and the vice-chair of the Working Group and the co-chairs of the Working Group committees. "CVIP" is the Child Victim Identification Program. For the purposes of this program, crime is defined as any offense that involves the exploitation of children facilitaxed by technology. ICAC Program Operationat and Imestigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY February 1, 2007 b� -�� Law Enforcement Sensitive Iravestigative interast is estahlished when there is reasonable suspicion that a screen name or other potentially ident�able entity has committed a crime or that entity is engaged in a sequence of activities that is likely to resuit in the commission of a crime. A proactive investigafion is designed to identify, investigate and prosecute offenders, which may or may not involve a specific target, and requires online interaction and a significant degree of pre-operative plamiing. A reactive investigation involves the investigation of a complaint of a crime. Reasonable suspicion is established when su�cient facts exist to lead a law enforcement officer to believe that an individual or organization is involved in a defmable criminal activity. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FOI2 LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY February 1, 2007 �$,�� Law Enforcement Sensitive 1. Oversight 1.1 Each ICAC agency shall have supervisory systems and procedures, which shall provide for observafion, documentation, and periodic review of ICAC activity. Such system shouid comply with the principles of quality case management and ensure that ICAC activities comply with both agency and ICAC Standards. 1.2 Regional Task Forces shall submit all proposed national initiatives to the Working Group Chair and OJJDP prior to project initiation. All proposed national initiatives must be reviewed and approved by the Working Group Bxecutive Committee prior to unplementation. 1.3 The Executive Committee at its discretion may suggest amendments to the original proposal following consultation with the presenting Task Force. ICAC Program Operational and Irrvestigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY February i, 2007 �g,�i� Law Enforcement Sensirive 2. Selection and Retention of ICAC Task Force Personne] 2.1 Managers and supervisors should evaluate prospective ICAC candidates for work history that indicates prior invesrigative experience, court testimony skills, ability to handle sensitive informafion prudently, and a genuine interest in the protection of children. 2.2 Given the graphic nature ofevidence routinely encountered in ICAC related cases, the mental health of investigators working such cases is a great concern. Task force supervisors at al] levels aze encouraged to make reasonable efforts to ensure that all assigned officers remain fit for duty in accordance with applicable departmental policies and procedures. ICAC Program Operational and Irivestigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY February 1, 2007 Law Enforcement Sensitive vo /� � 3. firaining 3.1 All Investigators will be supplied with appropriate training consistent with the ICAC Operarional and Investigative Standazds. 3.2 Working group members are responsible for ensuring that the individuals nominated for ICAC sponsored training aze employed by agencies that have agreed in writing to adhere to the ICAC standards of investigation and that any prerequisite requirements for the training session have been met. 33 ICAC task forces may give regional training. The training shall comply with current ICAC standazds. Any subsequent support required as a result of the regional training shall be the responsibility of the task force providing the training. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standarc FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY February 1, 2007 bg,�'1 Law Enforcement Sensitive 4. Case Management 4.1 Case Predication and Prioritization 4.1.1 Cases may be inifiated by referrals from the CyberTipline, Internet service providers, or other law enforcement agencies, and by information gathered tUrough subject interviews, documented public sources, direct observations of suspicious behavior, public complaints, or by any other source acceptable under agency policies. 4.1.2 ICAC supervisors aze responsible for determining investigative prioriries and selecting cases for investigation. Assuming the information is deemed credible, that determination should begin with an assessment of victun risk and then consider other factors such as jurisdiction and Irnown offender behavioral characteristics. The following prioritization scale shall be considered: a) A child is at immediate risk of victimization b) A child is vulnerable to victimization by a known offender c) A known suspect is aggressively soliciting a chi]d(ren} d) Manufacturers, distributors or possessors of images that appear to be hame photography with domiciled children e) Aggressive, high-volume child pornography manufacturers or distributors who either are commercial distributors, repeat offenders, or specialize Sn sadistic images fl Manufacturers, distributots and solicitors involved in high-volume trafficking or belong to an organized child pornography ring that operates as a criminal conspiracy g) Distributors, solicitors and possessors of images of child pornography h) Any other form of child vietimization. 4.2 Record Keeping 4.2.1 ICAC agencies shall be subject to existing agency incident reporting procedures and case supervision systems. At a minimum, a unique identifier shall be assigned to each ICAC case. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards Fp12 LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY February 1, 20Q7 D8�'�� Law Enforcement Sensirive 4.2.2 All affiliated agencies will report their activity to their respective Regional Task Force 4Jorking Group Member by the l Oth of each month using the ICAC Monthly Performance Measures Report. 4.2.3 Regional Task Forces will compile and submit their monthly performance measures report to the O7JDP designated location before the end of the following calendar month. This monthly report does not replace the semi-annual progress report required by the Office of Justice Program's Financial Guide. 4.3 Undereover Investigations 43.1 Carefully managed undercover operations conducted by well-trained officers aze among the most effective techniques avai]able to law enforcement for addressing ICAC offenses. Uadercover operations, when executed and documented properly, collect virtually unassailable evidence regazding a suspecYs predilection to exploit children. 43.2 ICAC supervisors are responsibie for ensuring that ICAC investigators receive a copy of the ICAC Operafional and Investigative Standazds. 4.33 ICAC investigations shall be conducted in a manner consistent with the principles of law and due process. ICAC investigators aze encouraged to work in conjuncrion with their local, state or federal prosecutors. 4.3.4 The following minimum standards appiy to ICAC investigations: a. Only sworn, on-duty ICAC personnel shali conduct ICAC investigations in an undercover capacity. Private citizens shall not be asked to seek out investigative targets, nor shall they be authorized to act as palice agents in an online undercover capacity. b. ICAC personnel shall not electronical�y upload, transmit, or forwazd pomographic or sexually explicit images. c. Other than images or videos of individuais, age 18 or over, who haue provided their informed written consent, and at the time consent was given were employed by a criminal justice agency, no actual human images or videos shali be urilized in an investigation. Empioyee is defined as a salazied or compensated individual. d. Durzng online dialogue, undercover officers should allow the investigative target to seY the tone, pace, and subject matter of the online conversation. Image transfer shall be initiated by the target. e. Undercover online activity shall be recorded and documented. Any deparhu'es from this policy due to unusual circumstances shali be documented in the relevant case file and reviewed by an ICAC supervisor. ICAC Pt-ogram Operational and Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES O1�iLY Febnzary 1, 2007 b$�� Law Bnforcement Sensitive 4.4 Evidence Procedures 4.4.1 The storage, security, and destrucrion of investigative information shall be consistent with agency policy. Access to these files should be restricted to authorized personnel. 4.4.2 The e�nination of computers and digitai media shall be consistent with agency policy and procedure. 4.43 Child pornography is contraband and should be maintained pursuant to each agency's policies regazding such. It is recommended that absent a court order specificaliy ordering otherwise, evidence containing child pornography shall not be released to any defendant or representative thereof. 4.4.4 The transfer of evidence containing child pornography among law enforcement shall be done in a secure manner. Methods of transfer may inc]ude hand-delivery, transmission of digitally protected files, delivery via a service which tracks the shipment, or other methods consistent with agency policy and practices. 4.5 Workspace and Equipment 4.51 ICAC computers and softwaze shail be reserved for the exclusive use of agency designated ICAC personnel. When possible, undercover computers, software, and online accounts shatl be purchased covertly. No personaliy owned equipment shall be used in ICAC investigations and ai1 software shall be properly acquired and licensed. 4.52 ICAC personnel shall not use ICAC computers, software or online accounts for personal use. 4.53 Absent exigent or unforeseen circumstances, all TCAC online investigafions shall be conducted in govemment workspace as designated by the agency. Exceptions must be approved in advance by an ICAC supervisor. ICAC Program Operationat and Irrvestigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY February 1, 2007 b g.�t� Law Enforcement Sensitive 5. Information Sharing 5.1 Convenrionai boundaries aze virivaliy meaningless in the electronic world of the Internet and the usual constraints of time, place, and distance lose their relevance. These factors increase the possibility of ICAC agencies targeting one another, investigating the same subject, or inadvertently disrupting an ongoing investigation. To foster cootdination, collaboration, and communication, each ICAC agency must contribute basic case information tA a common database. 5.2 Each ICAC agency shali contribute case information on all active investigations (local, interstate, reactive and proactive) to a common database as designated by the ICAC Working Group. This information should be submitted at the earliest practical opporiunity. 53 If any common target is identified, the initiating ICAC agency is responsible for contacting the other ]aw enforcement agency targeting the suspect. 5.4 Initiaring ICAC agencies should also consider contacting other local, state, and federal agencies which may be involved in similar investigations. ICAC Program Operational and Ir�vestigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY February 1, 2007 ba,�'� Law Enforcement Sensirive 6. Victim Identification 6.1 Identifying child vietims is a critical element of the ICAC Program. DOJ and OJJDP require all Task Forces to submit chiid victim images to the CVIP as a means to improve child victim identificarion. Absent exigent circumstances, child victnn images will be sent to the CVIP consistent with NCMEC guidelines. In addirion, ICAC agencies aze encouraged to collaborate with NCMEC to identify children depicted in child pomography. 6.2 A focus of the ICAC Program is to proteet chiidren. In circumstances where reporting of child abuse is not required under existing laws, ICAC agencies are strongly encouraged to report instances in which a child may be at risk for abuse or exploitation. 63 Absent exigent circumstances, victim identifying information should be protected from public disclosure. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FOR LAW EPiFORCEMENT P[JRPOSES ONLY February 1, 2007 �,�'i Law Enforcement Sensitive 7. Community Education and Crime Prevention 7.1 Prevenrion education acrivities aze a critical component of the OJJDP ICAC Program. ICAC agencies should foster awazeness and provide practical, relevant guidance to children, parents, educators, librarians, and other individuals concemed about child safety issues. 72 Presentations to school staff, parents, and community groups aze excellent ways to promote awazeness. These presentarions shall not depict identifiable victims, not othenvise in the public domain; nor shall they use pomographic or sexualiy expiicit images. Presenters shall not discuss conftdenfial investigative techniques. 7.3 No member of an ICAC Task Force may endorse any product or service without the express consent of an 03JDP Program Manager. While appearing at public presentations, ICAC members may indicate a preference for a product or service, but to avoid an implicit endorsement, such TCAC members should indicate adequate alternarives. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FOR LAW EI3FORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY February 1, 2007 Law Enforcement Sensirive � p�� � S. Media Relations and Releases 8.1 Media releases relating to prosecufions, crime alerts or other matters conceming ICAC operations shali not inciude information regarding confidential investigativetechniques and should be coordinated (when applicabie) with other Task Force participants, Federal law enforcement agencies, and State and locai agencies involved in the investigation consistent with sound informarion management and media relations practices. Information provided shall be consistent with the ICAC communications plan. (Appendix A) 8.2 Narional media pieces will be coordinated through the Operations Committee in conjunction with the appropriate OJ3DP and ICAC personnel. ICAC Program Operational and Ir�vestigative Standards �OR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY February i, 2007 p $,'t'1 Appendig A— ICAC Communications Plan 2005 - 2008 Strategic plan Deliverable 1.5 articulates the program's desire to build pu6lic awazeness. This document d"uectly addresses the ICAC Strategic Plan_2005 —2008 Deliverable 1.5 and the following Acrions which call for the program to: Action 1.5.1 Estabiish an advisory group of high-visibility public figures to assist in communicaring the ICAC program's message Action 1.5.2 Develop and implement a multi-year coordinated nationai communications plan for the ICAC program Action 1.53 Coordinate with relevant organizations in the pub]ic and private sectors to promote Internet safety programs Action 1.5.4 Measure the impact of the ICAC communication plan Purpose The mission of the Intemet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force program is to assist state and local law enforcement agencies in developing an effective response to cyber enticement and child pornography cases. This support encompasses forensic and investigative components, training and technical assistance, victim services, prevention and community education. In addition, the ICAC Strategic Plan 2005 — 2008 calls for building law enforcement capacity and reducing child victimization, both in the United States and intemationally. The purpose of this commnnications plan is to link the ICAC mission and sirategic plan to the program's communications camgaign. This communications plan seeksto gain awareness, understanding and support for the ICAC Task Force progtam. This plan is dynamic and will be updated as program needs evolve and/or goals and objectives are accomplished. Backeround The Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) program is a national network of foriy six coordinated local task forces engaged in proactive investigations, forensic examinations, effecrive prosecutions and community education. The ICAC program was developed in response to the increasing number of children and teenagers using the Internet, the proliferation of child pornography, and the heightened online activity by predators seazching for unsupervised contact with underage victims. By helping sate and ]ocal law enforcement agencies develop effective and sustainable responses to online chiid victimization and chiid pomography, the ICAC program delivers nationai resources at the ]ocallevel. ICAC Communication Plan 2005 — 2008 12-16-2005 � ,� � More than 30 miliion children in the United States use the Intemet 2 One in four chIldren, ages 10 through 17, who use the Internet regulazly had an unwanted exposure to sea�ually explicit pictures 3 Approximately 1 in 5 received a sexual solicitation or approach 4 The ICAC program actively protects children who use the Internet by proactivelyinvestigating the on-line sexua] exgloitation of children by predaxors. Because ICAC pracritioners understand that arrests alone can not resolve the problem of on-line victimization, the ICAC program is dedicated to iraining law enforcement and educating parents and youth about the potential dangers online and offering safety tools. Goals of the Communications Plan The following represent the goals for this communications plan: Goal 1: Develop awareness of the ICAC task Force and its mission Goa12: Promote investigative resources and training available to the law enforcement communiry in an effort to build capacity Goa13: Reduce child vicfimization through awareness programs making it clear to parents that juveniles can become victims of sexual exploitation by the people they meet on the Internet Goal4: Focus the ICAC's efforts for malcimum beneSt to child safety over the years 2005-2008 and beyond. In order to achieve these goais, the following objectives have been identified: O.bjective 1: Aevelop a national ICAC website Objecrive 2: Develop an ICAC identity based" on the target audience to include logo and tag line Objective 3: Establish an ICAC media representative. Objective 4: Permeate the culture and lifestyle of target audience through placement of information in settings frequented by the audience. Objective 5: Develop and manage a unified national communications structure in order to achieve consistency of inessage Objective 6: Establish an advisory group of high-visibility public figures who can influence behavior patterns of targeted audiences and assist in communicating the ICAC program's messages Objective 7: Use statements from members of the target audience to demonsirate behaviorsand consequences ICAC Communication Plan 2005 — 2008 12-16-2005 a g��"1 Objective 8: Develop law enforcement and community pazmerships to leverage resources and expand the capacity to deliver key messages and investigative skill sets Objective 9: Collecf and develop marketing materiais, community outreach and media kits for reference and/or dissemination to all Task Forces Objective 10: Establish benchmarks to measure the impact of the ICAC communicarion plan Tateet Audience The communications plan will equaliy address three TCAC issues; recognition, response and prevention. Establishing name and resource recognifion is a critical component of the communications campaign. Recognition will identify the ICAC Task Force as a resource for the areas of highest priority; ]aw enforcement and parents. Kev Messate LAW ENFORCENTENT: • Computer and Intemet invesrigations defy conventional law enforcement concepts regarding jurisdiction making coordinated response efforts a must. • The ICAC Task Force agencies assist state and local law enforcement in creating an effective response to online enticement and child pomography complaints including investigative techniques, forensic support, victim services and community education. • The CyberTipline offers a mechanism for citizens to report online child exploitation. Information reported is analyzed and investigative leads aze distributed to ICAC Task Force agencies. . The 1CAC Task Force Program offers technical resources for the use of the Child Victim Identification Program (CVIP) through the National Center for Missing and Expioited Children. CVIP offers law enforcement the ability to check their case files for known victims as well as providing a clearinghouse for the submission of newly identified chlld victims. • The ICAC Training and Technical Assistance Program offer assistance to Task Force agencies by developing and deploying cutting edge training in support of ICAC initiatives. PARENTS: . When children leave home, parents ask fluee basic questions: Where are you going? Who aze you going with? When will you be home? These same principles apply to the Internet. Ask your children what sites they will be ICAC Communicafion Plan 2005 — 2008 12-16-2005 �gi�� visiting, who they wiil be tallcing with and how long they wili be using the computer. . Prepaze your children for the online world as you would the real world. • Internet safety is about parenting — softwaze shouid be considered a tool, not a solution. • The best way to protect your children is by maintaining and establishing open lines of communicafion. • Establish a positive relationship with your children before someone else does. • Create and post Intemet use guidelines and rules. . Place computers in common azeas where supervision can occur. • If an oniine incident occurs, express concem, listen compassionately and remain calm. • Report online incidents to the CyberTipline and contact the ICAC Task Force in your area or local law enforcement. When discussing Internet safety with children, provide them with the foliowing messages: • The Internet is an exciting tool that needs to be used safely. • Do not shaze your personal information or picture on line. • Tell a pazent or tnzsted adult if something makes you feel scared, uncomfortable or confused. • Do not meet in person with anyone you first met online. • Develop and maintain open lines of communication with your pazents. • Do not shaze your password with anyone except your parent or guazdian, not even your best friend. • Ignore and refrain from responding to mean or threatening emails or instant messages. Imnlementation StrateEv The communications pian will use websites, Public Service Announcements, community presentations, videos, posters, FAQs, contact lists, fact sheets, best practice documents, ICAC Communication Pian 2005 — 2008 12-16-2005 �g,�� resowce manuals, brochures, newsletters, publicafions, television shows, movie theaters, media contacts and partnezships as tools for implementation as budget aliows. Implementation Resources In an effort to shate informal designed ICAC resources will the Opera6ons Committee. � repository by OJJDP. on and put forth a unified message, current and newly be collected from Task Force agencies and reviewed by )nce reviewed, all acceptable resources will be held in Prouosed Primarv Partnershia National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the NetSmartz Workshop. Evaluation Strate¢v Benchmarks will be used to measure the impact of the ICAC communication plan. Identified benchmarks include tracking the number of hits on the website, media releases, news conferences, educational conferences and new partnerships developed. Pre and post implementation surveys regazding name recognition and reporting awareness are strongly recommended. Mana ement of Communications Plan The communications plan will be managed by the Operations Committee in proposed partnership with the National Center for Missing and Expioited Children. Semi-annual evaluation reports wall be generated for review by OJJPD and the ICAC warking group. Budaet Requests for service andlor funding will be made as projects are priozitized. 1 The U.S. Depaztment of Justtce, O�ce of 7uvenile Iusuce and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), is resporeible for the adminisastion of the na6on's Intemet Crimes Agamst Children (ICAC� Task Force program. The Office of 7uvenile SusGCe a�d Delinquency Prevention is a wmponent of the U.S. Department of Justic� O�ce af Justice Pro�ams For more information, see URL <http://ojjdp.nc�rs.argn. 2 More Online, Doing More. Washingtoq DC: T1�e Pew Intemet & American Life Project, 2001, page 2. 3 David Finkelhor, Kimberly J. Mi[chell, and 7anis Wolak. Onlme Victiminlion: A Repmt on the Nauon's Youtl�. ptexandria, Virginia: Nafiona] Center for Missing & Facploited Childten, 2000, page ix. A David Finkelhor, Kimberly J. Mitchell, and Janis W olak. 2000, pa6e ix. ICAC Communication Plan 2005 — 2008 12-16-2005 b$�'�� For Law Enforcement Use Only Appendig B- Regional ICAC Task Force Contact Information Alabama Alabama ICAC Task Force Alabama Bureau of Investigarion 834 Adams Ave. Montgomery, Alabama 36102 334-353-1172 California Continued San Diego ICAC Task Force San Diego Police Department 1401 Broadway, MS 744 San Diego, CA 92101 619-533-5752 Alaska Seattle NW Regional ICAC Seattle Police Department 610 Sth Ave. P.O. Box 34986 Seattle, WA 98124-4986 206-684-8670 Arizona Arizona ICAC Task Force Phoenix Police Deparirnent 620 W. Washington Phoeniac, AZ 85003 602-262-6151 Arkansas Arkansas ICAC Task Force Arkansas State Police #1 State Police Plaza Drive Little Rock, AR 72209 501-618-8386 California Los Angeles Regional ICAC Task Force Los Angeles Police Department 150 N. Los Angeles Street, Room 109 Los Angeles, California 90012 213-847-5358 Sacramento ICAC Task Force Sacramento County Sheriff's Department 711 G Street Sacramento, California 95814 916-874-3030 San Jose ICAC Task Force San Jose Police Department 201 W. Mission St, San Jose, CA 95110 408-277-4102 Colorado Colorado ICAC Task Force Colorado Springs Police Department 705 South Nevada Avenue Colorado Springs, Colozado 80903 719-444-7541 Connecticut Connecticut ICAC Task Force Connecticut Sta1e Police 278 Colony Street Meriden, Connecricut 06451 203-639-6456 Delaware Maryland ICAC Task Force Maryland State Police 7155 — C Columbia Gateway Drive Columbia, MD 21046 410-290-1620 Florida South Florida ICAC Task Force Browazd County Sheriffls Department 2601 West Browazd Blvd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 954-888-5242 .="��ape��di� [3 - IC::1t; Re��ic�na! iC:1C 1'ask 1=�r�e Ca��t�7ct Snfusmsticm — 5_?ti-�6 o���'l For Law Enforcement Use Only Florida Continned North Florida ICAC Task Force Gainesville Police Deparlment PO Box 1250 Gainesville, FL 32602 352-334-2561 Georgia GA ICAC Task Force Georgia Bureau of Investigation PO Box 370808 Decatur, GA 30037-0808 800-282-8746 24hr 404-270-8870 ICAC Direot FIawaii Hawaii TCAC Task Force Hawaii Depariment of Attomey General 425 Queen Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 808-586-1160 Idaho Utah TCAC Task Force Utah Office of Attorney General 5272 South College Dr. #200 Murray, Utah 84123 801-2$1-1255 Illinois Illinois ICAC Task Force Office of the Attorney General 100 W. Randolph, 12th Floor Chicago,IL 606Q1 312-814-3762 Cook County ICAC Task Force Cook County State's Attorney's Office 2650 South California Chicago, IL 60608 773-869-6492 Indiana Indiana ICAC Task Force Indiana State Police Govemment Center North, lOQ N. Senate, Room #340 2101 Directors Row Indianapolis, IN 46204 317-232-6110 Iowa Iowa ICAC Task Force Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation DCI-State Capitol 1015 E. Grand Avenue Des Moines, Iowa 50309-9968 515-281-5138 Kansas WichitaiSedgwick County ICAC Task Force 130 S. Market Wichita, Kansas 67201 316-337-6552 Kentucky Kentucky ICAC Task Force Kentucky State Police Slectronic Crime Section 1240 Airport Road Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 502-226-2160 Louisiana Louisiana ICAC Task Force Louisiana Department of Justice 1885 North 3rd Street Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802 225-326-6100 Maine Northem New England TCAC Task Fozce Portsmouth Police Departrnent 3 Junkins Avenue Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-436-2511 ;�ppe�tdi�. B- ICAC Reoiunal IC:�C `i'ask Fc�rcE Coat��ct Tn€ormatit��a — 5_�6-Qb {�lL / � � V� For Law Enforeement Use Only Maryland Maryland ICAC Task Force Maryland State Police 7155-C Columhia Gateway Drive Columbia, MD 21046 410-290-1620 Nevada Nevada ICAC Task Force Las Vegas Police Deparhnent 4750 W. Oakey LasVegas; NV 89102 702-229-3421 Massachusetts Massachusetts ICAC Task Force Massachusetts State Police 340 West Brookfield Road New Brainiree, MA 01531 508-867-1080 Michigan Michigan ICAC Task Force Michigan State Police 4000 Coilins Rd Lansing, MI 48909 517-336-2010 Minnesota Minnesota ICAC Task Force St. Paul Police Deparhnent 367 Grove Street St. Paui, Minnesota 55101 651-266-5885 Missouri Missouri TCAC Task Force 227 S. Central, 2nd Floor St. Louis, MO 53105 314-889-4280 Montana Utah TCAC Task Force Utah O�ce of Attomey General 5272 South College Dr. #200 Murray, Utah 84123 801-281-1255 Nebraska Nebraska ICAC Task Force Nebraska State Patrol 4411 So 108th Street Omaha, Nebraska 68137 402-595-2410 New Hampshire Northern New England ICAC Task Force Portsmouth Police Department 3 Junkins Avenue Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-436-2511 New Jersey New Jersey ICAC Task Force New 7ersey State Police 1200 Negron Drive Hamiltnn, New Jersey 08691 609-584-SQ51 x 5601 New Mexico New Mexico ICAC Task Force New Mexico Attorney General's O�ce 111 Lomas Blvd. NW Suite 300 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102 505-222-9000 New York New York ICAC Task Force New York State Police Bldg.#30, State Campus 1220 Washington Avenue Albany, New York 12226 518-457-8812 North Carolina North Carolina ICAC North Cazolina State Bureau of Investigation P.O. Box 29500 Raleigh, NC 27626 414-662-4509 ea2 6432 r��pet�cii� B-€CAC Reaional iC;��C Task Force Contact Int�rm�tion — 5 �6-{76 � g For Law Enforcement Use Only North Dakota Minnesota ICAC St. Paul Police Department 367 Grove Street St. Paui, Minnesota 55101 651-266-5885 Ohio Ohio ICAC Task Force Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office 1200 Ontario Street Cleveland, OH 44113 216-443-7825 Oklahoma Okiahoma ICAC Task Force Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation 6600 North Hazvey Blvd Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 918-879-2608 Oregon Oregon ICAC Task Force Oregon DeparhnentofJusrice b10 Hawthorne Ave SE, #210 Salem, OR 97301 503-378-6347 Pennsylvania Pennsylvania lCAC Task Force Delaware County District Ariorney's O�ce 201 W. Front Street Media, PA 19063 610-891-4709 South Carolina South Carolina ICAC Task Force South Cazolina Attomey General's Office PO Box 11549 1000 Assembly Street, Dennis Bldg., Sth Floor Columbia, SC 29211-1549 803-734-3970 South Dakota Minnesota ICAC Task Force St. Paul Police Department 367 Grove Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 651-26b-5885 Tennessee Tennessee ICAC Task Force Knoxviile Police Department 800 Howazd Baker Jr. Avenue Knoxville, T'N 37901 865-637-5590 Texas Dallas ICAC Task Foice Dailas Police Department Jack Evans Headquarters Building 1400 South Lamaz Street Daltas, TX 75215-1815 214-671-4211 South Texas ICAC Task Force Office of Attomey General of Texas 300 West 15�` Street Austin, TX 78711 512-463-8376 Rhode Island Connecticut ICAC Task Force Connecficut State Police 278 Colony Street Meriden, Connecticut 06451 203-639-6456 Utah Utah ICAC Task Force Utah Office of the Attorney General 5272 South Coilege Dr. #200 Miuray, Utah 84123 801-281-1255 F1���etidia �- It',�C [te�=:onaI IU�C' 1'as(c Fcrce C ont��ct I�ifnrma�ion - 5-='E�-()� h� i i � V For Law Enforcement Use Only Vermont Northern New England ICAC Task Force Portsmouth Police Department 3 Junkins Avenue Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-436-2511 West Virn nia Southern Virginia lCAC Task Force Bedford County Sheriffs Office 1345 Falling Creek Road Bedford, VA 24523 540-586-4800 vlYglAlR Southem Virginia lCAC Task Force Bedford County Sheriffs Office 1345 Falling Creek Road Bedford, VA 24523 540-586-4800 Northern Virginia lCAC Task Force Vir;inia State Police P O Box 10900 Fairfas, Virginia 22039 703-323-4548 Washington Seattle NW Regional ICAC Task Force Seattle Police Department 610 Sth Ave. P.O. Box 34986 Seattle, WA 98124-4986 206-684-8670 Wisconsin VJisconsin ICAC Task Force VJisconsin Department of Justice PO Box 7857 17 West Main Street Madison, WI 53707 608-266-1671 Wyoaring Wyoming ICAC Task Force Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation 316 W. 22nd St. Cheyenne, WY 82002 3Q7-777-5437 �tippe43<SF� I� - tCr1C t2ea'sc�na( IC:e�t' 1'ask Fc�ree CnnEact IEZti'�rm�tioti—?-'E7-O6 �X/ 1 � G! For Law Enforcement Use Only Appendix C- ICAC Training & Technical Assistance Program Contact Information __ _ New Hampshire Office _ _ _ _ Brad Rnss, Program Director Phone: b03.862.7031 E-mail: brad.russ n unh.edu Leila Harrington, Program Administrator Phone: 603.862.2694 E-mail: leila.harrington(�a,unh.edu Julia Snay, Financial Services Coordinator Phone: 603.862.7048 E-mail: julia.snaynunh.edu Vicki O'Brien, Executive Assistant to the Director Phone: 603.8623846 E-mail: iulia.snaYnaunh.edu Deana Gilkinson, Program Specialist Phone: 603.862.29$3 E-mail: deana.Qilkinson�a?unh.edu Katie Limoges, Program SpeciaGst Phone: 603.862.0337 E-mail: katie.limoges(�unh.edu Mailing Address Fox Valiey Technical College ICAC Training & Technioal Assistance Program c/o University of New Hampshire Crimes Against Children Reseazch Center 10 West Edge Drive, Room, 106 Durham, NH 03824 Faa 603.862.2477 Toll Free $77.798.7682 Wyoming Office Todd Colvin, ICAC Data Network Program Coordinator Phone: 307.637A159 E-maii: colvin(ufvtc.edu Chris Armstrong, ICAC Data Network Program Specialist Phone: 307.777.5437 E-mail: armstronna fvtc.edu Appendix C— ICAC Training & Technical Assistance Program Contact List Febntary 2007 b$ �� For Law Enforcement Use Only Mailing Address Fox Va11ey Technical College ICAC Training & Technical Assistance Program c% ICAC Technology Center 6324 Yellowstone Dr. Cheyenne, WY 82009 Appendix C— ICAC Training & Technical Assistance Program Contact List February 2007 b��� Appendix D- National Child Victim Identification Program , ,� ,�<� '� �.,� �y � � � � � .� ���:�; �� UNiTED STATES POSTAL INSPECTION SERVICE WASHINGTOI3 ME'I`RO DIVISION Submitting Images to be Reviewed for ldenti�ed Children The United States Posta] Inspection Service (USPIS) and the National Center for Missing & Exp(oited Children (NCMEC) are working together to assist law enforcement agencies and prosecutors with determining if chi]d pornography images contain chiidren who have been identified by law enforcement in past investigations. The USPIS, through their PosYal Inspector ]iaison at the NCMEC, is assisting by providing a law enforcement point of contact at the Center, thus maintaining a law enfarcement chain of custody. Procedures for submission follow: . Only copies of contraband should be sent. Please do not send original evidence. Both movie and image files may be sent on CD, DVD, or VHS tape. Only the files to be reviewed should be on the disk. For addirional formats, please contact NCMEC prior to mailing. • Image and movie files shouid be zipped up into zip (compression) files, each no lazger than 1.5 GB. Please do not send Encase reports or other Word, RT'F or PDF documents. . Please include any known email addresses and screen names of the target as NCMEC may have relevant CyberTipline reports to the case. . Please inc]ude number of image and movie files submitted for review. For submissions over 10,000 files, piease notify NCMEC before mai(ing to discuss the timeline for the review. • Please notify NCMEC or USPIS (contact info below) that you aze mailing material. • Please mail the package to: Inspector Stephan Leaz, USPISlNCMEC Post Office Box 19853 Ale�ndria, VA 22320-9853 . The package should be sent via Express Mai] or Itegistered mail. Please do not send via UPS or Fedex. • Each submission should be accompanied by a brief statement on a piece of agency letterhead, including agency name, officer/agent name, address, phone number, email address, and a brief description of case lncluding case number and targeY s name, National Child Victim Identification Program December 2D05 o �-�� Contraband receaved will be controlled and secured by a law enforcement officer and provided to a NCMEC analyst for review and analysis. For any questions or comments please contact Inspector Leaz or NCMEC staff per the information below. S. P. (Steve) Lear, Postal Inspector National Center for Missing & Exploited Children U.S. Postal Inspeet3o�rService Chi�d Vietim�denrification Program - NCMEC (703) 837-6317 (800) 843-5678, ea�t. 6705 Ceil (804) 640-t4584 cvip@ncmec.org SPLeaz@uspis.gov sleaT@ncmec.org S. P. LEAR P O BOX 3200 MERRIFIELD VA 22116-3200 TELEPHONE: (804) 640-4584 FAX: (703) 648-6435 SPLEARna iJSPIS.GOV How to Zip Files for Submission to NCMEC 1. Open WinZip. If you don't have this program, it's free-tatry at: http:!/www.winzip.com/. 2. Click on the "New" button and create a zipfile into which all your image files will go (it should default to it, but make sure the file is a".zip" file). 3. An "Add" box will open up. This ailows you to search your drives for the files you want to drop into the zipfile. • You can chose multipie files at once by using the Control-C command and clicking on each oftBe files to drop. • If you have subfolders and complex filepaths, click on "3ave full path info". This will preserve the location of the file. 4. Once the files are chosen, click on "Add". 5. If you need to go back and add additional files at a later date, open the zip file and click on the "Add" 6utton. Follow the same steps. 6. ThaYs it! The zip file is done! Rememher: Image ( jpg,.art,.gif,.tif,.bmp,etc) and movie (.mpg,.avi,etc) files shouid both be zipped, with each no lazger than 1.5 GB. National Child Victim Identificafion Program Decemher 2005 Vv � �4'ri- ; � -: '?'9 . � : � � ' � � ' � � � c ' � .'�' :11 � 1 ' � 1 / ���r� . f�.�ke > Submission Requirements for Newly Identified Victims The United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) is assisting the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) and the Nafiona] Child Vicrim Identification Program (NCVIP) in developing a comprehensive system to track images of identified children featured in oniine child pornography. NCMEC maintains ]aw enforcement point of contacts for identified children seen in such images. This information will be used to assist law enforcement agencies and prosecutors with determining if child pornography images contain chiidren who have been identified in past investigations. The USPIS, through their Postal Inspector Iiaison at the NCMEC and NCVIP, is contacting law enforcemeirt agencies when there aze reports of newly identified child victims. We aze contacting these agencies to obtain the images for inclusion in the systems. Once processed by NCMEC, all new victim information will be transferred and entered into the NCVIP system, located at the U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) Cyber Crimes Center. ICE will retain your submission unless you request it be retumed to you. If your agency has identiFied a chiid victim featured in pomographic images, we would appreciate your assistance by providing us with the items and information below: • Digital copies of the pornographic images of the known child victim (do not send originais) • Name of investigating agency and case number • Specific contact information of the invesrigating law enforcement officer or agent who knows the victim. Also, include the prefened method of contact (email, telephone, mailing address, etc) • SuspecYs name and relationship to victim • Email addresses and screen names of the offender as NCMEC may have relevant CyberTipline reports to the case • DOB of victim • Information regarding image distriburion . Age range of the child when the images were produced • Date range of when images were produced • Appro�mate number of images in series • Media format of series (i.e, digital images, videatapes, Polaroid} • Additional case information • Permission for ICE to receive and retain all submitted information after NCMEC processing National Child Victim Identification Program December 2005 �g, �'] Images can be sent via U.S MAIL ONLYto Inspector S. P. Lear, USPIS/NCMEC, Post Office Box 19853, Ale�ndria, VA 22320-9853. Images should be sent via Express Mail or Registered maii, based on the requirements of your agency. If necessary, you may request the assistance of your local Postal Inspector to assist with the mailing. For questions, please contact: S. P. {Steve) Leaz, Postal Tnspector National Center for Missing & Exploited Children U.S. Postal Inspecrion Service Child Victim Idenfification Program (703) 837-6317 (800) 843-5678, e�. 6705 sleaz@ncmec.org cvip@ncmec.org S. P. LEAR P O BOX 3200 MERRIFIELD VA 22116-3200 TELEPHONE: (804) 640-4584 FAX: (703) 698-6435 SPLEAR@iJSPIS.GOV National Child Viciim Identification Program December 2005