D001770C1TY OF SAINT PF.UL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR c;ty c�erk Fnance ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION No: �o! 7 Date: /D- -c/ • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the �epartment of Planning & Economic Development to amend the 1999 budget of the City Sales Tau Capital Projects Fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized to amend said budget in the foliowing manner; WHEREAS, CF95-1047 ailocated funds for the Univ-Marketplace Facade Improvemerrts, STAR program 77028; and WHEREAS, budget in the amount of $16,137.75 was retumed to the Undesignated STAR budget (D001759) prior to closure of this program; and WHEREAS, a final reimbursement request has been submitted for the Univ-Marketplace Facage Improvement Program; and NOW THEREFORE, staff recommends the reallocation of $10,019.00 from the Undesignated Adopted Budget to the Univ-Marketplace Facade Improvement Program. Current Budget Fund 930 City Sales Tax Capital Projects Fund P7-930-90306-0547-77028 Univ-Marketplace Facade lmprovement P7-930-90398-0547-77999 Undesignated Adopted 6udget NetChange $58,862.25 $1,062,186.36 Change $10,019.00 ($70,079.00) $0 Amended Budget $68,881.25 $1,052,167.36 _ ,.,.- j Appro d y: Dir c o�Financial Services (Date) �G`"-,- m:ao-noza.wrca • Lesch 66668 Yl ti .. ���� 10/11/99 GREEN rumume. � - 2 ou�K�rowenart _ _ .:� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES a ❑ rn,r.naeF. � n'"rc'a'Fxu'eES� ❑ MYOItKMl1i]qTMRI (CLtP ALL LOCATiONS FOR �b b/7 ?D Na 1 C2? 29 =�,� ��=, 4❑ ancccarz � wuw��mnaaccro Approval of Admin Order to move budget from Undesignated Adopted STAR budget to the Univ Marketplace Facade Improvement Program. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION i50NpL8ERViCE CONTRI1Cf5 MUST ANSWER iXE FOLLOWiNG Q H86 tlli6 Pe��� EIRfMafkeA Ulldef 8� faftlN6 �81b112f11� YES NO HasttHS PnewJfirm e`er been a dlY emf+bYee7 YES MO Ocesihis {�soNfirm paasess a sidl not namal�YP��1 M�Y curteM cilY emPbY�? V65 FKY Is th's pnsaJfxm a Wgeted vendoYt YES NO Unspent budget from the Univ-Marketplace Improvement Program was moved to Undesignated Adopted Budget prior to final disbursement was made. The amount of the final request should be returned to the Univ-Marketplace project (%7v�8) The City will honor its committment to the Univ-Marketplace program. NOUNTOFTRAN311CTIONS —� ' CG3T/REVENUEBUDfiEfED�CYtCLEON� YES NO SOURCE ' ST� �crnrrcNa�s� P7-930-90306-0547-77028 '"F°R'"""°"�°cv�"'M Net effect to the budget is zero. REGEIVE� �CT 2 � 1999 �