198944ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK _ PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER- , r.. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY C CIL RESOLUTION —GENT Council File No. 198944 —By Milton Rosen — Re: State Prgject 6242 -24 (T. H. 280- 280) Grading, etc., Territorial Road to Robbins Street. Minn. Proj. U 047-4 (10) Whereas, The Commisisoner of High- ways has prepared plans, special -pro- visions and specifications for the im- grprovemenR o£_a,pprtpf T,r:ur9r X+,,rhvrav ATC Re: State Project 6242 -24 (T.H. 280 =280) Grading, etc., Territorial Road to Robbins Street. Minn._Proj. U 047 -4 (10) t WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Highways has prepared plans, special provisions and specifications for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway No._ 280 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 280 within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul from Territorial Road to Robbins Street; and WHEREAS, Said plans and special provisions are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 6242 -24 (T.H. 280 =280); and WHEREAS, Said specifications are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 6242 -24 (T.H. 280 =280), Minn. Proj: U 047 -4 (10) which, together with the Minnesota Department of Highways Speci- fications for Highway Construction, dated May 1, 1959., on file in the office of the Com- missioner of Highways, constitute the specifications for said improvement of Trunk Highway Number 280 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 280; and WHEREAS, Copies of said plans and special provisions as so marked, labeled and identi- fied are also on file in the office of the Department of Public Works; and r 5. WHEREAS, The term "said plans and special provisions" as hereinafter used in the body - s;'�.of -this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and incorporate the plans and special provisions in the foregoing recitals particularly identified and described; \ NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED, That said plans and special provisions for the improvement of Trunk Highway Number 280 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 280 within the limits of the City of St. Paul be and hereby are approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the elevations and grades as shown in said plans and Ai `special provisions be and they are hereby approved and consent is hereby given to any and -,. all changes in grade occasioned by the construction of said Trunk Highway Number 280 re- numbered as Trunk Highway Number 280 in accordance with said plans and special provisions. SEP 15 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland lh " In Favor Mortinson Peterson Rosen Against Mr. President, Vavoulis GM a -Go 2- SEES 15 WA DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 1 _ 8944 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL CL NO � "iii"' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Aw $tate Project 6242 -24 (T,$. 960) f#r'+mditlg* late., TorritorJ.l load to Robbins $treat. Mm- Vroj. U 047 -4 (10) WMMMO Mw Condoxi over of Hig wsp his p plus specia]« provisions and "cificatlons fb7r the 3sgrc atent of a part of Trunk Mgxv y No,. 280 renubered aae Trunk Hi�h"y limber , Athin the corporate limits of the City of St. Rwa frm gerritoria Road to Robbins Street; and - VMMM., add plans and special provisions are on file in thae office of the department, of $f. a Saint Paul, Minnesota, being xarked, labeled, and identified as B.P. 62 2.24 (T.H. 2��); and, WMM.p Said rpecifiaations are on file in tbs office of the Papar mat of Highwe,ys,. saint Paul$ Minnesota, being ssarked., labeled, and idontifled. as O.P. 6242 -2t (T.H.. 260*80), Mina. P'roj. V 047 -4 (10 vh1ch, tapether with tt* Minnereots Separtaent of Higmgv 4peci -; fications for Hignmy Construction, dated. My 1, 1959, on file in the office of the Co*' ni.ssiomr of M 6,0 constitute the specifications for read iapfosreasent of Trunk, Hlglhray Mmber 260 renumbered as Trunk $i oxay Maber 260; and WHOM, Copies of said plan and special provisions as so viarked, lebeaed and identi- fled axe also on file in tbs office of the beent of .Public Works; amd WHXMUS, Tto tens "said plans and special: prorisiono" as hereinafter used In the body ' of this resolution sha11. be did and Uitendod to mean, refer tot and 1neo*orate the plans and rpetcfa]. pro 1ple- in the f'oregoiag recitals parbiaularly identified azA describe4 NOW, EM,. 3319 IT FJM0W=, Zat said plans and :rpecba provisions ibr the ia;irovs>.ent of Trunk HigUny Number 280 ranuabla*d: at Trunk Higher Nw ber 260 vithtn Va licit# of the City of St. Paul be and boreby art eppromd. 22 IT YMMM XWMM,, That the elevations and grades " ohm in said plans ,end. specla l provisions be and they are het'l*by approved and consent is hereby given to azv and all, chen s in grsd+a occasioned by the construction of said grunt Highmy luoeber 280 re- n mbered as Trunk Rig wV Number 260 in accordance frith sod plane and special. provisions,, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourey Holland ILG"— In Favor Mortinson Peterson ` U Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis aM a•so 2 SEP 15196Q Adopted by the Council 19— SEP 15 1S60 Approved 19— Mayor