198794ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 0 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE Coles COU iL�RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED B� /L September 6, 1960 WHEREAS: Malmon Pontiac, Inc. made Application F -10807 for Cigarette License at 239-41 West Seventh Street in error as they are properly licensed with such a license at that location, therefore, be it RESDLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the 1almon Pontiac, Inc. the fee of $12.00 and to cancel said application for license. ` CANCELLATION (Refund) Paid and applied for -see Appn. 10624. I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy HI,g M=tina=_ Peterson Tn Favor Rosen v .t -----Against Mr. President, V9= VAVOUL]B 6M 7 -69 QD.8 Council File No. 198794 —By Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy —Robert F. Peterson — Milton Rosen — Whereas, Malmon Pontiac, Inc, made Application F -10807 for Cigarette Li- cense at 239 -41 West Seventh Street In error as they are properly licensed with such a license at that location, therefore, be it Resolved, T h a t the proper city officers be and they are hereby au- thorized to refund to the Malmon Pon- tiac, Inc. the fee of y12.00 and to cancel said application for license. Adopted by the Council September 6, 1960. Approved September 6, 1960. (September '10, 1960) S E P 6 1960 Adopted by the Council 19 S E P 6 1960 pproved 19 Mayor