196079Council File No. 198079 —By Bernard T. Holland —Severin A. Mortinson— ,,qq ,��++ hr Rqbert F. Peterson — Y 196 V f ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK towwiithdraw William Application g F -7181 for ��fflj �" CITY OF ST. PAU Fumigator License at 684 Selby Avenue NO. and requests the return of the license OFFICE OF THE CITY fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it IZCENSE COMZ T-TM Resolved, That the proper city offi- cers be and they are hereby authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GE tojefund tc,,V1 0= ;n . o'R 1p tae fpm PRESENTED BY 1 ruG, aye bch 1, 1960 COMMISSIONE .. i `L IE "•U.ln�e WHEREAS= William O'Reilly desires to mithdraw Application F-7181 for Fumigator License at 684 Selby Avenue and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to William O'Reilly the fee of $50.00 and to cancel said application for license. W=RAWAL ( Refund) (To be applied for by a pro =rated period to expire with expiration of insurance)' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Rolland Martinson ,244e"mm In Favor Rosen Winkel !Against Q0P1iF-r9sident; <n"' Dillo Mr. Vice President (Peterson) 6M 7-69 ,8 MAP 3. NO Adopted by the Council 19 MAID 11*0 Approved 19 ���� Mayor