196163,f 4 i 4 f'9 Council File No___ ____ _________________ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT PRELIMINARY ORDERS and Council File No. 196163— Whereas, A written proposal for the PRELIMINARY ORDER. vviizk�g of the following improvement. To condemn and take a sewer ease- ment below elevation 30.0 City Datum for of constructing and main- The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the foRowing public improvement bykts� b�oV- rr; Tl�ui,"fz.: To condemn and take a sewer easement below elevation 30.0 City Datdm� for purposes of constructing and maintaining a storm sewer, said easement being -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- described as follows: All that triangular portion of land lying westerly of -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- Lot 6, Block 2, Bazil and Guerin's Addition. Dated this ....... $th --------- day uouncuman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: To condemn and take a sewer easement below elevation 30.0 City Datum for ---------------------------------------•------------....-...----...--------------•-----------------------------------------------•------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- -- purposes of constructing and maintaining a storm sewer, said easement being described as follows: All that triangular portion of land lying westerly of -------------------=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-.-..-..--------------------------...------ Lot 6, Block 2, Bazil and Guerin's Addition -------------------------------------------------------------- ---- --------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- having been - presented to the - Council of the -City of _Saint Paul ------------------------------ ___-_-______________ _____ __ ___ ____ _____-- _- ______ -. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAR Adoptedby the Council .............................................. ... ................ .. ......... YEAS NAYS ., Councilman )Wl XXX DeCou rcy IPWX 6 XKX Rosen HOLLAND ZUJMJ(= W i n ke 1 MORTINSON 3000 7 54 v lt tOe� Cl2t (Peu[/Qj� r a � r MA8 1860 Approved------- - - - - -- R-------------- - - - - -- --------------------------- ---- ----------- ------ --------- -- - - - - -- -- -- -------------- Actie Ma -- Mayor. 0