08-76Council File #
Green Sheet #
Presented By:
Referred To:
1 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, is authorized to enter the attached Joint Powers
2 Agreement, which includes an indemnification clause, with Scott County acting through its Sheriffs Office for
3 participation in the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file
4 and on record in the Office of Financial Seroices.
Requested by Department of:
Adopted by Council: Date: ���3��/s�°9
Adoption Certified by
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Q:\FiscalAffavSWO&GR\ScottCtyShenfflCAC xls
68-? Lv
Approve ayo for Submission to Council:
� Green S6eet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
Gg'�7 (P
'. DepartmenVOtficdcouncil: . Date Ini[iateA:
Po -Pa�=�� ',�-oE�� Green Sheet NO: 3047374
; Contaci Person & PYwne: � ; D�e artment 3ent To Person InitiallUate
. Chief John Harrington ' � 0 Pdice Depanment Pdice Deparwen[ � !
j 26B-b588 f Assign 1 � o]iceDeparlment Po]iceDeparUnent ' -
: Must Be on Counci! Agentla by (Oate): ' Number ' Z Grty Attorney ' City Attorney �/
i � For �
, Routing �i 3 ayor's Office Mayor ,
( Doa Type: RESOLUTION I Order i 4 Council _ Cw�il ' '
I E-Dacument Required: Y �� �� 6 hy Clerk � City Clerk � _ �
j Document Contact: Evette SCarver I , 6 Wice Department Police Deparhnent i
Contact Phone: 266-5541 i I
Total # of Signature Pages �(Clip All Lxations for Signature)
Signatuces on the attached counci] resoludon authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, to enter into the attached Joint
Powers Agreement with Swtt County, acting through its Shariffs Office.
iaanons; npprove �H) or r,
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civil Service Commission
7. Has this person/firm ever worked under a conrtact forthis department?
Yes No
2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personffirm possess a sk�ll not normally possessed by any
cunent c'�ty employee?
Ves No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiati�g Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): !
Scott Counry Sheriffs Office will participate in [he Inte�met Crimes Agamst Cbildren (ICAC)Task Porce of rhe Saznt Paul Police
Advantages If ApproveG:
Opportunity to use grants funds to partnership with ScoYt County SheriPfs office to eQmbat Internet Crimes Against Children.
Disadvantages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
� Lost opportunzty to vse grant femds and partnership with Scott County Sheriffs Office to combat IntemeT Crimes Against Children.
Funding Souroe:
Financiai Informatfon:
CosURevenue Budgeted:
ACtiVity Number.
1 � `M
� � � ��
�1�i�} i � ,n,�� �I
December 13,,2007 10:04 AM Page 7
Minnesota Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force
Multi-Agency Law Enforcement Agreement
This Muiti-Agency Law Enforcement Agreement, and amendments and supptements
thereto, (hereinafter "Agreement") is beiween the City of Saint Paul, acting through its Police
Depazhnent (Grantee) and,�xc�G� , acting through its S!�`� ��� (hereinafter
"LTndersigned Law Enforcemenf Agency") both which aze empowered to enter into joint powers
agreements pursuant to Minu. Stat. § 471.59, Subd. 10 & 12, and is fiuther empowered to enYer
into this Agreement by Miun. Stat. § 626.76; and
WheTe�s, the above subscribed parties have joined together in a mulri-agency task force
intended to invesrigate and prosecnte crimes committed against children and the crkninal
exploitation of children that is committed and/or facilitated by or through the use of computers,
and to disrupt and dismanfle organizations engaging in such activity; and
WheYeas, the undersigned agencies agree to utilize applicable state and federal laws to
prosecute criminal, civil, and forfeiture actions against idenrified violators, as appropriate; and
WheYeas, the Grantee is the recipient of a federal grant (attached to ttus Agreemenf as E�ibit
A) disbursed by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention ("OJJDP") in
Washingfon, D,C. to assist law enforcement in investigating and combating the eacploitation of
chiidren which occurs through the use of computers by providing funding for equipment,
txaining, and expenses, including travel and oveitime funding, which are incurred by law
enforcement as a result of such investigations; and
Whereas� the OJJDP Intemet Crimes Agaznst Children ("ICAC"} Grant Manager has been
established representing each of the existing ICAC Task Forces to oversee the operation o£the
grant and sub-grantrecipients.
Now Therefore, the parties agree as follows:
The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency approves, authorizes, and enters into
this Memorandum of Understanding with the purpose of impiementing a three-
pronged approach to combat Internet Crimes Against Children: prevention,
education and enforcement; and
The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall adhere to the OJJDP
ICAC Task Force Program Standards, in addition to state federal laws, when
conducting undercover operations relative to ICAC; anc3
v0 �� �
3. A11 officers contributed by the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency to
the Minnesota ICAC Task Force shall be licensed peace officers or found by
the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training to have
comparabie qualifications; and
a. When a contributed officer of the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency
acts on the behalf of the Minnesota ICAC task Force within the scope of
this Agreement, the officer's actions are within the officer's line of duty and
course of employment to the same extent as if the officer had acted on
behaif of the officer's employing Agency; and
s. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall indexnnify, save and hold
harmless the Grantee, its xepresentatives and employees from any and ali
claims or causes of action, including all reasonable attorney's fees incurred
by the Grantee, arising from the performance of this Agreement by the
Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency's officer/s/; and
6. All members of the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall continue
to be employed by the same Law Enfarcement Agency employer which they
were employed before joining the Minnesota ICAC Task Force and all
services, duties, acts or oznissions performed by the member will be within
the course and duty of that employment, and therefore, are covered by the
Workers Compensation prograzns of that employer; will be paid by that
empIoyer and entitled to that empioyer fringe benef ts; and
The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall submit all requests far
undercover ICAC related operations in writing to the Commander of the
Minnesota ICAC Task Force for presentation to the OJJDP ICAC Task
Force Board o£ Directors; and
s. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must first submit a written
request far funds and receive approval for the funds from the Grantee to
receive any funds from the Crrantee; and
9. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must supply original receipts to
be reimbursed on pre-approved requests; and
p8 -� Co
ro. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall maintain accurate records
pertaining to prevention, education, and enforcement activities, to be
collected and forwarded monthly to the Minnesota ICAC Task Force
Commander or his designee for statistical reporting purposes; and
i i. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shal] participate fuliy in any
audits required by the OJJDP; and
i2. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall make a reasonable good
faith attempt to be represented at any scheduled regional meeYings in order
to share information and resources amongst the multiple entities; and
is. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall be solely responsible for
forwarding information relative to investigative targets and victims, to the
ICAC data system pursuant to the OJJDP guidelines; and
ia. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall provide the Minnesota
ICAC Task Force Commander in a timely manner all investigative
equipment acquired through grant funding as a result of this Agreement in
the event that: future federal funding is no longer available, the Agency
decides to dissolve its binding relationship with the Minnesota ICAC Task
Force and the Saint Paul Police Department, or the Agency breaches the
6g-`1 �
Terms of this agreement:
This agreement shali be effective upon signatures. Nofhing in this ageement shall otherwise
Iimit the jurisdiction, powers, and responsibilifies normally possessed by an employee as a
member of the Agency.
7ohtt M. Hazrington, C'ef of Police
Saint Paul Police D azhn t
Assistant St. Pau1 City Attomay
Director of Office of�'riiancial Services �'�
By and Tif1e ��
Aeencvi certifies that the appropriate person(sl
have executed the AQreement on behaIf of the
A�encv and its jurisdictional eovermnent entitv
as reguired bv apnlicable articles laws
by-laws, resolutions, or ordinances.