195482Council File No. 195482 —By Bernard T.yHolland- Whereas, Under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 11542, approved August 14, Lth-, the Car Allowance Committee provided for in Section 5, has reported to ��� Council its findings and recommendations in a letter dated January 20, 1980, ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK y /�I'I °�s iylh'f,�tci�:h��;l sieba�+ dv ,f a� report an FILE %n'ditiioons / WT.Ho FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r L RESOLUTION — GE NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Bernnd Jan. 21, 1960 COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREAS, Under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 11542, approved August 14, 1959, the Car Allowance Committee provided for in Section 5, has reported to the Council its findings and recommendations in a letter dated January 20, 1960, and WHEREAS, the Council has made a study of said report and recommenda- tions of the Car Allowance Committee, now therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the employees listed below shall be entitled to and receive mileage allowance provid- ed for in Ordinance No. 11542 subject to the maximum set out opposite each name and effective as set forth: DETENTION & CORRECTIONS RUTH. Wm. Hoffman DEPT. OF LIBRARIES, AUDITORIUM, MUSEUMS AND STADIA George L. Hagney J. Archer Eggen Willard Larson Edward A. Furni ,,, Maurine Hoffmann. To Plan C 60.00 DEPT.' ' OF •PUBLIC WORKS Grege 'Beckett Allen Fish Clyde Starkey Eugene Verdick Thomas Joyce Frank Van Horn COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �.^ ,+''DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 c8 From To Plan C Plan Maximum Effective A To(Plan C\\ Feb. 1, Maximum Effective 70.00 Q$40.00 Jan. 1, 1960 From To Plan C 60.00 Plan Maximum Effective B $55.00 Jan. 1, 1960 B 45.00 Jan.1, 1960 B 45.00 Jan. 1, 1960 B 32.00 Jan. 1, 1960 -- _. 20.00 1960 From To Plan C Plan Maximum Effective A $25.00 Feb. 1, 1960 B 70.00 Feb. 1, 1960 B 60.00 Feb. 1, 1960' A 75.00 Feb. 1, 1960 B 60.00 Feb. 1, 1960 A 75.00 Feb. 1, 1960 JAN 21996® Adopted by the Council 19 - x- -- _ �n Favor Against JAN 21'960 Approved 19 Mayor . r. ALFRED H.SCHROEDER/ City Architect ran- O e. AA CAPITAL OF ii \ \ ROBERTA. LOBDELL DEP-1 OF PARE F, RECREAR00 6, ME MINGS General Manager Parks & Recreation 545 City Hall, Zone 2 CApital 4 -4612 - Ext. 376 W.LAMONT I Suot. of Parks 0 Hon. Council City of Saint Paul BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner WILLIAM W. ROONEY, Deputy Commissioner 8 Dear Council Members: January 20, 1960 In accordance with Ordinance No. 11542, the Car Mileage Committee, on this date, approved the request of Bernard M. Troje for the placing, and Commissioners Adrian P. Winkel and Severin A. Mortin- son for the transferring of the following employees to the Lump Sum Auto Allowance Plan, subject to the maximum set out opposite each name, and effective as set forth: To Plan C DETENTION & CORRECTIONS RUTH. Maximum Effective Wm. Hoffman, Asst. Dir. $40.00 Jan. 1, 1960 DEPT. OF LIBRARIES, AUDITORIUM, To Plan C MUSEUMS AND STADIA From Plan Maximum Effective George L. Hagney B $55.00 Jan. 1, 1960 J. Archer Eggen B 45.00 Jan. 1, 1960 Willard Larson B 45.00 Jan. 1, 1960 Edward A. F urni B 32.00 Jan. 1, 1960 Maurine Hoffmann 20.00 Jan. 1, 1960 DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS From Plan To Plan C Maximum Effective Grege Beckett, Engr.of Lands & ROW A $25.00 Feb. 1, 1960 Allen Fish, Jr.PW Tech. (Con)'- B 70.00 Feb. 1, 1960 Clyde Starkey, Local Impr. Insp. B 60.00 Feb. 1, 1960 Eugene Verdick, Sanitation Finan. A 75.00 Feb. 1, 1960 Thomas Joyce, Local Impr. Insp. B 60.00 Feb. 1, 1960 Frank VanHorn, Instrumentman A 75.00 Feb. 1, 1960 The Committee recommends that the Council take favorable action on these requests. Yours uly, if . AHS .. A C MILEAGEcCOMMITTEECh