196113i - ORIGINAL TO,CITY CLERK com Council File No. 196113 By Bernard T. Holland— Whereas, Under and pursuant to CITY OF ST. PAUL Ordinance the car 1Alllowance Commit . OFFICE OF CITY CLER tprovided t ouncil its `findings and recom- LU I" GENERA mendations in a letter dated March 2, '0 1960, and Whereas, The Council has made a study os, saint report and re ommenda- T. 0 LAND ...�: a RMd .� � 3.rr fi b' -,,,. WHEREAS, Under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 11542, approved August 14, 1959, the Car Allowance Committee, provide for in Section 5, has reported to the Council its findings and recommendations in a letter dated March 2, 1960, and WHEREAS, The Council has made a study of said report and recom- mendations of the Car Allowance Committee, now therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the em- ployees listed below shall be entitled to and receive the mileage allowance provided for in Ordinance No. 11542 subject to the maximum set'out opposite each name and effective March 1, 1960. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Deane Wenger Robert G. Peterson George Haf iz James Watters Edmund Tio Vernon Peterson From Plan B to From Plan B to From Plan A to From Plan B to From Plan B to From Plan B to Lump Lump Lump Lump Lump Lump Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum $55.00 max. $50.00 max. $15.00 max. $75.00 max. $75.00 max. $75.00 max. CITY PLANNING BOARD Herbert C. Wieland From Plan B to Lump Sum $35.00 max.. Earl M. Johnson From Plan B to Lump Sum $40.00 max. DEPT. OF PARKS AND CREATION AND PUBL ,BUILDINGS Fred D. Wrig t From Plan B to Lump Sum $25.00 max. Rober-t Feierbach From Plan B to Lump Sum $25.00 max. COUNCILMEN Yeas Tn Favor gainst . President, Dillon 6M 7-69 8 MAR 3 1960 Adopted by the Council 19 LIAR 31960 Approved 19 UIJ�XXti Mayor Y AA_fr 'Q� O H D FR ALE. SCHROEDER \ - """°"— ALFRED ED ect \ CAPITAL OF MINNESOTA or pp��� Q��QC Q�� p� �� D �D�� ROBERTA. LOBDELL DEP General Manager Parks & Reerea +ion 545 CU Hall, Zone 2 CARital 4 -4612 - Ext. 376 W.LAMONT KAUFMA BERNARD T. HOLLAND, Commissioner WILLIAM W. ROONEY, Deputy Commissioner Supt. of Parks 8 March 2, 1960 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Dear Council Members: In accordance with Ordinance No. 11542, the Car Mileage Com- mittee on March 2, 1960, passed on the request of Commission- er Adrian P. Winkel, Commissioner of Public Works, for the transferring of the following employees to the lump sum auto allowance plan, subject to the maximum set out opposite each name, effective March 1, 1960. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Deane Wenger From Plan B to Lump Sum $55.00 max. Robert G. Peterson From Plan B to Lump Sum $50.00 max. George Hafiz From Plan A to Lump Sum $15.00 max. James Watters From Plan B to Lump Sum $75.00 max. Edmund Tio From Plan B to Lump Sum $75.00 max. Vernon Peterson From Plan B to Lump Sum $75.00 max. This committee also approved the land, Planning Director, for the employees from B Plan to lump sum tive March 1, 1960. C TTY PLANNING BOARD request of Herbert C. Wie- transfer of the following auto allowance plan, eff ec- Herbert C. Wieland From Plan B to Lump Sum $35.00 max. Earl M. Johnson From Plan B to Lump Sum $40.00 max. The Car Mileage Committee approved the request of Commissioner Bernard T. Holland for the transfer of the following employees from B Plan to lump sum auto allowance plan, effective March 1, 1960. s #2 Hon. Council Dept. PARKS, RECREATION, PUBLIC BUILDINGS Fred D. Wright From Plan B to'Lump Sum $25.00 max. Robert Feierbach From Plan B to Lump Sum $25.00 max. AHS..A Yours truly, 4 �d Alf H. Schroeder, Ch. Ca Mileage Committee