08-720Council File # 6g - 7 �'�
Green Sheet # 3056070
Presented by ,� i� �� ( ��, f�.
1 RESOLVED, that the Council ofthe City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached
2 May 1, 2008 through Apri130, 2011 Maintenance Labor Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the
3 Sheet Metal Workers International Association, L,oca110.
Adopted by Council: Date
Adoption Certified by
BY• 1 / 1/s
✓ By. Ang�1a Nalezng tor
`� , Approved by the O ce o inancial Services
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� Approved �
�f� Approv by
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� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
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HU —�t„m�nR�so�
-Green Sheet NO: 3056070
CoMact Person & Phone:
Jason Schmidt
Must Be on Council Agen
E-Document Required: Y
DocumentContact: SueWegwerth
CoMact Pho�e: 26E65� 3
A.s` �9�
TWaI # of Signature Pages _(Ciip All Locations for Signature)
0 uman Reso¢rces
1 umenResources D artmentDireGor
2 inantia7Services fficeESnandalServices
3 ' Attome
4 a or's O�ce Ma or/Assistsnt
5 ooncil Ci Co¢na'!
6 ' Clerk Ci C1erk
Resolution approving the attached May 1, 2008 tlnorugh April 30, 2011 Maintenance Labor Agceement between tt�e Ciry of Saint
Paul and the Sheet Metal Workers Intemational Association, L,ocal 10.
iaattons: Approve (A) or rt
Planning Commission
CIB Cammittee
Givil Service Cocnmission
1. Has this personffrtn ever worked under a conlract forthis department?
Yes No
2. Has this personffirm ever been a city empioyee?
Yes No
3. Dces this person�rm possess a skill not nortnaly possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain atl yes a�swers on separaie sheet a�d atWCh W green sheet
Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The Maintenance Labor Agreement with the Sheet Metal Workers Intemational Association, Local 10 has eacpired. The City of Saint
Paul is required to negotiate with the bazgaining unit.
Advantages If Approved:
An agreement reached through good faith bargaining will be in place through Aprii 30, 201 l.
DisadvaMages If Approved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
The City would be iequiced to re-open negotiarions with the bazgaining unit. Ttiis would sMein relations with the bazgaining unit and
could lead to possible shike.f
Funding Source:
Financial I�rfortnation:
Activity Number.
CosURevenue Budgeted:
June 24, 2008 7:50 PM Page 1
Below is a summary of the changes in the Collective Bargainuig Agreement between the City of
Saint Paul and Sheet Metal Workers Intemational Association L,ocal No. 10.
May l, 2008 through April 30, 2011.
Wa es:
The City agreed to the outside prevailing wage rate for each of the next three years. All
compensation retroactive to May 1, 2008, except those who have been tennniated for cause.
Civil Service Rules:
Members of the bargauring unit will no longer be covered by the City of Saint Paui Civil Service
Rules (CSR). All terms and conditions of employment will be covered by the collective
bazgainnig agreement between the parties. Removed references to CSR in the contract.
Selection of Lead Sheet Metal Worker:
Agreed to add Senior Mechanicat Inspector to Article 14 $eleCUon of Lead $heet Metal
Other Laneuaee Chan2es:
Other language changes are of a housekeeping nature for clarification and clean up.
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, . MA.Y 1, 2008 - APRIL 30, 20i1
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Work Location, Residency ...................................................................................................5
FringeBenefits .....................................................................................................................5
Selection of Lead Sheet Metal Worker .................................................................................5
Preamble .............................................................................................................................. ii
Purpose .................................................................................................................................1
Recognition........................................................................................................................... l
EmployerRights ...................................................................................................................1
Union Rights .........................................................................................................................1
Scopeof the Agreeuient .......................................................................................................2
6 Probarionary Periods ............................................................................................................2
7 Philosophy of Employment and Compensation ..................................................................3
8 Hours of Work ......................................................................................................................3
9 Overtime ...............................................................................................................................4
10 Call In/Call Back ..................................................................................................................4
Disciplindary Procedises...........
Absences from Work .................
S eniority .....................................
J urisdiction .................................
GrievanceProcedure .............................................................................................................9
Rightof Subcontsact .......................................................................................................... 11
Non-Discrimination ........................................................................................................... 11
Severability........................................................................................................................ 11
W aiver ......................
City Mileage ...........,
Duration and Pledge
AppendixA ........................................................................................................
AppendixB .........................................................................................................
AppendixC .........................................................................................................
•..-�� �
......... 12
...... A-1
...... B-1
...... C-1
...... D-1
• dg-? a-b
This Agreement is entered 'mto between the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter referred to as
the Employer and the Sheet Metal Workers International Association Local 10 hereinafter
referred to as the Union.
The Employer and the Union concur that tivs Agreement has as its objective the
promotion of the responsbilities of the City of Saint Paul for the benefit of the general public
through effective labor-inanagement cooperation.
The Employer and the Union both realize that this goal depends not oniy on the words in
the Agreement but rather prunarily on attitudes between people at all levels of responsbility.
Constructive attitudes of the City, the Union, and the individual employees will best serve the
needs of the general puhlic.
1.1 The Employer and the Union agree that the purpose £or entering into this Agreement is to:
l.l (1) Achieve orderly and peacefui relations, thereby establishing a system of
uninterrupted operations and the highest level of employee performance that is
consistent with the safety and well-being of all concerned;
1.1 (2) Set forth rates ofpay, hours ofwork, and other conditions of employment as
ha�e been agreed upon by the Empioyer and the Union;
1.1 (3) Establish procedures to orderly and peacefully resolve disputes as to the
application or interpretation of ttiis Agreement without loss of productivity.
1.2 The Empioyer and the Union agree that this Agreement serves as a supplement to
legislation that ereates and directs the Employer. If any part of ttris Agreement is in
conflict with such legislation, the latter shall prevaiL The parties, on written notice, agree
to negotiate that part in conflict so that it confonns to the statute as provided by
Article 25 (SEVERABILITY).
• 2.1 The Employer recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative for collective
bargaining purQoses for all personnel having an employment status of regulaz,
probationary, provisional, and temporary employed in the classes of positions defined in
Appendiz A as certified by the Bureau of Mediation Services in accordance with
Case No. 73-PR-513-A dated May 15, 1973.
3.1 The Employer retains the right to operate and manage all personnel, facilities, and
equipment; to establish functions and programs; to set and amend budgets; to detennine
the utilization of technology; to establish and modify the organizational struchue; to
select, direct, and determine the number of personnel; and to perform any inherent
managerial function not specifically limited by this Agreement.
3.2 Any "term or condition of employment" not established by this Agreement shall remani
with the Employer to el'vninate, modify, or establish following written notification to the
• 4.1 The Empioyer shall deduct from the wages of employees who authorize such a deduction
in writing an amount necessary to cover monthty Union dues. Such monies deducted sha11
be remitted as directed by the Union.
4.1 (1) The Employer shall not deduct dues from the wages of employees covered by
this Agreement for any other labor orgauization.
4.1 (2) The Union shall indemnify and save harmless the Employer from any and a11
claims or charges made against the Employer as a result of the implementation of
this Article.
4.2 The Union may designate one (1) employee from the bazgainiug unit to act as a Steward
and shall inform the Employer in writing of such designation. Such employee shall have
the rights and responsibilities as designated iu Article 22 (GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE).
4.3 Upon notification to a designated Bmployer supervisor, the Business Manager of the
Union, or his designated representative shall be permitted to enter the facilities of the
Employer where ewployees covered by this Agreement aze worldng.
5.1 Tivs Agreement establisfies the "terms and conditions of employmenY' defined by M. S.
179.63, Subd.18 for all employees exclusively represented by the Union. This Agreement
shall supersede such "terms and conditions of employmenY' established by Civil Service •
Rute, Counci� Ordiaarece, and Couuci� Resolution.
5.2 Effective May 1, 2008, employees represented by tivs agreement are not subject to nor do
they ha�e any rights under the Saint Paul Civil Service Rules.
6.1 All personnel, originally Ivred or rehired following sepazation, in a regulaz employment
status shall serve a suc (6) month probationary period duaing which time the employee's
fitness and ability to perform the position's duties and responsb�7ities shall be evaluated.
6.1 (1) At any time during the probationary period an employee may be tem�inated at the
discretion of the Employer without appeal to the provisions of Articie 22
6.1 (2) An employee terminated during the probationary period shall receive a written
notice ofthe reason(s) for such tPr�ma_�on, a copy ofwhich sfiall be sent to the
6,2 ' All personnel promoted to a higher class shall serve a six (6) month promotional
probationary period during which time the employee's fitness and ability to perform tlie •
position's duties and responsibilities st�all be evahiated.
� ARTICLE 6 - PROBATI(�NA.RY PERIODS (Continued) �$�� ��
6.2 (1) At any time during the promotional probationary period an employee may be
demoted to the employee's previously held class at the discretion of the
Employer without appeal to the provisions of Article 22 (GRIEVANCE
6.2 (2) An employee demoted during the promotional probationary period shall receive
a written notice of the reasons for demotion, a copy of which shall be sent to the
Union, and the employee shall be retumed to his/her previously held class.
The Employer and the Union are in fixll agreement that the philosophy of employment and
compensation shall be a"cash" hourly wage and "industr�' fringe benefit system
The Bmployer shall compensate employees for all hours worked at the basic hourly wage
rate an hourly fringe benefit rate as found in Articles 12 (WAGES) and 13 (FRINGE
No other compensation or fringe benefit shall be accumulated or earned by an employee
except as specifically provided for in this Agreement.
The normal work day shall be eight (8) wnsecutive hours per day, excluding a thirty (30)
minute unpaid lunch period between 7:00 a.m and 7:00 p.m.
The nomial work week shall be five (S) consecutive nonnal work days.
This section shall not be construed as, and is not a guazantee o� any hours of work per
normal work day or per normal work week.
8.4 All employees shall be at the location designated by their supervisor, ready for work, at
the established starting time and shall remain at an assigned work location until the end of
the established work day unless otherwise directed by their supervisor.
8.5 All employees are subject to call-back by the Employer as provided by Article 10 (CALL
8.6 Employees reporting for work at the established starting time and for whom no work is
available shaIl receive pay for two (2) hours, at the basic hourly rate, unless notification
has been given not to report for work prior to leaving home, or during the previous work
9.1 All overtime conapensated for by the Ez�ployer must receive prior authorization fram a
designated Employer supervisor. No overtime work claim will be honored for payment or
credit unless approved in advance. An overtime claim will not be honored, even though
shown on the tzme card, unless the required advance approval has been obtained.
9.2 The overtime rate of one and one-half (1.5) the basic hourly rate shall be paid for work
performed under the following circumstances:
9.2 (1) Time worked in excess of eight (8) hours in any one normal work day, and
9.2 (2) Time worked on a sixth (6`") day following a normal work week.
9.3 The overtime rate of two (2) times the basic hourly zate shall be paid for work performed
under the following circumstances:
9.3 (1) Time worked on a holiday as defined in Article 15 (HOLIDAYS);
1� J
9.3 (2) Time worked on a seventh (7`� day foIlowing a normal work week; and
9.3 (3) Time worked in excess oftwelve (12) consecurive hours in a twenty-four (24) �
bour period, provided, that all "emergency" work required by "Acts of God"
shall be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (1.5).
9.4 For the purposes of calculating overtime compensation overtime hours worked shall not
be "pyramided", compounded, or paid twice fnr the same hours worked.
9.5 Overtime hours worked as provided by tivs Article shall be paid in cash or in
compensatory time as determined by the Employer.
10.1 The Employer retains the right to call in or call back employees before an employee has
started a normal work day or normat work week and after an employee has completed a
normal work day or normal work week.
10.2 Employees called in or called back shall receive a minimum of four (4) hours straight time
pay at the basic hourly rate or shall be compensated in accordance with
Article 9(OVERTIME), when applicable, wbichever is greater.
10.2 (1) Notwithstanding Artic2e 10.2, employees cailed in four (4) hours or less prior to •
their normal work day sba11 complete the normal work day and be compensated
only for the overhime hours worked 'm accordance with Article 9(OVERTIME).
/ �
va� ( OO
11.1 Employees shall report to work location as assigned by a designated Employer supervisor.
During the normal work day employees may be assigned to other work locations at the
discretion of the Employer.
11.2 The resolution pertaining to residency approved July 26, 1979, under Council File No.
273378 shall apply to all employees covered by this Agreement.
12.1 The basic houriy wage rates as established by Appendix C shall be paid for all hours
worked by an employee.
12.2 Provisional and temporary ecnployees shall be compensated in accordance with
Article 12.1 (WAGES) and have fringe benefit contnbutions and/or deductions made in
their bevalf as pxovided for by Article 13 (FRINGE BENEFITS).
� 13.1 The Employer shall make conmbutions on behalf of and/or make deductions from the
wages of employees covered by this Agreement in accordance with Appendix D for all
hours worked.
13.2 Provisional, probationary, and regulaz employees shall be eligible for a paid holiday for
Labor Day, the first Monday in September.
14.1 The selection of personnel for the ciass Lead Sheet Metal Worker and Senior Mechanical
Inspector shall remain solely with the Employer.
142 The class Lead Sheet Metal Worker and Senior Mechanical Inspector shall be filled by
empioyees of the bargaining unit on a"temporary assignmenY'.
14.3 All "temporary assignments" shall be made only at the direction of a designated Employer
14.4 Such "temporary assignments" shall be made only in cases where the position is vacant for
more than one (1) normal work day.
15.1 The following ten (10) days shail be designated as holidays:
New Yeaz's Day, 7anuary 1
Martin Luther K.ing Day, Third Monday in January
Presidents' Day, Third Monday in February
Memorial Day, last Monday in May
Independence Day, July 4
Labor bay, first Monday in September
Veterans' Day, November 11
Tl�anksgiving Day, fourth Thursday in November
Day after Thanksgiving, fourth Friday in November
Christmas Day, December 25
15.2 When New Yeaz's Day, Independence Day or Christmas Day falls on a Sunday, the
following Monday shall be considered the designated holiday. When any ofthese three (3)
holidays falls on a Saturday, the preced'mg Friday shall be considered the designated
153 The ten (10) holidays shall be considered non-work days.
15.4 I� in the judgment of the Employer, personnel are necessary for operating or emergency
reasons, employees may be scheduled, "called in" or "called back" in accordance with
Article 10 (CALL IN/CALL BACK).
15.5 Employees assigned to work on Martin Luther King Day, Presidents' Day, Veterans' Day
or the Day a$er Thanksgiving shall be compensate3 on a straight time basis for such hours
15.6 Employees assigned to work on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day,
Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day shall be compensated at the rate of two (2) times the
basic hourly rate for such hours worked.
15.7 Employees working on Labor Day shall be recompensed for work done on this day by
beittg grante3 compensatory time on a time and one-hatfbasis or by being paid on a time
and one-fialf basis for such hours worked, in addition to tfie employee's regular hoIiday
16.1 The Employer shall have the right to impose disciplinary actions on employees for just •
• ag-�aa
16.2 Disciplinary actions by the Employer shall include only the following aetions:
16.2 (1) Oral reprimand
16.2 (2) Written reprnnand
16.2 (3) Suspension
16.2 {4) Demotion
16.2 (5) Discharge
16.3 Employees who are suspended, demoted, or dischazged sball have the ri�t to appeal these
disciplinary actions by following the grievance procedures specified in
Article 22 (GRIEVANCE PROCEDUI2E) of this agreement.
17.1 Employees who aze unable to report for their normal work day have the responsbility to
notify their supervisor of such absence as soon as possble, but in no event later than the
be �nnin of such work day.
17.2 Failure to make such notification may be grounds for discipline as provided in
17.3 Failure to report for work without norification for tbree (3) consecutive normai work days
may be considered a"quit" by the Employer on the part of the employee.
18.1 Seniority, for the purposes of this Agreement, shall be defined as follows:
18.1(1) "Master Seniorit�' - the length of continuous regulaz and probationary service
with the Employer from the last date of employment in any and all class tities
covered by this Agreement.
18.1(2) "Class Seniorit}�' - the length of continuous regular and probationary service
with the Employer from the date an employee was first appointed to a class title
covered by this Agreement.
18.2 Seniority shall not accumulate during an unpaid leave of absence, except when such a
leave is granted for a period of less than thirty (30) calendar days; is granted because of
illness or injury�, is granted to allow an employae to accept an appointment to the
unclassified service ofthe Employer or to an elected or appointed fiill-time position with
the Union.
18.3 Seniority shall terminate when an employee zetires, resigns, or is dischazged.
ARTICLE 18 - SENIORITY (Continued)
18.4 In the event it is determiued by the Employer thai it is necessary to reduce the work force
alt temporary eznployees shall be released prior to the 2ayoff of permanent employees.
Further, it is management's intent that permanent employees will be laid offby class title
within each Department based on inverse length of "Class Seniority". However,
management reserves the right to institute layo�'s ouY of senioriry order for legitimate
business reasons. ManagemenY s exercise of this right shall not be azbitrary or capricious.
Ifthe Union believes that an out-of-order tayoffhas occuned for an azbitrary or
capricious reason, such decision may be grieved under Article 22 (GRIEVANCE
18.5 The selection of vacation periods shall be made by class title based on length of "Class
Seniorit}T', subject to the approval of the Employer.
19.1 Disputes concerning work jurisdiction between and among unions is recognized as an
appropriate subject for determination by the various unions representing employees of the
19.2 The Employer agrees to be guided in the assigiment of work jurisdiction by any mutual •
agreements between the unions involved.
19.3 In the event of a dispute conceming the performance or assignment of work, the unions
involved and the Employer shalt meet as soon as mutUally possble to resolve the dispute.
Nothing in the foregoing shall restrict the right of the Employer to accomplish the work as
originally assigned pending resolution of the dispute or to restrict the Employer's basic
right to assign work.
19.4 Any employee refusing to perform work assigned by the Employer and as clarified by
Sections 19.2 and 19.3 above shall be subject to disciplinary action as provided in
19.5 There shall be no work stoppage, slow down, or any disruprion of work resuhing from a
work assignment.
20.1 Employees having a probarionary or regv7ar employment status shalt be considered
separated from employment based on the following actions:
20.1 (1) Resignation. Employees resigning from employment shaIl give written notice •
fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the effective date of the resignation.
• v�-�a-o
20.1 (2) Discharge. As providefl in Articie 16.
20.1 (3} Failure to Report for Duty. As provided in Article 17.
20.2 Employees having a temporary or provisional empioyment status may be tecminated at the
discretion of the Employer before the completion of a nomial work day.
21.1 All employees shall personally provide themselves with the tools of the trade as listed in
Appendix B.
22.1 The Employer shall recognize the Stewazd selected in accordance with ilnion rules and
regulations as the grievance representative of the bargaining unit. The Union shall notify
the Employer in writing of the name of the Stewazd and of his/her successor when so
22.2 It is recognized and accepted by the Employer and the Union that the processing of
grievances as hereinafter provided is limited by the job duties and responsbilities of the
employees and shall therefore be accomplished during working hours only when consistent
with such employee duties and responsbilities. The Steward involved and a grieving
employee shall suffer no loss in pay when a grievance is processed during working hours,
provided, the Steward and the employee haue notified and received the approval oftheir
supervisor to be absent to process a grievance and that such absence would not be
detrimental to the work programs of the Employer.
223 The procedure established by this Article shall be the sole and exclusive procedure for the
processing ofgrievances, which are defined as an alleged violation ofthe terms and
conditions ofthis Agreement.
22.4 Grievances shall be resolved in confoimance with the following procedure:
Step 1 Upon the occurrence of an alleged violation of this Agreement, the employee
involved shall attempt to resolve the matter on an infom�ai basis with the
employee's supervisor. If the matter is not resolved to the employee's
satisfaction by the informai discussion it may be reduced to writing and refened
to Step 2 by the Union. The written grievance shall set forth the nature of the
grievance, the facts on which it is based, the alleged section(s) ofthe Agreement
violated, and the reliefrequested. Any alleged violation ofthe Agreement not
reduced to writing by the Union within seven (7} calendar days of the first
occurrence of the event giving rise to the grievance or within the use of
reasonabte diligence should have had lmowledge of the first occurrence of the
event giving rise to the grievance, shall be considered waived.
Step 2 Within seven (7) calendar days after receiving the written grievance a designated
Employer supervisor shall meet with the Union Stewazd and atteuipt to resolve
the grievance. I� as a result oft�is meeting, the grievance remains unresolved,
the Eniployer sha11 reply in writing to the Union within three (3) calendar days
following this meeting. The Union may refer the grievance in writing to Step 3
within seven ('� calendar days following receipt of the Employer's written
answer. Any grievance not referred in cvritiug by tke Union witivn seven (7)
calendar days following receipt of the Employer's answer shall be considered
Step 3 Within seven (7) calendaz days following receipt of a grievance referred from
Step 2 a designated Employer supervisor shall meet with the Union Business
Manager or his designated representative aud attemgt to resolve the grievance.
Within seven (7) calendaz days following this meeting the Employer shall reply in
writing to the Union stating the Employer's answer concerning the grievance. I� •
as a resuh of the written response the grievance remains unresoived, the Union
may refer the grievance to Step 4. Any grievance not referred in writing by the
Union to Step 4 within seven (7) calendar days following receipt of the
Employer's answer sball be considered waived.
Step 4 If the grievance remains unresolved, the Union may within seven (7) calendar
8ays after the response of the Employer in Step 3, by arritten notice to the
Employer, request arbitration of the grievance. The arbitration pmceedings shall
be conducted by an azbitrator to be selected by mutual agreement of the
Employer an@ the Union within seven (7) calendar days after notice has been
given. If the parties fail to mutvally agree upon an arbitrator within the said
seven ('n day period, either party may request the Bureau of Mediation Services
to submit a panel of five (5) azbitrators. Both the Employer and tke Union shall
t�ave the right to sh�lce two (2) names from the paneL The Union sl�all stnke the
first (lst) name; the Employer shall then stnke one (1) name. The process will
be repeated an@ the rema,n�ng person shall be the arbiYrator.
22.5 The azbitrator shall taave no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to, or subtract
from the provisions of this Agrezment. The arbitrator shati consider aad decide only the
specific issue submitted in writing by the Employer and the Union and sl�all Yiave no
authority to make a decision on any other issue not so submitted. The arbitrator shall be •
without power to make dec�sions contrary to or mconsistent with or modifyiag or varying
in any way the application of laws, rules, or regulations l�avmg the force and effect of law.
• ARTICLE 22 — GI2IEVANCE PROCEDURE (Continued} D g- T a-b
The arbztrator's decision shall be submitted in writing within thirty (30) days following
close of the hearin.g or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever be later, unless
the parties agree to an eartension. The decision shall be based solely on the arbitrator's
intezpretation or application of the express tem�s ofthis Agreement and to the facts of the
grievance presented. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the
Employer, the Union, and the employees.
22.6 The fees and expenses for the azbitrator's services and proceedings shall be borne equally
by the Employer and the Union, provided that each party shall be responsble for
compensating its own representative and witnesses. If either party desires a verbatim
record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made providing it pays for the
22.7 The time limits in each step of this procedure may be ea�tended by mutual agreement of the
Employer and the Union.
23.1 The Employer may, at any time during the duration of tivs Agreement, contract out work
� done by the employees covered by this Agreexnent. In the event that such contracting
would resuit in a reduction of the work force covered by this Agreement, the Employer
shall give the Union a ninety (90) calendar day notice of the intention to subcontract.
23.2 The subcontraeting of work done by the employees covered by this Agreement shall in all
cases be made only to employers who qualify in accordance with Ordinance No. 14013.
24.1 The temis and conditions of this Agreement will be applied to employees equally without
regard to, or discrinrination for or against, any individual because ofrace, color, creed,
seac, age, or because of inembership or non-membership in the Union.
24.2 Employees will perform their duties and responsbilities in a non-discriminatory muuier as
such duties and responsbilities involve other empioyees and the general public.
25.1 In the event that any provision(s) of this Agreement is declazed to be contrary to law by
proper legislative, administrative, or judicial authority from whose finding, detennination,
or decree no appeal is taken, such provision(s) shail be voided. All other provisions shall
• continue in full force and effect.
25.2 The parties agree to, upon written notice, enter into negotiations to place the voided
provisions of the Agreement in compliance with the legislative, administrative, or judicial
26.1 The Employer and the Union acknowledge that during the meeting and negotiating wluch
resulted in this Agreement, each had the right and opportunity to make proposaLs with
respect to any subject concerning the terms and conditions of employment. The
agreements and understandings reached by the parties after the e7cercise of this right aze
fully and completely set forth in tivs Agreemeat.
26.2 Therefore, the Employer and the Union for the duration of this Agee�ment agree that the
ofher party shall not be obtigated to meet and negotiate over any term or conditions of
employment whether specifically covered or not specifically covered by this Agreement.
The Union and Employer may, however, mutually agree to modify any provision of this
26.3 Any and all prior ordinances, agreements, resohrtions, practices, policies, and rules or .
regulations regarding the terms and conditions of employment, to the eictent they aze
inconsisteat with this AgreemenY, are hereby snperseded.
27.1 Automobile Reimbursement Authorized: Pursuant to Chapter 33 ofthe Saint Paul
Administrative Code, as amended, pertaining to reimbursement of City officers and
employees for the use of their own automobiles in the performance of their duties, the
fullowing provisions are adopted.
27.2 Method of Computation: To be eligble for such reimbursement, all officers and
employees must receive written authorization from the Department Head.
27.2 (1) Effective October I, 2005, employees of this bargaining unit shall receive the
current IRS mileage reimbursement rate.
• og-7a-b
27.3 The City will provide off street pazking at a location and manner of the Employer's choice
within a reasonable distance of the work site for City employees on either of the above
mentioned types of reimbursement plans who aze required to have their personal car
a�ailable for City business. Such parking will be provided only for the days the employee
is required to have his or her own petsonal car availabie.
28.1 This Agreement shall bewme effective as of May i, 2008, except as specifically provided
otherwise in this Agreement, and shall remaui in effect through the 30�' day of Apri12011,
and continue in effect from year to yeaz thereafter unless notice to given to change or to
tenninate this agreement. Retroactive pay adjusrinents shall apply to all employees of the
bazgaining unit who aze active employees on the date of signing of the agreement except
those who have been tenninated for cause.
28.2 If either party desires to teizninate oz modify this Agreement, effective as of.the date of
expiration, the party wishing to modify or ternrinate the Agreement shall give written
notice to the other party, not more than ninety (90) or less than sixry (60) calendaz days
� prior to the expiration date, provided, that the Agreement may only be so termu�ated or
modified effective as ofthe expiration date.
28.3 In consideration of the terxns and conditions of employment established by this Agreement
and the recognition that the Cmevance Procedure herein established is the means by which
grievances concenvng its application or interpretation may be peacefully resolved, the
parties hereby pledge that during the term of the Agreement:
2°0.3 (1) i he Union and the employees will not engage in, ;nstigate, or ccndcae any
concerted action in which employees fail to repoat for duty, willfizlly absent
themselves from work, stop work, slow down their work, or absent themselves
in whole or part from the full, faithful perfortnance of their duties of
28.3 (2) The Employer will not engage in, instigate, or condone any lock-out of
283 (3) Tivs constitutes a tentative agreement between the parties wluch will be
recommended by the Director of Labor Relations, but is subject to the approval
ofthe Administration ofthe City, the City Councit and is also subject to
rati&cation by the Association.
Agreed to this (,� ip�day of June, 2008 and attested to as the full and complete understanding of
the parties for the period oftime herein specified by the signature ofthe following representative
for the Employer and the Association:
Tracey Bl
Labor Relations Specialist
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The classes recognized by the Employer as being exclusively represented by the Union are as
Senior Mechanicai Inspector-Sheet Metal
Lead Sheet Metal Worker
Sheet Metal Worker
Sheet Metal Inspector,
and other classes that may be established by the Employer where the duties and responsibilities
assigned come within the jurisdiction of the Union.
r 1
• D$ -7 a-LS
Tool Box
VJhitney, Small
Crescent Wrench or set of Open End Wrenches
Center Punches
Hacksaw Frame
Small Hand Tongs
6' Folding Rule
Screw Driver
Scratch Awls
Snips, Straight-at�iation L and R
Hammers (Tinners)
Dolly Baz
Combination Square
Prick Punch
10' Tape
a� -�aa
The basic hourly wage rate for temporary employees appointed to the following classes
shall be:
Sheet Metal Worker
Lead Sheet Metal Worker
Sheet Metal Inspector
1 st Step
2nd Step
Senior Mechanical Inspector-Sheet Metal
OS/Ol/08 (or closest pay period)
The basic hourly wage rates for temporary employees whose length of service and earuin�s
require that they be subject to Public Employees Retarement Association (PERA) contributions
• shall be the temporary rate divided by 1.065 effective 7anuary 1, 2008. This rate is subject to
fiuther increase or decrease by the State of Miunesota
The basic hourly wage rate for provisional, regular, and probationary employees appointed
to the following classes shall be:
OS/Ol/08 (or ciosest payroll period)
Sheet Metal Worker
Lead Sheet Metal Worker
Sheet Metai Inspectoz
lst Step
2nd Step
Senior Mechanical Inspector-Sheet Metal
** Effective Aprii 26, 1997, tlus rate includes the above ta�cable deductions in
addition to 72 hours of paid holidays and 160 hours ofpaid vacation per fiscal
• year. Vacation cazry over shall be paid in accordance with Section I H of the
Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Vacation must be approved
by the Head of the Department.
APPENDIX C (Continued) �
T`he above rates in Appendix C include ttle $2.73 tasable Credit Union deducfion wtuch includes
the $0.45 taxable Market Recovery Fund deduction. A1so, mcluded in the above rates is the
$4,28 taxable amount paid directly to employees as part of their wage in lieu of a contnbution to
the Supplemental Pension.
After appearing on the payroll for 1040 hours in the first step, an employee in the Sheet Metal
Inspector classification may be granted a wage increase to the second step.
Effective May 1, 2009 {or closest payroll period), there willbe an additional $2.45 per hour
increase added to the total package. The parties will agree prior to that date regarding the
distrburion of the $2.45 between wages and fringes. This amount wi11 be decreased by any
increase in industry fuuds. The distnbution wiIl include an increase of $0.19 per hour, to $2.94
per hour, for the National Pension Fund contnbutioa
Effective May 1, 2010 (or closest payroll period), there will be azt additional $2.45 per hour
increase added to the total package. The parties will agree prior to that date regarding the
distnbution of the $2.45 between wages and fringes. This amount will be decreased by any
nxcrease in industry funds. The distnbution wil2 inciude an increase of $0.21 per hour, to $3.2 5
per hour, for the Narional Pension Fund contnburion
If the Union elects to have the contnbutions listed in Appendix D increased or decreased, the •
Employer may adjust the above applicable rates for pariicipatiug employees in such a way that the
total cost of the package (wage rate plus contnburions) remains constant.
Effective May 1, 2008(or closest pay period} the Employer shall:
contnbute to a Welfare Fund $6.13 per fiour for all hours worked by participating
employees as defined in Articles 123, 12.4 and 12.5 of this Agreement.
conmbute to a L.ocal Pension Fund $3.28 per hour for all hours worked by
participating employees, as defined above.
contn'bute to a National Pension Fund $2.75 per hour for all hours worked by
participating employees, as defined above.,
deduct and forwazd to a Vacation Fund $2.73 per hour for all hours worked by
participating employees, as defin�i above.
contnbute to the 7ourneyman and Apprenticeship Training Fund $0.53 per hour
for all hours worked by participating employees, as defined above.
contnbute to the National Scholazship & SMOHI Fund $0.03 per hour for all
hours worked by participating employees, as defined above.
contnbute to a Labor Manageznent Fund $0.02 per hour for all hours worked by
participating employees.
contnbute to the NTF/NEMI fund $.15 per hour for all hours worked by
participating employees.
The Employer will not make the above contnbutions for Holidays or vacation.
The above contnbutions may be increased or decreased as long as the applicabie hourly rates in
Appendix C for participating employees aze decreased or increased by the same total amount.
All contnbutions and deductions made in accordance with this Appendix shall be forwazded to
depositories as directed by the Union.
The Employer shall establish Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Compensation
programs as required by Minnesota Statutes.
The Employer's fringe benefit obligation to employees is limited to the contnbutions and/or
deductions established by tivs Agreement. The aetual levei of benefits provided to employees
shall be the responsibility of the Trustees of the various funds to which the Employer has
forwarded conmbutions andfor deductions.