196166IL I INTERMEDIARY ORDERS Council File No. 196168�— - In the matter of opening, widening and extending Shepard Road by con- demning and' taking an easement on the following described tract of land in Government Lot 4, Section 12, Township 28 North, Range 23 West, Fourth Principal Meridian; Commencing for the purpose of --q- INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1 1 9p __.1b166 In the Matter of opening,, widening and extending Shepard Road by condemning and takin owing described g an'easemen, 'on -the�'f( rt tract of laAnd in'Go'vernment'Lo .4 Jd on 12, Lot, Se6ti West.,- Fourth' Principal Meridian;- Commencing-, - for the d-­purpdse -of-establi-shinj- the -point of lie ginning, at the northeast corker of said Government Lot 4;.thence south on the east line of the aforesaAl l lot a distance of 568.5 feet to a point; thence in a southwesterly 1, directi6n,16n-a , straight line, making an angle to the right of 31*231 a distance of 4062iq­� feet 4 to a point; thence on the are of a 4*01 curve to the right, the central angle of which-is 39°50'50" and whose radius is 1432.66 feet., a distance`_ -of '297.5 feet to a point; thence in a southeasterly 'direction on the radial line of the said 400, curve., a distance of 50 feet to a point on the present south- -easte , rly line pre ,of Shepard Road which-is the point of beginning; in a 'southwesterly direction on the said southeasterly line being the arc of a 4*01 Ind curve whote radiu' ls-1482.66 feet.'a distance of 180"keet to a-point; thence in a southeasterly direction on a straight lihe making an angle of 4590' to the left with the radial line of the aforesaid 400, curve, a distance of 43.feet to a point; thence, in a northeasterly direction on a straight line making an angle -of 45*01 to the left, a distance of 120 feet to a point; thence in a northerly direction on a straight line to the point of beginning. Comwncing for thp,,puryQse of 0stabli --t point -:of beginning., Rt"he' - hortheast , cQrner*o-f Paid Government, Lot 4-' thence south ' afor6said lot a 4istan e of 568.5 feetto ', 9, 9a the east line. of the I - r. po:tntj thence in a isouthweetOrly, direction. on .a straight line irking �, - 'Of 4n, 0934 Ao the, right 31!231 a -distance of.460''.'g,feet to a point; thence oa the are of a 4*0i c urve to the right,, the centra—,ang1p of which is 39750`50" and whQse radius is 1432.66 feet,., a distance Of '12 `60i e 9795 - f .,tO 4 point; thence is atouth6a on sterly directibil ­the radial liner Of the said 4�*0 t q I � skid r-'11- , urve, a 44#M0 -Of -50 Meat t-0 & point, on thi� present 'south,;,:' ,,�4sterly line. of..'shepard Road V4a4 _js, the ,point ,of beginnings thence : jn'd, southwesterly dire ti, e direction On th sat4 zouth6as line being the are a a VOW curve vb6se- radius is, 1 1 _,tey1y 482.,66'_f�6too, a� -distance of" -1ft feet_ tO..a-pointj. thence in a southeasterly angle of 45*01 to the left direction on a straight line making an an with the radiAl line Of the aforesald 400, curve.,, a distance Of 43,feet to 4 p6intj thence in 4 nortbeaeter�r direction on a, straight line'makinaan angle, of 45"'0, to the left.. a distance of lX feet. to. a]point; thence in •a, northerly on,'A straight line to. 'the point :of beginnin MAR 81960 —_ Tn Vnunr Against Approved Mayor 40ting