196085ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED B COMMISSIONE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY C COUNCIL RESOLUT &QN —GENE Council File No. 196085 —By Bernard T. Rolland— ' Resolved, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon due consid- eration of the request of the County of Ramsey for such 'conveyance and quitclaim, and pursuant to Section 965.035 M.S.A., that the proper City officers be and hereby are authorized and directed, in behalf of the City of Saint Paul, to make, execute and deliver the quitclaim deed of the City of Saint Paul, as grantor, to The County of Ramsey, a municipal cor- � f• ti ,Z 1 96085 O. RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon due consideration of the request of the County of Ramsey for such conveyance and quitclaim, and pursuant to Section 465.035 M.S.A., that the proper City officers be and hereby are author- ized and directed, in behalf of the City of Saint Paul, to make, execute and deliver the quitclaim deed of the City of Saint Paul, as grantor, to The County of Ramsey, a municipal corpora- tion of the State of Minnesota, as grantee, whereby there shall be conveyed and quitclaimed unto said County all interest of said City in and to the following described real estate representing a portion of the Ramsey County Home premises situate in the County of Ramsey,'State of Minnesota, described as, follows, to -wit: The West 810 feet of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 14, Town 29 North, Range 22 West, except the west 620 feet of the north 438 feet thereof; subject to the rights of the public in White Bear Avenue and the North St. Paul Road Connection :(also known as Ripley Street); also subject to sewer easements of record; the east 190 feet of the west 810 feet of ;thb. south 235.8 feet of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Tgwn 29 North, Range 22 West. RESOLVED FURTHER, that such conveyance and quitclaim shall be for a public use, to -wit: for a public recreational center, and made for a nominal consideration, and is deemed calculated to further the best interests of the public. RESOLVED FURTHER, that such quitclaim deed shall, by apt language, provide that the same is made and delivered for such public use, and that said land shall not be alienated or diverted to private use or private ownership except by the concurrent action of the Board of County Commissioners of the Cauttyy of Ramsey and the Council of the City of Saint Paul, hereinabove named, and that such quitclaim deed shall be approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Rosen - _ Winkel r. President ����ll in 6M 769 Vice esicreat (Pe4rore9W MAR 11960 Adopted by the Council 19 MAP 11960 Approved 19 Tn Favor , ��ltlltQ Mayor Against OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel Build (hng Feb. 23, 1960 JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 119-31,116085 Dear Sir: The City Council referred to the Corporation Counsel and be Valuation Engineer for consideration and recommendation the subject matter of the attached letter of the County Auditor. In the event that they approve the request, it is requested that a resolution be drawn to that effect. V ry qy, y r i •ty Clerk ID FEB 2 3 19 : ; ON COUNSF! MINNESOTA 8 r BOARD -OF RAMSEY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY EUGENE A. MONICK STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY AUDITOR Bon. Joseph E. DLllon, President and Members of Council of City of St. Paul % Mr. Joseph Okoneski, City Clerk Court House and City Bell St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen and Madam: RAMSEY COUNTY COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 2 MINNESOTA February 8, 1960 COMMISSIONERS JOSEPH E. DILLON CHAIRMAN WILLIAM E. CARLSON JOHN E. DAUSNEY EDWARD K. DELANEY HAROLD F. GOODRICH ROY P. NADEAU ED SALVERDA The Board of County Commissioners, in session on February 8, 1960, were advised that the County *lfare Board on January 12, 1960, acted to release to Ramsey County the following described real estate: 'the ubst 810 ft. of the north half of the southwest quarter of Section 14, Town 29 N., Range 22 W., except the West 620 ft. of the north 438 ft. thereof; subject to the rights of the public in %ite Bear Ave., and North St. Paul Road Connection (also known as Ripley St.,); also subject to sewer easements of record. The east 190 ft. of the West 810 ft. of the south 235.8 ft. of the northwest quarter of Section 14, `.Ibwn 29 N., Range 22 W. (19.2 acres) Inasmuch as this real estate is jointly owned by the county and the city, the County Board took action to request that the Council of the City of St. Paul deed to the County Board for recreational purposes the City's share of the above- described real estate. Zhe County Attorney has been requested to take the steps necessary to obtain this deed. Yours very truly, EU A. MO NICK, County J. D. Swan, Executive JDS:f cc 4alliam B. Randall, County Attorney AZTENION: 2Lomas M. Q uayle, Assistant County Attorney Auditor Secretary