196110Council File No. 196110 — By Bernard
T. Holland— ��� U
ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK Whereas, It is ,necessary for have a
CITY OF ST. PAUL specally trained man to act as promo= 0.1 ton al director for the Bureau of Parks
OF THE CITY CL and alvA toibesheld toannual p SKATE-
` =7� U CIL OLUTION —GENE Whereas, Gerald B. Smith of lase
WHEREAS, it is necessary to have a specially trained man to act -as promotional
director for the Bureau of Parks and Recreation's first annual SKATE- O -RAMA to be held on
April 6, 1960; and
WHEREAS, Gerald B. Smith of 1398 Midway Parkway, St. Paul, Minnesota, has the re-
quired training and capabilities to perform such duties, and is willing to enter into a
contract with the City of Saint Paul to act as a promotional director on the basis of
One Hundred Dollars ($100) for said activity; and
WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings has recommended
that a contract be entered into with the said Gerald B. Smith upon the aforesaid basis:
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Commissioner of Parks,
Recreation and Public Buildings, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized to draw
the contract therefor and the proper City officers are authorized to execute the same on
behalf of the City.
Adopted by the Council March , 1960.
Approved March , 1960.
MAR 31b60
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 1
Yeas Nays
DeCourcy MAR 31960
Holland Approvers UP� 19
Peterson In Favor
Rosen Mayor
Winkel gainst
Mr. President, Dillon
6M 7-69 08