195423Original to City Clerk PRESENTED BY 8671 By B rnard T. Holland— No. 195 O R D I J 11 An ordinance amending C of the Saint Paul Legis Zoning Code, pertaining Use Dis tricts and Rezon in the City of Saint Pa emergency ordinance ren preservation of the pub THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY An ordinance amending Chapters 80 islative Code�,ebeing he Zoning Code, E NO. pertaining to Height Districts, Use Dis- tricts and Rezoning of certain prop- erties in the City of Saint Paul, as E NO.---/—/ amended. This is an emergency or- ppreservation of the publicspeace,ohealth safety.u_�_ T: PETITION TO REZONE A'petitfon having been filed'request -j ing that Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive, {{ St. Paul Legislative Code, re Zoning, sive etc., be amended so as to rezone prop- erty described as Lot 19, exc. 14. 30 ft. and exc. S. 193 ft., Block 30, Suburban Hills Addition, also Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 30 Lot, Drake's Rear. of Blocks 2, 8, 9; of 10 and s 1 through 11, Block 11 ie s west c rnereSof aEarl and t Suburban is an and the west side of Earl between Suburban and Burns Ave., to Class e L "C" Residence District, the Council of safety. he City of of Saint Paul has fixed the do ockain the fore no inithe Council of ecember, Chamber in the City Hall of said City, AIN: and at said time and place, the Council will hear all persons and all objections Section 1. That the ZOn proposed amendments relative to said to 64 inclusive of the Saint Paul Leg Dated November 30, ,1959. ping to JOSEPH R. OKONESKI, 1 Height Districts, Use Districts Clerk. ain prop- erties in the City of Saint Pau (December 5, 1959) the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property from "B" Residence District to "C" Residence District: Lot 19, Block 30, Suburban Hills, except the north 30 feet and except the south 193 feet, and Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 10, Drake's Rearrangement of Blocks 2, 89 -99 10, and Lots 1 to 11, Block 11, all r being part of McLean's Reservation to Saint Paul, located at the northwest and south- west corners of Earl and Suburban, accord- ing to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take Effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publicat }on. Yeas Councilmen DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen tWinkel Mr.gPresident (Dillon) Attest: '( d City Clerk 1M 8 -59 8 Nays 0 Passed by the Council f EB 3196® Tn Favor A gainst Approved: FE S 31960 Q\AV M a �_ (� Mayor j City of Saint Paul, Minnesota PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840, TtHE;BUILDING'Z%6 ORDINANCE The signer should appraise himseLf,p& the uses permitted under the new classification before-signing this petition. For further information about the re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office O�r,t fttn 2�. (Please type or • 111 1 SUPPLEMENTAL PETITION,,, i� ,Date: SAi�; ti TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk �t City of Saint Paul, Minnesota January 9, 196C Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby ac4uiesce; and we, the owners of 500 or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description and street address) Lot 19, Block 30 Subprbann Hills, except the North 30 feet and except the South 193 feet, and Lots 28, 29, and 30, Block 110 Drakes rea rangerp nt Qf B1 ckk 2 8 9 0 ad L is 1 to 11 of Block 11, all part of McLean's Re�ervarom .a Test sdee ot� Ear Sre�t i$s r ct to �a venue* District B Residence C Residence for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION THR UNDERSTGNED BET] IF SEVERAL DESCRIPTIONS 0 REAL ESTATE-SITUATED FEET OF THE ABOVq1DJAWD PROPERTY PROPOSED TO BE NED HEREBY EXECUTE THIS AM=AT PETITION AND TO SAID REZONING. T IR S ORIGINALLY APPEA PETITION DATED O959, HOWEVER, THEIR S SO PEARED ON STATEMENT WITHDRAWAL OF CD EMBE 4 5 U ERSIG HEREBY REINSTATE CONSENT AND DESI YOUR HONORABLE BODY THAT D ELOPMENT PLANS OF T HAVE NOW BEEN VIT SUCH DEVELOPMENT W LL BE FIT PROPER AND WILL N ANY WAY CONFLICT NDING USES. FURTHER THE U ERSI NED HEREBY WISH TO THE CITY COUNCIL FAVORAB NSIDER AND GRANT REZONING RIQUESTED BY SAID PET Norman J. Cairl Oparts of Lots 17 and 18, Blo 264 Earl Street Sub rban ills: for complete, Mrs. N. J. Cairl w des ripti n see Page 4 of or 264 Earl. Street E-A-e�,. pgtition, John A. Korta yy-- A 16 &17 9 Drakes rearrangemei 290 Earl Street see above) Marie T. Korta 290 Earl Street Marvin Garner 15 9 Drakes rearrangemei 1(see 1062 McLean Avenue Q�!/l above) bzaze o= minnesoza) t(s County of Ramsey )� ErnesttI. Fink being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is tbe. person who circulated the within petition consisting of three pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed an sworn to before me this 12th day of January, 1960 Dakota(Irving Shaw) c Not y u 1 , RAnalwy County, Minn. M Commission expires Jan. 14, 1966 Z- 0 Ernest I. Fink Page 1 of 3 pages. Approved as to form 7/2/54 Office of the Corporation Counsel HIN L00 SUPPLE - RED ON OF THEIR HE OWNERS :)T IN URGE THAT ITION. :k 30, legal Lginal it, etc. it, etc. F11 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota n; � 0 r. PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE t'r The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petit on. For further information about the re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4 -4612, Ext. 251., ,1P,P1 (Please type or print) Datef ; n",1UJinuary09,' 1960 ARK SUPPLEMENTAL PETITION - Page 2. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ,% the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota . Lc0 13 PtA 2. 1 n * Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following Nto d escrp>�ed propey :legl despiptioeund3 eedd8ndO�S 2$� 290Cat d0�ckn Hills, exce t the ors_ 30 fie an exce the th , , 0 . Dra$$$tiQgS r �atqttlge nt f H1' c 2 , 6 9 0 Z to 11 of Block 11! all part of Mc4eanOs 7 .e erVefrom ra BeF est eenceg* ar re�.t District to a "C.0 Residence District, for toe purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) RpmRn nwmp..R gTrVATTTRF: • Tf" RTf)rTC AT)T)TTTON THE UNDERSIGNED BEING RS OF SEVERAL .AESCRIPT ONS_ 0. MEAL STATE SITUATID WET fiJ?ET OF TM. ABOVE DE9ORIB PAAF?ERTY ' PROPAS `PO BE NI~D REBY.1rXE0UTB THIS PETITION AND 'CONSE TO, SAID REZONING. T R NAR S ORIGINALLY APPEA PETITION, ,_A . D OC OaAND . 959,, HOWEVER,. TI�IR I IES Sp PEARE4 ON STATEML•I WITHDRAWAL OF CONSEDECEMBER -&4 1959. U SIG HEREBY REINSTATE CONSENT, AND DESIRE YOUR HONORABLE. BODY THAT - D O PMENT PLANS OF T HAVE NOW, BEEN VIEWET SL M DEVELOPMENT W ",, BE IT' At P90PER At&) JILL N ANY A 1 5 h L THE CITY .C,ULWIL PAVORAB1'. CONSIDER ARID, R&7Q Nr HE WESIM, BY SAID .PET Mrs. Ann Ricci Drake's re rrangem 1064 McLean Avenue ��%'%,ca 14 9 ('see above Leo J. Whelan Part of Lct 19, Block 30, 'Sub 255 Earl Street .to (fo complete legal descri ti Mrs. Leo Whelan Page 4 of original Petition) 255 Earl Street It " Enoch Johnson Part of Lcts 1 & 2, Block 10, 291 Earl Street re an a a r r 9 n etc. see abov Frances Johnson n braze o= minnesota) County of Ramsey ) ss N Ernest I. Fink being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of three pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the,paities so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of January, 1960 W Dakota (Irving Shaw) Not y ublic, >:tamrsecA County, Minn. My Commission expires Jan. 14, 1966 S N Z -1- 7/2/54 Ernest I. Fink Page 2 of 3 pages. Approved as to form 7/2/54 Office of the Corporation Counsel SIN 1.00 OB ;ED tr OF THEIR 1E OWNERS )T IN ME WT [TION. Dnt, etc. urban Hill :)n see Drakes J ".X-'D City of Saint Paul, Minnesota 1,;�,k PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer should appraise himself of the uses per �iX(ted under the new classification before signing this petition. � 10 For further information about the re- zoning of property.,,-Z, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4 -4612, Ext. .2 &1.% (Please type or print) SUPPLEMENTAL PETITION - Page 3. r��Date :'at1r}r 9 r5 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to.Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two - tbirds.of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described pro erty: (legal description and street address) Lot 1% Block" 0 Dr060a Hill ®# except, than � t .$0 felt ehd. ek opt, the Iaouth 193 feat's .arid Dots 28i 29s an� 01, Blbok 0 Drakes rea rape patice ot.' f. 3to 9 $ 9 -0 � Lola Ito 11 of Stook 119 ,all. part of icteanh elerV3 mTt a eeS ".�arit�ti`stricttt " A�fetllf RAsiSda17CQ District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) ' RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION, bzaze ox minnesoza) County of Ramsey )ss Ernest I. Fink being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of three pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1,2th day of January, 1960 Dakota (Irvin g Shaw) Not y Public, Bn =e7 County, Minn. My Commission expires Jan. 14, 1966 Z -1 ?/2/54 Ernest I. Fink Page 3 of 3 pages. Approved as to form 7 2 54 Office of the Corporation Counsel 1,00 w or 814 . OWWRS IN 'HAT T DMO etc. m FPST P' 10B .A�#w� W EMPOAL 6i7� VOW TO 4T To (Wo RMONIM& 09 RM A2 QW0.1 IR, N I Y.amc THIS WF 00 01 ' Y APRAW VaTITION ,OAS 44 81: 1. iT�I'i1tA�lAi:' Cii:►:+0' DA .I939 # mm, TWR 1Cl�ElR 8 W 'Al MAND ON .STA BNJr Of CO RUNT AW2 VBSIM TO A .HAYR. ' ' ,�t0l VIMP-Afi ° • �FQ Rt WRA `. G tll WM 11WROPAUr 'W ' T , . 04, .. 0 '�,1 "� At ew. MHO PLAN91 IMP TM PFtl 41. A ANYWAY 011iY' AIL VAVOWL t+3�i. , S • E Ir WN2DIM AW 0A1V . TR, 1. fit I : t M01 ' ... S. xNG W t JIB► $ WISH TO i M QUEMED BY UtD .PSTITI Mrs.• Fred .Holmberg ,• • 1048 McLean, 'Avenue F 3 10 Drakes rearrangement, ( See above Fred L. Holmberg 1048 McLean Avenue, bzaze ox minnesoza) County of Ramsey )ss Ernest I. Fink being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of three pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1,2th day of January, 1960 Dakota (Irvin g Shaw) Not y Public, Bn =e7 County, Minn. My Commission expires Jan. 14, 1966 Z -1 ?/2/54 Ernest I. Fink Page 3 of 3 pages. Approved as to form 7 2 54 Office of the Corporation Counsel 1,00 w or 814 . OWWRS IN 'HAT T DMO etc. m -• to • City of Saint Paul, Minnesota PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4 -4612, Ext. 251. (Please type or print) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL ,% the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota VA 7-S O ZZ t1b. &�� Date: October 15, 1959 Pursuant to Section 23,, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 507o or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described proper t (legal description and street address),L'o"t 19, Block 30 Suburban Hills, except the North 30 feet and exceppt the Suth 193 feet and Lots 28 29, and 30; Bfork 10; Drakes rearrangement of Blocks 2 8 g, 10 and Lots 1 to 11 o Block 11, all part of McLean s Reser- vation. Vest side of Earl Street at Suburban Avenue. from a " B Residence " . District to a C Residence " District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Two "separate seven unit, one bedroom each unit, multiple dwelling buildings. RECORD OWNER SIGNATTIRE LOT BLOCK I ADDITION Ernest y. Finki� 1886 Bayard Avenue -�-� 19 30 Suburban Hills exc Edmar T. Fink 13 Watson Avenue or feet, a and L an except e Sc is 28, 29, and 30, ra a 10 anc rear3angement Lots of oc s 1 to 11 of Block 11 of recor cans ed pl Reservation, accor is thereof on file recor Deeds n in an ( e office of the Rec for Ramsey County, 5zaze o= minnesoza) County of Ramsey )ss eN Edmar T. Fink being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of eight pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affian nd that the signatures above are _the.t•rue and correct signatures of each an=oftbe ti es so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me tPis 15th day of October, 1959 Dakota (Irving Shaw) �` - ar No ry Public, )flummy County, Minn. Commission expires Jan. 14, 1966 PagH1041': �dtV!o n 1{ dS pages. �,.• Approved, as to form 7/2/54 Office of the o ration Counsel Z -1 7/2/54 )I 8 310 ki10 30 0 »' 101 140 ept the uth 193 Block 10, 2, 8, 9, , all part ing to the and of ister of Minnesota City of Saint Paul, Minnesota PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4 -4612, Ext. 251. (Please type or print) Date: October 15, 1959 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the ., � .a +. v.n��� VV/ ;MS •i ®�LAaailiRl'� •�+v L.i,Lil'ii'i: "YV 41Y �L�iivl -.1u LO ;DVti� '{. L7 rem ���,;.:L�w- �A:..i .- ._......1;;1 �cribea_p opemty,:- .,,.i. (:legal..de$c.ri,ptioz :acid atree.t addi aa� . from a "B Residence" District to a "C Residence" District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Two separate seven unit, one bedroom each unit, multiple dwelling buildings. ti 5395 W. B 5395 W. B 5395. W. B RECORD OWNER SIGNATiIRE LOT RICK ADDITION Anna Ricci 1064 Mc'teann Avenue 14 9 Prakes rea rangeme (Rep ahnvp- arvin G. Uarner 1062 Mtteafin Avenue 15 9 " Milian A. Garner 1062 Mc ,Leann Avenue John A. Korta �' y_ IT�- 16 & 17 9 290 Earl Street Marie 1. Korta 290 Earl Street Harvey F. Metzger fpevWW 70 _N1 ald Eagle Blvd.(270 E r -4 of 1 65' Helen H. Metzger ald Eagle Blvd.(270 Earl L 18 30 Suburban Hills N alrveyH e z erg em g N 70 of Wly 41 2/'31 570 E ar I o I L 17 30 elores- Kislenger Delores Kislenger 270 Earl Street Kislen er are cont: Jerome, Kislenger chasers who occupy Metzgers are fee of oLSLe ox minnesoLa) V I U County of Ramsey )ss Edmar T. Fink being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of eight pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and of the parties s described. Subscribed and sworn to before me J Y this. 15t day of October, 1959 Dakota(Irving Shaw) n tar ublic, Ran my County, Minn. y Commission expires Jan. 14, 1966 Z -1 7/2/54 0 Page 2 1 of 8 pages. Approved as to form 7/2/54 Office of the Corporation Counsel it etc ind Jerome ,act pur- 270 Earl. iners. i p • t 780 Wells City of Saint Paul, Minnesota PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4 -4612, Ext. 251. (Please type or print) Date: October 15, 1959 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the 1W on yt i to t )d, recla oyr Borbie goci,y.o; re ` :bed,R pe �f iZ al�de' crY t and- at.rew;t__*ddr6ssV' ( oiptxz ortkx3 @xfeatxm dxexeeptxsouttKM3xgeMt�xldtxnf xMax30 from a 9xisror3ofcl�xNi lixn District to a 11 n District nB Residence C Residence for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Two separate seven unit, one bedroom each unit, multiple dwelling buildings. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Harvey F. Metzger 3 1 of 1001 see ae2. E61 of $elen H. Metzger 2.1 7 ( L18 30 ,Suburban Ed-Us (see age Harvey F. Metzger 0 U N 7 31 of I Ily 41 31 e 2. X L 17 30 elen Met e see pagez5:� Arthur L. Borth 1 of 5' 6 f 1039 Burns Avenue 1 41P o Emily C. Borth � L20 30 1019 Riirns Avenue , H St.-11035 6 Burns Ave.) L20 except 5 e a e 7 Robert A. OlConnell N 401 of 51131 249 Earl Street E1201 to " Lila L. 01Connell a 30 249 Earl Street Part of property at 249 arl; O'Conne 1 W 1 of 1531 L19 30 azatie o= minnesotia� County of Ramsey )ss Edmar T. Fink being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of eight pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, a that the signatures above are ;,he true and correct signatures of each and .1' of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of October, 1959 Dakota(Irving Shaw) Edina . Fin ;N ary ub ic, Rammmy County, Minn. y Commission expires Jan. 149, 1966 Z -1 7/2/54 Page 3 of 8 pages. Approved as to form 7/2/54 Office of the Corporation Counsel N 680 Rivoli 680_ Rivoli City of Saint Paul, Minnesota PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4 -4612, Ext. 251. (Please type or print) Date: October 159 1959 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected., ber_ebyracquiesce.; and -we-r the-- owners- of--., i- oi-,more- of.the { iront'® tU;.b9= reartisSl,: ptim-, ,youronorab'1® 'Body to :, dn`¢t'W,,,,L "�hi'ig, �' (ft=** MQV kX)a*aetoaniM=Qp txeoa bhif93c�aaacb��C*0dK 94X*1 o k 9zbWb= from a 11B 11 Residence District to a aCR Residence District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Two separate seven unit, one bedroom each unit, multiple dwelling buildings. RECORD OWNER A ft SjrxYTuRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Leo J. Whelan ,�,, 401 o S 15 c 255 Earl Street 680 Rivoli 680_ Rivoli City of Saint Paul, Minnesota PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4 -4612, Ext. 251. (Please type or print) Date: October 159 1959 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected., ber_ebyracquiesce.; and -we-r the-- owners- of--., i- oi-,more- of.the { iront'® tU;.b9= reartisSl,: ptim-, ,youronorab'1® 'Body to :, dn`¢t'W,,,,L "�hi'ig, �' (ft=** MQV kX)a*aetoaniM=Qp txeoa bhif93c�aaacb��C*0dK 94X*1 o k 9zbWb= from a 11B 11 Residence District to a aCR Residence District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Two separate seven unit, one bedroom each unit, multiple dwelling buildings. RECORD OWNER A ft SjrxYTuRE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Leo J. Whelan ,�,, 401 o S 15 t 255 Earl Street of 20' Ruth A. Whelan I L19.. 30 Suburban HMO 255 Earl Street Margaret L. Remund N W1 of S 193 of E1201 265 Earl Street , L 19&T401 o ffi t " of N1414,5 t L20 30 Jol4n P. Giuliani N 8 t of S203 of W41 213 St. 264 Earl Street of L17 & N601 of S 2031 " Theresa Giuliani of part E of Earl Street of St.(264 Earl Street `ffi k 0 and 'S 431 of N 1031 " (See page 7) of S 203 of Ix.rt E of Earl Street of L1$ N 16 t of S1431 ofW41 of L17 3o �tiatie o= irilItElesOLSJ County of Ramsey )ss Edmar T. Fink being first duly sworn, deposes and states that be is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of eight pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, a at the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and at the parties sP descibed. Subscribed and sworn to before me this `15th ay of October, 1959 Dakota(Irving Shaw) No ub ic, :IDaaey County, Minn. Commission expires Jan. 14, 1966 Z -1 7/2/54 Page 4 of 8 pages. Approved as to form 7/2/54 Office of the Corporation Counsel 3t FA City of Saint Paul, Minnesota PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4 -4612, Ext. 251. (Please type or print) Date: October 15, 1959 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected. hexebv,.,ac uiesce.•—and;we. the- -o ers_r.of --S ox� redo he ^^ *^ + , %rendtage- tot�•b dlsssitf®d' etitio�a your- -1,e - a Pody, to . ems `� a ..__ extol {' ` or ptiot an met.ta�ddMss�) �^ti ] g. kmtzx2gxamdi $OxBtackxigxBtakn sxR8i4NsaNggrAN IxggxBlogkx2 *xB*x9 *xzoxxxs _._ ketaz�x# �4x�$ xafxBXa�ikx���jx�i��x�4�S�l �x�sRxl�sX�fa�s�ifx�ia8�s���Fis��fK from a "B Residence" District to a "C Residence" District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Two separate seven unit, one bedroom each unit, multiple dwelling buildings. Geraldii r RECORD OWNER STGNATTM TDT RMCK ADDTTTON Albertina Schlee Ile h r I � 10 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4 -4612, Ext. 251. (Please type or print) Date: October 15, 1959 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected. hexebv,.,ac uiesce.•—and;we. the- -o ers_r.of --S ox� redo he ^^ *^ + , %rendtage- tot�•b dlsssitf®d' etitio�a your- -1,e - a Pody, to . ems `� a ..__ extol {' ` or ptiot an met.ta�ddMss�) �^ti ] g. kmtzx2gxamdi $OxBtackxigxBtakn sxR8i4NsaNggrAN IxggxBlogkx2 *xB*x9 *xzoxxxs _._ ketaz�x# �4x�$ xafxBXa�ikx���jx�i��x�4�S�l �x�sRxl�sX�fa�s�ifx�ia8�s���Fis��fK from a "B Residence" District to a "C Residence" District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Two separate seven unit, one bedroom each unit, multiple dwelling buildings. Geraldii r RECORD OWNER STGNATTM TDT RMCK ADDTTTON Albertina Schlee Ile h 501 1 & 10 Drakes rearrangemei 1056 McLeanru4venue (see above Enoch Johnson 10, 291 Earl Street e c N 5. " n Frances Karimie Johnson 291 Earl Street �qu,o " MMUMAK16103 10 w " Ruble h. a ne an (1048 McLean) see a "p page 8 ) ) . (also see below) The signatures below of Geraldine Holmberg and Fred Holmberg are those of contract purchasers of 1048 McLean. Rubte` -E. ahneman is fee owner i 10 Mc Le n ) ie and Fred Holmberg of a�z��cs vi ntiiuta�v�a/ County of Ramsey )ss 141 Edmar T. Fink being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of eight pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, d that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and o the parties o described. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ` 15th day of October, 1959 Dakota(Irvintq Shaw) E ar T. Fink Not ry ublic, Romney county, n. NI Commission expires Jan. 14, 1966 Z -1 7/2/54 Page 5 of 8 pages. Approved as to form 7/2/54 Office of the Corporation Counsel �t etc t City of Saint Paul, Minnesota PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4 -4612, Ext. 251. (Please type or print) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Date: October 15, 1959 Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected.,.- hereby acquiesce.;,. and-,we- j,,therowners- of- .•• §O,% -orK- more -of- ty ,, troatags` 'q .be, reelaosiXi®d" "peti:f•3on dour Ho able Bod io,, resona fo i._ 5 ,� rre�= a.wr= .deacxtibe�- prop® rty :�,.�'1e�l.��ea�ei�i:'•p'�i: one ;ai�`�'= s+�,�ge�.t,.,�d•�ss)`�• ( x�Ci�iee�acxm�c�ae�stx: mae�c3�x�fie�e�ic�000bc3�c� ,x�.xa�c from a tt B Residence District to a n C Residence " District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Two separate seven unit, one bedroom each unit, multiple dwelling buildings. V RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE ' LOT RMCK ADnTTTON Va" a Jghn A. Korta. 290 Earl Street °"`' ` 16 9 Drakes rearrangemei see above Marie T. Korta 290 EarL Street Conrad J. Mierva, Jr. 1043 Burns Avenue W 1.01 cf L 2n E 451 In Suburban ELJJM_ Evon E. Mierva. 1043 Burns Avenue __a' 4f'1'4� er n N N N N Clo d K. Mlerva urns venue c W 40t O E. 851 of Evon E. Mierva 1043 Burns Avenue L. 20 30 a 01 �LIaL'C vi minneavtia) County of Ramsey ) ss Edmar�T. Fink being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of eight pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, d that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and of the partie so de cribed. 'Subscribed a d sworn to before me this 15th day of October, 1959 Dakota(Irving Shaw) mar n tary Public, RanovT County, Minn. My Commission expires Jan. 14, 1966 Z -1 7/2/54 Page 6 of 8 pages. Approved as to form 7 2 54 Office of the Corporation Counsel Axon ta• it, etc. t City of Saint Paul, Minnesota PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4 -4612, Ext. 251. (Please type or print) Date: October 15, 1959 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two- thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected.,.,,hereb_y „acquiesce.; -and ewe.,.,• the. owners _ofs,.50.%- or�more�of,,,the 7 y`�r� frontages tito be reclassified, petition your, l�Honorable- Body, to n �t ,�i,o11o7► n,� :.,.-- ,c -�+av �s...� deacxibed°�prb t-y :^ . (a ega�xdescr :Pti.p�i anc(,s ept-address) from a ” B Residence " District to a �1 C Residence " District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following: (describe•briefly the proposed facility) Two separate-seven unit, one bedroom each unit, multiple dwelling buildings. iu'+wiUJ vnatr+n 0JAXAKlu ^90 L"I aiwn.a Im"LIA diV1\ Norman J. Cairl 264 Earl Street , (/CairL see page are ; Norman J. Cairl ontract purchasers Harriet Cairl 26A Earl StrApt 264 arl S reet. Giuliani are ire Frances A. Bartel 1035 Burns Avenue ee B page rtel ; rances . ar e contract purcha: Jacob L. Bartel 1035 Burns Avenue es Stplm e a n is urns venue. ee owner) Delores Kislenger 270 Earl Street - see ,PL pages end Je 2 an ; Delores ome Kislenger are Jerome Kislenger 270 Earl Street o ,._ c a ers w are fee o occupy 7 Earl. owners. otatie o= minneNozaJ County of Ramsey )ss Edmar T. Fink being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of eight pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, d that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and al o the parties so described. Subscribed a d sworn to before me this., 15th day of October, 1959 Dakota(Irving Shaw) Edmar T. Fink r /cotary'Publi c, Ram my County, Minn. y Commission expires Jan. 14, 1966 Z -1 7/2/54 Page 7 of 8 pages. Approved as to form 7/2/54 Office of the Corporation Counsel ind Harriet who occupy fee owner and Jacob ers who Ella islenger contract Metzgers City of Saint Paul, Minnesota PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer-should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4 -4612, Ext. 251. (Please type or print) Date: October 15, 1959 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the rofll Q0+0 +n ePfnn+oA l,o..eh.. --A ..._ +u- _m..e _-P qnw n.._.n_..e ^� - +he_ Block 30•, Suburban 'hills except he N" _,_ 1 36 feet ana exce tt e. So -c� et. _. nd -.Lof - 28. 214 and- Block_ 110. __ .. raked rea a gemen - o ° Blocks`2; 8; 9 1p0 and Lo l to _ o lock ll� ail part of McLean s Re er- ration._ N.fl$�__side of_ Ea�r1 Street at_ uburban Avenue., - -' from a B Residence '� - District -to a « C Residence " District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) Two separate seven unit, one bedroom each unit, multiple dwelling buildings. nA RECORD OWNER SIGNATTIRE IDT RMCK ADDITION o -Gate oz ininnesoLBJ County of Ramsey )ss Edmar T. Fink being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of eight pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and -that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and a nof e parties so described. Subscribed a 'd sworn to before me J this ,15th day of October, 1959 Dakota (Irving Shaw) E T. Fink N tary Public, UAW County, Minn. q Commission expires Jan. 14, 1966 Z -1 7/2/54 Page 8 of 8 pages. Approved as to form 7 2 54 Office of the Corporation Counsel m to .,ec ord forth The Miervas reside at said property described 1043 B on pige rns A 6 enue and in additii hey also have the : title to the West 40 feet 141.5 feet of Lot 20 of lock the E 10, Su st 85 feet of the 1 urban Hills. 11 « It 11 11 - The Holmbergs reside at 1048 McLean. See page 5. 67 o -Gate oz ininnesoLBJ County of Ramsey )ss Edmar T. Fink being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of eight pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and -that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and a nof e parties so described. Subscribed a 'd sworn to before me J this ,15th day of October, 1959 Dakota (Irving Shaw) E T. Fink N tary Public, UAW County, Minn. q Commission expires Jan. 14, 1966 Z -1 7/2/54 Page 8 of 8 pages. Approved as to form 7 2 54 Office of the Corporation Counsel m to .,ec ord forth J ' City of Saint Paul, Minnesota PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4 -4612, Ext. 251. (Please type or print) Date: October 15, 1959 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description and street address) The signatures shown on this and the following three pages are of persons having an 'eefandt iiden i iec�dingtweOTeforegoin i'ti nay but within a radius of 200 feet from rom a N. o a District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Geo Rauscher Rogers Rearrangemer Lean Avenue o� 28 7 of Mc Leans ReserN Mrs. Rauscher `��/j 1 �� � ,� John Welsh W433 MG can Avenue 27 n M. Welsh 0--W-V-4 1 1043 McLean Avenue Lucille K. McGuire ` 103P1 McLean Avenue 26 Alice R. McGuire 1039 McLean Avenue F. W. Paddock 10 'McLe n Avenue 25 Helen D. Paddock 10 1035 McLean John Romanik 1M3McLean Avenue 24 Harriet Romanik , 1033 McLean Avenue bzaze o= mi.nnesoia) County of Ramsey )ss Edmar T. Fink being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of four pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, nd that the signatures above are -the true and correct signatures of each and a of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of October, 1959 �� o Dakota (Irving Shaw) E mar T. Fink N ary ic, Ram =7 County, Minn. y Commission expires Jan. 14, 1966 Page 1 of 4 pages. Approved as�to form 7/2/54 Office of the Corporation Counsel EXHIBIT "A" Z -1 7/2/54 t of Bloc ation. City of Saint Paul, Minnesota PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4 -4612, Ext. 251. (Please type or print) Date: October 15, 1959 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 5076 or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description and street address) I from a District to a District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) RECORD OWNER R SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Philip F. Murnane 1,Q20uMoLean Avenue 10 10 Drakes rearran emet fts. Philip F. Murnane 1020 McLean Avenue M. Ellingsen 1034,McLean Avenue J, 7 10 Lorraine Ellingsen 1034 McLean Avenue U H 11 M H H. W. Stahnke LQ7&-Suhyr,ban Avenue except East North of N 30 ft. for Avenu( rth 128.5 ft. of Li Block 30, Suburban Hills xoot% x)6x* -g ��cRxx�exa�t 5zaze ox minnesoza) County of Ramsey )ss Edmar T. Fink being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of four pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that t is petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, ann,that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all he parties so escribed. Subscribed an sworn to before me this 15th day of October, 1959 Dakota (Irving Shaw) tary' lic, R*y County, Minn. y Commission expires Jan. 14, 1966 EXHIBIT "A" Z -1 7/2/54 _ v Page 2 of 4 pages. Approved as to form 7/2/54 Office of the Corporation Counsel t, etc. , the it 17, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4 -4612, Ext. 251. (Please type or print) Date: October 15, 1959 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within-100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description and street address) from a District to a District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Rita. LaMotte 1069 Suburban Avenueo� --��ff'� West Block A of 30, South 128.5 ft. of Gerald LaMotte 1069 Suburban Avenue H n n u Mrs. -Ruth Mueller 1073 Suburban Avenue Part of Lot 17, Block 30, Subu3 J. A. Ricci 245 Earl Street o North 120 Ft. 40 ft of 1.0t of South 73 ft. of 19 Block 30 St CathErine E. Ricci H /1 11 11 A. L. Spreigl 1072 Suburban Avenue Paxt f Lot 17, Block 30, Subuz Marjorie Spreigl 1072 Suburban Avenue _ 11 " State ox minnesota) County of Ramsey )ss Edmar T. Fink , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who.circulated the within petition consisting of four pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, a`d that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and alllpf the parties so d cribed. SubscriHand worn to before me this 1y of October, 1959 CL,L Dakota Irving Shaw) No ry blic, Rmse y County, Minn. Commission expires Jan. 14, 1966 EXHIBIT "A" Z -1 7/2/54 r T. Fink Page 3 of 4 pages. Approved as to form 7/2/54 Office of the Corporation Counsel Lot 17, ban Hills East burban ban Hills City of Saint Paul, Minnesota PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE Be signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office Ca. 4 -4612, Ext. 251. (Please type or print) Date: October 15, 1959 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance 5840, we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 507a or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (legal description and street address) from a District to a District, for the purpose of installing,, constructing and /or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Arthur A. Mueller 33" ;)i Street Sout Rear 1/2 an em of Lot 16, Block 8, n Christine Mueller 304 Earl Street Yle wXXXXXx x Walter Bergman 10 ;McLe n Avenue Lot 309 of Mc Rog (rs ean's rearrangement of Reservation Mrs. W. J. Bergman 1055 McLean Avenue z Lucy H. Ash 1 Q5J t Mc LjBpn Avenue 29 Lstiatie o= minnesotia) County of Ramsey ) ss Edmar T. Fink being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of four pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, abgthat the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and al f the parties so escribed. Subscribed and worn to before me ! this ' -15th ay of October, 1959 Dakota Irving Shaw) ar T. Fink No r c, Rsm=97 County, Minn. M Commission expires Jan. 14, 1966 Page 4 of 4 pages. Approved as to form 7/2/54 Office of the Corporation Counsel Z -1 7/2/54 EXHIBIT "A" Drakes Block 7, � ' -- -- I � •. it � -� �y' � r � 4 j' � i -,Jr Aj TFk 11 13 C ILL ,t I F xF 1 S — - - - - - i r - ILLS ( +S -- r' ^ I i I _ a AJ f 1J t�l Lot 19) .Block 309 Suburban Hills, except the Borth 30 feet and except the South 193 feet, and Lots 209 29, a.nd 30, Block 10, Brakes rearrarngement of Blocks 29 B, 9, 10 and Lots 1 to 11 of Block 119 all part of MiaLean's Reservation. West side of Earl Street at Wburban Avenue. i L .1i 1: tr-lo - r�� w P Lot 19, Block 30, Suburban- Hi -Ils, exz.ept' the North 30 feet and excepttthe South 193 feet and Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 10, Drakes rearrangement of Block, 2) 8, 92 10 and Lots 1 to 11 of Block 11, all part of McLean's Reservation. The ST. PAUL ABSTRACT AND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY does hereby certify that from an examination of the records in the office of the Register of Deeds and Registrar of Title in and for the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota it appears that the following are the apparent owners of the property within a radius of 100 feet of the above described property which is to be rezoned; 1. Lots 26 and 27 Block 10 Drakes rearrangement of part of McLeans Reservation Ruby Frances Farrell SOLD TO STATE OF MINNESOTA FOR TAXES anri r.ntG l to 11 Of Rl ock all -}dart Of F.rnest Z . Pink and Rdmar T. '11 k _ s Ce "�-v - �f� @i @ T_ntc 99 and 20 m l ony l0 Dr:ak -s Reapgaag}d�� -v �t.PGPrvs t i on r'71Rrl as 0 -. �'S6 }`�' -cQ a ^'O STATE r-^yYF MINNESOTA FOR % nXES 4. Lots 25 Block 10 Drakes Rearrangment of part of McLeans Reservation Arthur A. Beisang and Angeline C. Beisang 5. Lots 16 and 17 Block 9 Drakes rearrangement of part of McLeans reservation ' . • John A. Korta and Marie T. Korta 6. West-40 of the East' 45, of Lot :,2011 and,i the West 40 of the East 85 of .the North 141;5 feet;4Cal1 in'L`ot-20­?Block 30, Suburban Hills Conrad J. Mierv�� and Evori! ,E;,i Merva�, 7. South 70 feet ofd the North' `100;j�feet� of tli&' East 65 feet of Lot 18 --and the North 70 feet of the West 41 -213 feet of Lot 17, all in Block 30 Suburban Hills Harvey F. Metzger and Helen H. Metzger 8. West 40 feet of the East '85 feet of the South 1411 feet of Lot 20, Block 30 Suburban Hills Arthur L. Borth and Emily C.iBorth 9. Lot 20, Block 30 Suburban Hills except the East 85 feet Ella Salmon 10. North 40 feet of the South 113 feet of the East 120 feet of Lot 19 and the West,5 feet of the South 153 feet of Lot 19, Block 30 Suburban Hills Robert A. O "Connell and Lila L. O'Connell 11. North 40 feet of the South 153 ,feet of the East 120 feet of Lot 19, Block 30 Suburban Hills Leo J. Whelan ' 12. North 40 feet of the South 193 feet of the East 120 feet of Lot 19 and the West 40 feet of the East 85 feet of the North 1414.5 feet of Lot 20, Block 30 Suburban Hills Margaret L. Remund 13. North 582 feet of the South 203 feet of the West 41 -2/3 feet of Lot 17 and the North 60 feet of the South 203 feet of that part East of Earl Street of Lot 18, Block 30 and the South 43 feet of the North 103 feet of the South 203 feet of that part East of Earl Street of Lot 18 and the North 16 feet of the South 143-feet of the West 41 -2/3 feet of Lot 17, all in Block 30 Suburban Hills John P. Giuliani and Theresa Giuliani 14. North 50 feet of Lots 1 ^pand,2, Block 10 Drakes rearrangement Albertina Schlee 15. Tots 1 and 2, Block 10, except the North 50 feet thereof, Drakes rearrangement Enoch Johnson and Frances Karimie Johnson 16. Lot 3, Block 10, Drakes rearrangement Rubie E. Bahneman 17. Lot 4, Block 10, Drakes rearrangement Marie Huf,fineier et al. 18. Lot 5, Block 10,'Drakes rearrangement Arthur A. Beisang and Angeline C. Beisang 19. Lot 14, Block 9, Drakes rearrangement Anna Ricci 20. Lot 15; Block 9, Drakes rearrangement Marvin G. Garner and Lillian A. Garner (Over) rI 21. Lot 6, Block 10, Drake's Rearrangement of Blocks 2, 8, 9, 10 and Lots 1 to 11, Block 11, all 4)art of McLean's Reservation, Ramsey County, Minnesota, all acc. Gordon Hauerwas and Clara Hauerwas. Taxes and Judgment reports not examined. Witness the signature of an authorized officer of the said Company and its corporate seal this 15th day of October, 1959 at 8;90 AaM. ILA �• le �� icr- !R 7r i=i l� t rr -1 t'd �I For Irying Shaw. gna L g it 4�v Aud PlAimim so aty 611 St., pAill 0 mmeiiitk DetembOr 14,o 1959 6 -OW '*iihad b ` As, ovnAio kidwj*�Itiiii ago -tee' wore to --#V"O'rtY-l6m6tid at t nord*eit arA- is et: 'GOS or$ of­ al Aft mm. -This Ovairif of V F­qO6� larl Sttiet',jind SUbU* U tbi j Sontih t Cat'-4 uUth, Vould 011 coft Affecting these lots. from Cl mW "S" OZOGWO DIAO t tA* a, Class ell Re t tv sidenm DistrUto I Ve V-0 -old that thift "ould onAu- the awm"- td- Aithau,gh,, fmot In W1 accord with the purpose of this C-ti Im we al-ned Its but um,we mar that out Alpatures mithdraM Ekto the petWon Aud tht latit r"Ormd to above* reap sovad Cleat - 'IV' Residimte District*, Vh" gotion tA nVosted for tho.folloWL"S taAWWO: Subuxbsm Avomo from Bert to Fag"t ftrects ft Ompletoly -undavelopid* ftat* Round Pa* school is only Tons block way we balleva tho eutlx► avenue could boot bey uttlizad by the construct Ion of -slue f=U ►t dwellings. Tht pvWosed, art a mould be for *Mrs pmple or miVrW lea With no Childs at sa snssaerlip uajx* .app hW y 40#1 to famillip with school thllftmo - it Wai r4preseWWd tb&t the" ►8 would be u"d by s, mmm vo*fte at Eby Hound PaX nospItsa,* mm► People In thlo not bborhood am Z"t mm to togas Sam Our"* th" . #44ft- Inemlthus d whiff ore even then b&valy et irate, It is our bolio? that t" eta votdd In effoat czents .,%. &A -inc=* loss for tbawe peopla pith ' Umdees's a '0'* Od no potle or i op to tWowo". Fm the stamdpolut of eathatiom there to so doubt the an wmld boo oft 4$ttreetiva If devolved by sivale fa dly d"llingoo Jp City oii. and Plowing �a!ai'd Git oi° St. sot - u�•, _ :try= �_f•^ _� ;,�,.- _ _ _ -, ., : - s. - short tom; a 0 w t..r Brie '� ro is d - tb�r s iii .rty locatad `gat th* xfoz�t�s1 a�__soc�►C Mt �rn�rs of arl t tt : ond. Sgbu6&v AVO bo c ity 'df this � " rte t our -a testes to, *: ititlon �eh� .'Vould t�o cc a�# cti "testa for floss "a "� 2611I.S.TM istr t to a Cass G" Sa��.a _ -DUer tt. vilp: r+3* told r Y that. thin old 00010 tba c�+in+!�t+i�° t4 Pict tiro- ta�"UP - - buihd#acigs :at Chef , _comers;;' Altt� "fit ` €ut a# zd tioi t13 P t is tltio�at t end _ it, but- �vwii_t that_ if ature* ` 'vi thds fs�° thv_ potitil and tho , It tail it o ead o abatis, ° - a a�'+ ��a�/ ���» .,�i�a 417►�.i�tiiat - _ , -_ _ • - _ .'1",�1� �t �,$.: �at�d :f0']r-tT� _ iPO1�,Q1ri'k� 'T��#Q�ti! , - _ - ' Subutban A� t va4arl to �`oi�es tr ti - ii • &top toly ' , • ; t loped. $fllca Round P#* School li, Only o� bloc Arai , - roi.. beli+rt tbe- Antito � 7could bi t bo utilised. by tbs construction of 61 t383 fool tom, d1follingwe - Ohre �r�a?�+ec� . - s spartaoeasits od for ,ain pt�p or .ryritd s,.�aiA rriti� . ' - 'no c ildropn is idssatuelf. uaftg 'apses daai rab_la to r . ; fiaSll as.- trig wchool- thiliycaFa. . _ It Mai rrw t a that - thirii a�itt�t+� mull be used bar e x *teas ra►ai�ciia . at as by -I ovaast' lark No halt Htmi eopla - in this, im o V "t , a: ' x.s �� Ott mxrasa� ti _ _ rsupplaaMent incaws t�#.oh ara w _then hrs*itl� .adaq±ciatl: _ -lfi -• - • - iti . au>! baY that. the apart" tc VWI d. #n air t , crsati ; } t aaasa totIttom-0 It= axfd incur* loaa'fo>~ thelts- pil�►la wf;th so *P*Xt . to , �aa- 1'ra the ctppt of *Ott atiCti : tb7ca ia' 8ctebt tba ~_ r a_`irould bit so_ i.4 attt_ aatlAim �.� - e1� MiCWa by ai1aa_ir f4"1y . - fir+" `ham told that, Lit ,'th# en tiV -6 �k I c O emirs; Off- � �s �� �e►��;�' .ys tfu s $-b Pau a' aur�t,'�i�#. for -faa""jw Mid It ` tismud that� ,`sad *C� t�!• A >v.:�.l� r *VSX }yam +'. t = - - F - �k�F �/�!!r� .�� T�►wr!�' T1,�4� �.`�� ��i1 �.� ���iY•�i� _'f' Y - n v x,`.15 59 q. • -' . , _ ,. _ - r � _fit _ t _ � - -- x� c iJ_ • ._ - t`- a •• r_ , #. � _ _ 4 r - -_ ,'7' - '_ _- r e rani , '_ � ; _ _ - -. - Ej �.' _ .. _ •� �a � - - � - -' - it �S .. s v. C -n,. Jk '7 �C 1,' _• `�` b- - •' •; --_.. r ._ - 'I C . ' �. • �. ? - - 'j." -., _ . , , rf� S •tom i = � _ _ _ Y _ it _. _ . .Sr� F ;' ' f''= � - - � _: _- �'� '� � _. '• -, � - . _ •i � r Vic• ` J` � _: � . .,'3�Ly. •� �� -r a o� ',y' t j::f ' +s t z -s v"L. a' JJJ � __ -_ _ _ ' •rte ,- - _! rL _• � ___ - �'• - � .. - - _ - � -, -4 �M. ,. ?- _t' • " -3 � _-4 • i- _ } _ T� "�' r •- _- - � °„{ - `. - �• '6 � *: "- � _ � Y .1 c '� .- - y : it T `r y! ._ �.r i -is _ _ , Y : -1_ -g - _ , y . - • art _.;� - 4 - - - ' - {gib s:;yt December 1473 1959 Honorable" Mayor City Council and Planning Board City of ..St. _ Paul, Minnesota j 1;A short time ago we were approached.by�the,owners_of "the property located at the northwest and southwest corners of Earl Street and Suburban Avenue. The owners of this property sought our signatures -to� a -petition which-would, change _the zoning-code affecting these:lots, from -Class B _Residence District to a -Class aC11 Residence District. •We' -� were told that this would enable the- owners to erect two apartment buildings "at these corners. -Although not in full accord with the purpose of this petition we signed it, but now we request that our signatures be withdrawn from the petition and the lots, referred to above, remain zoned Class "B" Residence District.- "This-, . action'is--kequested for the following reasons: Suburban. Avenue from Earl to Forest Streets is com etely undeveloped, Since Mound Park School -is only one block away we believe the entire avenue could best be utilized by the construction of single family -type dwellings. The proposed apartments would be for single people or married couples with no children; unnecessarily using-space highly desirable to families with school children. wou ld be used by It was represented that these apartments ` Man people nurses working at near -by Mound Park Hospital. y in this neighborhood now rent rooms to-these same nurses thus supplementing incomes which are even then barely adequate. It is our belief that these apartments would in effect create unnecessary. competition and income loss for these people with no particular advantage to the nurses. From the standpoint of doubt il area would b single family dwellings. 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE MRS. DONALD M. DeCOURCY, Commissioner JAMES P. RICHARDSON, Deputy Commissioner 113 Court House, Zone 2 CApital 4-4612 To the Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: October 22, 1959 LEONARD C. SEAMER Valuation Engineer ELTOR A. DEHN Asst. Valuation Engineer CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM Chief Cashier HARRY A. JOHNSON Chief Clerk I have examined the attached petition filed in the matter of rezoning Lot 19, Block 30, Suburban Hills, except the north 30 ft. and except the south 193 ft. and Lots 28, 29 and 30, Block 10, Drakets Rearrangement of Blocks 2, 81 9, 10 and Lots 1 to_11,'Block 11 all being part of McLean's Reservation to Saint Paul -- Northwest and southwest corners of Earl and Suburban from a Class IIB" Residence District to a Class IICII Residence District, and find that said petition is sufficient. Yours very truly, r Kr-s. Donald . DeCourby Commissioner of Finance CH:cp c.c. to Mr. Schroeder i LAW OFFICES OF J F F I C, F. IRVING SHAWJF CITY '�°�� H -701 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 34"'H0 K SAINT PAUL 1. MINNESOTA 9959 OCT 19 PM 1 46 Sr51N I I_I t%JL 4 NNESOTA k,ITY CLERK October 19, 1959 Mr. Harold Riordan Office of City Clerk City of Saint Paul Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota TELEPHONE CAPITAL 2 -6348 Res Ernest I. Fink and Edmar T. Fink, Petition of Rezoning of Land_on West side of Earl Street at Suburban Avenue. Dear Mr. Riordan: Delivered to you herewith please find petition of Ernest I. Fink and Edmar T. Fink for rezoning from IT Residence" district to a "C Residence" district of the land situated on the West side of Earl Street at Suburban Avenue, consisting of eight pages on which there appears the signatures of said petitioners and signatures of a majority of the persons having an interest in the adjoining land situated within 100 feet from the land proposed to be rezoned. Messrs. Fink have also obtained the signatures of most of the persons having an interest in and residing more than 100 feet away but within a radius of 200 feet from said land proposed to be rezoned and the signatures of these last mentioned persons appear on four pages which have been added to the petition as a supplement thereto identified as Exhibit "A ". Kindly cause this petition to be submitted to the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Saint Paul for processing. Sincerely, i . /o u Irving haw IS :vmt Enclosure G/`� ~�_ is � _ •,_ l 2n .. 1 Laid over to 3rd and app. Adopt Yeas Nays Yeas Nays DeConrcy Holland / Mortinson {J D i Rosen Winkel F DeCoarcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen / Winkel Mr. President Dillon