08-748Council File # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAIN3' PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Green Sheet # 6S � � �g 3055476 � 1 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department is authorized to enter into the attached 2 agreement with the t3nited States Department of 3ustice to participate in the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement 3(OCDETF) Task force from June 15, 2008 through September 15, 2008. A copy of said agreement 4 is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial 5ervices. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Requested by Department of: Bo Carter Hanis Thune ✓ Adopted by Council: Date: Adoption Certifie by Co ncil Secretary: BY� /J,�/Ai�ii iL�S�� Approved by y r: ate: ��f Q � BY� �� ��%�r�`ri�ll Approve or for Su i'on to ouncil: By � � � Q:\FiscalAffairsWO&CR�2008\GLMNO2010CDETF6 15 o8thru9 15 OB.xls Approval Recommended by Financial Services: By�°-'��� (� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � �� Department/officeJeouncil: Date Initiated: pp —ro��cenepamnem � 72JUN-08 I Green Sheet NO: 3055476 ' CoMact Person & Phone: � Chief John Hartington 266-5588 ! Must Be on Council Agen Uoc. Type: RESOLUTION E-Document Required: Y Document CoMact: Evette Scarver y .��a.�,.�.,. . �«.,.... 0 oliceDepartment I PdiceDeparlment I Assign 1 diceDePartmen[ � PoliceDeP��t Fom�r� 2 'tpAttornev I CityAttorney ( __� Routing 3 ror`s O�ce IvSS9or �� 1 4 �Comcil Council � 5 i Cierk C� G7erk � 6 �olice Department Police Depaztment ConWet Phone: 266-5547 Total # of Signature Pages (Ciip All LxMions for Signature) Signatures on the attached council resolution authorizing the City of Saint Pau3, Poiice Depaztment, [o entet in[o the attached agreement with the United States Department of Jusdce, Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF�. �aanons: approve �N� or n Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a ciry empioyee? Yes No 3. Does this person/tirm possess a ski0 not normally possessetl by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Mi[iating Probfem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Saint Yaul Police Depaztment will participate in the OCDETF with the LTnited States DepazYment of Justice. The Saint Paul Police Departrnent will be ieimbursed for overtime expenses. Advantages If Approved: The Saint Paul Police Department will participate in the above mentioned federal task force with other federal and local agencies. Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: The Saint Paui Police Deparhnent will no[ paz[icipate in this federal task force. Transaction: $�5,000.00 F�nd�ng source: United States Department of Financial intormation: �UStice (Explain) CosVRevenue Bud9eted: Activity Number: � �...�.� � . .'.. Y _ I June 12, 2008 10:30 AM Page 1 � ' • �:� ORGANIZED CRIME DI2UG ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCES A FOR THE USE QFTT� STATE AND LOCAL OVERT'IME AND AUTHORIZED EXPBNSE PROGR�M Federal Tax Identification #: �16005521 Amount Requested: •�� Number of Officers Listed: 5 From: To: Beginning Datz of Agreement Ending Date of Agteement State or Local Agency ContactPerson: Commander Robert Thoma TelephoneNumber: (651)485-0522 Sponsoring Federa! Agency(ies): DEA DC #: OCDETF Investigation Number: G—L—MAI-0201 Federa] Agency Investigation Number: Ij-08-0041JYNA3B State or Loca1 Agency Name and Address: Saint Paul Police Department 367 Grove Stree Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Please provide the name, telephone number and e-mail address for the administrative or financial staff person at the State or Local agency, who is d'uectly responsible for the billings under this Reimbursement Agreement: N3me: Aneela Anderson TelephoneNumber: (651)266-5540 E-ri1211 Add1'eSS:Angela.Anderson@ci.stpaul.mn.us Fax Number: ( 651) 266-5908 Agreement (Oct. 06), Page 1 11 ►i � This agreement is between the above named State or I,ocal law enforcement agency and the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDSTF} Program. This agreement shall be effecrive when signed by an authorized State or Local agency official, the sponsoring Federal agency Special Agent-Tn-Charge, the agency OCDETF Coordinator, and the .4ssistant United States Attomey OCDETF Coardinator. It is agreed that the State or Local iaw enforcement officers named on this agreement will assist in Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force invesfigations and j]I'OSG'CUCIOIIS 2S SCt fOP�l lll'�1e �Ig3i]1ZEC1 CIYIlIE nt11g FnfnrrPmPnt Tacl� FnrrP� Cr�+o 2. No individual agreement with a State or Local department may exceed $20,000, and the cumuiafive amount of OCDETF State and Local overtime monies that may be expended on a single OCDETF investigation in a single fiscal yeaz may not exceed $30,000 without express prior approval from the OCDETP Executive Office. The OCDETF Executive Office will entertain requests to exceed these funding levels in particular cases. Please submit a written request including justification approved by the AUSA Regional Coordinator to the OCDETF budget officer when seeking to exceed the above stated funding levels. 3. Each Reimbursable Agreement wili be allowed four (4) modifications per year. In addition, if the funds for a particulaz agreement aze completely deobligated with the intention of closing that agreement, it wi11 not count as a modification for purposes of this policy. These amendments or changes must be transmitted by a memorandum approved and signed by the AUSA OCDETF Coordinator or designee for the region and forwazded to the OCDETF Executive Office. 4. If an Agreement does not have any activity during the 1ast ninety (90} days, the fixnds shall be deobligated. The OCDETF Executive Office wi11 assist with the monitoring of the aging Agreements. Further, if a State or Local agency indicates that it is no longer performing work under a particular Agreement, the State and Loca1 Overtime Procedures Manual requires that a modification memorandum idenfifying the amount to be deobligated be submitted to the OCDETF Executive Office within five (5) working days of deternuning that no work is being performed. 5. The State and Local Police Departments are to provide monthly billing estimates or activity upon request. 6. The State or Local law enforcement agency agrees to provide experienced drug law enforcement officers who are idenfified in ttus agreement to work on the specified OCDETF investigation. Any change in law enforcement officers assigned must be agreed to by all approving officials. 7. Officers who aze not deputized shall possess no law enfarcement authoriTy other than that conferred by virtue of their position as a commissioned officer of their pazent agency. S. Officers who are deputized may possess Federal law enforcement authority as specified by the agency affording the deputation. 9. Any State or Local officers assigned to an OCDETF investigation in accordance with this agreement are not considered Federai employees and do not take on the benefits of Federal employment by virhze of their participation in the investigation. Agreement (Oct. 06), Page 2 12 6�'�� 10. OCDETF and the sponsoring Federal law enforcement agency(ies) for the approved OCDETF investigation will provide to the assigned State/Local officers the clezical, operafional and administrafive support that is mutually agreed to by the parties to this agreement. ll.Officers assigned to OCDETF invesfigations must work fu11-time on the invesfigation(s) in order to be paid overtime. In order to satisfy the "fuil-time" requirement, a law enforcement officer must work foriy (4Q) hours per week or eight (8) hours per day on a single or mulfiple OCDETF investigation(s}. P,ny established exceprions or waivers to this defuution shall be requested by the Regional Coordination Group and attached as Addendum A to the Agreement. [The parent State or Local agency must pay the base salary of their officers. In the event officers must work overtime on the OCDETF investigation, the OCDETF Program will reimburse the parent State or Local law enforcement agency for a limited amount of those overtime costs.j The agency is responsible for paying its law enforcement officer(s) for their overtime, travel and per diem expenses. To ensure proper and complete utilization of OCDETF overtime and expense allocations, reimbursement claims must be submitted monthly on the OCDETF Reimbursement Request Form. The OCDETF Bxecutive O�ce may refuse payment on any reimbursement request that is not submitted to the QCDETF Regional Coordination Group within thirty (30) days of the close of the month in which the overtime was worked. 12. Analysis of reimbursement claims by the Regional Coordination Group may result in a modification of the obligation of funds contained within this agreement as well as the time period covered. The agency affected by any such modification will be telephonicaJly advised ten (10) business days in advance of such modification with follow-up confirmation in writing. 13. Overtime payments, in any event, may not, on an annual per person basis, exceed 25% of the current approved Federal salary rate in effect at the time the overtime is performed. The State or Local agency is responsible for ensuring that this annual payment is not exceeded. The field office of the sponsoring Federal agency and the Agency OCDETF Coordinator also will monitor ihese payments. 14. The overtime log must be attached to the reimbursement request when submitting the monthly invoices. The Sponsoring Federal Agency Supervisory Special Agent and the State or Local official authorized to approve the Reimbursement Request must certify that only authorized expenses aze claimed and that overtime has not exceeded 25% of the current Federal salary rate in effect at the time the overtime was worked. 15. Under no circumstances will the State or Loca1 agency charge any indirect costs for the administration or unplementation of this agreement. 16. The State or Loca1 agency shalt maintain complete and accurate records and accounts of all obligations and expenditures of funds under this agreement for a period of six (6) yeazs and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles to facilitate inspecfion and auditing of such records and accounts. Agreement (Oct. 06), Page 3 13 I: � 17. The State or Local agency sha11 permit examination and audiiing by representatives of the OCDETF Program, the sponsoring Federal agency{ies), the U.S. Depariment of 7ustice, the Comptroller General of the United States, andior any of their duly- authorized agents and representatives, of any and all records, documents, accovnts, invoices, receipts, or expenditures relating to this agreement. I8. The State or Loca1 agency will comply with Tifle VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all requirements applicable to OCDETF agreements pursuant to the regulations of the Department of Justice see e.�., 28 C.F.R. Part 42, Subparts C and G; 28 C.F.R. 50.3 (1991)) relating tA discrunination on the grounds of race, color, sex, age, national origin or handicap. 19. This agreement may be ternunated by any of the garties by written notice to the other pariies ten (10) business days prior to terminarion. Billing for outstanding obligations sha11 be received by OCDETF within thirty (30) days of the notice of termination. 20. The Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 requires that most payments made by the Federal government, including vendor payments, must be made by electronic funds transfer (EFT). In accordance with the act, all OCDETF reimbursement payments will be issued via EFT. All participating State and Local agencies must complete and submit the attached EFT form. T'he OCDETF Executive O�ce must receive one EFT form from each participating agency ar police department prior to processing their reimbursement payments. In certain circumstances the OCDETF Executive Office will make exceptions for agencies that aze unable to accept this form of payment, however, they must include written justification in the addendum of each new agreement. 21. All changes made to the original agreement must be approved by the OCDETF Executive Offace and iuifialed by the Executive Assistant of the Regional Coordination Group making the revision. The OCDETF AUSA Coordinator or designed must initial all funding changes. Agreement (Oct 06), Page 4 14 o� �?�g This agreement is not a contract or obligation to commit Federal funds in the maximum amounts projected. Funding allocarions for the time period set forth and agreed to herein represent projections only and aze based upon consultation between the sponsoring Federal agencY and the State or Local law enforcement agency. They aze, therefore, subject to modification by OCDETf�' based upon the progress and needs of the OCDETF investigation. Additionally, resources are contingent upon the availability of fixnds pex the approval and signature of the AUSA OCDET'F Coordinators obIigafing authority. The OCDETF Executive O�ce will verify and accept that all the terms and conditions of the agreement have been met. Approved By: AuthorizedStateorLocalOffcial Title Date Approved By: Sponsoring Federal Agency Special Agent in Charge or designee Date Approved By: Regional Sponsoring Federal Agency OCDETF Coordinator Date Approved By: Regional Assistaru Urxited States Attorney OCDETF Coordinazor Date Funds are encumbered for the State/Loca1 Agency overtime costs and authorized expenses specified above. Subject to availabiIity of funds. Accepted By: OCDETFExecutive O�ce Aate City Attorney Date Director, Financial Services Date Ageement (Oct. 06), Page, 5 15 ,� � ORGANIZED CRIl4IE DRUG ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCES STATE OR LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OF�ICERS LOCAL OVERT� A1�D AU HORIZED E�ENSE pRpGRAM State or Local Agency: Saint Paul Police Department OCDETF Investigation Number: GL-MN-o2o1 The law enforcement o�cers listed below will assist with the above identified OCDETF investigation. Any modification of the list of law enforcement officers must be agreed to in writing by all of the parties to this Agreement, made a part of the Agreement, and £orwarded to the OCDETF Executive Office. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. NAME Tim Hale Mark Nelson TITLE/RANK Officer Officer DOB 10-16-1963 6-20-1976 Trygve Sand Mike Meyer Larry Sandell Agreeraent (Oct. 06), Page 6 Officer Officer Sergeant 8-24-1971 8-5-1963 9-29-1949 16 �I i Addendum A Definifion of "Full-Time Participation" Exemption Any Other Exceptions or Justifications Agreement (Oct. 06), Page 7 17 ' � � ACH VFNDOR/MISCELLAN�0�15 PAI'M�NT �NROLLM��N�` FORM PAYEE/COMPANY lv"aina���`Saint Paul P 367 Grove Street Saint Pau1, MN 55 IDNumber: 4A6005521 ' >ersonName: Aneela Anderson INF'ORMATION Digit ABA Routing Transit Number: 0410 >itor Account Number: 1801-1105-4532 ofAccount: (checldng/savinas) Checkin Please returu with the Reimbursable Agreement �s �?�S and 7.ora1 agency name as written on agreement cover TelephoneNumber: (651)266-5540 The Debf Collecfion Tmprovement Act of 1996 requires that most payments made by the Federal goveIDment, including vendor payments, must be made by electronic �nds transfer (EFT). A benefit of receiving payments by EFT is that your f¢nds aze directly deposited to your account at a financiat institution and aze avaiiable to you on the date of payment If you have any question regazcling the delivery of remittance information, please contact the financial institufion (bank) where your account is held. ff you have any question on the comple6on of tlris form, please contact Keith Matthews, EFT Caordinator, 202-307- 2042 To inquire about abill please contact http://imsapps.treas qovlpaid/PAIDfap.asp Agreement (Oct. 06), Page 8 � 6$-��g Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces State and Local Overtime and Authorized Expense Program Policies and Procedures Manual October 2007 (FY-2008) Executive Office for the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces ���� � Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces State and Local Overtime and Authorized Expense Program The Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF) Progtam has consistently worked in close partnership with State and Local law enforcement agencies m the investigation and prosecution of major drug trafficking organizations. Since its inception in 1982, OCDETF has operated a program desib ed to reimburse State and Local law enforcement agencies for the overtime costs of law enfozcement officers incurred while ass3sting in OCDETF investigations. Originally, the resources to support this effort were derived from a specific appropriation made by the Congress. Beginning in 1995, the source of funding changed to the Department of 7usfice Assets Forfeiture Fund. That resulted in a number of policy changes, the most significant of which involves Federal agency sponsorship of State and Local participation. The OCDETF Program includes Federal agencies from the Departments of Jusfice, Treasury and Homeland Securiry. State and I,oca1 officers assigned to assist in OCDETF investigations perform a variety of functions, including but not lunited to: interviewing witnesses, conducting surveillance, performing undercover assignments, handiing informant transportation andlor prisonez transportafion, preparing and executing seazch and arrest warrants, serving subpoenas, assisting with tnal preparation, and testifying at trials. Officers assigned to OCDETF investigations must wark full-time on the investigation(s) in order to be paid overtime. In order to satisfy the "full-time" requirernent, a law enforcement officer must work forry (40) hours per week or eight (8) hours per day on a single or multiple OCDETF investigation(s). Any established exceptions or waivers to this definition shall be requested by the Regional Coordination Group and attached as Addendum A to the Agreement. [The pazent State or Local agency must pay the base salazy of their officers. In the event officers must work overtisne on the OCDETF investigation, the OCDETF Program will reimburse the pazent State or Local law enforcement agency for a limited amount of those overtime costs.] To be eligible for this funding, the State or Local officers must be specificaily assigned to the OCDETF investigation, and the pazent agency must enter into an Agreement with the OCDETF Program. No minimum funding amount is required for establishing the agreement; however, the amount obligated up front should not exceed esfimated total overtime. An agency may not seek reimbursement without having first paid funds to the State and Local officer(s). The sponsoring Federal agency must be a participant in the Department of Justice Assets For£eiture Fund. Funds awarded to an OCDfiTF Region shall be allocated on a case by case basis, after a review of the substance and needs of each particular investigation. Funds shall not simply be equally divided among participating agencies or divided based upon some pre-existing ratio. The sponsoring Federal agency is expected to provide funds for case-related travel and per diem costs by State and Local officers. In limited cases, when the sponsoring agency is unable to do so, overtime funding may be used for this purpose. 68�?y� The OCDETF 3tate and Local Overtime Fund is not to be used for equipment procurement or operational subsidies; noz is it to be used for the purchase of evidence or for confidentiai informant fees. Additionally, overtime and expenses for personnel other than sworn law en£orcement officers aze not pernutted. The OCDETF Execufive Office is the coordinafion and policy office for the OCDET'F State and Local Overtime and Authorized Expense Program. The OCDETF Executive Office will coordinate and manage funding on a nationwide basis for a11 State and Locai agreements and reunbursement requests. The OCDETF Executive Office is responsible for plam�uig, developing, and implementing the policies and procedures for the Program with support from the OCDETF Regional Coordination Groups and the OCDETF Agencies. PROCEDURES 1. Agreement a. An Agreement for the use of the OCDETF State and Local Overtime and Authorized Expense Program ("AgreemenP') must be completed whenever a State or Local law enfarcement agency plans to seek reimbursement for the overtime costs and authorized travel and per diem expenses resulting from participation in an OCDETF investigation. It must be cazefully reviewed and understood by al1 approving officials. The sponsoring Federai agency must be a participant in the Departsnent of 3ustice Assets Rorfeiture Fund. b. Agreements are approved on a fiscal year basis. The fiscal yeaz of the Federal Government begins on October 1 of a given year and ends on September 30 of the following year. An Agreement must fa11 within a fiscal yeaz period. Since investigafions frequendy span tcvo or more fiscal yeazs, new Agreements must be iniriated for each fiscal year. a Agreements are specific to a single OCDETF investigation. While a single State or Local law enforcement agency may be sunultaneously participating in several OCDETF inves6gations, a sepazate Agreement must be executed for each OCDETF investigafion number. d. No individual agreement with a State or Loca1 department may exceed $20,000, and the cumulative amount of OCDETF State and Local overtime monies that may be expended on a single OCDETF investigation in a single fiscal year may not exceed $30,000 without express prior approval from the OCDETF Executive Office. The OCDETF Executive Office will entertain requests to exceed these funding leveis in particular cases. Please submit a written request including justification approved by the AUSA Regional Coordinator to the OCDETF budget officer when seeking to exceed the above stated funding levels. e. Each Reimbursable Agreement will be allowed four (4) modifications per year. In addition, if the funds for a particulaz agreement are completely deobligated with the intention of closing that agreement, it will not count as a modification for purposes of this policy. These amendments or changes must be transmitted by a memorandum approved and signed by the AUSA OCDETF Coordinator or designee for the region and forwazded to the OCDET'F Executive Office. The modification must be included in the Region's State and Local agreement file and be available upon request. �� � f. If an Agreement does not have any activity during the last nineTy (90) days, the funds shall be deobligated. The OCDEfiF Executive Of6ce will assist with the monitoring of the aging Agreements. Further, if a State or Local agency detern�ines that it is no longer performing work under a particular Agreement, a modification memorandum identifymg the amount to be deobligated will be submitted to the OCDETF Executive Office within five (5) working days of this determination. g. The "List of State or Local Law Enforcement O�cers Assigned to Participate in the State and Local Overtime and Authorized Expense Program" identifies the specific State or Local o�cers who have been assigned to the investigation and aze expected to receive overtime or travel and per diem funding. h. Required Sienatures (1) Each Agreement must be approved and signed by a State or Local law enforcement agency official, who is authorized to assign the participating law enforcement officers to the OCDETF investigafion; the SAC (or designee) of the sponsoring Federal agency field office where the State or Local officers wi11 be woxking; the sponsoring Agency Regional OCDETF Coordinator; and the AUSA Regional OCDETF Coordinator. (2) When an OCDETF investigation involves more than one Federal law enforcement agency, a single Agreement may be used and an official from the sponsoring Federal agency must sign the Agreement. There must be a separate Agreement for each State or Loca1 agency, and for each investigation in which a State or Local agency is participating. (3) Other signatures may also be required at the discretion of the AUSA OCDETF Coordinator. (4) All required signatures must be obtained before the Agreement can be accepted and the funds obligated. i. AQreement Approval (1) The OCDETF Agency Coordinator(s) must submit the proposed Agreement to the OCDETF Regional Coordination Group for approval. This should occur as part of the OCDETF investigation selection process or soon thereafter if the need for State and Local participation is expected. (Z) The OCDETF Regional Coordination Group must review and approve all Agreements. Each Agreement shall be for a specific amount of funding and for a specific period of time. If there is a pre-existing active investigation utilizing State and Local Overtime, the agreement should be dated from the beginning of the fiscal yeaz (October 1) through the entire fiscal yeaz (September 30). However, if a case is newly initiated during the fiscal year, the beginning agreement date should accurately reflect when the case will begin using State and Local Overtime funding (beginning date of the Agreement through September 30). 0 . /. � (3) The ori�inal signed Agreement must be submitted promptly to the OCDET'F Executive Office for final review and acceptance. (4) The OCDETF Regional Coordination Group will ensure that the cumulative overtime and authorized expense commitments do not exceed the total regional fund allocafion. (5) The OCAET'F Regional Coordination Group also wil] ensure that official records are maintained to document the total number of regular hours worked by the State and Local officer(s). These records shall be maintained for six (6) years. (6) Reimbursement for any expenditure above the Agreement amount must be approved by both the OCDETF Regional Coordination Group and the OCDETF Executive Office. (7) In some extraordinary situations and with prior written approval from the OCDETF Execufive Office, an Agreement may be retroacCive to a muhxally agreed upon date, but not prior to the date the investigation being approved as an OCDETF investigation. Tf the agreement is associated with an approved OCDETF investigation, the Regional Coordination Group may approve reimbursement for State and Local overtime warked during the thirly (30) day period prior to submission of the OCDETF case(s} for approval. In no circumstance can the total amount of retroactive overkime paid exceed $5,000. (8) Amendments or changes in the amount of the Agreement or the listed participafing law enforcement officers that occur after an Agreement has been executed must be agreed to by a11 approving officials. These amendments or changes must be transmitted by a memorandum approved and signed by the AUSA OCDETF Coordinator or designee for the region and forwazded to the OCDETF Executive Office. All changes made to the original agreement must be approved and initialed by the person making the revision and the AUSA OCDETF Coordinator. (9) If a State or Local officer is unable to be assigned to an OCDETF investigation on a full-tune basis, an exception to the full-time rule may be b anted by the OCDETF Regional Coordination Group. The State or Local agency must provide written justification when requesting this exception. j. Periodic Review and Reporting Tn order to obtain the required information regazding the "delivered" and "undelivered" status of open obligations, the following pLOCedure must be followed in each region: (1) By tke Sth of each month, the Executive Assistant (or other individual in the Core City U.S. Attorney's Office responsible for handling State and Local biiling) will provide to the Federal Agency Regional Coordinators a report, listing a11 agreements for which a State or Local agency has not submitted a bill for at least thirty (30) days, reflecting time worked through the end of the r: �1 previous month. (For example, by Mazch 5, the Execufive Assistant will prepaze a listing of State or Loca1 agreements for which agencies have not submitted a bill reflecting work through Febntary 28). (2) The Federal Agency Regional Coordinator from the sponsoring agency will be responsible for contacting the State and Local agencies on that list to determine the status of existing obligations. Specifically, the State or Loca1 agency must provide the Coordinator with some form of documentation (either a copy of a bill, or an e-mail or fax) indicating the dollaz amount to be reunbursed for any time worked by State and Local officers through the end of the month in question. Please note: The documentation provided to the Agency Coordinator will not be a substitute for a formal bill. The agency will still be expected to submit its formal bill to the Regional Coordination Group, in accordance with the State and Local Overtime Policies and Procedures Manual. Howevez, to the extent that bills aze submitted in a timely fashion, but do not cleaz all approving officiais within the 30-day period, this follow-up procedure will enable us to nevertheless account for the amounts expended under the agreement during the prior months. (3) If a State or Local agency indicates that it is no longer performing wark under a particular Agreement, any unexpended funds under that Agreement should be immediately deobligated and a modification memorandum identifying the amount to be deobligated shall be submitted to the OCDETF Executive Office within five (5) wozking days. If a status review reflects that no overtime funds were billed under the Agreement during the first ninety (90) days, the funds shall be deobligated. (4) The regions aze to submit a monthly tracking report detailing, for each agreement: (1) an estimate of overtime worked for the prior month, and (2) an esfimate of overtime monies earned or billed for the prior month. The Regional Agency Coordinator from the sponsoring agency must contact the State or Locai agency monthly and determine whether or not overtime was performed during the prior month pursuant to the Agreement. If overtime has been performed, an estimate of the amount of overtime earned should be provided to the Executive Assistant, along with any written evidence (e.g. bills, e-mails, or fases) of work performed. The Regional Agency Coordinator must provide this information to the OCDETF Bxecutive Assistant in a timely manner, no later than the 15th of the month. The reimbursement amounts must then be entered into the spreadsheet format previously provided by the OCDETF Executive Office, and the spreadsheet transmitted to the OCDETF Executive Office, no later than the ZSth of each month. However, for the quarterly closeout months (December, March, June, and September), the monthly tracking report will be due no later than the 15�' of the month. [If a region does not receive a monthly estimate for the corresponding bill for that month, it may not be paid. Reixnbursements submitted by the 10�' of each month in lieu of the estnnate will be accepted] �, . 2. Reimbursement Repuesfs a To receive reimbursement funds for overtime and authorized expenses incurred by their officers, State and Local agencies must submif their specific OCDETF Reunbursement Request Forsn. The Reimbursement Request must contain the signature of the authorized State or Local official certifyiiig that the overtime costs, authorized travel, and per diem expenses aze for the law enforcement afficers identified in the Agreement, and that the costs were incurred as part of the approved OCDETF invesrigation, and that funds have been paid to the State and Local officer(s). b. Prior to any Reimbursement Request being submitted, a signed and fully executed Agreement between the State or Local law enforcement agency and the OCDETF Region must be in place. c. The Sponsoring Federal Agency Supervisory Special Agent (or designee) of the field offtce of the Federal agency with which the State/Loca1 officar(s} is working must sign and forward the original signed Reimbursement Request to the Regional Agency OCDETF Coordinator. The Sponsoring Federal Agency Supervisory Special Agent is responsible for determining that the monies claimed aze in accordance with the Agreement and authorized under these Policies and Procedures, and for insuring that overtime payments are legitimate and not excessive. d. The Reimbursement Request must be submitted to the Regional Coordination Group within thirty (30) days of the close of the month in which the overtime was worked. If the request is not submitted within this time period, it may not be honored and paid. e. The OCDETF Agency Coordinator is then responsible for reviewing the request and for submitting the original signed Reimbursement Request to the OCDETF AUSA Coordinator after ensuring that the request falls within the allotted budget allocation for the Agreement. The OCDETF Agency Coordinator must ensure that overtime for each officer on a per annum basis does not exceed ZS% of the current Federal salary rate in effect at the time the overtime was worked and that only authorized expenses are claimed. £ The overtime log must be attached to the Reimbursement Request when submitting the monthly invoices. The overtime Iog must also include the overtime rate of the State and Local Officer. g. The OCDETF AUSA Coordinator is responsible for final review and approval of the Reimbursement Request. All changes made to the original Reimbursement must be approved and inifialed by the person making the revision and the AUSA Coordinator. The Reimbursement Request shall t1�en be transmitted promptly to the OCDETF Executive Office for payment processing. All Reimbursement Requests for overtime incurred in a prior fiscal year must be submitted to the OCDETF Executive Office no later than November 30 of the new fiscat yeaz. Requests received after the November 30 cuf off date may not be reimbursed. h. The OCDETF Executive Office is responsible for ensuring that reimbursement is appropriate, that funds aze available for payment, and that the reimbursement is processed 7 o�-�� �� and paid through the Financial Management Information System (FMIS) of the Department of Justice. 3. Pavment a. Reimbursement Requests MiJST be submitted from the State or Local agency to the immediate supervisor of the sponsoring Federal case agent (GS, SSA, etc.) on a monthly basis if work had been performed for that month. Any deviation from monthly billing must be approved by the OCDETF Regional Coordination Group and the OCDETF Executive Office. b. Payments will be made directly to the State or Local law enforcement agency for the expenses of the officers designated in the Agreement. Direct payments to officers aze not allowed. c. Payments will be based upon: (a) the authorized overtime rate of each participating officer listed in the Agreement as established by his/her State or Local agency and (b) the authorized case-specific trauel and per diem expenses incurred as a result of the investigation, to the extent that these costs are not covered by the sponsoring Federal agency. The total overtime payments for an individual o�cer for a 12-month period are not to exceed 25% of the current Federal salazy rate in effect at the time the overtime was performed. d. Prior to payment, the initiating Federal Agency Coordinator must certify that only authorized expenses are claimed and that overtime has not exceeded 25% of the current Federal salary rate in effect at the tnne the overtime was worked. The State or Local o�cers may follow the isavel regulations of their respective agencies when such written regulations exist as long as the State or Local regulations do not conflict with Federal regulations; othenvise, Federal trauel regulations shall govern all State and Loca] travel and per diem. In no instance sha11 the amount claimed exceed Federal allowances. e. For reimbursement, the State or Local officers must be specifically assigned to the OCDETF investigafion, be listed in the Agreement, and work full-time on the OCDETF investigafion. Reimbursement payment will be made only for overtime hours and case- specific travel and per diem costs that have accrued consistent with the agency's existing contract requirements, policies and procedures. No indirect cost for the administration or implementation of the Agreement or the Reimbursement Request shall be allowed. £ The State or Local law enforcement agency shall maintain for a period of six (6) years, complete and accurate records and accounts of a11 obligations and expenditures of funds under the Agreement in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles to facilitate on-site inspection and audifing of such records and accounts. g. The State or Local law enforcement agency shall permit examination and auditing by representatives of OCDETF, the sponsoring Federal agency, the II.S. Department of Jusfice, the Comptroller General of the United States, and/or any of their duly authorized agents and representatives, of any and a11 records, documents, accounts, invoices, receipts, or expenditures relating to this Agreement. In addition, all such records and reports shall be maintained until all audits and exazninations are completed and resolved, or for a period of six (6) yeazs after termination of the Agreement, whichever is later. b�-7�$ h. The Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 requires that payments made by the Federal govemment, including vendor payments, must be made by electronic funds transfer (EFT). In accordance with the Act, all OCDETF reunbursement payments will be issued via EFT. All participating State and Local agencies must complete and submit the attached EFT form. The OCDETF Executive Office must receive one EFT form from each participating agency prior to processing their reunbursement payments. In certain circumstances the OCDETF Executive Office will make excepfions for agencies that aze unable to accept this form ofpayment, however, they must include written justification in the addendum of each new agreement. bg �7 �� APPROVED FORMS (as of October 20061 A five-page OCDETF form to be used by State and Local agencies and affected Federal agencies when an Agreement is sought for the use of the OCDETF State and Locai Overtime and Authorized Expense Program; 2. A one-page form to be used by the OCDETF Regional Coordination Cnoup to request funding modifications to existing agreements; 3. A one-page form to be used by the State and Local agencies and affected Federal agencies to notify the OCDETF Executive Office of the change in number of officers listed on an existing, approved agreement; 4. A one-page form to be used by State and Loca1 agencies to request rennbursement of overtime and authorized expenses; 5. An Officers Overtime Log form, which should be used to assist in tracking individual o�cer hours and payments and to ensure that the annual maximum is not exceeded;and 6. Automated Cleazing House (ACH)/Vendor payment information; this is the preferred way of payment (EFT) mandated by the 1996 Debt Collection Improvement Act. While changes to these forms are minor, previous versions are now obsolete and should no longer be used 10 � W U � � x � H z w � w � � O z w � A GTa � � U W N z � C5 � � H z w w � � � 0 F � z O � � � w A � � Z � Z � w 0 0 N � -/. Q N � N .� a p� F A � 0 �. 0 � � �. 0 0 U � w q U O� � , �n � Q � � z �, � O W � � � > 0 � � � .., � � � � H Q v 0 � w � .� � � � � :� t�. .� 0 .� � � i �: � � �L ,n C y o aR � � 0 � +^ .. ;, hD R a en a _ o s Q O �v s� H� � A� F �� a � � � �� d L � "' O _ U � w� a O u d � � a � � � � R U � � a Q o F 6 0 � 7 � a � 0 .� � v � ba���� ORGANIZED CRIME DRUG ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCES 2007 OFFICERS OVERTIME LOG OCDETF Investigation Number: State or Local Agency: Billing Period for Fiscal Year 2007: State or Local Number OfScer's Authorized Overtime Other Cumulative Em lo ee Name Number Overtime P y ofRegular of Overtime Expenses Amount Federal Charged Hours Overfime Rate Claimed Ciaimed Overtime Worked Hours Earned from Federal on case �'orked Sources on case Totals ORGAPIIZED CRIME DRUG ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCES REIlVIBURSEMENT REQUEST FOR OVERTIME COSTS AND AUTHORIZED EXPENSES FOR STATE AND LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENTPERSONNEL DATE OF REQUEST: FEDERAL TAX IDENITFICATION k: SEND PAYMENT TO: BILLING CONTACT PERSON: OCDETF INVESTIGATION NUMBER: �GDOC: O7 - OS - (State Or Local Agency, Address, Zip Code) SPONSORING FEDERAL AGENCY INVESTIGATION NUMBER: DATES FOR WHICH REIMBURSEMENT IS REQLTESTED: FROM TO AMOUNT REQUESTED: OVERTIME EXPENSES TOTAL $ Number Of Officers Involved In This Billing: Tota] Number Of Overtime Hours Claimed In This Request: Total Number Of Regulaz Aours Worked During This Time Period On This OCDET'F Investigation(s): In accordance with the executed State and Local Agreement, reimbursement is hereby requested for overfime and for authorized expenses of law enforcement officers from the above-named agency. I hereby certify that total overtime from all sources, inclusive of this request; for each officer covered by this request does not exceed 25% of the current approved Federai salary rate in effect at the time the overtime was performed. I fiu�ther certify that the funds requested aze for overtime and trave] and per diem expenses incurred by the officer(s} identified in the Ageement for work on the cited OCDETF investigation, and that the State and Local officer(s) have been paid. Note: DIRECT PAYMENTS TO OFFICERS ARE NOT ALLOWED. Certified: Certified: Approved: Approved: Approved for Payment: Authorized State or Locat Officiai Title Sponsoring Federal Agency Supervisory Specia] Agent or Designee Date Date Regional Sponsoring Federa] Agency OCDETF Coordinator Date Assistant United States Attomey OCDETF Coordinator Date OCDETF Execufive Office Date Reimbursement Request - (Oct. 06) og�� � ORGANIZED CRIl1� DRUG ENFORCEMENT TASK FORCES NOTIP`ICATION OF CHANGE IN LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS State or Local Agency: OCDETF Investigation Saint Paul Police Department YREGDOC No: Current Total Number of Officers: Revised Total Number of Officers: AUSA Coordinator or Designee Approval: The law enforcement officers listed below aze added to the above identified OCDETF investigation. Any modifications must be agreed to in writing by all of the parties to this Agreement and forwarded to the OCDETF Executive Office. NAME TITLE/R.ANK ��: 5. Memorandum Subject Organized Crune Drug Enforcement Task Force Approval of DEA Case Number IJ-08-0041 Date 68�'i'�� April 10, 2008 �.oew��.� � � � �0,,�� To Tyrone Guyse Special Agent Group 73 Minneapolis District Office From Gary $oertlein OCDETF Coordinator Great Lakes OCDETF Region 1. Investigation IJ-08-0041/YNA3B was approved on Aprii 9, 2008, for acceptance into the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) Program. OCDETF Case Number GL-MN-0201 was assigned to Operation LITTLE BUTTONS. 2. A DEA-6 must be submitted to the case file changing the G-DEP identifier Yo reflect the "N" designator. The new G-DEP must be changed in CASTM. It is imperative that the new G-DBP is recarded on DEA 352s. Lastly, you must ensure that both OCDETF and non-OCDETF case hours are recorded separately on T&As and WRS using Accounting Data Code foz OCDETF hours. You are reminded that State and Local overtime funds cannot be expended without an approved OCDETF State and Local Overtime and Authorized Expense Prog�am Form ("Agreement"). The Agreement must be completed and approved whenever a State and Local law enforcement agency plans to seek reimbursement for overtime costs and authorized travel and per diem expenses, resulting from participation in an OCDETF investigation. Agreements aze approved on a fiscal year basis. 4. Inquiries may be directed to OCDETF Coordinator Gary Boertlein at (312) 886-1316.