08-738Council �le # VO����_ Green Sheet # - _ - 3056312 RESOLUTION MINNESOTA Presented �0 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE DESIGN OF THE STANDARD SKYWAY OVERI�EAD BACKLIT DIRECTIONAL SIGNS 7 10 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 WFIEREAS, the Deparhnent of Safety and Inspections (DSn was assigned the responsibility in November 2006 for staffing the Skyway Govemance Advisory Committee and managing various skyway matters including, but not lnruted to, the enforcement of maintenance and climate regulations within the skyway system, the issuance of advertising and special event permits, enforcing the standard hours of operation, coordinating the painting and pigeon proofing of the exterior skyway bridges, and the implementation of improved wa�nding signage; and WIIEREAS, the Skyway Advisory/Governance Committee and the Department of Safety and Inspections (DSI} haue met for over 16 months to present a recommendation to the City Council concerning wayfinding and directional signage in the skyway system; and WHEREAS, ihe Capitol River Council, acting in its capacity as the Skyway Governance Advisory Committee, passed a resolutions in March and Apri12008 which included the following recommendations: (1) Create a cohesive, consistent, user-friendly and cost-effective standard skyway signage system; (2) Develop and use a new skyway symbol to visually n ide pedestrians through the skyway system; (3) Overhead signs shall incorporate the skyway symbol; (4) Overhead signs must be internally illuminated; (5) There shall be no advertising or corporate logos on the overhead signs; (6) Tnstailation of new signage shail be the responsibility of the entity or building prompting such change; (7) Approval to make signage changes must be obtained and approval must not be withheld unreasonably; (8) All skyway signs shail have blue backgrounds with white sans-serif lettering; (9) Signage shall be designed to work seamlessly with future street level wayfinding systems; and WI3EREA5, the Directar of the Deparhnent of Safety and Inspections engaged the services of a professional design firm that has previous experience in designing the standard signage used in the Saint Paul Skyway system (a copy of those designs are attached to this resolution); and WHEREAS, the final decision on the wayfinding signage system has heen delegated to the City Council, 35 and; 36 37 WHEREAS, it was determined that the blue skyline desi� was difficult to read and the designer was 38 requested to work on the original design to improve contrast to make the sign more readable (improved 39 design attached); and 40 41 WHEREAS, some buildang owners have expressed an interest in placing the standard skyway sign design 42 inside a surround that reflects the period and style of their particular, unique building azchitecture; and b $��3� 43 44 WHEREAS, the Directar of the Department of Safety and Inspections (DSI) is interested in selecting a 45 design with all possible haste in order for the signs to be manufactured and installed under DSPs direcrion 46 in time for the Republication National Convention which is scheduled to begin on September 1, 2008. 47 Now, therefore, be it 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council selects and approves the Option #3 blue skyline design with white sans-serif letters created by the desi�er hired to do the original design in the attached report as described on the attached report from the Director of the Deparhnent of Safety and Inspections; and be it further RBSOLVED, that building ownersJmanagers will not be required to upgrade any future skyline image on the signs if the Saint Paui skyline changes until such time as the affected owner has a need to change the sign for building-specific changes in the written content of the sign; and be it further RESOLVED, that building owners may apply to the Council Legislative Hearing Officer for a plan review of documents to design, manufacture and install customized surrounds to encase these standard wayfinding signs that reflect the period and style of the unique building architecture; and be it further RESOLVED, that Public Works is encouraged to hang street si�s in the skyway bridges that identify the street over which that particular skyway bridge passes. Such signs will be the standard design and color for ail street si�s in the City. Bosh�om Carter x�;s Thune AdopYed by Council: Date Adoprion Certified by Council Secreta� By: � Approve y: Date � Lb U By: Requested by Depariment o£ L�-�- By: ��� 1� Approved by the Office of Financial Servicas By: Approved by City Attorney By: � � Approved � Ma� o for ' mi i 1 Co il By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sfieet Green Sheet Green Sheet � b�-73$ CO -��� ContaM Person & Phone: Counciimember Thune 266-8610 must tse on 09JUL-08 Dou Type: RESOLUTION E-Document Requiretl: Y Document Contact: Rachel7iemey Conqct Phone: 266-8710 OIJUL-OS �/ Assign Number For Routing Order ToYal # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3056312 0 Co�ci1 1 ,COUnc� I, Deparhnent llirec[or � 2 � avor's Office MaVOd.lssiitsnt 3 ,C7tv Clerk I CtitY Clerk I 4 5 Approving the design of the standard skyway overhead backtit direcrional signs. Planning Commission 1. Has this petsonffirm ever worked urWer a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Crvil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this personlfirm possass a skAl not normally possessed by any currenf city employee? Yes No Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Pru6lem, lssues, Opportunity {Who, What, When, Where, Why): Ativantages If Approved: Disativantages If Appmved: Disadva�rtages If Not Approved: Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) CosVRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: July 1, 2008 11:43 AM Page 1 W Distri�t 1 � June 24, 2008 CapitolRiver Council VV� f'/V 332 Minnesora Saeet Suite W122 SaintPaul, MN 55101 (651) 221-0488 FAX (651) 221-0581 Website: www.capitolrivercouncil.org E-mazl: infoC�capitolrivercouncil.ozg Dave Thune Ward Two City Councilmember City Hall 310 15 West Kellogg Blvd St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: CAC Skyway Signage Recommendation Dear Counciimember Thune: On April 16` 2008, CapitolRiver Council, acting as the Skyway Governance Committee passed a resolution reaffirming a previous recommendation for a blue sign with white sans serif lettering, stating as we1L• "All skyway signs shall have blue backgrounds with white sans-serif lettering. CRC further urges the Department of Safety and Inspections (DSn consult an independent wa�nding design expert to make improvements in the system, as well as seek counsel from the St. Paul on the Mississippi Design Center in designing the signs." We are pleased that DSI followed up on our suggestion to work with a wa�nding design expert and thank them for their efforts. As a result, the consulting agency came up with three designs — One that was green with leaves as a background, one that used black lettering against a limestone background, and one that used white lettering against a blue background showing the Saint Paul skyline. AIl three were installed at US Bank Building. It is apparent that the blue skyline sign comes closest to fulfilling the recommendation of CRC. The sample biue skyline sign does suffer from having too much white spilling out from where windows are located in the buildings in the photo, as well as from the top of the Travelers Insurance building. The sample blue skyline sign does suffer from having too much white spiliing out from city lights in the photo, including windows and the top of the Travelers Insurance building. If the contrast with the white identification and directional lettering can be made stronger by dimming the extraneous white and darkening the background (perhaps by using a deeper blue), the blue skyline sign will serve its purpose and meet the recommendation of CRC. Sincerely, ���f�l��� Kim Hyers President