198734ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSION] COUNCIL NO 198734 LE 26. 1960 RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary for or reasonably incidental to the Replacement of Vindows gn the Third Floor of the Public Utilities Building at 100 Be Tenth Street, Ste Paul, Minnssotat to Ye B. SOUTEER 0DNS7RUCTI0N 001PANY in accordance with City plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid 88118.of. said No Be Souther Construction Company for the contract price of $8624.009 such bid being the lowest and said Ne B. Souther Construction Company being a reasonable and - reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and f hereby is directdd to draw up the proper fora of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to *xeaute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul* Fbasal Bid #8118* COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen en f, ISM 8 -60 Q14.2 Council File No. 198734 —By Milton Rosen, by request- - Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing all labor, ma- terials, equipment and services nedes- sary for or reasonably incidental to the Replacement of Windows on the Third Floor of the Public Utilities - . -nn -,P- -­tH_ et *eet. St. • �L f i Adopted by the Council AUG 1 0 19— AUG 3100 Approve 19— In Favor r Mayor Against DUPLICATE TO PRINTER • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY t 88 190D COMMISSIONER DATE � a= VXD, 0** t7ho Comail Joreby a"ro70s the aaamard of ties COatract 00mittee tboreforr and hereby awards coint>traot for famishift all labor, Materials, eqwipwant and services nee"sary for or reasonably imidsatal to the Vteplaoewmt of Window3 on the Third Floor pf tba fcbiia Utilities- Bmilding at 100 ,11. T.6*tb Btr"t, $.t. VOIA4 ., 162"11116 4,, to it. 1. 80Vr= CONMUMON MWOY is acoordaw s, with City plans and speaitications therefor kamte attaoka4 and the Fornal Bid 08118 of said X. 9. $Outbo r CmmtrUction Company for tJaaae gmtrsat ptlss of 4804.001, agah bid, Win the Xoweast and said I. $. Souther Construction b*UW a reasonable and reliable bidder, and tke Corporrstioe Commol be and hereby is - diregtaW to draw up the prepwr corm of omtraaalct therefor, and the proper City officiols hereby are autkorivAdio, axooste eaid aontract on b*Wt of the City of 13hint ftul. 700ml Bid 0118. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen sM 5.eo 2 n Favor A gainst AUG 311960 Adopted by the Council 19— AUG 311960 Approved 19— Mayor