C6uncil File No .... ...............................
By.................. - .........................
In the matter of the assessment of
Council File No. 196185—
In the smatter and expense s hn
for tf
benefits, o
• proving Raymond Avenue from Univer-
sity Avenue pa�g and constructing new
curbs and sidewalks from Blake Avenue
to the bridge over the tGreatNorthern t
Railway Company,
and the
Transfer Railway Company.
Northern Pacific Railway Company
tracks and from said bridge to Manvel
CITY OF ST. PAt;i, ; �;�� y1, n� �v t^k" -tbe Present wood
� ..'wry"
Ratifying ssess mient
benefits, cost and expenses
improving Raymond Avenue from University Avenue to Como Avenue 1' '
:_by regrading, repaving and constructing new curbs and sidewalks
from $lake Avehue� to the bridge over the • Great Northern-Railway
Company, the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company, and the Northern
Pacific- Railway Company tracks and from said bridge to Manvel Street;
by removing the present wood block a-ad brick wearing courses, from
University Avenue to Manvel Street and from Make Avenue to Como
Avenue,.and surfacing the existing concrete basd with asphaltic
concrete, -by removing the present concrete pavement and concrete
base and repaving with new concrete base and asphaltic concrete
surfacing where- necessary; by paving alley and driveway returns;
by constructing new curbs, sidewalks, guard rails and retaining
walls l4here - necessary; by constructing a - sewer. From 233 feet
�--ik rther-ly of the center line 6f that part of Kasota Avenue ex-
tending westerly from Raymond Avenue to 460 feet northerly of
said center line; by constructing sewer,,water and gas service
connections from the - street mains to the property lines where
nece.ssar�r; by reconstructing the-paving., curbing and sidewalks
on the intersecting streets where not in conformity'with said
improvement; by constructing conduits and appurtenances for
future lighting and traffic control systems where necessary;
and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental
to said improvement
Adopted by the Council- ._ ... _ ....... MAR ...... 9- 126 0._ ... _ ........... _ ........... ..19.........
...................... -... i Clerk.
MAR 9 1950
Approved ------------------------------------------------------
19 --------
otl nq
--- --- ----- - - - - -- --------------- . -� . - •---- -- - - - - -- -- - 1Ci'9yor.
Form B. B. I8
File 1325+
�J ~- '
Report of Completion of Assessment
-j '7`-9
February 9, 1960
In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for
�=� 'w im rovi Raymond ., , ..
P ng ymond Avenue from University Avenue to Como Avenue
= by regrading, repaving and constructing new curbs and sidewalks
from b ake-•Avenue -to the bridge over the Great Northern Railway
Company, the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company, and the Northern
Pacific Railway - Company tracks and from said bridge to Manvel Street;
by removing the present wood block and brick wearing courses, from
University Avenue to Manvel Street and from Blake Avenue to Como
Avenue,•and surfacing the existing concrete basd with asphaltic
under Pr concrete,-by removing the present concrete pavement and concrete
f base and repaving with new concrete base and asphaltic concrete w
Intermed surfaciagr�where.,necessary; by paving alley and driveway returns;
I by constructing newtcurbs, sidewalks, guard rails and retaining
Final Or walls where necessary; by constructing a ;sewer from 233 feet
northerly of the center line of that part of Kasota Avenue ex-
To the C tending westerly from Raymond Avenue to 460 feet norther of
said center line; by constructing sewerp water and gas.eervice
Thel connections- from the- street mains to the property lines where �tlie "ex- .,„a,�
necessary; by reconstructing the -- paving, curbing and sidewalks
penditu1 on the intersecting streets where not in conformity'with said viz:
improvement; by constructing conduits and appurtenances for
future, lighting and traffic control systems where necessary;
I` and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental
to said improvement
Postal cards ........ ...............................
Publications ........ ..............................$ 55,80—
Court costs for confirmation ........................ $ 18.6Q_
Total expenditures ................ .. ........$ 230,956.95
Charge to 31 -E -1, $7Q7.45, Bond Fund 200- ST -252 $158,022.37, Net Assessment, $72,227.13'
Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 720227.13 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as
completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be
considered proper.
2M 12 -52 8 Commissioner of Fin e'"'