08-751Presented by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I2 13 14 `CtTY � � � �_.__ +l Councit File # 11$ ' �]�j f ; GreenSheet# 3056570 RESOLUTION ��` �-� ZINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �3 � �. �7�.'�����y������\��� RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPROVING MINNESOTA LAWS, 2008 CHAPTER 366, ARTICLE 5, SECTION 36 WHEREAS, the 2008 session of the Minnesota Legislature passed and the Governor signed Minnesota Laws, 2008, Chapter 366, Article 5, Section 36 which authorizes the establishmenY of a redevelopment taac incremenY financing district. WHEREAS, such legislation requires local approval in accordance with Minnesota Statute §645.021; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul desires the law to become effective; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul that Minnesota Laws, 2008, Chapter 366, Article 5, Section 36 is hereby approved. 15 BE IT FLTRTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby instructed to submit the 16 appropriate certificate and a copy of this Resolution to the Secretary of State of the State of 17 Minnesota. Bostrom Carter Harris Helgen Stark Thune Adopted by Council: Date ✓ """`� Requ�d by�� t oi� � ✓ By: Approved y the Office of Financial By: �/ Apprdved by Ci A �t�ey \ rZ By: �,._ � Approved ly}�T�yoffd�f bmi io Adoption Certified by C micil Secre�ry g By: � � Approve�l ]y�.�fi� or: Dat � L,S O By: � z2oz96a�t Exhibit A— 2008 State Special Law for Saint Paul ����� FIF No 3149B Conference Committee — 2008 Session PP 67-68 . 36. CITY OF ST. PAUL: TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT. ea. � Subdivision 1. Authorization. Notwithstandin¢ the provisions of any other aa. alaw, upon anoroval of the ¢overnin¢ bodv of the citv of St. Paul, the Housing and as . s Redevelopment Authority of the city of St. Paul mav establish a redevelopment tax aa. ioincrement financina district comprised of the prooerties included in the existine downtown aa. iiand Seventh Place tax increment dish (Countv #821. Norivithstanding Minnesota sa. izStatutes, secrion 469.177, subdivision 6, if certification of the district is requested bv July as. i331, 2008, the certificarion will be rewgnized bv the countv auditor in deternunin¢ local as. istax rates for taxes pavable in 2009 and subsequent years. The district created under this as. issection ternunates December 31, 2023. The citv mav create the dish under this section as. iconlv if it enters into an a¢reement with Ramsev Countv to pav the countv annuallv out of as. i�the increment from this district an amount equal to the tax that would have been pavable as. iato the countv on the captured taY capacitv of the district had the dishict not been created. a4. is Subd. 2. Special rules. The requirements for qualifyinq a redevelopment dish a4. zounder Minnesota Statutes, section 469.174, subdivision 10, do not auply to parcels located as.2iwithin the distnct. Minnesota Statutes, section 469.176, subdivisions 4j and 41, do not aa. szannlv to the district. The ori¢inal tax capacitv of the district is $1,801,052. a4. z3 Subd. 3. Authorized exnenditures. Tax increment from the district mav be ac. asexroended onlv to pav principal and interest on bond obligations issued bv the St. Paul a4. zsHousin¢ and Redevelopment Authority in 1996 for the convention center, includina aa. z�yment of urinciqal and interest on anv bonds issued to revav the bonds or loans. All as. a�such expenditures are deemed to be activiries within the district under Minnesota Statutes, as.zasection 469.1763. subdivisions 2, 3, and 4. 84.29 Subd. 4. Adiusted net talc capacitv. The caphxred tax cavacitv of the district must as.3obe included in the adiusted net tax capacitv of the citv, countv, and school district for the as.3zpurposes of determinin¢ loca] eovemment aid, education aid, and count�program aid. ss.3zThe countv auditar shall report to the commissioner of revenue the amount of the captured a4.3stax cauacitv for the district at the time the assessment abstracts are filed. as. iEFFECTIVE DATE.This section is effective unon comvliance with Minnesota as.zStatutes, section 645A21, subdivision 3. CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW BY GOVERNING BODY (Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 645.02 and 645.021) STATE OF MIi�TNESOTA County of TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF MINNESOTA: PLEASE Tt1KE NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the o�-��� DOES HEREBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws, 20 , Chapter requiring approval by a majority* of the governing body of said local governmental unit before it becomes effecrive, the at a meeting duly held on the _ day of (if other than resolution, specify) (designate governing body) 20 by resolurion did approve said Laws, 20 Chapter by a majority vote* of all of the members thereof (Ayes ; Noes ; Absent or not voting ) and the following additionai steps, if any required by statute or charter were taken: A copy of the resolution is hereto annexed and made a part of this certificate by reference. Signed: (Official designarion of officer) (Th�s form prescribed by If�e Attomey Generzl and fumished by the Secretary ofState as mquired in Minnesota StaNtes 645.021.) *Ifeztraordinary majority is required by the specisl law, insert faction or percen[age here. Please see reverse side for instructions for completing this form. S�[IFCIVI[{l\9PENMpIICFRT6ICATEOFMPROVpLOF AECIALLAW Jo[ � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � 6 $ -�51 FS —F;�� s�� Contact Person 8 Phone: Bob Geurs 266-8837 16.IUL-08 i e- Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ TRANSAC E-Document Required: Y Doeument Contaet: Bob 6eurs ,. ��: N /�SSi911 Number For RouNng Order ContaetPhone: 266-8837 I I Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3056570 ] �nancialServices I Uloa�entUVec[or � 2 ' antial� � ce FSnancial Services �.,Q_� F—Y/.sC 3 ' Attorne - �7 Ci Attome �-�✓� 4 or's Office Ma or/Assistant 5 ouncil Ci Councl 6 " Clerk Ci Clerk ..� Local approval by City Council of 2008 special law that allows I3RA to create a new TIF' district to benefit the RiveiCentre complex from 2009-2023. aanons: a,pprove �H� or n Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departrnent? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curzent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): New 2008 special state law allows the Ciry, through its HRA, to create a new TIF district &om 2009-2023 to provide new financing of over $4 million a yeaz for the RiverCenhe complex AdvantageslfApproved: Special law allows new TIF esrimated at more than $4 million annually from 2009 to 2023 to pay HRA 1996 Sales Tas Refunding Bonds (RiverCentre Project). This will free up a like amount annually to make renovauons and improvements to the RiverCenue complex. DisadvantageslfApproved: Nonelmown Disadvantages If Not Approved: City will lose more than $4 million annually that is allowed via the new TIF Disttict Trensadion: Funding Source: Financial 1 nformation: . (Explain) Activity Number: CostlRevenue Budgeted: ..,. ..,..... ..,_n.. n s e o,...,. n