196271Council File No. 196271 —By Bernard T. Holland— Severin A. Mortinson— �,J� (����� Robert F. Peterson — cl. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK Resolved, That licenses applied for by NO. the persons named on the CITY OF ST. pq list L attached to this resolution be and the same are hereby granted, and the LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY City Clerk is instructed to issue Such licenses upon the payment into the COUNCIL RESOLUTION_G City treasury of the required fees. / Adopted by the Council March 15 - PRESENTED BY COMMISSION R— ti DATE '---!'March 15, 1960 RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. D.J. Harper 621 Lafayette Rd. Uniformed Fire ighters of St. Paul #21 Fire Station 7;23 1290 N. Snelling Leo C. Warren 11 Eldon Garlid Robert T. Keller If 11 n 635 S. Snelling n 476 St. Peter 1922 St. Anthony n n Gen. Rep.Gar. App.6651NOL, VM Loc. If 7205 "N", Gas Sta.3P Gen. Rep. Gar. Restaurant " 7225110" H n nnn " 7 ?36 "N" Gas Sta.3P ►' 7253 "0" Gen, Rep. Gar. u 11 nnn Cigarette Cig.Oper.2M n n nnn Griswold Hot Coffee Serv. Div.of NW Automatic Products, Inc. %Centennial Bldg. Capitol Approach VM Loc. " 7256 "N" Thomas Finalay 350 Cherry St. Paul Park Cig.Oper.11-2" 729 °0" Maynard L. Freier 896 Allen West St. Paul Cig.Oper. to 25M App•72991111u Norman Horton No.Side Belvidere betw.R.ofWCRI& P.R.R. &C.G.W.R.Co. Cigarette " 73001111" Montgomery Ward & Co. 1.00 University Gen. Rep. Gar. " 7322 """ Louis Fine 2040 Highland Pkwy, MAD Oper. " 7351nnn " n MAD 3 If 11 nil" Noel R. Spargur 1450 Wilson Mtr.Veh. Dr. " 73781111 John George Hackel 466 N. Robert Cigarette " 739+11" MAR 15 IM COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy TAR 151 Holland Approved 19 Mortinson Peterson In Favor i^ Rosen U Mayor Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7-59 u EjM,8