198753ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK {1 98753 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL O - '- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE N UNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ' DATE i In the matter of paving and improving SHEPARD ROAD from James Avenue to Randolph Avenue by curbing and paving with 8" one course concrete pave- ment;-con$tructing sidewalks where necessary; constructing sewer appurten- ances; grading and sodding boulevard and slope areas; constructing guard rails andidoing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. r Also improving RANDOLPH AVENUE (new alignment) from Shepard Road to the prese paving at Duke Street by curbing and paving with 8" one course a concrete pavement; grading and sodding boulevard and slope areas. a Also _improving DUKE S'T'REET connection from Shepard Road to Randolph Avenue•by curbing and paving with 8" one course concrete pavement; grading and sodding boulevard and slope areas. 7 ' 2 ' The above improvements to be constructed as a Municipal County State Aid Project 627504 -11 under Preliminary Order C. F. 196702, approved April 13, 196o. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improve - ments, as'sibmitted by'the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it's further .I RESOLVED; That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to ' advertise for bids on "this improvement. I Council File No. 198753 — By Milton Ir l Rosen— In the matter f in d F ' ` COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays BeCcmw, F z, Holland Loss • Mortinson Peterson - Rosen r Mr. President, Vavoulfs SM a.eo 2 t o pav is an improv- ing SHEPARD ROAD from James Ave- nue to Randolph Avenue by curbing and paving with 8" one course concrete t pavement; constructing sidewalks- where necessary; constructing sewer f appurtenances; grading and sodding boulevard and slope areas; constructing guard rails and doing all other work SEP 11960 Adopted by the Council 19— 5EP 1 1960 A v,4nvPd 19— In Favor / Mayor Against M.-PLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL J 98-" O7,13- FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO.� COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE In the smatter of parsing and isproving SWARD ROAD frca Jaws, ATemw to Randolph Avenue by curbing and paving with 8" one course c4=rats pave- ment; constructing sib vhere necessary; constructing sever swurtenr- sakes; grading and sodding boulward and slops axes s; constructing guawd. rails and doing ail other vork vb1ch is necessary and incidental to complete said 1VrOnt. Also ieaproring RAOMRS A (new alipmnt) frM Mwpard Ron, to the present paring at DIAm 8breet by curbing and paving with 8" one course . concrete per; grading and sJng boulevard dud slope weas. Also Improving I6 B' connection 1'root rdioa Randolph to Awe by curbing and pawing with 8" One course concrete pareaent; grading end sodding boulevard and slope aaraab. The above iVrovownts to be constructed as a Xmicipal County State Aid Project 62- 500.31 under Pirelisd ng y Ordsr C. F. 1q&M.0 approved App 13,0 1960. Rll VEDs TMt the plans and specificat ons for the above nmed i�rov+e+ aentsl, as subNdtt*A by the Ccmdevioner Of Pala .ic Worksp be and the sem am hereby approved$ and be it furUwr R MMV31D, That the Puri sing Agent be and be is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this iVrowea! 4 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 4Meourey— Rolland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis sM a -eo QR0.2 "'t, ,oN�Vv) qaj 1960 Adopted by the In Favor v Against SEP 1 13Wi Council 19— `�� 1 `ac. Approved 19— Mayor