D001775C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION � oved CoPies to: � O � � � �/ City qerk (Originaq No: - Fnance Services, ACtounting D'rvmsion Date: ��-' � - Pnlice Dept., Accounting Unit Green Shest # 104529 ADNIINISI'RATIVE ORDER, Consiste� with ihe authority granted to the Mxyor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Chief of the St Paul Police Department to amead the 1999 budget of the 1999 Capital Impmvement Projects F�md (C99), the Director of the OfFice of Financial5ervires is aathorized W amend said budget m the foIlowing manner: CURRENT APPROVED AA7ENDED BUDGET CI�ANGES BUDGET FRQM• C99 - Capital ImprovemeM Projects 9T029 - Citywide Capital Maintenance 0279-00000 - Other Repair & Mainkenance TO• � Capital Improvement Projects . 9T029 - Citywide Capital Maintenance 0279-93004 - Other Repair & Maintenance 74,796 (1b,000) 58,796 74,79 (1 , 00) 58,796 3,800 16,000 19,800 3,800 1 , 19,800 ��! �,d.u� ��g'�-�"` � t b "d � �� uested by: Deparfine t"•ed • Date App ved : Fi�ancial Services Director Date c99-9[029,elevatrnrepa'v I _ Saint Paul Police l 10-22-99 William Finney, 292-3588 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET or,tua�rt o�art � �Jao I7 �3 No 1 Q��29 r-rs=.T= � �. rnr�*roncr � � air<r.uu¢ � nuxc+�aav�caow. ' � nurwuaenasuza '� wrutw��wunwn ❑ (CLfP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNANRE) Identify funding £rom the current Capital Maintenance Program to fix the elevator located in the south east area of the Public Safety Suilding. PIANNING COMMISSION q6 COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Hes thic P�saUfiim emrwaked mwer a wntract tor this depsAmeiM1'l YFS NO Ha6 Mia P�� evef hcen a cdY dnpbyee7 '!ES NO Oces tlus pe�saNfirm O�eew a sltiN rat nonaallYP�eeE M1 anY curtent citY emWaYee? YE3 NO IaNiapnsonffirtnatarpeted�endo�T .. VES ' NO There are two elevators.on the south end of the Public Safety Building. The one on the east side of the ha11 goes to a11 three floors but is the sole elevator to go to the basement where ihe property room is located. This elevator is used' by Officers after-hours as their sole entry point to deposit property. This elevator -provide 24 hr, access to Officers for the Property Room -increase li£t capacity to the upper floors by .339 -helps maintain access for handicapped SWANTAGES IFAPPROVED None -limited access by Officers for the Property Room -increases load on the other two elevators 16,000.00 ��_'''� L AMOUtOT OF TRANSACTION S C0.4T1IiEVHllUB BUDGEiED (CIRCLE ONE) ( �6s ) NO \.�� Ncsouece C99-9T029-0279-00000 u mFOrtAtnnoN �owwa7 ��������� - �lOV 21999 �1�� ��.��� i ACi1VITY NUMBER