198949i ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK -- PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI _. w CITY OF ST. P OFFICE O THE CIl COUNCIL RESO�TION -( File No., 198949 —By Bernard'. Whereas,' On July 29, 1959, the City' Council, by resolution known as Coun- cil File 193341, ratified khe award of damages awarded in the condemnation of lands necessary for the partial open- ing and widening of a portion of Selby Avenue. The condemnation included the taking of the South 36 feet of Lot 15, Block 5, Boulevard Addition, except that portion thereof previously taken :for Selby Avenue. The owner of the! I pro r Zty, Susan Crosby (formerly d !� " -� KroSka), appealed to the District 198949 WHEREAS, on July 29, 1959, the City Council, by resolution known as Council File 193341, ratified the award of damages awarded in the condemnation of lands necessary for the partial opening and widening of a portion of Selby Avenue. The con- demnation included the taking of the South 36 feet of Lot 15, Block 5, Boulevard Addition, except that portion thereof pre- viously taken for Selby Avenue. The owner of the property, Susan Crosby (formerly Susan Kroska) appealed to the District Court from the award of damages and is represented by Francis Nahurski; and WHEREAS, it appears that the take line runs through an enclosed porch on the front of the house and the entire porch will have to be removed. The difference in elevation between the first floor and the grade of the new sidewalk would necessitate a stairway with seven or eight risers; however, the take line is so close to the house that there isn't enough room for a front stairway and consequently a new entrance would be required which could be on either side of the house. But again, there is insufficient room for a side entrance due'to a driveway on one side and a very narrow side yard space on the other side; and WHEREAS, because of the difficulties involved in the reconstruction, the Valuation Engineer has discussed disposition of the appeal with counsel for the abutting property owner on the basis of increasing the award and letting the owner remove the porch and use only the back door for access until such time as the abutting owner can procure additional land so as to have a side entrance; and WHEREAS, it has been tentatively agreed that the amount of the award should be increased from $8,000 to $10,000 and the appeal from the award hereinabove referred to be dismissed; now, therefore, be it f COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Approved 19— Loss In Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Vavoulis ISM 6 -Go Z 198949 l ORIGINAL TO CITY CLIMK t CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE -2- RESOLVED, that on the recommendation of the Valuation Engineer and the Corporation Counsel, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes and approves an increase in the amount of the award ratified by Council File 1933+1, to the amount of $10,000 and the Council authorizes and diregts the proper City officers to pay said amount of $10,000 in full and final settlement in connection with the condemnation hereinabove referred to, after receipt by the Office of the Corporation Counsel of a Dismissal of Appeal in the condemnation matter hereinabove referred to as well as an abstract of title showing marketable title in the aforemention Susan Crosby (formerly Susan Kroska) and a warranty deed to said property. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland -Less- - Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 8M a•eo Q10.2 SEP 151960 Adopted by the Council 19- SEP 15195® pproved 19— Favor nMayor r (� Against